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Shell @LoeyBaekery

May 24 19 · 810 tweets

| ChanBaek Au |

Do arrange marriages still work in this age? Especially when the people involved are
complete tangents?

Baekhyun is a laid back easy-going person living his life 1 day at a time, where as
Chanyeol has every day until the next year already planned.

~ The first meeting ~

12:13 Pm.

The guy was 13 minutes late was all that Chanyeol could think of when he continued
wiping the already clean screen of his wrist watch.

He had only placed aside an hour for this meeting and 13mins were already wasted this
meant that he'd have to push back a few things.
He felt a warm hand on his knee & turned to look at it's owner. His mom smiled down at
him. Grip tightening lightly for a second, telling him to stop fidgeting & bringing a halt to his
legs which were all jumpy.

"He'll be here soon." She moved into his side to whisper.


Chanyeol smiled back painfully at her. The tick of the clock beating in his head everytime a
new second passed.

He carefully shook off his mom's hand from his iron pressed slacks making every attempt
to not make it look rude. She, however knew how Chanyeol was & wasn't bothered.

Just then Baekhyun's (his to-be fiance, that is if Chanyeol liked him) mom walked in. A soft
embarassed smile on her face.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Baekhyun apparently forgot about this meeting, what to do, my son is a bit
forgetful. I am really sorry for this, but he'll be here soon."

Chanyeol threw his mom an exasperated look when he heard her convince Baekhyun's
mom that it was alright, she understood how kids these days really, were very forgetful.

Forgetful & Chanyeol? Impossible.

Did she have another secret kid?

He sighed. Time to reschedule his plans.

12:35 pm

Was the exact time his-to-be fiance walked in.

Face a bit flushed, a wrist band on his hand and a plain black head band on his forehead.

He looked like he rushed here just from a Gym.

Chanyeol seemed to have guessed right, when he saw the gym bag slung across his arm.
Chanyeol took in the person standing in front of him, donning a plain white tshirt which
looked a bit sweaty, plain black tracks accompanied by a pair of shoes too huge for the

One other thing Chanyeol noticed was that this Baekhyun guy was definitely not bad

Baekhyun walked in to find his mom with another lady & a tall, handsome guy huddled on
the sofa.

He quickly bowed down apologizing for his carelessness & for the fact that he'd kept them

The sweet lady next to the giant quickly dismissed his apology welcoming him in.

Baekhyun glanced a look at the guy sitting next to her, he was wearing a navy blue
sweater with a white collar shirt inside. The look boasted of him being a gentle man.

Baekhyun was not wrong, as he saw the taller get up and hold his hand out to shake.

"Hello, I am Chanyeol."

"Baekhyun" He replied taking his hand and replying with a firm shake.

The two ladies in the room cooed, and the men quickly threw pointed glances at their
respective embarassing mothers.

Soon the fathers walked in, a drink in each hand laughing boisterously at something.

Chanyeol moved back, letting go of the smaller's hand. Baekhyun shuffled back letting the
other two men take seats on a different couch.

"Baekhyun, my son! You finally came! You're late! Joong ki here, was telling me his son
gets quite irritated when people are not punctual."

Chanyeol's attention snapped up to look at Baekhyun.

The smaller just apologized for the inconvenience again.

"I am sorry, I would have to inconvenience you all again, but I came directly from the gym
so I'd like freshen up a bit, would 10 more mins be alright Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol was a little embarassed on being directly confronted but when his eyes met
Baekhyun's he noticed the smaller was genuinely asking & there wasn't any sarcasm

He nodded, and saw the smaller hop up the stairs running to his room. Or atleast Chanyeol
thought so.

He didn't really know if Baekhyun lived with his parents.

Exactly after 10mins, he saw Baekhyun exit his room upstairs. He was wearing a warm
mustard coloured shirt with black trousers.

His style was neat yet mischievous.

Baekhyun sat down in a seat in front of the taller.

Hands reaching out to grab onto some peanuts on the table, as he lent an ear to the story
his own dad was reciting about how he & Chanyeol's dad were close since school.

And as soon as he heard that they were looking for someone to set Chanyeol up with, he'd
suggested Baekhyun.

Both Chanyeol & Baekhyun looked at each other on understanding how they became
prospects for the other.

Baekhyun blushed very faintly as he smiled at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol replied with a tight lipped one as he was not used to communicating with people,
silently without words.

"So Baekhyun, what do you do?" Mrs Park asked Baekhyun to somehow involve the
youngsters in the conversation too.
"Well, I started with psychology but then midway found out that strippers make way lot
money and was considering doing just that-"

Chanyeol choked on his juice.

Both Mr Park & Mrs Park looked at Baekhyun with wide eyes. The later rubbing Chanyeol's
back to calm him down.

"Oh my God, Chanyeol-ssi do you want some tissues?" Baekhyun croaked sidelining from
his story.

Chanyeol kept nodding a no while coughing, his face red from choking.

Once Chanyeol calmed down from his almost choking incident & Mr Byun looked like he
was about to bury his own son, Mr. Park spoke.

"So, you were saying Baekhyun?"

Chanyeol looked at his father in disbelief. He really wanted to know more?

"Oh, yes? Where was I? Stripping, yeah"

Chanyeol's mom giggled finding this amusing and Baekhyun joined in.

While Chanyeol just sat there, looking okay on the outside but was definitely on the verge
of putting his head in between his own legs and screaming.

