Unit 3 - Students

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Unit 3
A. Grammar & Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Match the activities with the pictures.
badminton cycling skiing hockey volleyball boxing hiking
gymnastics football fishing swimming tennis chess judo
taekwondo golf athletics canoeing horse riding table tennis
karate sailing

1 _____________ 2 _____________ 3 _____________ 4 _____________

5 _____________ 6 _____________ 7 _____________ 8 _____________

Exercise 2:  Complete the table using the words in the box.

golf finish badminton football tennis volleyball

horse riding hockey table tennis skiing sailling hiking
cycling judo boxing canoing gymnastics swimming
taekwondo karate athetics chess


Play Do Go
______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________

______________ ______________

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box.

Beats catch hit kicking lose play scores throwing win

1. I’m playing in a tennis tournament tomorrow. I hope I __________some of my matches.

2. Our school football team is not doing well this term. Every team we play against
__________ us.
3. I really want to learn how to __________ baseball but it’s not a popular sport in Britain.
4. It is quite difficult to learn how to __________the ball with the racket when you start
playing tennis.
5. When you __________a sports match, it’s important to learn from your mistakes and do
better next time.
6. In rugby, players usually pass the ball to each other by __________ it.
7. In football, players cannot hold the ball – they must move it by__________ it with their
8. In baseball, players wear a special glove on their hand to help them __________the ball.
9. In football and handball, the team that __________ the most goals is the winner.

Exercise 4: Read the sentences and choose the correct answers.

1. Cricket is a favorite/ good/ popular sport in several countries around the world, including
India and Britain.


2. There are 11 people in a cricket group/ set/ team.

3. You play the sport by hitting/ kicking/ throwing a hard red ball with a bat.
4. It can take five days to complete a cricket goal/ match/ point.
5. People often put/ use/ wear white clothes to play cricket.
Exercise 5: Find and highlight the odd word out in each group.
1. sailing swimming tennis windsurfing
2. football rugby cricket athletics
3. catching hit kick racket
4. matching judo tournament game
5. boxing snowboarding skiing ice satking
6.ball winner bat racket
Exercise 6: Complete the table with the third person present simple and -ing forms of the

Verb Third person spresent -ing form

snow ____________ snowing
fix fixes ____________
get ____________ ____________
stop ____________ ____________
wash ____________ ____________
make ____________ ____________
buy ____________ ____________
copy ____________ ____________
travel ____________ ____________


Exercise 7: Match the sentence halves.

1. My mun’s working
● ● at the weekend?

2. I often go to the cinema

● ● a volcano with my uncle.

3. I can’t speak to you right now

● ● eating his sandwich?

4. What does your brother

● ● in Italy at the moment.

5. In this photo, I’m climbing

● ● like doing in his free time?

6. What do you usually do

● ● because I’m watching TV.

7. Why isn’t Sam

● ● on a Saturday evening.

Exercise 8: Read the sentences and choose the correct answers.

1. I don’t know/ I’m not knowing how to play tennis, but I’d like to learn.
2. I’m very sorry, I can’t remember/ I’m not remembering your name.
3. Can you help me with my homework? I don’t understand/ I’m not understanding this
4. John has/ is having a great time on holiday. Look at these pictures on his blog!
5. I’m afraid you can’t borrow that book. It belongs/ It is belonging to my sister and she reads/ is
reading it at the moment.
6. I don’t want to/ I’m not wanting to go out tonight. I’m too tired!
7. My brother has/ is having so many hobbies! At the moment, he takes/ is taking photos in the
8. Sue can’t hear/ isn’t hearing you at the moment. She has/ is having a shower.
 Exercise 9: Complete the email with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
Hi William,
I __________(have) a great time here in Leeds. The city is really big and __________ (have) so
many interesting places to visit. I __________ (enjoy) my course so far and I really __________
(like) my classmates. I __________ (stay) in one of halls of residence this year, but next year I
may move into an apartment with some friends. I __________ (have got) a job in a local
restaurant so I can earn some extra money. I __________ (work) there three evenings a week
from 7:00 p.m. until midnight. It’s fine, but at the moment I __________ (look) for another job. I
__________ (want)one that __________ (finish) a bit earlier because I need more sleep !


