All They Ever Wanted

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All They Ever Wanted [1/2]

Title: All They Ever Wanted [1/2]

Author: FloweryMisha
Pairing: BaekYeol
Warning: BoyxBoy love. Enough said.
Summary: Baekhyun couldn�t stop, because loving Chanyeol was the best thing in the
Author's Note: When I reread this story, I just realized that Baekhyun sleeps a lot
/laughs awkwardly. Um. Just wave it off please OTL Beautiful fanart is done by
minseo_nine ;; love you so much baby <3

[All He Ever Wanted]

Running away was easy.

Not knowing what to do next was the hard part.

--Glenda Millard
The sound of raindrops falling onto the ceiling woke Baekhyun up.

The male tensed for a second as he blinked his eyes to adjust to the darkness
surrounding him. Baekhyun stole a glance at a clock by the nightstand and realized
that it was already past six am. Usually at this time, he would have already woken
up and prepare breakfast, but damn the weather was perfect for him to continue his
sleep. Baekhyun shivered slightly.

It�s cold.

The harsh pitter-patter on the windowsill indicated that the rain had gotten harder
and Baekhyun slowly sat up. Maybe a cup of tea will warm me up... The male sleepily
rubbed his eyes and just as he was about to slide off of the bed, a firm hand
snaked on his flat stomach and pulled him back.


�It�s cold,� Chanyeol murmured against the back of his neck and Baekhyun shuddered
in return. �Where are you going?�

�I�I�m just going to pull the curtain��

�Let it be,� Chanyeol grunted as he forced Baekhyun to face him, ignoring the fact
that the latter was squirming and squealing under his grip. �It�s Saturday. There�s
no rule that says that the curtain must be pulled open on Saturday morning.�

�But it�s really dark��

Baekhyun gave up talking when he felt Chanyeol tugged him even closer. The taller
of the two rested his chin deliberately on Baekhyun�s head and his arms firm around
the other�s lithe figure. A small smile graced his lips as Baekhyun hummed in
resignation and snuggled closer to Chanyeol to enjoy his partner�s warmth.

It�s warm.

Chanyeol, his personal heater.

Steady breaths indicated that Chanyeol had fallen back to sleep and after a moment,
Baekhyun tried to pull away. His movement was futile because even in a deep
slumber, Baekhyun couldn�t detach himself off of Chanyeol because of his iron grip.

Are you scared that I would go...?

Baekhyun carefully traced his fingers on Chanyeol�s flawless face and smiled to
himself. The latter had his lips slightly parted and he looked so serene in his
sleep. The view affected Baekhyun to go back to sleepy mode and he yawned. Chanyeol
was right. It was Saturday and they should just take the opportunity to sleep for a
few more hours.

The male lifted up his chin to meet his lips with Chanyeol�s.

�I love you,� he whispered fondly before drifting into a deep slumber.

Baekhyun�s life was complete.


It had been months since Baekhyun left his hometown.

Chanyeol had brought him into a small town, just a few hours from the capital city.
It was different than Seoul, of course, but it was a very nice place to live in.
At first, Baekhyun was scared because he wasn�t sure if he could adapt but Chanyeol
helped him through the hard times. It was hard because Baekhyun didn�t know what to
do. He didn�t go to the university to study. He didn�t have a car, much less and a
driver that would take him everywhere. He didn�t have any maids that do the
housework. Baekhyun knew it wasn�t going to be easy once he decided to follow
Chanyeol and he knew he would make a lot of mistakes.

But Chanyeol never scolded him.

The first time Baekhyun broke a plate, Chanyeol dropped everything from his hands
and rushed to his side panickly. He was washing the dishes�or at least, he tried
to�and fortunately, he wasn�t hurt, but Chanyeol was too worried that he ended up
telling Baekhyun to wait in the bedroom. He refused because he wanted to help but
Chanyeol only gave him a kind smile and told him that he could handle it. The
taller male ended up washing everything and Baekhyun felt awful.

As if it wasn�t enough, Baekhyun cut his index finger the first time they cooked
dinner together. Unfortunately, this time his finger was bleeding and Chanyeol had
dashed out of the kitchen to find his first aid kit. It was just a cut, but being
protected (more like caged) by his mother for so long never let him feel any
physical pain. Baekhyun went pale at the sight of his own blood.

Chanyeol got back right before Baekhyun became hysterical. The male took care of
the wound easily and after a nice bandage was wrapped around Baekhyun�s bleeding
finger, he told the older male to just relax and prepare the table. Chanyeol ended
up cooking everything and again, Baekhyun felt like crying because he wanted to
help. It must have slipped out of his mouth unconsciously because Chanyeol then
kissed Baekhyun�s fingers and murmured that he should be grateful at the fact that
his ring finger was alright.

Because there lied the wedding ring.

They passed by a small church the other day and the crazy idea came out of nowhere
(Baekhyun thought it had something to do with that Bruno Mars� song). When Chanyeol
suggested that they should get married, Baekhyun immediately said yes. He said yes
because he was certain that he didn�t want the other male to leave him and that his
emotions toward Chanyeol were so huge that he was scared to even let go of his

So they did it.

It probably happened too soon and Baekhyun wondered if he�they�was prepared for it,
but when the priest asked if he had the wedding ring and Chanyeol took out the
boxes from his pocket, Baekhyun knew Chanyeol was serious.

That he had planned it all.

Sometimes, Baekhyun pondered if they would be able to make it. Sure, Chanyeol had a
freelance job to make money, but he didn�t. The taller male earned money from
taking wedding pictures and Baekhyun had to admit he was proud because the photos
Chanyeol took were stunning. All of the clients were satisfied with the results and
complimented his work.

While Baekhyun was...well, he just stayed at home (Chanyeol became their family�s
breadwinner). The first few days, Baekhyun didn�t have the courage to go out by
himself. Chanyeol had always accompanied him whenever they went out and their hands
were always linked. Baekhyun knew he was burdening his spouse by being clingy, but
Chanyeol didn�t seem to mind. Slowly, but surely, as days turned to weeks, he was
able to go out without Chanyeol by his side. At least now he wouldn�t have to wait
for his husband anymore if they ran out of rice or sugar. Baekhyun could just walk
to the nearest convenience store and bought it. It was a small town afterall and
every place could be reached by walking.

They never ran out of money.

Or at least it was enough for daily meals.

Baekhyun had some money in his account, but Chanyeol never asked for it. There were
times when Baekhyun used his own money to buy things and he got scolded by his
husband in return. Chanyeol told him firmly that if he needed something, he should
just ask.

But how could he...?

Chanyeol was the one who work, and how could he ask for money while all he did was
just slacking around...?

One day, Baekhyun ran out of ingredients for dinner and the male pursed his lips
thoughtfully. He recalled about the money agreement between them. Chanyeol was
going to be home soon, but if he waited for him to go to the supermarket, he wasn�t
sure if the tall male could hold his hunger... Chanyeol was skinny, but he ate
quite a lot. So the male decided to buy takeouts with his own money. Baekhyun glad
he did, because the moment he got home, Chanyeol did too.

Chanyeol�s expression went blank at the plastic bag Baekhyun was holding.

�I bought Thai food,� Baekhyun said hesitantly as he pried off of his shoes. �I
hope you like it...?�

�Whose money did you use?�

Baekhyun flinched at the tone. �M�mine.�

�What did I tell you about that, Baek? Why didn�t you wait for me? Or better yet,
why didn�t you just call and let me know if we run out of food?�
�I�� Baekhyun swallowed as he placed the food on the table. Money seemed to be a
sensitive topic in the house lately and he hated it. �I didn�t want you to feel
hungry. Besides, I assure you, they�re not expensive...�

�It�s not about the price, Baek.�

�I know�and I�m sorry, but I want to... At least, let me do this once in a

�I don�t want you to think about money,� Chanyeol said sternly as he grabbed his
spouse�s slender arm. �I married you, Baekhyun, I�m the one who�s responsible for
our financial�� He stopped talking at Baekhyun�s expression.

�I�m sorry,� Baekhyun whispered sadly. �I just�I�m sorry. Please don�t be angry...�

�I�m not angry,� Chanyeol sighed in defeat and pulled him into an embrace. �I�m

Baekhyun sniffed against Chanyeol�s chest and clung to him almost desperately. He
didn�t want Chanyeol to be angry. He didn�t want Chanyeol to think that he wasn�t
obeying him.