"Stripping definitely was not my cup of tea"

"Oh? Can I ask why?" Mrs Park enquired.

Chanyeol could not take in the incredulity of this situation.

Both of Baekhyun's parents looked like they wanted to go drown somewhere. Chanyeol
didn't need to ask why.
Kid was just weird.

"The clothes were way too tacky" Baekhyun looked saddened by losing a well paid career

Chanyeol was shook, /tacky clothes/ were the only reason stripping was not his cup of tea?

Baekhyun giggled when Mrs Park told him there were many decently dressed trippers too.

The taller could not believe this was a conversation actually happening in front of him.

"Baekhyun-ah, why don't you go to the kitchen & make a special dish for us, so Chanyeol
can see what a wonderful cook you are" Baekhyun's mom dived into the conversation to
save some name.

Baekhyun nodded as he got up happily.

"Oh & to answer your previous question, I now work as a creative solutionist at a media

"Oh? Have we heard about it?" Mr Park asked a lil more interested.

"It's called S.M Entertainment, you might have. They have a good name."

Chanyeol choked on his juice again.

"What a coincedence! You work at S.M and Chanyeol handles their model agency called

Baekhyun's eyes lit up at finding a connection.

"Oh yes, I've worked on a few proposals for them, but they never go past their assistant

Chanyeol glares at his dad to not say a word as he saw the older open to point
unnecessary things out.
"I've heard he has quite a reputation, he's known to be very arrogant & proud. Making sure
nothing is delayed by even a second. That's not humanly possible!" Baekhyun continues

Chanyeol forgets that there is one more person in the room he needed to have instructed,
but regrets being late.

"I am sure you have the wrong person Baekhyunah, because our Chanyeol is the Assistant

Mrs Park adds her words warmly as she looks proudly at her son.

Baekhyun looks like a deer caught in headlights as he laughs a lil awkwardly.

Mr. Park too tries his best to hide his laugh but loses control & let's out a chuckle only to be
glared at by Chanyeol.

"You might be right, I may have the wrong person"

"Probably" Chanyeol grumbles.

It had been a good 20mins since the smaller had left the conversations to go & cook
something, which according to his mom would help impress the Parks.

Chanyeol's eyes kept moving towards the kitchen in anticipation, coz-

1. He was already late for everything.
2. He was hungry.

5mins in Everybody got alerted when they started smelling smoke.

Chanyeol threw some worried glances towards the kitchen. Baekhyun's mom hurried over
inside to make sure everything was okay. She returned within 5mins, a lil shook and
awkwardly smiling.

Chanyeol didn't need physics to find out that the smaller had messed up.

Soon enough Baekhyun walked in, Face a lil smudged by smoke, a plate in hand.
"I made Cheese Cherry Pineapple bites for starters"

The taller looked over the small guy who looked like he was trying hard-

To not cry.

"Baekhyunah you took 20 mins to put pieces on a stick?" Baekhyun's dad asked, just to
poke around with some fun.

Both their fathers had been in their own stories & unaware of the smoke incident.

Chanyeol definitely did not miss the way the smaller's lips trembled.

Seems like he wasn't the only one.

"Are you okay baekhyun-ssi?" Mrs Park asked, warmth dripping from her voice&her face
genuinely worried.

Baekhyun frantically nodded, grip tight on the plates, not meeting eyes with anyone else in
the room.

Chanyeol couldn't take it anymore.

He got up from his seat, moved over to the smaller, picked one of the bites & chomped on

"This is one of my favourite appetizers, Thank You Baekhyun."

The taller further moved to take the plate from the smaller's hands & sat by himself of a
chair eating the remaining ones.

The ladies were once again cooing at the two.

Baekhyun just stared at the taller, he did not expect Chanyeol to do that. He'd looked quite
unimpressed with Baekhyun earlier.

He still thanked Chanyeol with his eyes & shy smile while the reply he got was just more
chomping sounds

Baekhyun sat on the couch, eyes still on Chanyeol watching him eat the starters without
even asking if anyone else wanted to try it. He giggled in place. Maybe the taller was really

Baekhyun's mom soon told the crowd that she was actually planning to make lunch.

Awkwardly adding how she was teasing Baekhyun before. Her face really said other wise.

Mrs Park found everything related to the Byuns amusing & was pleasantly suprised by how
comical the family genuinely was.

That's exactly what their family needs, was Mrs park's first thought.

It was going to take Mrs Byun around 20mins more to get their lunch ready but Chanyeol
was not /that/ hungry now, thanks to the starters that he gulped down.

His eyes met Baekhyun's & he saw that faint blush&smile again.

Mrs Park was really happy with how things were going.

Lunch was a silent affair, most of it because everyone was really hungry.

Chanyeol loved the food, Mrs Byun was a good cook. He figured Baekhyun wasn't that,

Thinking about the smaller made him look his way and well, he'd already expected it.

Baekhyun ate like a kid.

Soon it was time to leave, Baekhyun was more than glad to escort them till the gate.

Goodbyes were exchanged as they made their way towards the car.

Before Chanyeol could get inside he felt a small tug on the lower back side of his sweater.
Mr and Mrs Park peeked from inside.

They saw a scene, fresh out from a K-drama.

Chanyeol turning around to see Baekhyun who was blushing hands intact on the smaller's

Mr Park shushed his wife when he heard her coo loudly. Thank God, they could not be

Chanyeol turned around, face confused.