Write soon with your news,


Exercise 10: Match the questions with the short answers.

1. Is that your brother playing tennis over there?

● ● Yes, he is.

2. Do you always get up early?

● ● Yes, I do.

3. Are your parents staying in a hotel?

● ● Yes, it is.

4. Are you making chocolate cake?

● ● No, I’m not.

5. Is your brother having a good time in Iceland?

● ● No, we don’t.

6. Do you and your parents always eat together?

● ● No, they don’t.

7. Am I wearing your gold necklace?

● ● Yes, you are.

8. Do any your school friends do Taekwondo?

● ● Yes, they are.

B. Language Builder
Exercise 1: Match the words with the pictures. Use the words in the box.
bag bottle bowl can cup glass plate

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______


5. ______ 6. ______ 7. ______

Exercise 2: Label the pictures. Choose the correct labels.

1. chips/ pasta/ rice 2. apple/lemon/orange 3. biscuit/ bread/ cake

4. fish/ meat/ sausage 5. butter/ cheese/ egg 6. garlic/ onion/ pepper

7. burger/ chicken/ steak 8. butter/ cream/ milk 9. pepper/ salt/ sugar

10. ice/ ice cream/ sauce 11. cola/ fruit juice/ water


Exercise 3: Match the words with the definitions.

1. breakfast ● ● People eat this meal outside in good weather.

2. omelet ● ● How you feel when you want to eat.

3. picnic ● ● This is the first meal of the day.

4. cereal ● ● This is the last meal of the day.

5. sandwich ● ● This is two pieces of bread with something in the middle.

6. dinner ● ● People eat this with milk or yoghurt in the morning

7. hungry ● ● People make this meal with eggs.

Exercise 4: Match the questions with the answers.

1. How can I help you? ● ● I I’d like a cup of coffee, please.

2. Have you got any biscuits? ● ● Yes, certainly. Onion or Tomato?

3. Would you like a glass of milk? ● ● Yes, please.

4. Could I have bowl of soup? ● ● That’s twenty pounds.

5. Can I also have a sweet? ● ● Yes, we have ice cream or cake.

6.How much is that, please? ● ● No, sorry, we haven’t.

7. Can I pay by card? ● ● No, sorry. Our machine is broken.

Exercise 5: Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences.

1. Bottle I please of water, can a have ?

2. You got have any sandwiches ?

3. Cola, please have I a could glass of ?

4. With milk of cup you a like coffee ?

5. Omelet like and onion with I’d an cheese .


6. Of a bowl I also can have with yoghurt cereal ?

7. And chips is steak much the how ?

8. Chocolate ice any got cream have you ?

Exercise 6: Choose the correct answers to the questions. Sometimes both answers are
1. A: Would you like milk and sugar?

B: ○Yes, please. ○No, Thank you.

2. A: Can I have a slice of lemon cake?

B: ○Yes, we have. ○Yes, of course.

3. A: Have you got any chips?

B: ○No, you haven’t. ○Yes, we have.

4. A: What would you like for dessert?

B: ○A bowl of ice cream. ○Some chocolate cake.

5. A: Could I have a cola, please?

B: ○In a can? ○In a bowl?

6. A: Can I pay by card?

B: ○Yes, no problem. ○No, we only take cash.

C. Reading & Writing

Exercise 1: Match the words with the pictures. Use the words in the box.