Chanyeol lifted up Baekhyun�s chin with two fingers and kissed him softly.

�I�m sorry,� his husband smiled apologetically. �Come on, let�s eat. I�m starving.�

Baekhyun�s heart stuttered badly when Chanyeol kissed him again and he nodded.

(Chanyeol ended up giving him a lot more money than usual).

The first time Baekhyun met Junmyeon, he couldn�t help but think that he was some
kind of an angel.

He had the most beautiful eyesmile Baekhyun had ever seen and judging from the way
he spoke in such a composed manner, Junmyeon came from a high class family.

Baekhyun had never known if Chanyeol had a close friend (well, they seemed terribly
close) and his heart clenched a bit when Junmyeon laughed and leaned forward to hug
his husband. Junmyeon was beautiful�compared to you, his mind bitterly spoke. The
way Chanyeol smiled fondly at the smaller man obviously stating that Junmyeon was
precious to him. Baekhyun felt weird.

It turned out that Junmyeon was Chanyeol�s senior in high school and they kept in
touch all these years (�O�oh,� Baekhyun stammered). Their friendship must be
something because when Junmyeon found out that they were looking for a place to
stay, he offered his unoccupied apartment. Baekhyun pressed his lips together
because it would probably be better if they just searched someplace else�but
Chanyeol had agreed under the condition that he would let them pay for the rent.
Junmyeon rolled his eyes and waved a hand dismissively and Chanyeol mimicked his
expression before grinning.

Baekhyun kind of hated the way Chanyeol stared at Junmyeon. It was new to him
because Chanyeol had never looked at anyone else�beside him, of course�like that
before. There was admiration and respect and fond and a little bit�just a little
bit�of love. Baekhyun kept the ridiculous thought to himself and internally shook
his head.

Junmyeon then gave them an address and the entrance keys. They headed to the
apartment together with Junmyeon�s car�and Baekhyun�s hunch was right about his
status, the car was certainly an expensive one. The apartment was located downtown
and it was almost the same size with the one Chanyeol had in Seoul. For Baekhyun,
it was enough. After nearly twenty one years of living in a huge house, he
preferred small places. At least they had a comfortable bed to sleep in.

And he had Chanyeol, which made everything alright.

�Do you need any help?�

Junmyeon appeared behind them and Baekhyun felt himself scooting away slightly.

�Nope, we�re done. I really appreciate this, hyung. I�ll pay the rent to you,�
Chanyeol stubbornly stated.
�Don�t be silly,� Junmyeon snorted. �You�re family�� Baekhyun stared at him and
Junmyeon quickly cleared his throat. �I mean, you�re like a family.�

�Still, I�m going to pay the rent,� Chanyeol insisted and gave the older male a

Junmyeon was about to let out another protest when Baekhyun interrupted with a

�Where did you both study?�

Both of the men turned their heads toward Baekhyun. Chanyeol�s expression was blank
while Junmyeon was puzzled.

�Where did we...?�

�Well, you guys were in the same high school, right...�

It was then that Junmyeon noticed Baekhyun�s hand had been on Chanyeol�s arm the
whole time. Realization dawned upon him as a small smile tugged on his lips.

He understood what Baekhyun was going through.



Chanyeol and Junmyeon exchanged surprised looks. Baekhyun was right behind
Chanyeol, so he couldn�t see the look his husband gave Junmyeon and the other male
pursed his lips, letting Chanyeol answered.

�Seoul,� Chanyeol said to his spouse.

�I�I see,� Baekhyun didn�t like the flat tone in Chanyeol�s tone and he forced
himself to smile. �Where was it?�

Junmyeon went pale and sent Chanyeol a terrified glance.

�I changed schools a lot,� Chanyeol�s tone somehow laced with a warning that the
topic stopped there.

Baekhyun�s heart hurt. Why won�t you let me know...? He slowly detached his hand
off of Chanyeol�s arm and looked down.
�I�I should go,� Junmyeon said. �I�ll see you soon...?�

�Yeah,� Chanyeol moved toward Junmyeon and somehow forgetting the fact that
Baekhyun was behind him. �I�ll walk you downstairs.�

�No, it�s okay,� Junmyeon shook his head. �It must have been a long day and you
should get some rest. Don�t worry, it�s my apartment afterall, I know where the
door is.�

The beautiful male waved a hand and when he realized Baekhyun shifted his eyes
anywhere but him, he sighed softly.

Baekhyun didn�t like the new feeling that had bubbled within him.

It felt a lot like jealousy.


Junmyeon dropped by a lot, much to Baekhyun�s dismay.

He refused to talk much to Junmyeon and acted like it was because they barely knew
each other. Junmyeon tried to establish a decent conversation whenever he came by
but Baekhyun would lean closer to Chanyeol and held on to Chanyeol�s arm.

It was as if he wasn�t willing to share Chanyeol with anyone.

But Junmyeon didn�t give up that easily.

Sometimes when the beautiful male dropped by, he would bring them food. He would do
his best to invade Baekhyun�s personal space but then would retreat nicely when the
latter sent him a disapproving glare (funny how Junmyeon felt like he was trying to
touch a wet, stray cat that didn�t trust a human). He noticed Baekhyun�s confusion
about using the washing machine and the dishwasher and he voluntarily helped him
(and smiled when he heard Baekhyun uttered an embarrassed thank you).

Junmyeon did his best to show Baekhyun that he wasn�t there to take Chanyeol away.
Sure, he laughed a lot with the taller male but what happened between them was
brotherly love and nothing more. Junmyeon cared about Chanyeol and it was the
truth, but not in the same way Chanyeol did to Baekhyun. It took them several days
before Baekhyun understood the gesture and he was starting to relax. Even though he
still gripped Chanyeol�s arm whenever Junmyeon was near, but he didn�t shy away.
The male was starting to respond to Junmyeon�s questions and it made the latter

Chanyeol had excused himself to take a phone call and that left only Junmyeon and
Baekhyun in the kitchen.

�So...� Junmyeon started. �How did you two meet...?�

Baekhyun paused momentarily. �At the university.�

�I see. You took the same major?�

�No, it was�� Baekhyun paused again. He bit the inside of his cheek and shook his
head. Who is Junmyeon to know? He probably didn�t know if he and Chanyeol were
running away. �We just...did.�

�Oh,� Junmyeon replied and he realized Baekhyun didn�t want to talk about it.
�Well, I�m married to�� The beautiful male hastily clasped a hand over his mouth
and coughed. �I mean, I�m�I�m dating friend.�

Baekhyun gave Junmyeon a funny look. �He has never mentioned a best friend...�

�Well, that�s because he�s not in Korea. And besides... I don�t think they�ve been
talking lately...�

�So you�re saying that he doesn�t talk to his best friend but he talks to his best
friend�s boyfriend?�

Junmyeon�s expression darkened at that because he clearly had said something wrong.
He opened his mouth, wanting to stutter a reason or two or ten, but decided to
close it back and lowered his hands onto the flat surface. �It�s�it�s not like

Baekhyun clattered his fork onto the plate. Junmyeon felt himself shivering under
his gaze as the younger male narrowed his eyes in dislike.
�Did you...did you tell your boyfriend that Chanyeol is here?�

Junmyeon had no idea what to retort. Fortunately, Chanyeol walked in at the exact

�I�m sorry. What did I miss?�

Junmyeon abruptly stood up. �Chanyeol, I�m sorry, I... I gotta go.�

Chanyeol frowned. �Is something wrong?�

�I just�I just need to go home.�

Chanyeol worriedly stared at Junmyeon for a moment before nodding. �Be careful,

Baekhyun didn�t lift up his face up until he was sure Junmyeon was out of the room.
He faintly heard the sound of the front door closing and got up to reach Chanyeol.
Baekhyun slowly hugged Chanyeol from behind and pressed his forehead on his
husband�s back.


Don�t look at anyone else but me...

�What�s wrong?�

Who is he to you...?

�I�m just tired,� Baekhyun lied. �Can I wash the dishes later in the morning...?�

Chanyeol turned to face him and gently caressed his hair. �It�s alright, let me do
it for you.�

�No,� Baekhyun whispered. �Sleep with me.�

�I always sleep with you, baby.�

�Please,� Baekhyun pleaded in exasperation. �Please, just...just hug me until I

fall asleep.�
I�m too scared to know.