He saw Baekhyun, face dusting with pink. Eyes looking anywhere, but at him, while biting
onto those soft lips.

Chanyeol's eyebrow lifted as if asking the smaller a silent question.

"I- uh..What- you did..Uh.."

"Take a breath, I can't understand anything Baekhyun"

"Thankyou for what you did inside, I was really in a spot" he bit onto his lips while
whispering the last words slowly.

Chanyeol's face warmed up with a small smile, for the first time throughout the entire

Baekhyun thought he looked way better with a smile.

Baekhyun finally relaxed, releasing a few giggles.

"Actually I was trying to make French fries, but I ended up burning the entire kitchen"

Chanyeol's smile was wiped off replaced by a scandalized expression.

This guy messed up making French fries? FRENCH FRIES!!!?

Just when he had thought he was thinking that Baekhyun is okay, the smaller has to point
out something incredulous.

Baekhyun finally stopped giggling as if proud about the fact that he messed.

Chanyeol could not believe people like Baekhyun existed.

Baekhyun finally bowed down, which Chanyeol replied to, by repeating the action.

"Baekhyun we're getting late, should we leave Chanyeol back? Seems like you don't want
let go." Mr. Park spoke from a half open window.

Baekhyun looked back confused, where as Chanyeol glared back.

Soon the two realised what the older was referring to.

Baekhyun quickly let go off his hold on Chanyeol's sweater, cheeks redder than before.

Chanyeol too could not escape the blush this time.

He looked back at Baekhyun, bowing for the last time before getting into the car.

"So what do you think about Chanyeol?" Mrs Byun asked Baekhyun when he walked in.

He blushed a little? while nodding a shy yes!

The Byuns rejoiced, hugging each other. Squealing with shouts of how they were gonna be
grandparents soon.

"Aren't y'all thinking too far ahead?"

So what do you think about Baekhyun?

Mrs park peered from the back seat.

"No." Was Chanyeol's sweet and simple reply.

"What? Why! He's such a nice guy!"

"Mom, he wanted to be a stripper!"

"But he isn't! Chanyeol!" Mr. Park added.

"Well, what if he suddenly feels like becoming one after getting married? Mom's even given
him ideas about decent dressed ones."

"I don't know why you're being so judgemental! People like you sell models for living! He's
a pretty looking fellow! He just was thinking of selling his looks!"

Chanyeol looked back suprised at how his mom had degraded his job position in a sec.

"Yes I agree with your mother."

"Are you guys being for real?"

"Is the stripper thing the only problem you have with him?"

"I cannot believe this! What are you going do when he serves bread butter sandwiches at
your kitty parties?"

"We're getting you a husband Chanyeol! Not a maid or a cook!"

Chanyeol grumbled at having all his attempts to decline shot down. Mrs Park took in his
defeated expression.

"Chanyeol-ah, I think Baekhyun would be a fresh and a happy addition to our family, your
ass is too wound up by your personality to enjoy the small things in life

He'd be a great companion. I would say take a few days, or maybe even weeks to think
about it. If you still think Baekhyun is someone you don't want to spend your life with, we'll
let the byuns know."

Chanyeol sighed while nodding as he found some wisdom in his mom's words.

~ The unwanted encounter ~

It had been almost 2 weeks since the first meeting. Chanyeol hadn't heard anything from
the Byun's side either. His parents had kept their word too.

In the past 2 weeks, he found himself going through Baekhyun's sns accounts.

Chanyeol was a busy man, but always found time.

He wanted to know the person he'd have to deal with if he says yes.

Baekhyun looked like a free soul, his Instagram was filled with pictures of scenic beautiful
places, candid of his coworkers and sometimes his own beautiful face.

What? Chanyeol never said he found him ugly.

He wondered what was the smaller doing right now or rather burning right now? He giggled
at the thought.

Finally deciding that tomorrow's meeting is something he'd rather spend time thinking on
he moved to bring his laptop.

Time is an asset
- Park Chanyeol.

Next day Chanyeol walked in, Crisp Shirt&pressed slacks.

Today's meeting was an important one, after Baekhyun's utterly false diss last time, he
decided he'd show the crowd how he was not at all the reason behind all the projects being

The client was the picky one.

He just simply knew how the client wanted things.

This time, To turn over a new leaf, Chanyeol called over the team handling the project to
directly present before the client.

He knew this may completely ruin their chances at the deal but the workers needed a taste
of it.

Today's client was looking for a strategy to connect with the middle class section of the
population but the problem was the prejudice the public already had against it because of it
being a high end brand.

Chanyeol wondered what the team would present.

He soon entered to find the client already in their meeting room, he rechecked his watch to
see if he was late, but Chanyeol being Chanyeol was obviously 15mins early.

"Don't worry Mr.Park you're not late, infact I'm early, so it's true what they say about you!
Always punctual."

"Hello Mr.Wu, a pleasure to have met you! Hope our deals work out in each other's favour."
Chanyeol greeted back with a confident grin.

"Please call me Kris"

They soon began chatting about things here and there because they were early, and
couldn't really do much about it.

Soon their respective team members started walking in 4-5mins before the actual time.

Chanyeol was presently suprised and if he's being honest, even proud.

Soon everyone settled down and the team began putting forth their presentations.

