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Setting the LGUs in

Motion for a more

Prosperous, Inclusive,
and Resilient Society
Indicators for CY 2023
With insights for CY 2024 and CY 2025 assessments

1. Financial Administration
For CY 2023
1. Most recent COA Opinion is unmodified or qualified, AND 30% of recommendations fully acted
2. FDP compliance for CY 2022 2nd to 4th quarters and CY 2023 1st quarter posting period (Three
conspicuous places, FDP Portal), AND FY 2022-Q4 eSRE and Quarterly Report on Real Property
Assessment (QRRPA)
3. At least 7% average Local Revenue Growth for FYs 2020-2022 (per PDP target)
4. Utilization of the 20% component of the NTA as of December 31, 2022 (Benchmarks for
consideration - Province: 65%, Cities: 66%, and Municipalities: 77%)
5. Full utilization of the Performance Challenge Fund released in 2019 and earlier
6. Full utilization of all Local Government Support Fund (LGSF) received in CY 2021 by December
31, 2022 (cities and provinces will now be included)
7. CY 2023 budget is approved by Dec. 31, 2022 (no more consideration)

1. Financial Administration
Starting CY 2024 or 2025
1. Year-On-Year growth in social and economic services expenditures maintained above baseline
of 10% per the Philippine Development Plan (PDP)
2. Submission of the Public Financial Management and Improvement Plan (PFMIP) Monitoring
Table to DBM-RO
3. 100% timely filing of withholding tax returns per taxable year
4. 100% timely remittance of taxes withheld per taxable year

2. Disaster Preparedness
For CY 2023
1. Full LDRRMC membership and regular meetings for all quarters CY 2022
2. LDRRMO with (a) Plantilla Head with prescribed SG, (b) At least 3 Plantilla staff complement, and (c) Work
3. Approved Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) or Comprehensive Land Use Plan
(CLUP) covering CY 2023 and engagement of component LGUs in the planning process or initiative to
communicate the plan to their component LGUs
4. Approved Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan and Budget covering CY 2023
5. Approved Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP) and AIP with Climate Change Expenditure Tagging
covering CY 2023 submitted to CCC

2. Disaster Preparedness
For CY 2023
6. Approved Contingency Plans (CP) integrating COVID/EREID concerns
7. At least 60% fund utilization of the 70% component of CY 2022 LDRRMF as of Dec. 31, 2022
8. Early Warning System
9. Pre-emptive and forced evacuation mechanism captured in an EO or equivalent issuance AND tested through
actual conduct of evacuation during slow-onset disasters, as applicable OR through evacuation drills
10.Established Evacuation Management (EM) system and resources
11.Equipped and trained Search and Rescue (SAR) or Emergency Response (ER) teams
12.LDRRM Operations Center with SOP

2. Disaster Preparedness
For CY 2023
13.Incident Command System (ICS)
14.At least 75% of brgys have approved Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (CBDRRM)
Plans and Budgets
15.Participation in 2023 Gawad Kalasag (GK) Seal for LDRRMCs/LDRRMOs

Starting CY 2024
● GK Seal for LDRRMCOs will be the primary source of data for the SGLG’s DP area assessment. Only GK Seal
Beyond Compliant and Fully Compliant LGUs in 2023 will be qualified for SGLG 2024, subject to other
results acceptability parameters to be set by the CGLG.

3. Social Protection and Sensitivity
For CY 2023
1. CY 2022 Seal of Child-friendly Local Governance Awardee
2. GAD Mechanisms
3. VAWC Mechanisms to include new parameters, to wit:
● Approved LCAT-VAWC Annual Work and Financial Plan
● Quarterly meetings of LCAT-VAWC conducted for all quarters of the previous year
● Local issuance/ordinance on anti-trafficking in persons
● Established Migrants Advisory Information Network (MAIN) Desks
● Ordinance on anti-violence against women and their children (VAWC)
● Ordinance on anti-gender-based sexual harassment in streets and public spaces
● 100% of barangays with Anti-Sexual Harassment (ASH) Desk* (C/Ms only)
● ASH Hotline

3. Social Protection and Sensitivity
For CY 2023

4. LGU Efforts on Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) on:

● Encoding of ECCD Child Profiles of 80% of all enrolled children in CDCs in the ECCD-IS (SY 2021-
● 100% accomplishment rate in the implementation of the Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP)
Implementation Cycle 11 as of March 31, 2023
4. At least 60% of barangays with approved Comprehensive Barangay Juvenile Intervention Program

3. Social Protection and Sensitivity
For CY 2023
6. Compliance with Accessibility Law with upgrades on the LGU health facilities requirements on the
following (Consideration will be given to LGUs with submitted 3-year plan indicating the action points
for the compliance to the min. requirements):
a. Stairs (if applicable) h.Drinking fountains
b.Corridors i. Switches
c. Walkways j. Parking space
d.Doors k. Floor finishing
e. Ramps l. Seating accommodation
f. Signages m.Public telephone
g.Wash rooms n.Elevator

7. Functionality of Persons with Disabilities Affairs Office (PDAO) upgraded with the inclusion of at
least 50% budget utilization (vs. budget allocation)