Chanyeol seemed confused at his spouse�s request but he nodded anyway. �Alright.
Let�s go to bed, Baek.�

Just don�t let me go...


Baekhyun breathed in relief because when he woke up the next morning, Chanyeol�s
arms were wrapped around his waist.

He could feel Chanyeol�s steady breath on the back of his neck and Baekhyun felt
like crying.

Even in his sleep, Chanyeol didn�t let go.

Baekhyun let a few more minutes passed before turning around to face Chanyeol. His
husband hummed slightly at the movement and Baekhyun instinctively touched his

�I�m sorry,� he whispered. �Just go back to sleep.�

�Hm,� Chanyeol frowned with his eyes closed. �What day is it?�


�I have an appointment at eleven. What time is it...?�

�Eight thirty.�
�We slept that long?� Chanyeol�s eyes cracked opened and Baekhyun pulled his
fingers away. �I need to get up.�

Baekhyun wanted to tell him that he still had a few hours and they could still
cuddle, but he let Chanyeol go as the male sat up on the bed. Suddenly, the thought
of being left alone in the apartment bugged him. Chanyeol had just given him some
money last week and Baekhyun probably wasn�t the best financial planner because he
would need more if he was going to shop for dinner.

He wanted to help Chanyeol financially.



�I...� Baekhyun avoided his gaze. �I want to work...�

�You want to work,� Chanyeol deadpanned. �Is the money I give you not enough?�

�N�no,� Baekhyun quickly replied. Dammit, why was Chanyeol so sensitive about
money? �It�s just that�� What was it? �I just don�t want to stay at home alone... I
mean, it would be nice if I have an activity...or something...�

�You can ask Junmyeon-hyung to accompany you.�

Baekhyun�s face faltered at the words and he frowned in dislike. Why is it always
Junmyeon...? He wondered if it was alright for him to tell Chanyeol what he felt
but a part of him was scared to tell the truth.

�I�ll just give you his number��

�I don�t want him to accompany me.�

Chanyeol went blank. �What...?�

Baekhyun hesitantly bit his lower lip. He cowered at the expression chiseled on
Chanyeol�s face. It was probably a mistake to say it. Why didn�t he just keep it
all inside?

�Hey,� Chanyeol solemnly cupped Baekhyun�s chin. �What�s wrong with Junmyeon-hyung?

�I don�t know,� Baekhyun honestly replied and he sighed. �Why aren�t you talking
with his boyfriend?�

Chanyeol blinked. �His boyf...wait, he told you that?�

�It�s been a while since you talked to his boyfriend, and yet you�re talking to
your best friend�s boyfriend...�

�Well, best friends aren�t supposed to hate each other...�

Baekhyun�s eyes widened. �You hate his boyfriend?�

�More like he hates me,� Chanyeol shrugged nonchalantly. �I don�t know, we�ve never
been in a good term as long as I live. But Junmyeon... Junmyeon�s different.�

Baekhyun�s heart sank.

�Baek,� Chanyeol said seriously and took Baekhyun�s hand.. �I trust Junmyeon. Long
before I knew you, he was the only person I could count on... He was the only
person who would try to contact me and genuinely ask how I�m doing.� The taller of
the two gave a calming squeeze on his fingers. �That�s don�t need to feel
jealous of Junmyeon-hyung.�

Baekhyun blushed. �I�I�m not��

�Don�t think you can hide anything from me.�

Baekhyun looked away in defeat.

�You said you wanted to work?� Chanyeol looked thoughtful, as if he was doubting
Baekhyun�s ability to do so. �You can play piano, right?� He received a reluctant
nod as a reply. �How about teaching?�


�Yeah. The money�s not that good, but at least it�s not a labor work... I�ll tell
Junmyeon-hyung that you can start next week. He knows some kids in the neighborhood
who like music.�

�A�are you serious...?� Baekhyun had to force himself not to flinch at the mention
of the other male�s name. But if he wanted to help Chanyeol with the money, maybe
they needed to get along. �I�I can work...?�

Chanyeol nodded. �If you want to, baby.�

Baekhyun shrieked in happiness and without thinking, he leaned forward to throw
himself into Chanyeol�s arms before kissing him breathlessly.


When Chanyeol offered him to teach, he didn�t think of how the students would be.

Baekhyun had just arrived outside the luxurious apartment when he heard yelling
from inside. The male was stunned on his track. His hands never made it to the bell
because he was quite certain the yelling was about him.

�I don�t want to play the piano! I want to play soccer! Piano is for the weak!
Piano is for girls!!!�

Baekhyun unconsciously held his breath. If he wasn�t mistaken, he was supposed to

teach an eight year old named Josephine Liu...which he was also quite certain that
Junmyeon said it was a girl. Baekhyun was thinking of what to do when suddenly the
door swung open and a middled aged woman walked out.

�Don�t be silly, of course you�re gonna have�whoa!�

Baekhyun hastily stepped aside so that they wouldn�t collide and he gave her an
awkward smile. �G�good afternoon. You must be Mrs. Liu...�

�Ah, you have arrived,� she adjusted the strap of her slingbag and smiled warmly.
�You must be Baekhyun. Please, make yourself at home. I need to go to the hospital,
so please take care of my daughter. She can be handful at times, but she just needs
some time to adapt with you.� With that, she walked past him and Baekhyun found
himself bowing slightly.

He waited until the middle aged woman disappeared into the elevator and he turned
�only to find that a boy was glaring at him from the door.

�Uhm,� Baekhyun started unsurely. �Hello there...� He thought it was a boy. But
with a closer look, it turned out that it indeed was a girl�her short blond hair
and her England soccer club uniform almost got him fooled. She looked like she was
the rebellious type and Baekhyun gulped nervously. �Josephine��

�Call me Amber.�

Baekhyun decided to play along. �Hello, Amber...�

Amber stomped her feet on the floor. �I don�t want to learn piano.�

�May I�may I know why?�

The eight year old girl arrogantly snorted and crossed her arms. �Piano is for
girls. I want to play soccer.� She stared vindictively at Baekhyun from head to
toe. �Aren�t you a guy? Why don�t you play soccer? Why did you learn this

Her words stabbed right through Baekhyun�s heart. �Uh...yeah, I�m a guy, but no.
Piano isn�t just for the girls, it�s for everyone. Although, soccer is too...I

Amber pouted and spun around in her sneakers to walk away. Baekhyun took the
opportunity to walk after her and closed the door. She headed straight to the grand
piano in the middle of the living room and tilted her head to a side.

�My mother wants me to learn,� she crossed her arms on her chest. �If she wants it
badly, why can�t she be the one to learn? She should�ve known that I�m not like any
girl. I�m not pretty. I don�t like to braid my hair. I don�t like to wear skirts
and dresses. Piano...� Amber stared at her own feet. �Piano is for the sissies. I�m
not feminine. Why can�t she see that?�

Baekhyun was supposed to argue with that, because he wasn�t feminine (but halted
because on second thought, he doubted himself�was he?) and it somehow reminded him
of his own mother. Few memories flashed back to him, how he obeyed everything his
mother said and he was extremely unhappy about that. Maybe...maybe Amber felt the
same way like him. Their mother didn�t want to accept the fact that their children
weren�t like what they expected, so they forced him to follow their ways.

�Amber,� Baekhyun softly started, wondering if he could try to explain. �I know how
you feel. I really do. You�re still in a state where you can�t do anything without
your parents� help...but if you just hold on a little longer, you can decide what
you want to do later without having to listen to your parents. At least, when the
time is right, I believe you can...�
She stared at him blankly. �Did you do that? Did you hold on?�

For Chanyeol?

Baekhyun shyly nodded. �I did.�

�Hm,� she hummed. �I guess I have no choice...but I still won�t change my mind that
piano is for the feminine!! Soccer is much more challenging!�

Baekhyun smiled. �Let�s see if I can change your mind about that.�


The first week with Amber was tiring.

Baekhyun had to be extra patient because Amber was whining and complaining (�Okay I
admit that piano is just as challenging as soccer!�) and besides, it was his first
experience in teaching. Despite the fact that the girl kept on saying that she
hated music and she was much more into sports, it turned out that she had ears for
music. Whenever Baekhyun played a few notes, she would be able to follow the tunes
perfectly. She needed to learn more on the theory but overall it was alright. Amber
was promising.