If Chanyeol was not being biased, the team had done an okay job but definitely what he
would've approved to put forth.

Kris finally took a deep breath almost bored from the presentations.

"I think I've seen it all Mr.Park, I'll get back to you if we're interested."

Kris looked back to the team to bow at them.

"To be honest, I had higher expectations from your lot Mr.Park, we were always presented
with top notch presentations before and that's the reason, I myself dropped in this time"

Seeing no other option, Chanyeol profusely apologised.

The team had their heads clung down, ashamed of having let down their director.

Kris was about to make a move, when all their attention turned towards the loud raps on
the meeting door.

After Chanyeol's approval it was opened to a Baekhyun, gasping for air.

He looked like he'd just woken up, messy hair, messy tie and messy clothes.

If Chanyeol hadn't met Baekhyun before, he would have definitely fired this person on the
spot. Curiosity though ate his tongue.

"S-Sorry Mr. Wu, I am really sorry, I forgot the meeting was today."

All the other employees turned to look at Baekhyun wide eyed. Including Chanyeol & Kris.

Seeing the drastic change in the atmosphere. Baekhyun hurriedly bowed down to seek an

"Actually my cousin is over &her daughter tore my sticky notes that usually have my

"But you'll be wondering it's still way beyond my office time and if I'd reached on time I
wouldn't be late here either, but the thing is that demon cried all long! And that's the reason
I over slept and then-"

"That's enough Baekhyun." Chanyeol spoke with a chill of annoyance.

Baekhyun stood up straight biting onto his lips replying with a soft nod.

Kris however chuckled, suprising Chanyeol as well as the others.

"I like Frank people, so tell me Baekhyun do you have a presentation prepared?"

Baekhyun feverently nodded while beginning to prep it.

Chanyeol could not believe his ears not his eyes. Was this kid God's favourite child? How
was everyone biased towards him?

Kris settled down along with the others as well as Chanyeol.

"I hope your presentation is as grand as your entrance was." kris made sure to point out.

Chanyeol realised Baekhyun's ideas were not really bad just needed to be a lil

Baekhyun had suggested a new dynamic way to win over instant public votes. He placed
forth the fact that Esteem had very famous models publicly referred to as EXO.

These models or rather EXO was already popular among the audience, Chanyeol himself
was shocked at their popularity.

Using them to showcase basic everyday looks which can be adorned by the public that's
below the elite section may help with attracting them. At the same time-

If They were use their popularity and arrange an event where certain lucky people who buy
the products win a chance to get an exclusive Makeover from one of the EXO's

This will help the product launch easily at the same time if it's quality is as good as they

People will keep coming back for more.

There were a few more sidelined ideas where these people who recieved makeovers will
walk the ramp with the EXOS and so on.

Kris seemed impressed with the innovative way to catch attention. More over as the
products were meant for lower-
Income groups, the prices would be less giving equal chance to all. This will only promote
them positively in the Media.

Kris smiled happily at Chanyeol.

"I think we could work out some detailed procedures, take care of some visible loops holes
and make this work, Mr Park?"

Chanyeol nodded happily while shaking hands with the other.

The team rejoiced as soon as they saw Kris and his employees leave.

Even Baekhyun was doing his happy dance. This boy-

Really? in front of his boss?

Chanyeol cleared his throat rather loudly to make his presence felt.

Everyone started clearing the room, surrounded by the aura of happiness, congratulating
Baekhyun. Some even ruffled his already messy hair, something about that irritated
Chanyeol, just a bit but it was ignored.

When they started tapping out.

"Byun Baekhyun, please stay back"

Baekhyun watched everyone leave one by one, shuffling his weight on his either legs. Lips
already teased enough from nibbling them.

He saw Chanyeol exhale lightly as the taller kept going through some of the files while
waiting for the room to clear out.

Finally it did.

"Yes Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol looked up, amused. His face giving away that he wasn't a fan of something and
Baekhyun wondered what.
"It's Mr. Park for you, Mr. Byun"

Oh, yeah that. Baekhyun curtly nodded. A little offended, even though he knew Chanyeol
was right.

"Yes, Mr. Park?"

"Baekhyun, What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You barging in late at a very important meeting and on top of that having the audacity to
tell our client, YOU FORGOT?"

Baekhyun's face snapped to look at the floor. He suddenly found the design really an
important thing to study.

Chanyeol pinched the bridge of his nose to calm himself down. He should not shout,
especially in his way at his employee.

"I am s-sorry, Mr. Park. But l-like i said, my neice-"

"Enough with the reasons. We work in the realm of professional businessmen Mr.Byun"

"Everything you put forth reflects on you & our company. Please be more responsible from
next time"

Chanyeol looks like he's done. Baekhyun slowly nods making sure Chanyeol sees him
while doing so.

"Is that all Mr. Park?"

Chanyeol frowns.

"Were you expecting something else?"

"Yes, actually I was! Maybe a Good Job Baekhyun, or a Thankyou Baekhyun for getting us
the deal we almost, most definitely Lost?"

Chanyeol stood there, face uninterested but eyes wide.

"Don't you think you're being too prude Mr.Byun?"

"To be honest? No. I deserve my praise.

"What praise? You just got lucky with Kris. If it was any other client-"

"It /wasn't/ any other client and it wasn't just luck! I worked hard on that idea and
presentation! I definitely do not like how you are so quick to belittle my work. /Mr.Park/

"You can leave now Byun."