3. Social Protection and Sensitivity
For CY 2023
8. Sign language interpreter [for HUCs only]
9. Established Senior Citizens Center (SCC)
10.Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representation (IPMR) in the Sanggunian
11.Integration of the Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plan (ADSDPP) or
components therein in PDPFP/CDP [for LGUs with IP presence]
12.Absence of illegal dwelling units OR LGU efforts to address informal settlements [for cities]
13.At least 75% utilization rate/ completion rate of PPAs for senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and
LCPC [separate allocation of 1% for SC and PWDs]
14.DSWD-accredited LGU-managed residential care facility for the vulnerable sectors, upgraded to look for
at least 1 accredited center-based non-residential or residential care facility for vulnerable sectors in ICCs
and Municipalities

3. Social Protection and Sensitivity
For CY 2023
15.Support to/adoption of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
16.Case Management Program or Ordinance for children, families and IPs in street situations
17.Functionality of the Local Social Welfare and Development Office (LSWDO), upgraded to include the use
of CBMS data as a registry to update the profiles of current beneficiaries of social development
18.LGU efforts on mainstreaming social protection
● Comprehensive Social Protection Development Report (SPDR) is available and submitted to the
PSWDO [for CM]
● Social Development Plan based on the SPDR is integrated in the CDP and LDIP
● Policy issuance on any area of recommendation of the SPDR

3. Social Protection and Sensitivity
For CY 2023
19.100% of public social workers provided with Magna Carta grant benefits
● Hazard allowance
● Transportation Allowance
● Housing and Living Quarters Allowance (if outside of 50 km radius of station)
● Longevity Pay
● Clothing allowance
20.Plantilla PESO Manager
● Special Cities: SG 25
● Provinces and HUCs: SG 24
● Component Cities and Mun. in Metro Manila: SG 23
● 1st - 3rd Mun: SG 19 ; 4th - 6th Mun: SG 16

3. Social Protection and Sensitivity
For CY 2023
21.Functionality of the Local Development Council
22.Establishment of Population Office with appointed or designated Population Officer
23.Setting-up of a Teen Center (community or school based) for cities and 1st to 3rd class

The TWG is closely studying the overall processing for the area to come up with a mechanism that is
equitable and feasible.

4. Health Compliance and Responsiveness
For CY 2023
Overall Area Processing:
● P/HUC/ICC: LIPH + at least 2 other indicators (downgrade)
● CC/M: LIPH + at least 1 other indicator (downgrade)
1. Complete and validated Local Investment Plan for Health (LIPH) per 2021 LGU-HSC
2. At least 55% of households with access to safely managed drinking water services per 2021 FHSIS data
3. At least 43.60% of Households using Safely Managed Sanitation Services per 2021 FHSIS data
4. CY 2021 TB Case Notification rate is equal to, or above 2020 accomplishment per TB IT IS data
5. At least 90% TB treatment success rate in CY 2021 per TB IT IS data
6. 60-110% Operation Timbang Plus coverage AND stunting prevalence within the medium level of public health
significance (10 to < 20%) or better
7. Institutionalized DRRM-H system
8. Functional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit

5. Sustainable Education
For CY 2023
1. Functional Local School Board (organized per LGC AND met at least once a month in CY 2022)
2. At least two (2) PPAs conducted in collaboration with two different external partners in CY 2022
3. At least 85% completion rate on either PPAs or utilization rate of the fund intended for the CY 2022 SEF
4. LGU-initiated planned PPAs in their LDIP/AIP or SEF Budget/LSB Plan covering CY 2023 aligned with identified
local priority education reform areas of DepEd Schools District/Division Office
5. Support to programs and projects that promote inclusive education in CY 2022

The TWG is yet to provide their overall processing for the area. DepEd is also exploring how they can
disaggregate data per LGU (not just per Schools Division Office).

6. Business-Friendliness and Competitiveness

For CY 2023

Finalist of 2022 PCCI’s Most Business-Friendly LGUs Award; OR

Ranked among the Top 20 Provinces, Top 20 Cities and Top 20 Municipalities in the 2022 Competitiveness Index, OR

1. Presence of Local Economic Development and Investment Promotions Office / Unit

2. Presence of citizen’s charter for securing permits for new business and business renewal
3. Streamlined process in doing business
4. Updated Local Economic Development (LED) data
5. Updated local investment and incentives code (LIIC)

7. Safety, Peace and Order

For CY 2023

1. Passed the 2022 POC Performance Audit [The TWG is considering an upgrade to a 72% passing mark for
the audit]
2. Rated highly functional in CY 2022 ADAC Performance Audit
3. Provided logistical support to local PNP office in CY 2022
4. Organized and trained BPATs, barangay tanods, and/or any similar unit
5. Designated firecracker zones

Indicator on the actions on illegal drugs was dropped as it is already covered under the ADAC Performance

