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Script: All About You

Episode 02
Meeting new friends

No segundo dia de Rosa em Chicago, Carly a leva Rosa: Your accent is different, Billy. Where are
para conhece o The Night Pub, local onde a sua you from?
turma de amigos costuma se reunir. Lá, Rosa Billy: I am from England.
irá conhecer Billy, victor e Dube, está no palco Rosa: That’s nice, when did you come here?
fazendo sua stand-up comedy. Billy: About six months ago. What about you?
Rosa: I have just arrived! Today was my
Dube: So, you ever worked for a Project second day at college.
Manager? OR Better YET, do you know who Billy: Are you enjoying your classes?
a Project Manager is? A Project Manager is Rosa: Yeah! And my classmates. They are
that person who believes that NINE women, friendly, Betsy, she was very welcoming.
THINK ABOUT IT, NINE WOMEN can deliver a Victor: When will you go away, Billy?
baby in one month. Billy: Never, mate. You won’t get rid of me so
Dube: This reminds me of... easily.
Rosa: What do you do, Victor?
Neste momento, Carly e Rosa chegam e Victor: I’m a humble student at Columbus
procuram os meninos. College.
Rosa: And you, Billy?
Carly: They’re over there. Billy: I’m the manager at my uncle’s clothes
Carly faz as apresentações. Victor e Billy parecem Rosa: Cool, that’s a nice profession, isn’t it?
agitados com a presença da brasileira. Billy: Yeah, I enjoy it.
Victor: Hey, Billy, help me get some drinks.
Carly: Excuse me. Billy: Ok, mate.
Rosa: Good evening, guys.
Victor & Billy: ’Evening. Enquanto os rapazes vão buscar as bebidas,
Carly: Hey, Rosa! These are our friends, Victor Carly aproveita para comentar algo sobre Billy.
and Billy. Carly adora roupas de marca e o que esta na
Rosa: Pleased to meet you, guys. moda, sonha com festas chiques, em frequentar
Victor & Billy: It’s my pleasure. a alta sociedade. Já Billy é um rapaz simples. Os
Carly: Why are you talking in unison? dois possuem valores muito diferentes. Carly
Victor & Billy: We’re not! sempre implica com Billy.

Percebendo que Rosa ficou confusa com quem Carly: I can’t stand his accent, jeez, he’s so
era quem, Carly apresenta-os novamente. annoying.
Rosa: And Christine? Where is she?
Carly: This is Victor and this is Billy. Carly: She didn’t wanna come.
Rosa: She’s still mad, isn’t she?
Billy aproveita para largar uma piadinha para Carly: Yeah, poor Dube, he’ll be sad.
"quebrar o gelo". Rosa: Why would he be sad?
Carly: He’s her boyfriend.
Billy: The mate here can’t talk without me. Rosa: Where is he?

Script: Episode 02 - Meeting new friends 1 e-Tec Brasil

Carly: On the stage, he’s that guy over there,
the house comedian.

No momento em que Rosa olha para o palco,

Dube está contando sua última piada, divertindo
a plateia.

e-Tec Brasil 2 English

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