Baekhyun huffed as he turned, lips in a tight straight line upset at the whatever just
happened while muttering to himself.

"What does he even think about himself? Do ideas grow on trees?Instead of tinkering in an
already prepared project, he can come up with one of his own."

"I can hear you Mr. Byun"

"Well I'm glad my thoughts weren't wasted. So now you know what I think about you."

Chanyeol was agitated as he heard Baekhyun reply, as the smaller continued walking
towards the door not bothering to look in Chanyeol's direction.

Just a step before Baekhyun could leave the room, his hand on the handle, the smaller
spoke in a loud clear voice.

"Don't think I didn't see you like my Instagram post from 4 years back, by mistake. Please
stop stalking me Mr. Park. Your actions also represent you& our company."

Chanyeol could literally hear the smirk, in the smaller's voice.

Baekhyun left, leaving an embarassed as well as an annoyed Chanyeol.
Not a good idea Baekhyun. Not a good idea.

~ The Office team outing ~

"Aren't Team outings to build team spirit? Why do our bosses get to travel in their BMW's
and we go in this tardy bus?"

Baekhyun grumbled as he bit onto his chip, most of them crumbles falling onto his sweater.

"Look at that asshole Chanyeol! Why does even junmyeon like him?"

Kyungsoo looks over to see Junmyeon their CEO, ruffling Chanyeol's hair. The taller
always scared the shit out of the employees but was a particular favourite among the
higher ups.

It was probably because he was the youngest of the lot and they liked Babying him?

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun felt a shiver run through their spine as they both were almost on
the same line of thought.

Chanyeol being babied and being all cute with the seniors was a site, they definitely didn't
want to come across.

The man was indeed intimidating when it came to work, even imagining him in some other
way was difficult.

Though they both were a little suprised to see how young the taller looked in a bright
mustard sweater.

The constant glances he threw at the watch were rather unsurprising.

Soon, Baekhyun regained his team spirit singing loudly when he got the news that
Chanyeol's BMW had some technical problems on the way and the taller was forced to
travel in the regular employee bus.
Baekhyun felt childish for being this happy about it.

But soon, he remembered the way Chanyeol treated him the last time. It was almost a
week since then. He really didn't know how he was going to manage the upcoming days.

But for the time being he decided to forget about it, trying to liven up the mood in the bus.

After travelling for a good 2-3hours, they finally reached their destination. It was a quaint
little place near a huge pond. All the gasps let out by the employees, on seeing the
beautiful place was enough for Junmyeon to smile proudly.

His gummy smile, baekhyun noticed.

Soon all the other 3 busses full of employees piled up behind Baekhyun's. The place
looked lively now with a huge group loitering here and there. Chattering and playing
games. The place was still serene. There were 3huge ass bungalows enough to
accommodate everyone.

Every bungalow had certain specific rooms decided upon for the higher ups.

Other employees were expected to share rooms on a 4-5people group basis. One room
was big enough for 7 people so noone seemed to have a problem.

The bus that was supposed to carry everyone's luggage was yet to arrive. So people found
themselves tasks to do.

Baekhyun looked around to find out that kyungsoo had already joined a group that was
planning to make dinner.
He saw Jongdae help the people setting up a campfire.

He was wondering whether he should go help Jongdae or just laze around when he heard
their CEO clear his throat loud enough to catch almost everyone's attention while walking
onto the small stage, Baekhyun assumed was made to crown winners of the games they
planned to play ahead.

"Good afternoon everyone, I hope your journey was not too exhausting?"
The crowd immediately answered with nods&whispers of denial. Junmyeon chuckled as he
proudly called Chanyeol onto the stage.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes hearing people coo as they saw the taller run to it.

"Thanks to our Chanyeolie-"

A whiny hyung was heard at the use of the name & the crowd let out giggles.

"Ah,yes, sorry. Thanks to our Chanyeol? we have a special gift here for one of our very
lucky employees!"

A loud excited whisper broke out as people wondered what it was.

"As you all know, all of you are expected to share rooms, well, not gonna lie they are huge
so don't worry we would never let our employees live at a place that's uncomfortable."

The crowd was getting eager now.

"But one lucky employee will win a chance to have their-

Very own room, right next to Chanyeol's with all the five star facilitie."

Almost all the female employees as well as a few Male employees were squealing now.

"That's not it all, they'll be even granted 3 wishes just like from the genie in Aladdin!"

The crowd erupted with shouts of what they'll wish for if they were to win. Chanyeol stared
at the CEO with wide eyes.
Yes, Chanyeol suggested the room idea, but the 3 wishes thing was something that
Junmyeon added on his own.

The CEO chuckled seeing the enthusiasm.

He loved seeing his employees happy & excited about things. Teams worked better if the
companies kept the employees happy and he was a firm believer of that.
"I know everyone is excited but let's not forget to thank Chanyeol for suggesting this idea."

The crowd cheered louder.

Junmyeon was himself excited about the entire ordeal and quickly went over to the secret

He slowly pulled out a chit.

The crowd held onto their breaths,some for the lavish amenities and some for just live next
to Chanyeol.

Junmyeon chuckled at the tension in the air.

"Do we have a Byun Baekhyun here?"

"Byun Baekhyun?" junmyeon repeated.

"Mr. Byun? Is that you?" Junmyeon squinted to see a small hand in the air.

