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Test #2 Thursday March 9, 2023

Unit 4: The Earth-Moon-Sun System
Lesson 1, 2 and 3
1. rotation
2. day
3. revolution
4. year
5. season
6. equinox
7. solstice
8. satellite
9. gravity
10. lunar phases
11. eclipse
12. umbra
13. penumbra
14. tide
15. tidal range
16. spring tide
17. neap tide

Lesson 1: Earth’s Days, Years and Seasons

a) What determines the length of a day?

a. The Time It Takes for Earth to Rotate Once
b) What determines the length of a year?
c) What conditions are affected by the tilt of Earth’s axis?
a. Temperature
b. Daylight Hours
c. Midnight Sun
d) What causes seasons?

a. September Equinox
b. December Solstice
c. March Equinox
d. June Solstice

Lesson 2: Moon Phases and Eclipses

a) How are Earth, the moon, and the sun related in space?
a. Earth and the Moon Orbit the Sun
b. The Moon Orbits Earth
b) What does the moon look like from Earth?
c) How does the appearance of the moon change?
a. Lunar Phases Cycle Monthly

d) How do lunar eclipses occur?

a. Position of the moon and earth
e) How do solar eclipses occur?
a. Position of the moon and earth

Lesson 3: Earth’s Tides

a) What causes tides?

b) What are high tides and low tides?
c) What causes tidal cycles?
d) What are two kinds of tidal ranges?
a. Spring Tides: The Largest Tidal Range
b. Neap Tides: The Smallest Tidal Range
e) Difference between Tidal Ranges and Tidal Cycles

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