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Hello, everyone.

It’s pleasure for me to be here and present about one interesting topic “ Education”
and the way people change education and make it better

As you know, everyone needs a coach. It’s doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, tennis
player or gymer. We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.
Unfortunately, there’s one group of people who get almost no systematic feedback to help them do
their jobs better. And these people have one of the most important jobs in the world. I’m talking
about the teachers. In the speech of Bill Gates about “ The teachers need to be real feedback”, he
said: “ When I learned how little useful feedback most teachers get, we were blown away “. Until
recently, over 98 percent of techers just get one word of feedback “ SATISFACTORY” { Đạt yêu cầu} . I
wonder “ how would I know who was the best” “ How would I know what I was doing differently”.

Today many countries are revamping the way they evaluate teachers, but no one give them any
feedback that actually helps them improve their practice. Therefore, Bill Gates give some measures
to help all teachers get the tools for improvement they want and deserve. Firstly, government make
sure that younger teachers get a chance to watch master teachers at work. They have weekly study
groups, where teachers get together and talk about what’s working. Secondly, teachers even should
be required to observe and give feedback to their colleagues. You might ask, why is a system like this
so important. Because there’s so much variation. Thirdly, Bill Gates carried out a project called
Measures of effective teaching. They had observed watch video of teachers in the classroom to
evaluate how teachers did on a range of practices and give them feedback.

I think that it is alll effective solutions to make the way for new education. I think only when teachers
are evaluated and improved fairly, they will help their student develop

Thank you for listening.

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