He smiled & motioned for the person to come ahead. The wide eyes though made him
laugh, at how lost this Baekhyun kid looked.

"That's not Baekhyun." Chanyeol stated out loudly, as he saw another boy make his way to
the stage.

"Mr. Doh Kyungsoo, what do you think you're doing here?"

Kyungsoo let out incoherent phrases that made no sense as he started looking around

"Byun, Get here right now"

They finally saw a head with soft hair making it's way through the crowd. When he came
closer, Chanyeol could hear him grumble loud & clear.

The taller bit onto his lips as he managed to hold in a smile, all thanks to how annoyed the
smaller looked.

"Congratulations Mr. Byun."

The smirk on Chanyeol's face was enough to annoy Baekhyun.

Junmyeon as well as the rest of the crowd looked around confused.

"Are you not happy with gift, Mr. Byun?"

Junmyeon looked sad.

"No, ofcourse not! It's amazing! So amazing that my best friend deserves it more."

The crowd cooed at Baekhyun's giving nature and Junmyeon smiled as well. Baekhyun
almost got away with it but Chanyeol wasn't planning on letting that happen.

"I am sure your best friend would also want the same for you considering that you actually
won it! Right Mr. Do?"

Kyungsoo almost sweat an entire bucket thanks to Chanyeol's intimidating looks and
Baekhyun's murderous glare. He finally nodded thinking that Baekhyun would definitely not
pay him as much as this job.

Chanyeol smirked happily? While the crowd cooed over the friendship.

As they'd reached the place a little over 7pm, and their bags even later. Everyone thought
it would be better to have food first and then settle down.

Baekhyun sat there on a log next to his fuming best friend, who to be honest the smaller
thought was really over reacting.

"OVER REACTING? What did you think baek? That I would without any problem at all, live
the next years of my life as you?"

"Kyungsoo, you're really being a drama queen"

"Shut up! You're literally made a fool out of me in front of our CEO, our CEO Baekhyun!
Ohmygod, Ohmygod."

Baekhyun just sat there playing with a twig, rolling his eyes at kyungsoo.

"Why did you out of nowhere even stick my hand out? And how does Mr.Park even know
you or the way you look?"

Baekhyun whispered something really soft.


"I said, he wants to kill me"

"Now why would he want to do that?"

Baekhyun was back to whispering and mumbling.

"What did you do Byun Baekhyun?"

"Why is it that you think that it's always my fault?"

"Because usually it is." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes annoyed at the smaller.

"So what was it this time?"

"We met a few weeks back"

"Who we?"

"Chanyeol & I"

"Okay? what was it for?"

"Uh...possible prospects for becoming each others fiance's."

Kyungsoo looked like an owl caught by a torch, he coughed from choking on his own spit.
"W-what? Y-you? Mr. P-Park?"

Baekhyun nodded.

"Oh my God, my best friend is marrying my boss!!! Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod."

"Can you please calm down?" Baekhyun hissed back looking around to see if people heard
them. Thankfully everyone was busy in their own world.

"So? When are you guys getting married?" Kyungsoo asked back

"Nothing's decided on yet. And seeing the way things are going, Never?"

"Oh? You might marry each other but you think he wants to kill you?"

Baekhyun nodded hastily.

"What did you do baek?"

"I may/may not have told his client that I forgot about an important meeting."

Kyungsoo looked on, knowing there was more, Baekhyun felt betrayed because of the lack
of trust his friend had in him, but who was he kidding? The owl was right.

"Also, I may have not apologised for it but called him out for having a stick up his butt."

"You- did what?"

"He was being an asshole" Baekhyun whined.

"Who was being an asshole, to our baekhyunie?"

The duo shivered, to see the devil towering over the two small men, who now seemed
even smaller while sitting down.

All that Baekhyun could think about though was 'baekhyunie'.

It repeated like a chant in his mind.

Chanyeol raised his eyebrow to see the man of his interest squeak a lil only to look at him
with cheeks dusting pink and lips being bit into.

He lied to himself that the weird feeling he felt in his stomach was just from travelling.

Their banter came to a stop when Junmyeon invited everyone for an early dinner quoting
that he's not responsible if people over eat before others and some end up getting none.

Chanyeol walked over to Junmyeon to assist him with other things leaving the two midgets

"Did you just blush that loud in front of our boss?"

"W-what does blushing loud even mean?"

"You know what I mean! You're so whipped!"

"I am not, I was just suprised, that's all."

Baekhyun sat massaging his neck, hiding his face in his own shoulder.

"Pfft..if you say so"

"Shut up Kyungsoo and let's make a move or the food's gonna be over"

Baekhyun managed to eat kyungsoo's ear off along with the food by continuously
complaining about the fact that Chanyeol was trying to kill him.

"Listen, if I give you a missed call come running to my room!"

"Who is over reacting now?"

"I'm being serious kyungsoo!"

"Ugh. Fine baek."

It took them a good 30 minutes before everyone was done with the dinner and moving onto
the designated houses. Tommorow was going to be a long day.

Baekhyun was escorted to his room too.

The staff attendant told Baekhyun that it was expected of him to wait for 20minutes more
before entering the room, as the suprise prepared for him inside would take that long to
work better.

Baekhyun was really curious but he decided to stand by what was instructed.

He sat down in the lobby, earphones in, listening to his new jam. Watching the lobby get
less and less active below as people entered their rooms after a tiring day.