�Good morning.�

Chanyeol�s deep voice resonated through his ear and Baekhyun almost jumped.

�You scared me,� Baekhyun protested as he playfully pushed Chanyeol away. He was
just preparing the breakfast in the kitchen. His frown dissolved as he saw Chanyeol
had already taken a shower and dressed neatly. �Are you going somewhere...?�
�Yeah. I�m booked for a pre-wed photoshoot.�

�Pre-wed,� Baekhyun repeated and his eyes shifted down to the SLR camera that was
hanging on his husband�s chest. He said nothing more, but Chanyeol knew him enough
to know what he was thinking.

�I know that look,� Chanyeol poked Baekhyun�s nose. �You�re thinking, �we never
have that.��

�I�� Baekhyun turned crimson. �I didn�t�I mean, I��

We didn�t even hold a reception.

�I�m sorry,� he whispered apologetically. He didn�t want Chanyeol to think that he

wasn�t grateful. Why is that Chanyeol always able to see right through me? �You
know me best, Chanyeol... But...but I regret should know that.�

�I know.� Chanyeol peppered light kisses on Baekhyun�s fingers, especially on the

one where the ring curled on. Baekhyun�s heart stuttered at the affectionate
gesture. �Well, I need to go now. I�ll see you tonight.�

�Wait,� Baekhyun said. �Are you in a hurry?�

�Kind of. Why?�

�I�I didn�t know you have an appointment this morning, so nothing is done yet... Is
coffee alright?�

�Yeah, it�s fine, I�ll just grab something later,� Chanyeol said and he randomly
went for a cup of coffee. �I�ll just put it in a tumbler.�

�Wait, it�s mine,� Baekhyun said and shoved him another cup of coffee. �This is
yours. Sugar, no cream, right?�

Chanyeol was a bit stunned at how thoughtful Baekhyun was before breaking into a

He leaned down to catch Baekhyun�s thin lips and whispered,

�My baby knows me best.�


Sometimes, when Baekhyun was all by himself, he wondered if his parents had ever
looked for him.

Baekhyun followed the news just to make sure if his parents had reported him
missing or something, but so far, there was nothing. Which was exactly like his
mother, because she wouldn�t want the world to know that their only son�the heir of
Byun family�had left to be with a filth. Baekhyun felt a huge pang in his chest at
the thought. Chanyeol wasn�t a filth. Who was she to say that he was...?

His marriage with Chanyeol was perfect and he wanted nothing else but that.

And not for a second Baekhyun had ever regretted his decision.

Because being with Chanyeol was all he ever wanted and he was glad he took the
chance to be with him.

Weeks had passed like a breeze and they lived through each day peacefully.

Baekhyun�s second student was an eleven years old boy named Henry and unlike Amber,
he was naturally talented in music. Henry was a quick learner and again, unlike
Amber, he was improving fast. The boy absorbed all of the theories that Baekhyun
taught less than a week and he couldn�t help but feel proud. But both of his
students were special and slowly, but surely, Baekhyun came to love them like an
older brother taking care of his younger siblings.

One day, Henry didn�t feel like playing because his dog had just died. It was old
and the doctor said they had to put him down, because Trap (Trap for a pet�s name?
Baekhyun pondered innocently) was ill and he was in a deep pain.

The boy sobbed quietly on his lap and Baekhyun stroke his hair affectionately,
sometimes whispering soothing words. Baekhyun never knew what it felt like to lose
a pet because he never had one, but he imagined it must be the same feeling he
would have if he ever lose Chanyeol. He shuddered at his own thought. He never
wanted that to happen.
�Hyung,� Henry muttered darkly. �What do you play when you feel down?�

�My favorite song.�

The boy looked up at him. �What�s your favorite song?�

�It�s...� Baekhyun trailed off. Because all of his favorite songs were all
Chanyeol�s favorite. �It�s an old song...�

�Can you play it for me?�


Baekhyun then walked to the piano and settled down on the seat. Henry drew his
knees close to his chest as his teacher took a deep breath and started playing.
Baekhyun instinctively closed his eyes as his fingers danced on the keys, a
familiar feeling rushed to his chest at the beautiful melodies. When you smile,
sunshine... Halfway the song, he felt something on him and stopped playing.
Baekhyun glanced questioningly at Henry. The boy had his hands on his arms.

�It�s beautiful,� Henry sniffed. �Sad, and yet beautiful. What does it called?�

�It�s beautiful, right,� Baekhyun smiled and played some more. �It�s called Baby
Don�t Cry.�

�Baby Don�t Cry... Hyung, will you teach me the song?�

Baekhyun nodded and stroke the boy�s hair caringly. �I will. But let me teach you
next week. You need to rest now.�

Henry rubbed his eyes sleepily. He had been crying too much and when Baekhyun
offered his hand to guide him back to his bedroom, he took it happily. �I�ll see
you next week, hyung...don�t forget your promise.�

�I won�t forget. Now have a good rest, all right?�

After tucking the boy into his bed, Baekhyun absentmindedly looked outside the
window. It was raining. He pondered for a second if he should wait until it
subsided, but it wasn�t his home... Henry�s parents could be home by now and
Baekhyun decided to just run home instead of waiting. He needed to stop by for
groceries anyway and he could just purchase a new umbrella at the same place.

Luckily, it wasn�t that far from Henry�s house to the supermarket.

Baekhyun leaned against the wall beside the supermarket�s entrance to catch his
breath after the long run. It wasn�t that far, but Baekhyun was never one for
sports and that was why he felt terribly exhausted. After a few minutes, his heart
was back to the regular beat and Baekhyun sighed. When he looked up, it was then
that he noticed there was an expensive car at the parking lot. It looked just like
his father�s car and all of his efforts to calm down failed miserably. His heart
sped up again in such impossible beat, like it would leap out of his ribcage any
minute. Baekhyun drew in a deep breath and held it for a moment. No, it was
different...the color was different. It wasn�t the same car.

Appa is busy. He�s not gonna look for you like this. If he wants to find you,
he�ll...he�ll probably...

Baekhyun gulped.

...hired a private investigator...?

He brought a hand to his chest, waiting for his heartbeat to calm down again. It
wasn�t his father�s car, but nonetheless he still felt scared. Should he call
Chanyeol? Should he just shrug it off? It might be just his unreasonable
insecurities... Baekhyun was still battling with his inner self when he caught the
sight of Junmyeon walking with someone beside him. They shared an umbrella under
the rain, and Baekhyun noticed that whoever it was, he had his arm on Junmyeon�s

His fear slowly dissipated as Junmyeon and the other male�he was extremely tall
with blond hair, by the way�headed to the expensive car. The unknown male opened
the passenger�s door, letting Junmyeon clambered inside first before closing it and
walked to the driver�s side.

Baekhyun had the courage to move when the car drove away and it was out of his

Who was it...?

It was probably Junmyeon-hyung�s friend...

Baekhyun shook his head and dragged a hand up to clutch on his chest. Whoever it
was, it had nothing to do with him.

He was scared for no reason, that was for sure.


Baekhyun wanted to ask Chanyeol about the male with Junmyeon from the day before.

The arm on the older male�s waist showed that it was an intimate gesture, and
Junmyeon did say that he was dating Chanyeol�s (not so) best friend, right? Was his
boyfriend in Korea? If he was, didn�t Chanyeol want to meet him?

But he never managed to ask his husband the questions because he was too tired
during the night and when morning came they had overslept. When Baekhyun snapped to
consciousness and shook his husband, Chanyeol panickly went to the bathroom to wash
himself and got dressed in record time. His husband left in a hurry after pecking
him on his lips�Baekhyun didn�t even get the chance to make his coffee.

Baekhyun�s schedule was to teach Amber, but he didn�t feel really well that day. He
was unable to focus, it felt like his sight had gone blurry. Baekhyun kept of
glancing at his watch, impatiently wanting to go home soon. After he was done with
the session, he almost ran toward their home. Something uncomfortable settled in
his heart and he wanted to see Chanyeol. He wanted to be with him.

He wanted to feel safe.

Just as Baekhyun passed by the stores on his way home, he overheard few people

�...ever seen this person?�

Baekhyun�s eyes widened as he stole a glance over his shoulder. There were two
suspicious men in their coats. One of them was asking one of the owner of the
stores and he was showing him a picture in his hand. Baekhyun went pale at the view
and he felt extremely scared. His steps quickened into a run and he was desperate
to see Chanyeol.


