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Sn Livide ard Conquer " ‘ OP PT, divide d WE rim allen, “sos ert terbinn dts ce eatichig, a Phe smaller probleme Gonerally Luide , ond cow ‘ > Divide the ote Ser algorithms ane Hmnee part, ints a mumiser dp Sub-probloms Hak ave i Amallor urtaces 4he came prblem. Wlenquer the 44. bie epee Ey aelving Hien vecunsively. 15 ‘f One mall euch, cote Hie ! 4a tho sige. o- 1 sub —-problem, - @ Advornte-ge 5 a Divida avd emauer 0 ppvorch 5 — be Solving Adffrcull probleme: . ; 5 Divide, anil eanoutns by 4 powrful frre Av calving. cance ptially cliffrewt -prrblams, A Lb yoqaiyes Lea wry o} bere mtedeny ee sprutelonn inter sabe Probleme, bf solving pie bréviat canes ( tdetiy) and { 6h cornGining swe proolems +e va ari ginal problem tw), | divide and eengner. oly megwines wedmetig Hoe -preblorn, Ae -ringle pmraller Prrblem, 2. Magegttym Efflecency t Be Abgerition Eff iid and conquen meted Fffon thetps in tne. circevery 5 efficient al gonilons. 1 Lerprovar im dias anyetotie ere the erebotions [Bromple: T@yre tare Carta dare Cansfevd bruvdlid size , Yee wart, sililting the problem. and cormvbtning Ae partial gotrtion Ls prrpostional te the —prrbloma size a, ard Oirerve 4 boredod number (P > eueprebloms OD sige. egucvetest to (n/p) at each shege, fru. We | Catt Be divide and conquer. algerttte will be OCnteye))] | 3. farallelvom: Pn me divkle ond conquer appronch swepetts pardlolion a2 subpeblems ane independent, Hence,on algorithm, | Which designed Wrirg this techwiqne, can wun om toe | munltipwrce ron sytem or in chi ffewerct machines admubtancerly, | 4, Memory MCESS: “SF divide ond conquer algorithms matazally dervrol to male Officlont ure Sp cache memorg pbecaure, OnEL a rbeprrttom Lb somal emoigh, ifort all Ub emb-prebeems | canbe setved wt}lin dire cache memory, witout accomig clewer. main memory. aetna [Pr algenithn deotgned te a plore yr cache tm Hin Wry L6 called cache cblivinin became, if Lees ne emtitn re, cache “ize ar an explicit paranoter’] 5. Runde ff Control: — En competating wht vous d Flertinge print antthinetic. » a i and conquer algorithm may yield mrt accwealé ve HAAN erdtetall 9 palpi erative mithed, solentcay *9 Example 4 One can add N murvoors cither by a simele loarp that adds cach date te a aivgle variable, ow by divido 4 Coveuor cel geri dem vo eprint: Seeman ae isos © halves, reemrrively competes om dpeack half, 0 thon adhe re wo sums, Whiledhe a faiiod eae ® game Memvber. adkhiting ay ine First, anol Pays fre Overhead FPIhe wecurmine calls, thin waually mere, ACOur ata, a piyadvartrge ) S} Di vide aswel Cowquev appr! re Wak Mem we igh s Steer ON aed enh apowecl, or Sp the algentims ant At signed WD pecwarton, Aenea mumew) manager to veg dig a. Slaven beers , a a ae For weewnidne tunetion addhitiomak moron) Staley ured) Where qunction stan nacile te be chmeet, Trrne malts Hae -pyrcors rylawenar Feplicstions Divide and conquer Pppreschs 1. 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M nA OR fe eC the) Boe oe ee “6 Yen vig ee “Sry hid 28) Aire. me) ers) TOE) a ae Lome Row toe Rn , 3B. Quice Sax p Seer A ae quick- ah Soa! Divide ad Cor gue al gorlim - 3+ picks an clenunf ay pivot (balancing (ae for He LP and partitions Ha given LiLt anmend she pided pivot he pint Canes pice hd) in Ai ferent caf Mamps peck. int element an pute * Alrerya pick Lert element oo aphorck, » Qitk, a vandem clemrt ar pink. * Pie median as piver. The heey PPE™ WwW guicksot i parbHan Athen comets dering thre pivot clomend, say %, Ea VOR sasha menace iis, $n eeu : 0 lements insnch a wey feat atl amallern & than X pAb before Hand all grote. clomid: Haerwie, afer 7 AM shin hate) bo Denn im bymoar tind. ne ase taal dn neu ar oper owing. ; Hen oi alny, thee {Ads ae cwbdiviche & ints duo amrblists, me otis Hot colar clomenats peanodhon Hear XG and) Pihor. Awistist tush cadens lemmas’ qreedr thar %: The came. parity procedure, Ay -wpplicd in te Ho sublists wi) all Hoa. pivots “amas alk thebe covve nt Pati Hoy. Try, wre gee ee) Link St rwrbans, @ Algosthnn Gale 4ext v9, lew, high) jar &y aw anny Fn clemets, Lawovd Suighac He © \ 2D. Spf ss Herve, lowe, Aish ©, pivet= ants) te Luibabize Index d} -emallart elemurt, ister! 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Meter, Ny we knew carer ( Marter Metered , TE fer) = O(n!) pore ton) = O(nURM. lepn fev T0e)* OT OM Woe gad, bad, fimdon is ) +Fey) New, nd. lent =n an wo bg rer, h i en ' Kine ferny==an Mh , ay nen ho, care 2 pM Mite saticfied . f fo, 1 On) O(n legn) «Ca hegn)e O(n trevn ge. Gue: To de avewtge care anrly ds , me need te conrider. all posible permutation S array and Caleulats Hae taleen by every peammninhion. Cortfden dhe care when parbh Pp vts OC%/9) elements in ome Joon perenrelend CFF! os aN sive , Cha) gl Nee NE seh 2b re =a Lo. ee ee i oe oe ey @® TON) = nt By, n rl 9h ke = fag,n frm, en (4 +f) a(t) - ah Hiro) Bt ee tae e. T(n) 5 O(n Leg, » )

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