His eyes swooned over to the next room in front of him. Park was written on it with a
golden cursive font.

His first instinct was to go & try to peep inside the park's room from the peephole but due to
his expertise in having done this before & knowing peepholes don't work that way from the
outside.He sighed checking the clock for the last time. 6mins more. Maybe Chanyeol was

Chanyeol inside? Why would Bakehyun even think that.

Baekhyun's eyes snapped to his watch again 5mins.

Was this one of Chanyeol's way to get revenge? Making him wait outside for no reason?

Nah. He won't be that childish would he?

He'd just have to wait 4mins more to find out.


He finally gathered all his belongings, taking another look at the space around to make
sure he didn't miss out a thing.
He opened the room a very dark room. Something about it was really eerie. He felt himself
shudder as he walked in a step. Heart in his mouth-

Because the lights seemed to be disconnected and everything was just dark and scary.

He took another step in and something caught his attention. Moving at the speed of a turtle
his eyes moved slowly to look at the ceiling.

What he saw had his brains malfunctioning.

20 pairs of blood red eyes looked down on him scaring the living daylights out of

Was he really going to die tonight?

Baekhyun's entire body fell rigid as he shivered due to excessive amount of fear. The first
thought that came to his mind was demons? How? Why? Why him? He crouched as if
shielding himself from the things above.

A car passed by, just enough light to let Baekhyun know.


Baekhyun started feeling faint pains in his chest from being shocked out of nowhere and to
this intensity.

He tried to scream but nothing came out.

That's a good thing right? If he were to be too loud would they come and attack?

Images of the worse spiralled in his mind.

Choking without a noise, short of breath and scared to death, Baekhyun felt the time slow
down as his heart started pounding rapidly in his head, ears, everywhere all at once.

What was happening? His Breaths became shorter as dizziness made him tremble.
He registered a laugh somewhere around.

"How was my prank Baekhyun?"

Baekhyun wanted go reply, atleast say something, the condition he was in was scaring him
even more than the bats.
His limbs started tingling while feeling numb at the same time.

Baekhyun was really scared.

The laughter was gone as soon as it came. He heard loud footsteps making their way
towards him.

"Baekhyun? Baekhyun!? Are you okay?what happened? Baekhyun? answer me!??"

Baekhyun wanted to but everything was spiralling & he just couldn't register what he could
and could not do.

"Shit. Are you having a panic attack? Please answer me baekhyun"

Oh? He was experiencing a panic attack? Are panic attacks fatal? Is he going to die?

He soon felt arms wrap around him settling him down, a body in front of him masking him
from the sight of the scares.


Baekhyun left out a choked reply still no voice, eyes just round and big.

"You're not dying Baekhyun, breathe. Breathe with me. You're just experiencing panic. It
will pass. You're just scared. I'm here. I'm here. I'm not letting anything happen to you.
Please just breathe."

"Do the four breath breathing routine, come on breathe in for 4 secs like this, hold it for
4secs and breathe out for 4 secs. Do it it with me. Repeat and follow me"

Slowly after what seemed like an eternity, baekhyun was following Chanyeol letting out
short gasps.

Chanyeol's thumbs moved in circles on the taller's wrist trying his best to calm him down.

He sat crouched in the air making Baekhyun look at him and breathe out slowly and

He slowly felt Baekhyun's fingers wrap around his holding onto them tightly.

Even though Baekhyun was sitting down in a cross legged position he felt unstable, losing
balance and tilting one way or the other. Everytime he closed his eyes, Chanyeol would tug
his wrists to make him look at the taller and follow the routine.

He calmed down bit by bit.

10mins later, Baekhyun was sitting hand on his chest as he tried to breathe a little
normally, still feeling weak and dizzy. His other hand was still around the tallers making
sure he was not alone. His eyes move a lil behind Chanyeol, grip tightening a little as if

Chanyeol felt guilty for pulling such a prank on the smaller. The lights were still off & that
meant the eyes behind them were still burning red.

To be honest he just wanted to scare Baekhyun, they were just toys with eye that looked
real enough.

If the room was well lit, he knew they'd look like cute stuffed animals and hence he'd cut if
the light for while.

He didn't expect Baekhyun would be this scared and actually go into panic arrest.

Seeing the taller this scared, made him curse himself.

He slowly tried gathering Baekhyun in his hold, hiding his head in the crook of the tallers
neck to protect him from the scary visuals. He didn't want Baekhyun to get scared again.
He slowly moved out of the room, making sure the movements were not too quick upset
the smaller.
His Hands fiddled to move & press the passcode numbers of his own room as he held
tightly onto the smaller.

Taking him in, he placed Baekhyun on the bed, who still looked like he was scared & in

When Chanyeol tried to move towards the kitchen, Baekhyun didn't let him.

Everytime Chanyeol tried to get out of his hold, the grip tightened.

"I'm just trying to get you water." He sighed.

Baekhyun frantically kept declining as he kept looking towards the floor.

Seeing no other way, Chanyeol moved closer picking up the smaller again in a baby hold

The smaller's legs wrung tightly against his waist. He could still feel Baekhyun shiver very

Chanyeol moved his hands on his back to try and soothe him while walking to the kitchen,
cradling the smaller.

He felt a little guilty. Actually a whole lot.