1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________


4. ______________ 5. ______________ 6. ______________

7. ______________ 8. ______________

Exercise 2: Read the information about college clubs. Then complete the exercise.
A Computer game club
Do you love playing computer games? The computer club meets every Monday and
Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. in the small hall. Bring your laptop and games and come and join
other computer game fans. We play a lot of different games, but sports and driving games are
very popular with our members. Once a year, we have a 24-hour games meeting, for the
biggest fans of computer games.
B Book club
If you love reading books, come to our book club. We meet on the last Thursday of every
month between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. in the college café to have coffee and cakes and talk
about the book that our members chose to read in the last meeting. We read many different
types of book, from books on history to ghost stories, and we are always happy to try reading
something new. We have many new members this year, so it is a good chance to make new
friends who also enjoy reading.
C Photography club
Come to our photography club to find out everything you need to know about taking fantastic
photographs. In the photography club, you will learn how to use your camera in different ways
to take amazing pictures. We meet every week at 3:00 p.m. in the college library, but we often
go out to different parts of the city to take photos. We hold a popular photography competition
every year and put up the best pictures in the library.
D Cooking club
The cooking club is always popular with students at the college. We meet once a month in the
college kitchen near the big hall and cook dishes from different countries in every meeting. In
the last meeting, we cooked an Italian pasta dish, and next we will cook a traditional Indian


curry. Afterwards, we sit down and enjoy the food together. Please see the cooking club poster
to find out what food to bring.

Match the information with the clubs. Read about the college clubs on the first screen again
to help you.

1. This club meets once in a week.
○ ○ ○ ○
2. This club meets in a café
○ ○ ○ ○
3. People need to bring food to this club.
○ ○ ○ ○
4. This club has a competition ever year.
○ ○ ○ ○
5. This club meets twice a week.
○ ○ ○ ○
6. Once a year, this club has an event which lasts a
whole day. ○ ○ ○ ○
7. There are a lot of new people in this club.
○ ○ ○ ○
8. This club meets near the big hall.
○ ○ ○ ○
Exercise 3: Read the letter from Rachel to her pen friend Susie. Then complete the

Dear Susie,

Thank you for your letter. I’m writing to tell you about the sports I enjoy doing. I like playing
tennis and swimming, but my favorite sport is cycling. I got my first bike when I was 8, and I
started cycling to school with my sister, Helen, when I was 12. Now my sister goes to a
different school, so I ride to school with my friend Laura. At the weekend, I often go cycling
in the countryside with my parents and Helen. We cycle all day and take a picnic for lunch.
We go cycling in winter and summer, but I prefer cycling in winter because the countryside
looks pretty. I like taking photos on my phone of the trees and animals.
I also go on cycling holidays with my family. We usually go to the north of England, but last
summer, we went to the mountains in the south of Spain. We all enjoyed cycling in the day
and going to restaurants in the evenings. It was sometimes difficult to cycle in Spain. It was
not difficult to cycle in the mountains because we had mountain bikes, but the weather was
very hot, so we got quite tired. I would like to go cycling in Spain again next summer, but my
parents want to go cycling in Scotland.
I also cycle for my school team. My friend Laura joined the team two years ago, and I joined
last year. We race against cyclists from other schools. Last year, I won second prize in the 10
km race. I was really happy, but next year I will try to win first prize.


In your next letter, please tell me about the sports you like. What is your favorite sport? Are
you in a team?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Complete the sentences with words from the letter. Write one word only in each gap.

1. Rachel favorite sport is ___________.

2. She got her first bike when she was ___________ .
3. She often goes cycling with her parents at the ___________ .
4. In the summer, Rachel’s family normally go cycling in ___________ .
5. It was sometimes difficult to cycle in Spain because it was ___________ .
6. She is on the cycling ___________ at school.
7. Rachel would like to know about the ___________ Susie likes.
8. She would also like to know if Susie is in a ___________.

Exercise 4: Read the letter from Rachel to Susie again. Then Choose the correct answers.
1. Rachel started riding her bike to school when she was 8/ 12.
2. Now Rachel cycles to school with Helen/ Laura.
3. Rachel prefers cycling in summer/ winter.
4. Last year Rachel and her family went to England/ Spain to go cycling.
5. Rachel and her family enjoyed cycling/ going to restaurants in the evenings in Spain.
6. Next year, Rachel’s parents want to go to Spain/ Scotland to go cycling.
7. Rachel joined the school cycling team one year ago/ two years ago.
8. Rachel won first prize/ second prize in the 10km race.

