Jasmine Genre Analysis

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Name: Jasmine Aguilar

Genre Analysis Invention Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to help you brainstorm topics for your genre analysis essay. Fill out
all of the fields to the best of your ability. Be as specific as possible.
Also, please remember that you are supposed to be analyzing a written text. Selecting a text that
is primarily visual, for example, will make this assignment particularly difficult for you.

Text #1
1. Identify your text (give the title or description):
● Taking care of them
2. Identify the community: nurses keeping up with their schedule.
● How would you characterize the community? nurses are making sure they eat
their food and pills.
● What do members of this community have in common? How are they different?
Look at charts on each patient and see what types of medicine they need and see
what time they need to go to sleep or what type of food they need to eat. Some
patients may need more attention than others.
● Are you a member of this community or just an observer? observer
● How does this community communicate with each other? Doctors tell them
details about what the patients need and what type of care they need.
● What is the community trying to accomplish? They are trying to make them feel
safe and see what they need.
3. Identify the genre:
● What are some common characteristics of this genre? care
● Why is the community using this specific genre? In other words, what does this
genre, as a mode of communication, allow the community to do that different
genre wouldn’t? It helps people understand that their parents or grandparents are
going to be well taken care of.
Text #2
1. Identify your text (give the title or description):
● schedule
2. Identify the community:
● How would you characterize the community? knowing what time they have to take
their pills, sleep, and to eat.
● What do members of this community have in common? How are they different? They
take care of elders. They have a specific time to do things.
● Are you a member of this community or just an observer? observer
● How does this community communicate with each other? by getting their timing
● What is the community trying to accomplish? showing how to get elders good care.
3. Identify the genre:
● What are some common characteristics of this genre? people taking care of the elders
and caring about them.
● Why is the community using this specific genre? In other words, what does this
genre, as a mode of communication, allow the community do that other genres
wouldn’t? It helps people understand that their loved one will get the care they need
and it shows people that they will take care of them with what they need to survive.

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