The minute he arrived at the apartment, he breathlessly climbed two steps at a

time. Baekhyun couldn�t slow down, he didn�t want to, but it was as if his feet
were transfixed onto the ground when he spotted the front door of their apartment
was left slightly ajar. He froze on his track. Baekhyun almost had to pinch himself
in order to move forward.


No one answered.

�Baby?� Baekhyun called out once again. �Chanyeol, are you home...?�

�I�m here, Baek.�

Baekhyun let out a grateful sigh at the voice of his husband and he immediately ran
to the living room, wanting to hug him as soon as possible. The moment he entered
the room, he realized that Chanyeol wasn�t alone.

It was the blond haired male who was with Junmyeon yesterday.


The blond haired male smiled at him. �Oh, so this is Baekhyun?�

Chanyeol walked closer to Baekhyun and sent the other male a glare. �Leave him
alone.� He stood in front of Baekhyun protectively.

�Chanyeol...? Who is he...?�

Baekhyun almost shrieked when the stranger stepped closer to them, but Chanyeol
didn�t budge. When they were just a few steps away, the blond male politely
extended a hand.

�My name is Wu Yifan.�

Chanyeol groaned in dislike.

�And I�m your brother in law, Wu Baekhyun.�

All They Ever Wanted [2/2]

Title: All They Ever Wanted [2/2]

Author: FloweryMisha
Pairing: BaekYeol
Warning: BoyxBoy love. Enough said.
Summary: Baekhyun couldn�t stop, because loving Chanyeol was the best thing in the


The news shocked Baekhyun too much that he wasn�t able to comment anything.

Chanyeol groaned and hissed something in a foreign language at Yifan. It seemed to

be a cuss because Yifan�s expression hardened. The situation between Chanyeol and
Yifan was so thick that Baekhyun absently thought he could slice it. His husband
then told him to make some coffee and Baekhyun excused himself to the kitchen. He
was just about to walk back into the living room with a tray of three cups of
coffee when he overheard Chanyeol�s heavy voice.

�...told you this?�

Baekhyun paused reluctantly. Maybe he shouldn�t interrupt...

�Junmyeon has nothing to do with this,� came Yifan�s firm reply. �When I showed up
yesterday, he looked a bit scared and panicked and that�s why I took his phone. And
guess what? His habit of not deleting things is still there and I easily found your
texts. Did you even tell Baekhyun that Junmyeon is your brother in law?�

�I didn�t.�

�Why not?�

�I just didn�t, okay? And Junmyeon-hyung didn�t want to freak Baekhyun out�he told
him you�re my best friend. Just�just tell me, Yifan. Why are you here?�

Yifan narrowed his eyes and straightened on his seat. �You�ve been avoiding our
family for months, Chanyeol. I know it�s��

There was a sound at the door and the blond male fell silent. The two men snapped
their heads toward the direction and a very embarrassed Baekhyun appeared.

�I�m sorry, I�ll just��

�Baby,� Chanyeol motioned him to come closer. �It�s all right. I need the coffee.�


Yifan gave Baekhyun an unreadable stare and the latter squirmed under the gaze.
Baekhyun settled the tray down on the table and handed Chanyeol his usual coffee.
His hand paused at the cup he planned to give Yifan but he hesitated momentarily.
Yifan seemed to realize this, too.

�I�I don�t know how your coffee should be...�

Yifan�s brows raised slightly at Baekhyun�s shy remark and his eyes softened at
him. �Two sugar and cream, please.�

Baekhyun awkwardly nodded and got up to the kitchen. When he got back with two
packs of sugar and cream, Yifan and Chanyeol still said nothing to each other.
Chanyeol sipped his drink as he rubbed his forehead in annoyance. He obviously
didn�t like the fact that Yifan showed up.

�Where are your parents, Baekhyun?�

Baekhyun looked up in surprise because the question was addressed to him.

�Did they look for you?�

�This isn�t about him,� Chanyeol said defensively and moved closer to Baekhyun. �I
said, leave him alone, Yifan.�

�If he�s family, then he�s in this too,� Yifan frowned. �What the hell were you
thinking, Chanyeol? You didn�t just marry someone without their parents� consent.�

Chanyeol snorted in pure mockery. �Oh, so it�s better for me to just follow your
footsteps and marry someone that is decided for you.�

�Leave Junmyeon out of this.�

�Oh, if he�s family, then he�s in this too.�

Yifan seemed upset by his brother�s words. His sharp intake of breath could be
heard as he pointed at Baekhyun. �You took him away from his family. How long has
it been? You�re lucky that his parents haven�t filed anything against you!�

�You!� Chanyeol snapped back. �You know nothing about what happened to us! You have
no right to��

�Chanyeol, stop!� Baekhyun cried as he reached for the taller male�s sleeve. He
hated Chanyeol�s rising tone because it scared the hell out of him.


�Stop, please...� Baekhyun whispered and leaned his head on Chanyeol�s shoulder.
�Don�t get into a fight...�

Chanyeol placed a hand on Baekhyun�s silken hair and murmured a soft apology into
Baekhyun�s ear. His spouse seemed totally confused with everything that happened
and he didn�t blame him. The male breathed deeply before craning his head back to
his brother.

�Just leave for now, Yifan.�

Baekhyun tightened his grip on Chanyeol�s sleeve.

�You know where the door is.�


Baekhyun woke up with an uncomfortable feeling.

He gasped softly the minute his eyes opened and blinked for several times. His
surrounding was still dark. Baekhyun closed his eyes and realized he was sweating.
Nightmare...? He covered his eyes with the back of his hand and exhaled deeply
through his nose. Baekhyun glanced over his shoulder at the alarm clock by the
nightstand. 2:13 am. I should go back to sleep... He rolled over to the side,
wanting to snuggle closer to Chanyeol�

�only to find that his husband wasn�t there.


Baekhyun blinked. �Chanyeol...?�



�I�m right here, Baek.�

Baekhyun let out a dramatic sigh as he sat up and stared into the darkness. He knew
Chanyeol was there. He also happened to know that it was Chanyeol�s bad habit when
he had something on his mind. �What are you doing there...?�


�Taking pictures of you.�

�It�s time to sleep, Chanyeol, not time to take a picture. Besides, it�s dark.
You�re not gonna be able to take a good picture.�

�But you�re so damn beautiful in your sleep. And clearly you�re underestimating my
camera skills.�

�I didn�t... You need your sleep, too.�

�I can think clearly whenever I look at your adorable sleeping face.�


Baekhyun pressed his lips into a thin line and he crossed his arms on his chest.
�What are you thinking about...?�
He could hear Chanyeol shifting on his seat but he didn�t get any reply.

�Chanyeol,� Baekhyun half whined. �Come here.�

�Just a moment.�

�Chanyeol, I�m cold. Come here now.�

Chanyeol chuckled in amusement as he finally pulled himself off of the loveseat and
walked to their bed. He laid down beside Baekhyun and Chanyeol was a bit startled
when Baekhyun searched for his lips despite the darkness. Even though it was dark,
the way their lips met weren�t sloppy and the couple exchanged sweet, longing

�How long have you been up like this...?� Baekhyun murmured against his spouse�s

Chanyeol was silent. �Quite a while.�

�Why didn�t you wake me up?�

�Because you�re such a heavy sleeper.�

Baekhyun pouted as he playfully placed a hand over Chanyeol�s eyes. �Shut up. Now

Chanyeol snickered lightly and pretended to close his eyes. He tried going back to
sleep, but he couldn�t. All this time, he managed to hide the fact well from
Baekhyun that he was just as scared as him. If Baekhyun was scared of being found
by his parents, then Chanyeol was scared if it ever happened because it would mean
they would take him away.

He wouldn�t know what to do if Baekhyun was taken away from him.

Yifan was right.

He was lucky not to have Baekhyun�s parents sue him. He was lucky to be able to
live together with Baekhyun for the past months. Baekhyun�s parents could accuse
him of kidnapping and then it could end up in court. Although his family�s lawyer
would put a hell of a fight too if that happened.


