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Laura Savary

EDTC 630
Classroom Technology Plan
Classroom Description

I am a fourth-grade teacher for Montgomery County Public Schools. I teach at Pine Crest

Elementary in Silver Spring, Maryland. My school is just grades three though five. We have five

general fourth grade classes and two gifted and talented fourth grade classes. I currently teach 22

students. 12 are male and 10 are female. My students come from all different backgrounds and

are many different races. Seven are African American, three are white, ten are Hispanic and two

are Asian. 12 of my students receive and qualify for free and reduced meals. Nine are English

langue learners and 4 have individualized education plans and receive special education services.

Due to distance learning all students now have a Chromebook at home. Some of them do not

have access to internet.

In the classroom, students are each assigned a Google Chromebook. This is the computer

that they use each and every day. These Chromebooks stay in the classroom and do not travel

home with the students. Our Chromebook serve quite a few purposes. The students use them for

independent research, typing assignments, learning games, centers and all assessments. When

looking at student’s data from their winter Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment, it

is evident that students will need enrichment and support in order to meet end of fourth grade

benchmarks. In math, students needed to score 209 or better. 12 students scored lower than this

ranging from 161-205. In reading, students needed to score a 204 or better. 16 students scored

lower than this with scores ranging from 147-204. These test scores show a need for a change in

our classroom. I believe that with the right technology and implementation, students will be able

to improve their scores and succeed.


I believe that technology can create a learning environment that needs the needs of

multiple learners. Technology can modify, scaffold and enrich learning experiences. In order for

this to happen I believe that each student should have their own iPad to use in class and at home.

iPads are a great portable learning device that can work with a variety of apps and tools. Special

Education students will be able to use assistive technology easily. English Language Learners

can use the tablet to have texts read aloud to them to help with comprehension. Students will be

able to use the iPads daily to help them improve their math facts. iPads can be a great motivator

because each child will have the capability to have more choice and say in their learning. The

versatility of this tool will ensure that each child has what they need in order to excel in fourth


Goals and Objectives 

 Goal 1: By the end of Fourth grade the students will increase their Fall MAP-R score by

2 points and their MAP-M score by 4 points.

 Goal 2:  Students will use technology, in the form of a tablet, daily to improve reading

comprehension, specifically the strategy of summarizing. Reading programs and assistive

technology will be used to assist ESOL students. 

o Objective 1: Students will be able to summarize grade level nonfiction texts in at

least 4 sentences. 

o Objective 2: Students will be able to find and recount the main idea of a text using

at least 2 supporting details. 

 Goal 3: Students will use learning software daily in math to improve their understanding

and knowledge of basic multiplication and division facts.

o Objective 3: Students will be able to demonstrate automaticity with their

multiplication facts through 12 x 12 with 90% accuracy

o Objective 4: Students will be able to demonstrate automaticity with their division

facts through 12 x 12 with 90% accuracy


In order to track progress of student learning I will utilize observations, anecdotal notes

and various assessments. These different assessment strategies will allow me to ensure that the

students are making progress throughout the year to meet goal 1 of increasing their MAP scores

according to the projected county growth numbers. They will also help me evaluate if the

children are progressing towards content specific objectives.

Reading Assessments: At the end of each week children will take a teacher created

assessment where they will read a text in the same non-fiction genre that they studied during

weekly reading groups. This assessment will have them reading a text on a tablet and writing a 4-

sentence summary of the text. Their summary must include at least 2 supporting details from the

text. This assessment will be used to formally measure the progress of meeting objectives 1 and

Reading Notes and Observations: Within reading groups I will take anecdotal notes and

make observations of the students' discussions of the non-fiction text they are reading. Students

will access the site Capstone, which is a service that our school subscribes to. This site has a

variety of leveled texts and reading features that can fit the interests and reading levels of the

learners in the class. In reading groups teachers will read texts with students and will ask

informal summarizing questions about the text to see if the child is able to retell and recount the

details in a short summary. Students will be asked to identify and pick out supporting details

from the text to show they can match the details to the summary. This informal assessment will

inform me about how much reteaching will need to be done. 

Math Assessments: Each week the children will take a times table assessment. These will

be focused on a specific table (1-12) and the children will continue to take the same table number

until they can achieve 90% accuracy. Once they have mastered a table, they will move on to the

next number and then transition to division. This will be a formal graded assessment that will

track and monitor students’ progress towards meeting objectives 3 and 4. 

Math Notes and Observations:  Students will be using the free educational software

called “Freckle”. This adaptive math site allows teachers to track their students’ progress at

assigned measurement topics. 3 days a week in Math class, students will use their tablets to

access the site and work on problems for a 15-minute math rotation. The teacher will use this site

and its ability to track and collect data to take notes and make observations on the student’s

progress towards the objectives. 

