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BE RDB i222 crn vonce EIA CERTIFICATION CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Conditions of approval for the Construction and Operation of the Hydro-Metallurgie plant for Tantalum refining in Plots No P1S8, and PIS9 located in Bugesera Economic Zone in Ramiro Cell, Gashora Sector, Bugesera District. In addition to the implementation of mitigation measures outlined in the ETA report, this certificate of approval is granted under condition that the developer shall comply with the conditions given herein: General conditions This certificate of approval is valid for a period of 3 years before the commencement of the Project. Application for its renewal shall be examined by RDB, Otherwise, it is valid during the whole lifecycle of this specific project unless henceforth revoked or suspended; ‘= Any change in the project designs shall be notified to RDB for further environmental considerations, and adjustment of this certificate of approval; © Ensure that the EMP is implemented as prescribed in the EIR and ensure that records are ‘Kept for future monitoring or environmental audits; © Ensure that any other undesirable environmental impacts arising from implementing this Project but no foreseen by the time of undertaking the ETA are mitigated; ‘© Ensure that this certificate is clearly displayed and is available at all times at the project site during project development; % Fulfill other environmental conditions and requirements as may be prescribed from time {0 time by the environmental authority or any other lead agency; ‘% Carty out regular environmental audits and submit audit reports to the Authority. Specific conditions ‘* Minimize the effect of dust on the surrounding environment resulting from excavation activities such as site leveling, excavation and construction of temporary camp, e The developer in addition to fencing the perimeter of the site, undertakes to provide safety equipments to the staff including but not limited to gloves, helmets, protection sun glasses and gumboots, and insurance to regular employees, construction laborers and employees of the plant both during construction and operation phases; ‘% There shall be installation of waste water treatment system before operation phase takes Place and in accordance to the size of occupants per day. Alternatively measures should be well taken and designs made to connect to central waste water treatment system planned for the industrial Park; All roof catchment water, process waste water and runoff from the sutrounding compound shall be captured and should be disposed of only after appropriate treatment is done in line with both national and international effluent standards especially the International Finance Corporation(IFC) Safety Health & Environment guidelines; = Working areas should be provided with adequate ventilation and dust/fume extraction systems to ensure that inhalation exposure levels for potentially corrosive, oxidizing, reactive or siliceous substances are maintained and managed at safe levels; een RNSERGS tne PO Box OP, Cohatha igh Reoeie Bool WO ‘FIA CERTIFICATE — Hyoometaturgic plant for tantalum refining project in Bugesera Industrial park Ang 2019 or = In addition eye wash and emergency shower systems should be provided in areas where there exists the possibility of chemical contamination of workers and the need for rapid treatment. Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) should be available for all hazardous materials held on site; ® Fire extinguishers and smoke detectors shall be installed, and regularly serviced for any eventual accident or hazards use and regular training of the staff on fire extinguishers application shall be conducted; = All sources of hazardous energy or hazardous substances should have written procedures for isolation, identifying how the system, plant or equipment can be made and kept safe; = Regular training of the staff on fire extinguishers application and on general safety measures should be conducted © The management of the project shall sensitize all workers about all sources of accidents, and make sure all staff have health insurance; © Availing bins for collecting and storing solid wastes according classes (plastics, metals, glasses, paper/wood and biodegradable wastes, chemicals) and transport them to the appropriate sites for reuse, recycling or disposal; & Enforce education to employee, extra conscientious sweeping efforts, enhanced pallet capture methods, and disposal precautions; & Chemicals, oils and other combustibles should be kept isolated; Arranging suitable awareness programs for all workers (fire combating, suitable clothes to wear, quick emergency evacuation, emergency treatment when contaminated by chemicals, how to use the fire extinguisher, calling the fire brigade .... ete); = Checking the quality requirements of the product for expected uses (water supply pipes for drinking water). © Implement the appropriate waste collection, treatment, recycling or disposal system for hazardous mettalic or acidic wastes and other chemical additives used by the factory; Conducting periodic checking of metalic ion compounds in the nearby environment (soil, water, air, fauna and flora); = Conducting periodic full medical checking for all personnel and those claiming to be affected by refinery factory products through handling or usage; The EIR is thus approved subject to the fulfillment of the conditions described above together with all mitigations measures identified in the EMP of the project. gq Signed by: Clare AKAMANZI Chief Executive Officer Rwanda Development Board ENS Ra RGD Sve PO. Box 625, Chaska Kigal vanda. Email foardhre ‘EIA CERTIFICATE ~ Hydro-metllurgie plan for tantalum refining project in Bugesera Industrial park Aug 2019 BARRERA ARERR RRRRRRRRE SERRE RRR RER RRR Hos DEVELOPMENT BOARD INTAL IMPACT ASSES‘ Nt: RDB/ELA/1419/08/19 Issued Date: 06/08/2019 ‘This is to certify that the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was received from PRG REFINERY Ltd Project title: HYDRO-METALLURGIC PLANT FOR TANTALUM REFINING in Gashora Sector, Bugesera Project objective: : ‘The objective is to process national and internationally sourced tantalum concentrates and ores in order to produce tantalum and niobium hydroxide products of high purity. Location: Bugesera District(s) , Gashora Sector(s), Ramiro Cells). The EIS has been submitted in accordance with the Laws and Regulations relating to the requirements & procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment in Rwanda and has been reviewed and found to have sufficient and relevant mitigation measures to the identified likely impacts of the project on the environment. It was therefore approved subject to fulfilment of the conditions attached to this certificate. Clare AKAMANZI Chief Executive Officer Copies to: MINICOM, REMA, Eastern Province,Bugesera District PE EEE EEE eee eae ee ee aa ea a ie

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