The said male rolled over to face Baekhyun. �Hm?�

�I saw some strangers downtown earlier today.�


�I�m not sure who they were. But they were searching for someone...�

Chanyeol stiffened. �Are you sure, Baek...?�

�They could be looking for someone else,� Baekhyun tried to assure Chanyeol, even
though his voice showed that he too, wasn�t sure. �I�m�I�m scared...�

Chanyeol felt Baekhyun snuggled closer and the latter pressed his face against his
chest. Chanyeol found himself gritting his teeth. �It�s alright. Yifan�s here. If
he�s around, you�both of us will be safe.�

No one�s going to take you away from me.


Can I think like that...?


�Go to sleep, baby. I�ll never leave you...�


It was never meant to be a doubt, but Chanyeol just couldn�t help it. The question
just slipped out of his mouth automatically. Baekhyun pulled away from him and
pressed his palm against Chanyeol�s chest.

�I trusted you, right? Now you need to trust me...�

Chanyeol slowly nodded and the male let Baekhyun caressing his cheeks. He shut his
eyes when he felt the older male pressing his lips lightly, repeatedly on his
cheeks. Damn. It�s comforting. Chanyeol instinctively curled his arms around
Baekhyun�s waist. If on any other night it was Baekhyun who cuddled to him, for
tonight, it was the other way around. The black haired male buried his face on
Baekhyun�s neck, letting the latter stroke his hair. His hands must have contained
magic because his insecurities were starting to disappear.

He felt peaceful.
Within minutes, Chanyeol fell asleep.


Baekhyun had never asked much about Chanyeol.

So when Chanyeol started talking the next morning, he listened intently.

It was the first time for Chanyeol to ever talk about his family. He talked about
how his real father died and when he and his mother traveled to Beijing, they met
Yifan�s father. It took quite a while for his mother to fall in love and accepted
his step father�s proposal. Chanyeol didn�t really care because for him, no one
could replace his biological father, but he knew his mother needed someone and so
he agreed as long as it made her happy.

Park was his father�s family name�which explained why Yifan introduced himself as a

�A few years ago, Yifan�s�our father died,� Chanyeol reminisced and his eyes were
getting distant as he recalled. �Everything was like a hurricane back then. Yifan
was forced to take over the company and Umma wanted me to help him, but I didn�t
want to. I could never picture myself as the type who would sit behind the desk.
I�m more like a field person, you know...? I enjoy my freedom.�

Baekhyun smiled. Of course he knew.

�I felt really bad back then. I mean, Yifan carried the burden all by himself.
Honestly, it must have been really hard for him to take orders from Umma�my mother,
and not his biological one. He had to carry the expectation of a lot of people and
he had to succeed in order to prevent bankruptcy. Yifan was just twenty one years
old when it happened. He was mature enough, but not me. I was nineteen and I just
wanted to leave for sure.�
Chanyeol grimaced.

�Yifan almost snapped when my mother told him he was getting married. He was too
stressed by everything that the thought of marrying a stranger drove him insane.�

� he didn�t like Junmyeon at first?�

�He�� Chanyeol watched him unblinkingly. �Wait. You found out?�

Baekhyun bashfully nodded. �I overheard the other day... Junmyeon-hyung is your

brother in law. Now I understand why you trust him so much. Enough about that,
continue with the story. Go on.�

�...okay, well... All of his beliefs vanished instantly when he met Junmyeon. Yifan
swallowed down all of his words�all the plans to scold and snap and everything were
canceled the moment they met. Damn, I have never seen Yifan stuttering that bad
before. But what can I say�Junmyeon-hyung really is beautiful. I guess that�s what
people called love at first sight.�

Chanyeol grinned, but it faltered when Baekhyun stayed quiet. He swept Baekhyun�s
bangs to a side.

�Do you hate me?�

�What?� Baekhyun looked up in surprise. �I�I don�t...�

�It would be better if you do,� Chanyeol lowered his head. �I mean, all of this
happened because I wasn�t honest with you. We probably wouldn�t have to run away
like this. And you wouldn�t have to live each day in fear of getting found.�

�I love you without your status,� Baekhyun whispered desperately. �Please don�t say
that. I swear I regret nothing...�

�I know. But...we can�t keep on living like this...�

Baekhyun almost couldn�t bear what Chanyeol was thinking. He didn�t think he would
be ready for whatever it was that Chanyeol was going to say. He leaned forward to
hug his husband tightly. �Then...what do you want us to do...?�

Chanyeol didn�t answer.

He only embraced Baekhyun back in return.


Chanyeol was quiet for the next couple of days.

Something seemed to be on his mind and he wasn�t willing to share. Everytime

Baekhyun touched his arm, silently wanting him to just say what was wrong, Chanyeol
would always smile and pet his head gently. But he was still not talking.

But Baekhyun knew it had something to do with Yifan�s appearance. The older male
had been dropping by a lot lately. Sometimes Junmyeon came along with him, but most
of the times, he was alone. Chanyeol never said it out loud, but whenever Yifan
came, Baekhyun would leave both of them to talk.

It�s probably important.

It�s probably a family matter.

It�s probably about us...

Yifan was one hell of a stubborn person. He uninvitedly showed up by their door one
night with Junmyeon behind him. The latter smiled happily as he held up his hand,
showing a bag of groceries.

Twenty minutes later, Baekhyun found himself preparing dinner in the kitchen with
Junmyeon. The situation was awkward between them and really, after knowing that
Junmyeon was his brother in law, he felt stupid for feeling jealous. Of course
Chanyeol kept in touch with him. Of course Junmyeon was genuinely worried for

�Would you pass me the ketchup?�

Baekhyun snapped out of his reverie and handed the mentioned item to the older
male. Junmyeon uttered a soft thank you before concentrating on whatever it was
that he cooked.


Junmyeon glanced at him. �Yes?�

�How long...have you been married to Yifan?�

�A few months after his father died,� Junmyeon answered after a moment of silence.
�It�s our third anniversary this year.�

Baekhyun�s throat went dry. � seem happy.�

Junmyeon smiled. �That�s because I am.� He bit the inner part of his cheek and
cleared his throat. �Yifan...told me that you ran away from home.�

�It�s not like that,� Baekhyun countered in uncertainty. It was like that.

�Well, do you still keep in touch with your parents...?�

Baekhyun chose not to answer and tried to drop the subject by washing his hands by
the sink. Junmyeon realized this and he decided to not probe further.

�So...,� he started again. �Wu Baekhyun. It sounds really nice.�

�...I honestly thought it would be Park Baekhyun...�

�Oh. Um. It�s better than Wu Junmyeon?�

Baekhyun stared at Junmyeon and he got a sheepish grin in return. �...I never knew
he had a Chinese father...�

�Step father,� Junmyeon corrected.

�Does he have a Chinese name?�

�Yeah. Canlie. Wu Canlie.�

�Can...� Baekhyun trailed off and an amused smile tugged on his lips. Junmyeon
laughed beside him and suddenly, things were alright between them.
The dinner went okay.

Chanyeol didn�t talk much, and it was then that Baekhyun realized Yifan wasn�t that
talkative either. Upon the first glance, people might think that he was very scary
with his bushy eyebrows and a glare that could kill someone. But the image vanished
when he was with Junmyeon. Junmyeon was the fire that could melt the ice of Yifan�s
heart. Yifan�s gaze to Junmyeon was undescribable, like a mixture of grateful and
caring and loving and somehow helpless without him. Like without Junmyeon, he would
be lost and his life would be meaningless.

Baekhyun wished he could be that same person to Chanyeol, too.

He didn�t bother to take a shower that night after Yifan and Junmyeon went home.
Baekhyun threw himself tiredly onto the bed and waited for Chanyeol to join him. He
faintly heard the water running from the bathroom. Chanyeol�s taking a shower...?
Should I join...? Baekhyun blushed at his thought and covered his face with his

Baekhyun pretended to be asleep when he heard Chanyeol shuffled into the room. He
waited until the other male was done changing into his pajamas. He waited until
Chanyeol climbed onto the bed. He waited until his husband pressed his lips on the
back of his neck�something that had become a habit. Chanyeol smelled fresh like
soap and his entire body was cold. When Chanyeol gave him a backhug, Baekhun
feigned a slight movement.

�Baek,� Chanyeol whispered.

Baekhyun tensed. Something was wrong.

�I need to go back to China to settle some things first.�


�I want you to stay.�

Don�t leave me.

Baekhyun slowly looked over his shoulder and his eyes met Chanyeol�s. �Take me with

Chanyeol shook his head. �I think you need to go home.�

It got Baekhyun to pull away from Chanyeol and he gave his husband a disbelief
stare. �Wh�what...?�
�It�s been months, Baek. Don�t you miss your parents?�


You�re the one who ask me to come with you.

