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Stephanie Ciarkowski

Mrs. Andrea Berry

Family Health Practicum

September 30, 2022

Paragraph 1: What Went Well

I feel that most of my OB rotation has gone pretty well. Although there has not been a ton going

on while we are there, I still have enjoyed my experience. I find OB interesting and I feel that

helps me enjoy it a little better. So far I have been assigned to two or so postpartum patients

and one laboring patient. My postpartum patients were both very kind and let me stay in the

room for whatever was going on so I could observe/help. Overall, I haven't really had any

negative experiences on my OB rotation.

Paragraph 2: What Didn’t go Well

There are few issues that occurred during my OB rotation. One being that I have yet to see any

actual labor process. Yes I got to document my patient’s Fetal Heart Rate every 30 minutes,

however I don't feel that is the entire job. Considering I am interested in this particular field, I

would have liked to watch an actual birth before the semester is over. I still have a couple

opportunities, however I feel that is my only issue with the rotation so far.

Paragraph 3: What do I need to Improve on

I would like to improve my communication skills. I feel I could have communicated a little more

with the patients than I have this semester. I try not to be in their rooms too much because I feel

that the healing process they are going through is something they may want to do privately. I

make it known I am right outside, remind them about the call bell for me, ask 2-3 times if they
need anything before I leave their room, and I always try to do whatever for them even if it

seems like something they could do on their own.

Paragraph 4: Certain Client

One patient I had was my postpartum patient. She had placenta previa and had 2 failed spinal

taps. She had a c-section and delivered her son. I noticed during postpartum she seemed very

confused on what she wanted to do moving forward with the baby’s feedings. She kept going

back and forth about breastfeeding and formula feeding. I interpreted this as she may have felt

pressure to breastfeed her child, however she didn’t really seem to want to in my eyes. It

seemed as if she was too tired to even care and try breastfeeding.

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