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1. Living under the same roof leads to arise conflicts between my parents and me.

In fact, many conflicts

had happened in my family, in general, there are two main problems. The first one is my family has
curfew time which I disapprove most. This means I have little time to spend for the world outside the
school. To illustrate, I must be home before 11.30 a.m in the morning and 9 p.m in the evening. To deal
with this issue, I had to write a schedule to show them that it’s much hard for me to manage time if I have
to follow this curfew. The second issue is about money that I spend on my study and my private life. This
is another important point that sometimes makes me have implusive actions and disrespectful behaviours.
In this case, my parents always complain that I spent to much money for unnesscessary things to the
extent that every time I talk about it, they will become enraged and forceful. To deal for this situation, I
made a list of essentials things so that i don't use money sporadically. In conclusion, Conflicts are not
always harmful. The important thing is you know how to unlock the beautiful transformative power of

6. At present, regional authorities encourage to do volunteer work. Not only does it fulfill the needs for
who in need but also brings advantages to us. Firstly, By volunteering, young people are carrying out a job
can still gain valuable experience and skills which are likely to be useful in the future. For example, many
volunteering roles will help you to gain experience in working as a team. Secondly, Doing voluntary work
will make us feel more value. For instance, By volunteering the misfortunes can access to good facilities
in the same way good things as varied as have more opportunities to perform their creatities and emotions.
Young people may find that life is so meaningful. Furthermone, one of the best things about volunteering
is meeting the other volunteers. They are likely to be very interesting and inspiring people and might just
turn out to be great friends too. In conclusion, doing voluntary work is not an arduous task or recipe and it
is so worthwhile for young people to folow to strengthen the community.

8. Becoming indpendent is a necessary thing for many young people. In my opinion, There are two most
important skill that help teenager to become independent. The first ones is coping with loneliness. To
illustrate, The pathway we choose will sometimes be lonely because it could be some dissenter who
counters our ideals and viewpoint. Thus, preparing to face loneliness would make you more mature to lead
to success. Another skill for teenager to be independent is problem solving. To imagine, Every day a sea
of decisions stretches before us. Some are small and unimportant, but others have a larger impact on our
lives. For example, which politician should I vote for? Should I try the latest diet craze? Teenagers’re
bombarded with so many decisions that It’s impossible to make a perfect choice every time. To sum up,
when you can master them, you will find out that they are great keys to success and you can become

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