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Father God in Heaven Lord thank you very much to all the

Blessings that you have given us, Thank you for all the sacrifices

That you carries for us to save thank you also for the Forgiveness and also for

Everything. Thank you for the Knowledge and wisdom that you

Have given to us and also I would like to thank to all the guidance

After our Schooling. Thank you for the Love each and every one of us.

Help us to share our knowledge and wisdom to those who want to know

The real situation of the world all Glory Belongs to you oh LORD

Brief Synopsis of Professional Reading and Reference

What is the Importance of Teaching Aids in Learning?

To make learning very effective it is not only necessary to utilize the factors

And techniques that facilitate learning, the teacher are to create certain Conditions

in the class-room that may improve learning.

These conditions are providing teaching aids, creating rivalry and co-operation, giving

The knowledge of progress and success, praising or reprimanding and guiding learning.

Visual Aids

Visual aids make learning concrete and meaningful. You may describe the physical

Features of the Indo- Gang etic plain, but motion pictures, filmstrips, maps, charts,

Diagrams; pictures would make your verbal description concrete.

An additional meaning is attached to verbal instruction when teaching aids are

Used. These are simply supplementary devices and not the sup planters of what the

Teacher can do. The following are the uses of teaching aids.


If I may define Learning, it is the acquisition of knowledge, ideas, wisdom,

Formation, and experiences. It took place anywhere, anytime, and in many ways.

In school, teachers are the one who leads students to learn by using teaching aids. These

Materials are vital tool in making students learn the way they want to learn.
II. Summary/Discussion

Teaching aids are important in the learning process. In contains play a vital role in

Providing and supporting students learning. It has the capacity to provide learning

Through various kinds of learner who have different ways to such as auditory and visual

Learners. It provides concrete explanations and examples for abstract ideas that student

Find hard to understand.

Even though teaching aids are useful in the learning process, learning of the students should not
only rely on it. If the students are not briefed or informs as how they should perceived the
teaching aid it may fail. Teachers and students should do their part on the learning process
through proper analysis and utilization of teaching aids.

III. Reactions/ Reflection

“Teaching aids are aids only. They are not to be so enthusiastically used that effort on the

Part of the learner is ignored.”

As the quote above from the article, it clearly stated that teaching aids are just aids. It

Should never be used as the one which solely responsible in making the students learn.

Teaching aids should be used as a supporting materials that will enhance, supplements, and

Clarify ideas or information. It should be used in order to teach students to learn how to

Learn using the available resources. However, teaching aids are not only important to

Students it is also important to teachers. It is vital partner of teachers in their profession. It

Is utilize to provide better understanding to students through pictures, texts, and drawings.

It develops teacher’s creativity, innovation, and intellect. It sustains and enforces student’s

Interests, and enthusiasm to learn.

Career Development Plan

Intern Information
Name: Norisa Claire C. Tejares Date: June 2022
Self-assessment Summary Statement:
Self-Career Motivation in my current position
The worth of embracing adaptable working practices as pre-service teacher brings me
the existences that ought to be acknowledged with a sober mind. Work is a major piece
of everybody's life except is constantly offset with home life. I've expounded already on
the benefits that adaptable working brings me on its two-way benefit I am certainly
inspired to work here and convey results for my future endeavor.
Skill and Competencies to be developed
Leadership has shown my capacity to gather and lead a group and flexibility that shows
that you’re wiling and ready to adjust to any circumstance.
Vision of future Career Directions
To motivate a deep rooted love of learning by making illustrations that are energizing, true,
captivating, and applicable to the existences of my students and to make apparent and
genuine change in the existences of all learners in my classroom, be it mental, social. Or
Career Goal
Short- term (1 year)
Teaching in a private institution to help me enhance my teaching strategies.
(Medium-Term 2-5 Year)
Attending seminars and orientations to support me in my future career. Also, working in
Alternative Learning System because they likewise act as facilitators in the conveyance
of the Basic Literacy Program and the Accreditation and Equivalency Program
Long-Term (5+ Years)
Working in the department of Education and coaching opportunities to help
build learners personalities.

My Internship experience has been amazing, I realize how

important it is to know the best way in teaching because children can
follow your steps. When I was in On the Job training I found myself that I
am more on imaginative than to speak without purpose it is because I am
able to Plan my strategies on how to teach children in a way of moderate
voice. Teaching can help pupils improve their ability to speak and read. It
can provide reliable and valid that contribute connection to the real world
situation. Actually speaking it is not easy to a teacher because patience is a
virtue you never show your attitude in many pupils because they are the
one who followed your steps. Teaching is the process of attending to
people’s needs, experiences and feelings, and intervening so that they
learn particular things, and go beyond the given. All though the semester I
had the option to make a truly incredible air on my study halls. I was
somewhat stressed over a couple of classes right off the bat, yet as I got to
realize the understudies better and lay out associations and associations
with student.

Tejares , Norisa Claire C.

Zone 16, Molugan El Salvador City, MIsamis
Contact Number: 09264807415
Email Address:
Personal Information

Date of Birth: October 03, 1998

Place of Birth: Valencia City Bukidnon
Age: 23 years old
Sex: Female
Status: Single
Religion: Born Again
Mother’s Name: Nita Tejares
Mother’s Occupation: Housewife
Father’s Name: Liberato Tejares
Father’s Occupation: Street Vendor

Educational Attainment
Tertiary Education
Opol Community College
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Poblacion Opol, Mis. Or.
S.Y. 2018-2022

Secondary Education
Senior High School
Molugan National High School
Molugan Mis. Or.
S.Y. 2017-2018

Junior High School

Molugan National High School
Molugan Misamis Oriental
S.Y. 2015-2017
Elementary Education
Luyongbonbon Elementary School
Luyongbonbon Opol, Misamis Oriental
S.Y. 2006- 2012




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