Exercise 5: Read an article about a teenager’s hobby. Then choose the correct answer,
True or False.
Adam Jones has an unusual hobby for a 15-year-old boy. Most of his friends like to spend
their time playing sports like football and basketball or playing computer games, but Adam
prefers to cook. Adam first became interested in food from watching cookery programs on
television, but he learned how to cook from his father who was a chef in a local Italian
restaurant. His father says that Adam is now the best cook in the family. In the past, Adam’s
father did all the cooking for the family, but now Adam cooks most of the family meals. His
parents love Adam’s cooking, and even his younger sister Sarah eats most of the food he


Adam likes cooking food from all over the world, but especially Italian, Indian and Thai food.
Last year, he went on holiday to India and Thailand with his family, and he enjoyed trying all
of the different dishes. Next year, he is going to travel to China and learn how to cook Chinese
food. Adam also likes computers and has his own website called ‘Cook with Adam’. He first
made the website as part of a school project, but now he uses it to tell people about his
cooking and to teach young people how to cook. It has easy food recipes, photos of his food
and videos to show people how to cook his favorite meals. The website is very popular with
young people, and Adam hopes that it will make them more interested in learning to cook. His
father now has his own restaurant, and Adam has a part-time job as a chef there. When people
go to the restaurant, they are often surprised that the chef is so young. Adam’s father is happy
for him to work there, but only at the weekends because he doesn’t want him to be too tired for
Adam recently won the first prize in a cooking competition for young people in the UK. He
made a chicken curry with rice and vegetables and a chocolate and raspberry dessert. He was
very surprised to be in the final part of the competition, and he couldn’t believe it when he
won first prize. He won £500 and a cooking lesson with a famous TV chef. Adam’s whole
family were very happy that he won the competition, especially his father. After the
competition, he appeared on a television news show and a cookery show. In the future, Adam
wants to move to London and work as a chef at a top restaurant. He would also like to have his
own cookery show on TV and to travel around the world and learn how to cook food from
many different countries.

True False
1. Adam likes cooking more than playing football. ○ ○
2. Adam learned how to cook from watching programs on television. ○ ○
3. Adam now cooks most of his family’s meals. ○ ○
4. Adam only likes cooking Italian, Indian or Thai food. ○ ○
5. Adam went to China with his family last year. ○ ○
6. Adam made his website for school project. ○ ○
7. Adam’s father allows him to work at the restaurant on any night of the
week ○ ○
8. Adam now has his own cookery show on television. ○ ○

Exercise 6: Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.


1. I really enjoy doing/ making/ taking photos with my new camera.

2. I started doing/ taking/ playing football when I was 8 years old.
3. I do/ go/ play swimming once a week.
4. My older brother does/ takes/ plays a lot of computer games.
5. Every weekend I play/ take/ watch TV with my family.
6. My sister makes/ takes/ reads a lot of books.
7. I often go/ ride/ play my bike to college.
8. My father likes cooking and makes/ plays/ takes really good Italian food.

Exercise 7: Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences from a letter.

1. You your for letter thank .

2. Sport about favorite you tell my I’m writing

to .

3. Sport is swimming my favorite .

4. Was 8 I first started swimming when .

5. Swimming go weekend at I often the .

6. I school my am writing at on the team


7. Competition last in a prize second won year, I


8. To soon hope hear you from .

Exercise 8: Complete Susie’s reply to Rachel’s letter. Use the adjectives from the box.

big difficult exciting fun happy healthy tired

Dear Rachel,

Thank you for your letter. I also enjoy sports. I like playing basketball and swimming, but my


favorite sport is football. I like football, because it is an exciting game, and it is a good way to
stay healthy. I started playing football when I was 9. In the summer, I often go to a football
summer camp. The summer camp is in the countryside, about two hours from my city, Los
Angeles. It is near a big forest. We do football training in the mornings and play matches in
the evenings. In the afternoons, we do other sports like swimming, walking and cycling. We
work hard, but we have a lot of fun too.
I also play for a football team. I joined the school team when I was 12. We do football training
twice a week, and we usually play a match on Saturdays with other school teams. I always feel
tired after matches, so I go to bed early! Sometimes we play on the football field at our school,
and sometimes we travel to other schools by bus and play there. Every year, our school enters
a football competition with schools all over California. Last year, our team won the
competition, so we were all really happy, and we had a special dinner at a restaurant to
celebrate. Next year, I want to join another girl’s football team in Los Angeles. It is a strong
team with lots of good players, so it’s difficult to get onto the team. I need to do a lot of
training this summer!

