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Rebuttal Battle

Split the class into 2 teams. The teacher (or alternating teams) states an ARE. The teams refute and
rebut until one is unable to. The winning team gets a point and the losing team gets to create the next

Who wants to be the best debater?


Select a topic that is related to the debate resolution. For example if resolution is about saving the
environment you could choose, renewable wind energy. Write a series of questions based off the article
and feel free to have fun with it, they can be 100% made up.

Split class into a mixed set of 2 teams. Pair kids from opposing teams together and construct an order.
The pairs will take turns facing off each other and buzzing in to answer. Depending on level of kids they
can be mostly true or false, or multiple choice questions.

Repeat until you reach a desired number of points.


Alliteration name game

One person starts with a word that matches their name (ex: Crazy Chris), and then the second person
repeats the first (eg. Hey Crazy Chris, im regal Rachel). Seems kind of tiresome but works well with
young kids and helps learn names in early days.


A fill in the word story that you can do with the class.

One word Story

Each student contributes a single word, or phrase and you quickly develop a story. Can easily be
translated into a group written exercise, where in a group of three a student contributes the beginning
middle and end of a story.
General Games

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

-Focus game. Students stand in a circle, heads down and try to spell this sentence. It contains every
letter in the alphabet.


-We’ve all played some version of this game. Good warm up. Select a category and going around in a
circle each person must list something in that category.

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