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MacKenzie Geers

Senior Sem.

Mrs. Klug

April 18th, 2023


My senior project was obtaining my CNA, it was a very time-consuming project but it

was very worth it. Some of the best parts of my project were getting the relief of passing my state

exam and getting to learn many new skills that will help me excel in my profession. The worst

part about my project was my advisor Ronda. She would take forever to respond to texts and

emails, would only allow us to come in during the week during school hours which I couldn’t

make because I had class, it seemed like she didn’t know what she was doing, and lastly she

never really helped me with my skills I had to teach myself.

After completing my senior project, I have learned multiple new skills and just simple

knowledge. One big thing I learned is that even though the residents are in a nursing home, we

have to try to make them as independent as we possibly can without putting the resident in harm.

A skill I learned is how to wash a resident without them leaving the bed, aka a bed bath. Not only

did I learn stuff just from my CNA course, but also just life skills. I learned that sometimes an

adult isn’t always right and I will have to go over them to get the right answer. I also learned that

procrastinating will get the best of you, and it is best to just finish right away instead of pushing

it off. My original goal was to get my CNA by September but I didn’t end up getting it till


I would say that the part of my project that made it a stretch would be trying to stay on

task and staying determined to finish my project. I would procrastinate watching the modules
which pushed back the date of my state test. I finally got sick and tired of pushing it off, so I just

started working hard and finished my project less than a month later. The only thing I had to do

was stop procrastinating and just get my work done. If I were to do my project all over again, I

would not procrastinate and get it done right away so I am not stressing about it.

I feel like my senior project helped me learn more about time management, and

communication skills, and taught me a lot of nursing skills. I want to be a nurse after high school

and obtaining my CNA helps confirm that is what I want to do. Now with school work, I will

procrastinate less, and I am more confident in helping the residents. My project was a big step

for me in going into the nursing field.

My advice is to not procrastinate on your project and just get your project done right

away. I only procrastinated until December but some people aren’t done yet, and the stress is

unreal. I would give myself a grade a B+ on my project because I got it done and passed both

tests but was way past my set deadline goal. I was 3 months past my goal so that’s why I dropped

my grade to a B+. Overall, I enjoyed doing my project and learning different skills for being a


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