MAP-R and MAP-M: The big goal of this plan is to help students improve their MAP

scores in the 2 subjects. This assessment is administered at the beginning of each year (Fall), in
the middle (Winter), and at the end of the year in the Spring. This assessment will be used to

track students’ progress and growth though the entire course of their 4th grade year. MAP scores

will be looked at in the winter to see how the plan and its objectives are working to help students

activate the growth they need by spring. This data will be used to inform instruction and make

modifications where necessary. 


I believe that it is important that each child have their own tablet for the purposes of this

plan. Students will be using the tablet to access the various sites needed for reading and math.

They will use the tablets for assessments and in class work. Having their own tablet will

ensure that kids can have settings they need downloaded to meet their needs. If text to speech

is required in one IEP, or being used to support ESOL students, the setting can be customized

in the child's account so the option is always available to them. Students will have the added

bonus of ownership and be encouraged to take care of their device because it will be “theirs”

for the year. By using a free math software and a reading subscription that we already

subscribe to, I am able to cut costs and make getting funding for the devices themselves more


Item  Cost  Amount  Total 

Apple 10.2-inch iPad (7th Gen)Wi- $279.00 Per iPad 20 Devices  $5,580
Fi 32GB

LEDNICEKER Kids Case for iPad 2 $12.98 each 22 Cases  $285.56

3 4 - Light Weight Shock Proof

Capstone Reading  Pre-Purchased Students already $0

School Subscription  have access to the

Freckle By Renaissance  Free  20 Accounts  $0 

Total  $5,865.56

Professional Development 

All good teaching requires constant learning and growing. In order for me to successfully

implement this plan there are some things that I would like to continue and expand my

knowledge and understand on. Within this program at The University of Maryland Global

Campus I have learned a lot about using technology effectively in the classroom. I have

studied and researched techniques, models, and best practices. I would like to continue to

learn about using tablets/technology in centers and blended learning. To do this I will do

some self-guided professional development. I will read scholarly journals, look into open

educational resources (OER), watch videos, and set up some observations of teachers who

use these methods and models. I do my best learning when it is self-guided and led. For this

plan in my classroom this will be enough to get me going and really up to speed with best


As for the technology of this plan, I currently have my own tablet and use it regularly.

There will not be much learning for me to do on how to use this technology and how to teach

my students. If I do need more support, Apple offers free self-paced PD for teachers that I

could enroll in and become an Apple Certified Teacher. Additionally, to support myself and

to continue to push my own learning, my county has a department called “The Department of

Technology Integration and Support (DTIS)”. This office is intended to support teachers in

their use and implementation of technology in the classroom. They offer many PD sessions,
lectures, and classes that are self-paced, hybrid, and in person. I will enroll in some courses

that are offered on apps in the classroom. I think that by learning about more educational

apps and software, I will be able to use my tablets in more ways than outlined in this plan

thus making the investment more meaningful.

If additional training might be required after reflection and taking the students' Winter

MAP data into consideration, MCPS will reimburse teachers up to 9 graduate credits a year.

This will allow me to evaluate my own learning and budget in that PD if needed. They are

also offering many free professional development sessions on technology integration to meet

the new expectations placed on teachers due to COVID-19. Good professional development

does not need to be paid for or expensive. I feel that I am able to meet my own needs by

continuing in this master’s program and with my own interest in technology integration. 


Summer 2020  Purchase iPads 

 Install apps and software needed for the year 
 Set up student accounts on the various apps
 July   Continue degree at UMGC 
 August   Take Apple Self-Paced Training 
 Personal PD on Blended Learning, develop plan for how to implement
and manage  
 Personal PD on Tablets in Centers to prepare for school year 
 Plan lessons and prepare for the school year 

Fall 2020  Administer Fall MAP-R and MAP-M in September 

 Assess data and make decisions based on needs 
 September   Teach students how to access their iPad, apps and accounts on the
 October  various platforms 
 November   Build routine and set procedures with students on use of technology
and how the technology will be used in daily instruction 
 Begin using the software and tracking data and progress through the
apps and weekly assessments outlined in plan
 Continue degree at UMGC 
 Continue personal PD, if necessary, decide to enroll in an MCPS
course though DTIS

Winter 2021   Administer Winter MAP-R and MAP-M in January 

 Compare and analyze data 
 December   Modify and evaluate plan, goals 1-3, objectives 1-4, and practices
 January  based on student test results 
 February   Continue to use software and programs with fidelity in centers and
reading groups through blended learning model 
 Determine what personal PD might be necessary based on mid-year
MAP results and effectiveness of plan 
 Enroll in PD if necessary, for example, Apps in the classroom
 Continue degree at UMGC 

Spring 2021   Continue to follow plan with fidelity

 Finish Program at UMGC 
 March   Continue Personal PD on blended learning and tablets in the
 April  classroom, modify and update routines and procedures for next year
 May  based on reflection of current year’s model
 Administer Spring MAP-R and MAP-M in May, assess and review if
goal 1 was met. Students should have been able to increase their fall map
 Review student data, formal and informal, gathered through the year
to see if objectives 1-4 were met 
 Reflect on classroom technology plan, goals and objectives and adapt
plan where fit. 

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