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Trace the evolution/development of information using any of the languages identified

through a timeline.

1930s - 1940s: Early Computers

In the 1930s and 1940s, the first electronic computers were created, largely for scientific
and military applications. These early devices stored data on magnetic tapes and processed
data using vacuum tubes.

1950s - 1960s: Mainframe Computers

The first mainframe computers, which were enormous, pricey devices intended for use
by enterprises and government organizations, were created in the 1950s and 1960s. Transistors
were employed in place of vacuum tubes in these computers, and the magnetic tape was
utilized in place of storage drums.

1970s - 1980s: Personal Computers

Personal computers, which were smaller, more accessible devices designed for
individual use, were developed in the 1970s and 1980s. The Altair 8800, the first personal
computer, was released in 1975. The Apple II and the IBM PC were two further pioneering

The 1990s - 2000s: Internet and World Wide Web

The World Wide Web and the Internet's emergence in the 1990s altered how people
shared and accessed information. By the end of the decade, millions of people were using the
internet to communicate, shop, and obtain information. The first website was developed in 1991.

The 2010s - Present: Cloud Computing and Big Data

Focus has switched to big data and cloud computing in the 2010s and beyond, which
entails storing and analyzing enormous volumes of data in distant data centers. As a result, new
platforms and technologies have emerged, changing how people communicate, work, and live.
Examples of these include social media, mobile applications, and artificial intelligence.

2. In this same timeline, describe the social situation and its contribution to
information technology.

The social setting has been characterized by a growing dependence on technological and digital
communication in the current era of language. New communication tools and platforms have
developed as a result of the growth of the Internet and social media, enabling individuals to
interact and exchange information in previously impractical ways.
Information technology has been greatly impacted by the expanded opportunities it has created
for the storage, processing, and transfer of information. How information is analyzed and used
has completely changed thanks to search engines, data analytics, and artificial intelligence
technology. For how individuals access and exchange information, online tools like Google,
Wikipedia, and social networking sites have become significant and essential in today's society.

Socialization has also had an impact on new concerns and challenges related to information
technology. False news, misinformation, and disinformation have become issues as a result of
online information exchange and distribution. These worries can have a significant impact on
public opinion and judgment. Consumers are frequently worried about how technology
companies are collecting and exploiting their personal data, which raises concerns about
privacy and security.

3. In one paragraph, describe the impact of human and social

development in the information age.

Throughout the half of the 20th century, technological advancements in computer microchips
marked the beginning of the Information Age. For many years, societal evolution has been
driven by technical advances in communication and information processing, which have had a
significant influence on our everyday lives. Since the introduction of the World Wide Web,
"social technologies," or any use of technology that makes social interaction easier, have
become more prevalent.

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