Hope to hear from you soon!

Best whishes,

Exercise 9: Read part of the letter. Then match the information with paragraph A or B.

A Thank you for your letter. I also enjoy sports. I like playing basketball and swimming, but
my favorite sport is football. I like football, because it is an exciting game, and it is a good
way to stay healthy. I started playing football when I was 9. In the summer, I often go to a
football summer camp. The summer camp is in the countryside, about two hours from my city,
Los Angeles. It is near a big forest. We do football training in the mornings and play matches
in the evenings. In the afternoons, we do other sports like swimming, walking and cycling. We
work hard, but we have a lot of fun too.
B I also play for a football team. I joined the school team when I was 12. We do football
training twice a week, and we usually play a match on Saturdays with other school teams. I
always feel tired after matches, so I go to bed early! Sometimes we play on the football field at
our school, and sometimes we travel to other schools by bus and play there. Every year, our
school enters a football competition with schools all over California. Last year, our team won
the competition, so we were all really happy, and we had a special dinner at a restaurant to
celebrate. Next year, I want to join another girl’s football team in Los Angeles. It is a strong
team with lots of good players, so it’s difficult to get onto the team. I need to do a lot of
training this summer!



1. When Susie started playing football

○ ○
2. When Susie joined the school football team
○ ○
3. Information about a football summer camp
○ ○
4. How Susie usually feel after playing football matches
○ ○
5. Information about a football competition
○ ○
6. How often Susie plays football
○ ○
7. Why Susie like football
○ ○
8. What Susie wants to do next year
○ ○

D. Listening & Speaking

Exercise 1: Match the statements with the pictures.
1. They’re playing basketball in the park.
2. They’re cycling in the country.
3. We’re doing karate.
4. We’re shopping in the supermarket.
5. We’re canoeing on the river.
6. They’re sailing on the sea.
7. He’s skiing in the mountain.
8. She’s cooking in the kitchen.
9. They’re hiking in the mountains.

1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________


4. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 6. ___________________

7. ___________________ 8. ___________________ 9. ___________________

Exercise 2: Listen to a phone call between Peter and his sister Susan. Choose the correct
answers. (Track 3.1)

1. Peter and his friend are staying at 4. Peter says he’s tired because
○a guest house. ○he’s doing too many activities.
○a hotel. ○ he’s not really fit.
○the activity center. ○ he’s not sleeping enough.
2. Peter says the food’s 5. The activity center is close to
○ great. ○a big river.
○ not very good. ○a lake.
○very good. ○ the sea.


3. At the moment Peter is 6. Peter and his friend are not going cycling
○cooking. because

○hiking. ○They can do it at home.

○ resting. ○They don’t have mountain bikes.
○They don’t like it.

Exercise 3: Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. The guest house is/ is being fantastic.
2. I have/’m having a wonderful time this afternoon.
3. This week, we get up/ ‘re getting up early every day.
4. At the moment she rest/ ‘s resting.
5. John and Steven swim/ are swimming this morning.
6. What do you do/ are you doing this week?
7. I study/’m studying every evening.

Exercise 4: Put the activities in the correct columns.

bowling judo karate fishing canoeing chess athletics

skiing basketball tennis football gymnastics

play do go
_____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________


Exercise 5. Listen and complete the conversations.

1. (Track 3.2)
A: Can I have a___________ of tea, please?
B: With _____________and sugar?
A: Yes, please.

2. (Track 3.3)
A: Can I help you?
B: Yes. Can I have a________________ of cola, please?
A: Yes, with______________?
B: No, thanks.

3. (Track 3.4)
A: Could I have a____________ of rice with egg, please?
B: Yes, certainly. Would you like a drink with that?
A: Yes, a_______________ of lemonade, please.