7. Safety, Peace and Order

For CY 2024 onwards

1. Crime Index, Crime Solution Efficiency Rate (Data source: PNP)

2. Functionality of BADACs (at least 60% of moderate functional BADACs) (Data source: NBOO)
3. Functionality of BPOCs (at least 60% of moderate functional BPOCs) (Data source: NBOO)
4. At least 50% of Component Barangays with High Functional Lupong Tagapamayapa (Data source: NBOO)
5. Formulation of Local Public Transport Route Plan (Data source: NPOC Secretariat)
6. Support to local jail and fire unit / operations and community reintegration LGUs with BJMP and BFP
(Data source: BJMP)

8. Environmental Management

For CY 2023
Overall Area Processing

● Provinces: Met items 1 and 3 under Solid Waste Management; any one of Items 6 and 7 on Wetlands and
Water Management; and Item 8 on Park and Green Space Development

● HUCs: Met items 1 to 5 under Solid Waste Management; any one of Items 6 and 7 on Wetlands and Water
Management; and Item 8 on Park and Green Space Development

● ICCs/CCs/Municipalities: Met both items 1 and 2 and any two of items 3, 4, and 5 under Solid Waste
Management; any one of Items 6 and 7 on Wetlands and Water Management; and Item 8 on Park and Green
Space Development

8. Environmental Management
For CY 2023
Solid Waste Management
1. Convened local solid waste management board (Consideration for LGUs with no recycling/ manufacturing/packaging
industry will be indicated in the technical notes)
2. No operating open and/or controlled dumpsite
3. Approved 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan covering CY 2023
4. All component barangays must be serviced by an operational MRF with a recording system of wastes (Consideration:
with planned programs on increasing operational MRFs or expanding its operation of a single MRF servicing multiple
5. Access to sanitary landfill (SLF) and segregated collection of wastes as captured in the (a) LG-ENRO Certification, and
(b) Ordinance or schedule of the segregated collection followed by the LGU OR separate trucks or haulers for
specific types of wastes

8. Environmental Management

For CY 2023
Wetlands and Water Management
6. Initiatives contributing to biodiversity conservation and enhancement focusing on inland wetlands and water
7. Initiatives on Water Quality Management

Parks and Green Spaces Development

6. Establishment or Maintenance of Public Parks and Green Spaces
Take note that the TWG provides for an equitable processing for each new indicator (e.g., two out of four action items on
initiatives on water quality management).

8. Environmental Management

Starting CY 2024 or CY 2025

1. Presence of Permanent Local Government - Environment and Natural Resources Officer
2. Strengthened Wildlife Law Enforcement (details already provided in CY 2022 technical notes)
3. Compliance with Waste Diversion Targets
The TWG is also exploring the inclusion of forestry-related indicators as community-based forestry is one
of the devolved functions per LGC.

9. Tourism, Heritage Development,
Culture and the Arts
For CY 2023

Tourism Development (now applicable to ALL LGUs)

Any 3 of 4
1. Permanent local tourism officer
2. Tourist information and assistance center or desks
3. Submission of Annual Supply Tourism Statistics Report (upgrade of the tracking system indicator)
4. Formulation of Local Tourism Development Plan (preparatory activities or draft plan will be considered)

9. Tourism, Heritage Development,
Culture and the Arts
For CY 2023

Cultural Heritage Promotion and Conservation

Any 3 of 4
1. Presence of local council for the promotion of culture and the arts
2. 75% utilization rate of the budget appropriated for the conservation and preservation of cultural property
3. Updated Cultural property inventory using the appropriate template per DILG-NCCA JMC No. 2021-001
4. Published narrative of history and culture

9. Tourism, Heritage Development,
Culture and the Arts
Starting CY 2024 or CY 2025
Tourism Development
1. Establishment of a Tourism Code
2. Submission of annual Supply Tourism Statistics Report
3. Submission of annual Demand Tourism Statistics Report
4. Presence of DOT-Accredited Tourism Establishments/ Front Liners
5. Creation of a Local Tourism Council
6. At least a 75% utilization rate of the budget appropriated for tourism and culture
Overall area processing for CY 2024 will also be adjusted in response to these new indicators.

10. Youth Development
For CY 2023
Overall Area Processing: 3 out of 4 (from 2 out of 4 in CY 2022)

1. Functional local youth development council

● Structure
● Convened quarterly in CY 2022 (from once in CY 2021)
● Trained members
1. Established Local Youth Development Office (LYDO) with at least 3 of these parameters
● Local Youth Development Officer (Head of Office)
● Database of registered youth organizations as of CY 2022
● Utilization rate of at least 75% (from 50%) of budget appropriated for LYDO functions and operations
● Provision by LYDO of Technical Assistance in CY 2022

10. Youth Development
For CY 2023

3. Presence of a Local Youth Development Plan (Sanggunian-approved/incorporated in the CDP/PDPFP, not just
final draft)

3. LGU support to youth development- Met any two of the following:

● policy
● facility
● completed PPA by LGU Office other than the LYDO

Tests of Results Acceptability

For CY 2023

1. Reports on casualties and damages during disasters

2. Institutional integrity: Non-involvement in cases that may be subjected to disciplinary actions
3. For Provinces: at least 10% of component cities and municipalities should also pass the SGLG
4.For Cities and Municipalities: 50% of component barangays have participated in SGLG-B


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