�I�ll have Yifan�s driver escorted you home tomorrow. You should pack in the

�Chanyeol, I��

�It�s just a few days until I get things sorted out��

�But I don�t want to go home!� Baekhyun cried breathlessly.

�Baby,� Chanyeol sternly said and cupped Baekhyun�s cheeks. �I�ve been thinking for
the past few days. What Yifan said was right. I�ve been running away for too long.�
He sighed and trailed his fingers from Baekhyun�s cheeks to his jaw. �I�m sorry. If
only I was brave enough to confront your parents about us.�

�I don�t care about that,� Baekhyun stifled a sob. �I just don�t want you to leave

�I�m not,� Chanyeol whispered as he softly kissed his lips. �I won�t.�


Baekhyun had never felt so terrified before.

He didn�t think Chanyeol would let go, but he did.

Baekhyun wanted to scream that it wasn�t fair that Chanyeol didn�t bring him along,
but what his husband said was right. They needed to face their fears. Chanyeol had
been running away from home and he... If he wanted to leave, he should�ve just said
so. Although it was easier to be said than done... Baekhyun didn�t think it would
be that easy if he just went straight to his mother and tell her that he was head
over heels for Chanyeol. Someone who she thought wouldn�t be good for him.

After a few hours of journey (Yifan had provided him a private jet and an expensive
car, Baekhyun literally gaped at the fact), he finally made it back home. Yifan�s
driver, a Chinese male named Zhoumi politely informed him that they had arrived and
Baekhyun had a difficulty swallowing as he looked outside the window.

What if his mother rejected him...?

Then you�ll be able to go back to Chanyeol.

With wobbling feet, the male slowly got out of the expensive vehicle. As he made
his way to the front door, he couldn�t help but think of the worst possibilities.
His mother could�ve stopped looking for him and she didn�t give a damn anymore.
They probably worked on removing Baekhyun from the family tree and planned to adopt
another child.

It felt like the longest minutes of his life.

Baekhyun stood in front of the door, not knowing what to do. He twiddled his
fingers nervously and just as he was about to ring the bell, the door swung open.

It was his mother.

Baekhyun froze. His mother would never let herself to do such thing. She would call
the maids to open the door and then the guests would be brought to the living room.


What to do? What to say?

His mother looked like she was about to cry and she was already halfway to hug
Baekhyun, but then she stopped. Her gaze went down to Baekhyun�s outfit and her
expression changed. Baekhyun followed her glance and held his breath. He had left
without bringing any clothes, so the ones he was clad in were Chanyeol�s. He must
have looked awful because her expression morphed into a disgust.

�Did you run out of money?�

Her tone was cold.

�I�m�I�m sorry...?�

�Did that filth stop giving you money? Is that why you come home?�

It took Baekhyun a few seconds to register the true meaning behind the sarcastic
remark and his eyes widened. His heart broke at the
accusation. Baekhyun�s lips were trembling, but it was different. If it was fear
before, now it was anger building inside him. �Chanyeol��

�Don�t you dare mention his name in this house,� she hissed through her gritted
teeth. �Did you really think I couldn�t find you? Did you really think I wouldn�t
find out about the small, cheap apartment you live in? I knew it. I just knew it
wouldn�t last long. I knew eventually you would come back when he couldn�t give you
a decent life anymore.�

�Stop,� Baekhyun pleaded helplessly.

�It was a mistake for you to leave to be with him.�

Baekhyun stared at his mother in disbelief. His mouth was slightly parted, but he
was so overwhelmed by sadness that he didn�t know what to retort. Her words were
cruel. She didn�t have the right to say so, she knew nothing about Chanyeol.

�Chanyeol,� he said with a quivering voice. �Is my life.�

She looked like she was about to counter his sentence, but Baekhyun didn�t let her.

�I never regretted being with him, Umma. And not for a single day, not even once in
my life that I ever think it was a mistake. So don�t lash out on me because I am
happy. I am happy to be with Chanyeol, the man that you would categorize as a
filth. But you�re wrong, Umma, you�re wrong, because he�s not like what you think.�

Baekhyun shook his head.

�The only mistake I make is to come here. And I regret it.�

He didn�t care if his words sounded just as cruel because anger clearly had taken
over. Baekhyun didn�t bother to wait for his mother�s reply, he was too tired to

With that, the male spun around and left.


Baekhyun had a feeling he would be rejected, but he didn�t expect to hear such
harsh words.

He felt broken, he felt hurt, but most of all, he felt helpless because Chanyeol
wasn�t there.

The male tried to get ahold of Chanyeol, but his husband couldn�t be reached. Maybe
he was still on his way to his hometown. How long had it been since they got
separated? He had no idea. Baekhyun also didn�t have the slightest clue how many
hours would it take from Korea to China.

He had been crying since the minute he clambered back into the car and Zhoumi
didn�t even need to ask what happened. The Chinese male started driving in silence
and before Baekhyun knew it, he took him to Chanyeol�s old apartment. Baekhyun�s
jaw involuntarily dropped when he found out and stared at the much older male
curiously. Zhoumi had spoke before he even got the chance to start.

�He told me to bring you here if you started crying.�

Baekhyun went blank. �He...?�

�Mr. Canlie.�

Baekhyun gasped mutely. Chanyeol...?

�The keys are in your bag.�

The male immediately searched in his bag and he batted his eyelashes when he found
a pair of keys were placed underneath his wallet. All of a sudden, Baekhyun wanted
to cry, because Chanyeol had probably prepared the item just in case everything
went bad. He stifled a sob as he pressed a hand on his mouth.
Chanyeol, where are you...?

Baekhyun then was left at the apartment all by himself and Zhoumi drove away. He
stepped into the place with a deep breath. Everything looked exactly like the last
time they left. Even the lingering scent of lemon could still be smelled in the
air. Baekhyun offhandedly threw his bag onto the couch and glanced around. His gaze
drifted to the empty wall where Chanyeol said he planned to put something on it. He
thought the owner of the apartment would have rented it to someone else, but
perhaps it was Chanyeol�s own apartment from the start. And Chanyeol, like him,
didn�t really like to flaunt.

He shuffled into the bedroom and aimed straight for the bed. Baekhyun dropped
himself onto the bed with a thud and a loud sigh. The male buried his head on the
pillow, clenching it tightly and slowly smiled to himself. It was where they made
love for the very first time and Baekhyun shuddered, still remembering what he felt
back then like it was yesterday.

Baekhyun choked.

He wanted to see Chanyeol.

Baekhyun wanted to see Chanyeol so bad that he dismissed it when someone shifted
onto the bed in the middle of the night, causing it to gain more weight. He hummed
sleepily when he felt his body was tugged closer into a pair of strong arms and a
familiar chest.

�Chanyeol,� Baekhyun whispered.

�I�m here,� Chanyeol affectionately kissed his forehead. �I�m here...�

It was when Baekhyun woke up in the morning that he realized it wasn�t a dream.
Chanyeol was sleeping soundly beside him and their hands were linked. Baekhyun�s
eyes went teary at the fact that his husband was really there. He tightened his
grip around Chanyeol and it caused the latter to stir awake.

A low grunt escaped Chanyeol�s lips as he gathered his soul back into life. His
hand moved slightly as a sign that he was awake, but the taller male didn�t unlink
their hands. �Morning.�

�Good morning,� Baekhyun replied softly and smiled. �Did you teleport...?�

Chanyeol broke into an impish smile, still with his eyes closed. �I did. Did you
just find out that I have super power?� Even though he wasn�t able to see
Baekhyun�s expression, he was certain that the other male rolled his eyes. �Just
kidding. Did you get hurt...?�
Physically, no. Emotionally, yes.

Baekhyun shook his head. �I�m all right...�

�I should�ve come with you,� Chanyeol said quietly. �I�m sorry you had to face it
all by yourself. I just�I was so selfish to let you go just like that. Dammit, I�m
an ass.�

Baekhyun winced at the word. �At�at least you�re here now. It�s all I need...�

�I�m gonna do everything to fix it. We�re going back to your house today.�

Baekhyun deadpanned. �Wh�what?�

�I�m gonna meet your mother.�


�Yifan�s at the hotel. He�ll probably pick us up in about an hour or so.�


Chanyeol�s stern gaze made him fall quiet. Baekhyun didn�t know if he still have
the courage to face his family�moreover his mother, because his heart was still
hurt from all her words. He just couldn�t with the fact that she said a few bad
things about Chanyeol...