4. (Track 3.5)
A: How can I help you?
B: I’d like a_______________ , please.
A: With cheese, egg or_________________?
B: With cheese, please.

Exercise 5. Listen to someone ordering food in a cafeteria. Choose the correct answers.
(Track 3.6)
1. The customer would like to drink tea with lemon/ milk/ sugar.
2. The customer chooses carrot/ chocolate/ lemon cake.
3. The customer’s son would like to drink a bottle of cola/ glass of fruit juice/ glass of water.
4. The customer’s son would like to start his meal with a bowl of fish/ onion/ tomato soup.
5. The customer’s son would also like to eat burger/ chili/ fish and chips
6. The two orders cost £18.15/ £18.50/ £20


Exercise 6: Choose two of the pictures A–D to describe. Say how you feel about the
activities in the pictures. Spend a few minutes thinking about what to say.
Useful language:
In picture A (B, C, D) …
I can see …
I think …
There is / are …
The activity looks …

Picture A Picture B

Picture C Picture D


Exercise 2

Susan: Hi Peter!
Peter: Hi Susan! How are you?
Susan: I’m fine, thanks. And how are you? How’s your holiday?
Peter: It’s fantastic. I’m having a wonderful time! I’m staying with my friends at a guest house – it’s
close to the activity center and it’s cheaper than a hotel. It’s comfortable, but the food’s not very good!
But the staff are very friendly!
Susan: And what about the activities?
Peter: Every morning, we get up early and we usually go to the center. John and Steven are there now.
They’re swimming. And Martin’s in the kitchen, having fun, cooking with the chef, they’re preparing a
picnic because we’re going hiking later. At the moment, I’m resting because I’m exhausted.
Susan: Why are you so tired?
Peter: There are so many activities and I’m doing lots of them, I’m sleeping ten hours a night but the
activities are hard work and I’m not really fit! I’m sailing, I’m canoeing …
Susan: So the center is close to the sea?
Peter: It’s not close to the sea, but there’s a lake nearby, where we go sailing and canoeing, and there’s a
big river about twenty kilometers away where we go white water rafting. 
Susan: White water rafting! Are you going white water rafting?
Peter: Well, we’ve been once. It’s scary, but we enjoyed it. We’re going again tomorrow.
Susan: And what other things are there?
Peter: There’s cycling too, but we’re not going cycling; we like it, but we can do it at home. But there’s
mountain climbing and we definitely want to do that.
Susan: Isn’t that dangerous?
Peter: Yes, but the guides look after us really well. And what are you doing, Susan?
Susan: I’m studying as usual, and this afternoon I’m going shopping with Mary and Patricia.
Peter: Shopping!?! That’s so boring … 
Susan: Maybe for you, but I love it … 

Exercise 5
Assistant: Good morning. How can I help you?
Customer: I’d like a cup of tea, please.
Assistant: Would you like it with milk and sugar?
Customer: No, thanks, with a slice of lemon, please. And I’d also like something sweet to eat. Have you
got any nice biscuits?


Assistant: Yes, we’ve got chocolate biscuits and a really nice carrot cake.
Customer: Mmm. A slice of the carrot cake then, please. It looks really good. And as always, my son is
very hungry.
Son: And thirsty!
Assistant: Would you like a bottle of cola or glass of fruit juice?
Son: No, thanks. Can I just have a big glass of water, please?
Assistant: Yes, of course. And what would like to eat?
Son: Could I have a bowl of soup with bread to start with?
Assistant: Sure. What soup would you like? We’ve got onion, fish or tomato.
Son: Can I have onion soup and then burger and chips, please? A large portion of chips! And have you
got any chilli sauce?
Assistant: All the sauces are on the table.
Son: Can I also have a dessert, Dad?
Customer: Let’s see if you eat your soup and burger first.
Son: OK.
Customer: How much is that, please?
Assistant: One moment, please. That’s £18.15.
Customer: Can I pay by card?
Assistant: No, I’m sorry, our machine isn’t working today.
Customer: No problem. Here’s £20.
Assistant: And here’s your change. Enjoy your meal.
Customer: Thanks.


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