�Don�t be afraid,� Chanyeol leaned closer to meet their lips. �I�m with you, Baek.�

A few hours later, they were waiting in the living room of Baekhyun�s (huge) house.

Yifan had the nicest look of them all. He wore a shirt that was tucked neatly into
his pants. Chanyeol�s brother was a definite epitome of perfection. Chanyeol�s
shirt was also tucked neatly into his pants, but he had the sleeves rolled up the
elbows and it gave a different image compared to Yifan. Baekhyun looked down to
himself. While he was clad still in Chanyeol�s clothes.

The sound of high heels clanking on the floor made the three of them to look up and
Baekhyun felt fear increased greatly within him. His mother seemed to be amazed
with Yifan as the male stood up and bowed politely at her. She shifted her gaze to
Chanyeol and her eyes flickered with an unreadable emotion.

�I believe you know why we�re here, Ma�am,� Yifan started politely.

His mother narrowed her eyes at Yifan before glancing back and forth between
Chanyeol and her son. Baekhyun�s lips trembled slightly as he avoided his mother�s

�I don�t think I do,� she said after a while.

Yifan nodded. �We�re here because��

��I married your son.�

Chanyeol straightforwardly said. Baekhyun�s mother�s eyes went wide and Yifan
rubbed his forehead in exasperation.


�Save the preamble, hyung,� Chanyeol snorted. �She doesn�t need all that courtesy.
She�s�� He stopped talking when he felt fingers skittering on his arm and turned to
face Baekhyun. Baekhyun worriedly shook his head and Chanyeol suppressed the urge
to growl. �Fine. I apologize.�

�I apologize for my brother�s behavior, Mrs. Byun,� Yifan added. �But he is right
about the fact that he is married to Baekhyun.�

Baekhyun�s fingers tightened on Chanyeol�s sleeve as he saw the shock expression

morphed into a mixture of chagrin and disgust. He felt sad, really, because it
wasn�t the kind of face he expected from his mother, but there was nothing he could

�Is it true?�
She didn�t have her eyes on Baekhyun, but he knew it was for him.

�...yes,� Baekhyun whispered.

�Mrs. Byun,� Chanyeol started and she took a deep breath. Her eyes were anywhere
but on them. �I realize the reason why you�re against my relationship with Baekhyun
is because of my status. You think I�m not in the same level as you and your
family. But that isn�t true.� He paused. �I�m just as rich as you are.�

�...Ryeowook did a research on you��

��and I bet he didn�t find anything about Park Chanyeol. Had he looked up for Wu
Canlie, it would be different.�

The atmosphere in the room was suffocating and Baekhyun felt like running away as
far as possible.

�That�s enough,� Yifan said firmly and Chanyeol sagged on the couch. �Mrs. Byun,
the reason why we�re here is because we don�t want you to think that we do any harm
to Baekhyun. He followed my brother on his own wish. No one forced him. He was
willing to be with Chanyeol.�

�This past months,� she said quietly, but there was a warning laced underneath her
tone. �I�ve been considering to not have him as part of the family anymore.�

Baekhyun choked.

�I see. You have every right to do that. But even if you have him removed,� Yifan
said sternly. �He still has another family. He has us.� The Chinese male failed to
see the emotion plastered on Baekhyun�s face when he said that because he was busy
staring at Chanyeol. �I guess we�re done here.�

The oldest between them three stood up and bowed once again at Baekhyun�s mother.
Chanyeol followed his movement and offered a hand to Baekhyun�which he accepted
gladly. He threw one last longing look at his mother. He felt sorry�he was sorry.
He was sorry for everything�for disappointing her, for not making her happy, for
being an ungrateful son. But Chanyeol was his life and Baekhyun surely would choose
him over his life.


Baekhyun halted and waited patiently.

�Why didn�t you tell me all of this...?�

She sent him a guilty yet apologetic stare and Baekhyun felt sadness waved over his
entire body. His breath became ragged and he opened his mouth to answer, but
hesitated. Say something, Baekhyun. Tell her...

�I�I just found out myself,� he honestly answered. Which was true, he didn�t even
know Chanyeol had family until a few days ago. His mother placed an arm on top of
the other and sighed. It was then that Baekhyun knew there was still a chance. It
might be small, but he wouldn�t know until he try. �...Umma?�

She lifted up her face to stare at him.

�I love Chanyeol,� Baekhyun blurted. �I love him so much...even without the status.
Please, you�you have to understand... I really want to be with him. I don�t expect
you to give us your blessings...but...I just need you to know that, Umma... I�m

His mother stayed quiet for minutes. Yifan and Chanyeol stood up with their feet
transfixed onto the carpeted floor, listening intently to the conversation.
Baekhyun made no move to leave, but after a few moments, he forced himself to
accept the rejection. Maybe it was for the best...

�Is it what you really want?�

Her eyes softened when she spoke.

�To be with him?�

Baekhyun�s heart had a sudden change of pace at the question. His throat became dry
and he sucked in a deep breath. Baekhyun stared at his mother�s expression and he
knew, he just knew that her soft smile was sincere. He stole a glance at his
husband, and that was when he lost it.


Baekhyun let the tears that he had been holding fell onto his cheeks.

�Yes, it�s all I ever want...�


Few weeks had passed after that.

It wasn�t exactly a yes, but it wasn�t a no either. Slowly, but surely, his mother
was starting to open up to his marriage. She was starting to invite them to dinner
every once in a while and she was also starting to have casual talk with Chanyeol.
They decided to just move in to the old apartment and Baekhyun couldn�t be happier,
knowing that he wouldn�t lose his families.

Chanyeol went back to Baekhyun after a few days in China with a good news. He
decided to open a photo studio�it took a lot of effort to convince his mother, but
overall it was good. She also sent her regards to Baekhyun and Chanyeol repeated
her words of �wanting to meet him very soon.� His husband also allowed him to go
back to the university and Baekhyun was glad because he was able to continue his

Baekhyun woke up to a very tired Chanyeol beside him. The male had been staying up
late last night for work and he was sure Chanyeol just went to sleep in the
morning. Baekhyun kissed the taller male�s cheek caringly before sliding off of the
bed, craving for a cup of coffee. He tightened his robe and walked through the
living room. Baekhyun absentmindedly glanced at the empty wall. That part of the
room stood out because nothing was put on it, not even a picture, a clock or a
painting. But this morning, it did. Baekhyun snapped his head back to the wall and
he drew in a deep breath.
There were pictures.

Pictures of him, to be exact.

It was like a shrine of Baekhyun.

His pictures were everywhere. Some of them were candid, some others were taken on
purpose. There was a picture of Baekhyun glancing over his shoulder, a picture of
him being shirtless in the field, a picture of his first smile to Chanyeol in the
restaurant, doing his best to look good because at that moment, he wanted Chanyeol
to win the competition (which later turned out that there wasn�t any competition at

Some of Chanyeol�s pictures were glued underneath him. His husband�s selcas brought
a smile to his face because Chanyeol was good at taking pictures, but maybe he
needed help with his own selcas. Baekhyun chuckled whole heartedly at Chanyeol�s
pose with a pair of nerdy glasses (and dammit his husband was hot with it) and
fingers forming a peace sign.

Their kissing picture was in placed in the middle.

Baekhyun had no idea when or how Chanyeol took it, but he was closing his eyes in
the picture and he looked so content. Chanyeol had his back on the camera, only a
glimpse of his shoulder was caught in the picture. Baekhyun trailed his fingers
longingly on the picture. He looked so happy.

He was happy.

Baekhyun took a few steps back to observe more of Chanyeol�s masterpieces (the male
definitely had stayed up late for arranging those) and that was when he realized
there were words adorned between the pictures. He squinted his eyes to get a good

The words were arranged neatly into sentences.

When you�re in a relationship and it�s good

Even if nothing else in your life is right

You feel like your whole world is complete

Love me forever, Byun Baekhyun

Baekhyun cried.

Last quote by Keith Sweat.

Anyone wants a KrisHo side story ;;;;;;;;;;;

[All It Ever Was]

Tags: !fanfiction, pairing: baekyeol, rating: pg-13, yaoi

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