Reaching the kitchen Chanyeol placed Baekhyun on the counter in front of his kitchen so
that he could get smaller some water at the same time be at an arm distance because
Baekhyun wasn't letting him go.

Every movement Chanyeol made had Baekhyun's hand trailing after him.

Placing the water in front of Baekhyun, Chanyeol moved to stand closer, hand now holding
one of the others.

Baekhyun started gulping water at the speed of light, he was parched. His other hand was
in Chanyeol's but was still holding it too.

He let out a content sigh, after drinking his way through the entire bottle.
Chanyeol's hand had now taken to drawing circles on his wrist with his fingers.

"I'm sorry." Chanyeol whispered, guilt lacing every syllable.

Baekhyun had a far away look on his face as he gave a nod.

"Baekhyun I'm really sorry. They were just toys. I didn't think you'd get this scared"

"It's alright Chanyeol."

"No it's not, I really got scared seeing you in that state. Me & my childish competitions. I'm
really sorry."

"I'm sleepy" Baekhyun yawned, cutting the taller off.

Chanyeol nodded as he moved closer, opening his arms to hold Baekhyun again but the
smaller looked at him weirdly.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh..I thought- you up...uh"

"Move aside I'm okay now"

Chanyeol nodded as he shifted, hands fidgeting.

Baekhyun plopped down the counter with the softest thud, lost a little balance but stabled
himself, holding onto the counter.

He felt weak as he moved slowly over to the bed, sitting on it once again.

"I am sorry Baekhyun, my plan was really lame. I'm having the room cleaned-

"I'm not going back"

"I said, I'm not going back to that room!"

"Baekhyun they were just toys! I swear the room is just as same as this one!"

"Then you go there!"

"I can't "

"Why? You're scared too?"

"What? No! Why would I go to some other room when I have my own."

"Well, I already told you! I'm. Not. Going. Back!"

"Baekhyun please don't make it more difficult."

"Oh? More difficult than you already made it? You know I can actually sue you for the shit
you pulled right?"

Chanyeol quietened, looking down as guilty as ever. Baekhyun sighed.

"Look I'm not blaming you, I get it, it was a prank! It's all okay, but I don't want to go back


"I'm scared, Chanyeol. Count this as one of those 3 wishes. I'm okay with that. I just don't
want to go back there." Baekhyun looked at him earnestly.

Chanyeol didn't know what it was but when Baekhyun looked at him that way, he really
couldn't bring himself to even argue. The smaller looked so pure & honest while

"Just for the wishes then" Chanyeol muttered.

Just to fulfill those wishes. Yes. That's what it was.

Chanyeol sat on the bed going through some files where as Baekhyun sat on the other end
lazily watching a TV show rerun.

The amount of yawns the smaller let out were beginning to irritate Chanyeol.

"Why don't you just sleep?"

"I'm not sleepy"

"Stop being stubborn"

"Don't you have some bats to hang around the ceiling?"

Chanyeol frowned while rolling his eyes.

"Listen! I apologised! What else can I do?"

"Let me watch my show re-run in peace."

It had exactly been 8mins since Baekhyun said that, when Chanyeol found him already

Chanyeol noticed the uncomfortable position the other was in and putting aside his work
moved to help him sleep properly on the bed.

After making sure Baekhyun was asleep and tucked in right. He thought he'd sleep in the
other bed that was attached to this room's general space.

When he tried to make a move it was the same scene as before all over again. Baekhyun's
fingers were wrung tightly around him as he sat on the bed trying his best to loosen it.

"Are you awake?" Chanyeol murmured heavily.

The soft head moved to decline, Chanyeol couldn't contain the giggle that escaped him.
Such a baby.

"Why aren't you letting me go?"

"One more wish" came the soft whisper.

Chanyeol nodded.

"Sleep here, I'll maintain my distance just don't leave me alone."

"Did the bats scare you that bad?"

" was what happened after. This is the first time something like that happened. I'm
worried that if it happens again at night and I'm alone, I'm sure I'll die."

"Don't say that..."

Baekhyun slowly moved his head to look at the taller.

Eyes twinkling, searching Chanyeol's face for something. Maybe worry?

"Fine. You'd have only one wish left? Would it be okay to spend another one on me?"

"I have no choice. Can I call my friend kyungsoo over then?"

"There are strict policies against leaving rooms, so no."

Chanyeol lied through his teeth.

Reason? Unknown.

Maybe he just wanted to be there for Baekhyun to feel less guilty of how bad his prank
turned out.

He just hated losing in an argument and last time Baekhyun embarassed him, which made
him want to do the same.

He slid into the covers, a lil silently hidden happiness over how Baekhyun's had hadn't let
go off him still.
"Here goes your second wish then, sleep tight baekhyunie."

Baekhyun blushed slightly, the free hand coming to smack Chanyeol on the chest.

"Don't call me that."

It was 2am when Chanyeol finally decided that he could stop faking sleep.

He moved taking precaution to not wake the smaller up. Baekhyun was sleeping, facing
him. Snuggling into the hand that held Chanyeol's.

His soft nose kept touching Chanyeol's skin everytime he moved.

Looking at his soft features, Chanyeol realised most of the times Baekhyun just looked
strong, he was just a 25year old baby otherwise.

Or maybe he was strong just needed someone to give him a push, everytime he got

Why was he thinking this much about this kid anyway?

Did he want to be /that/someone who gave him a push?

He could not find a reason as to why not. Chanyeol had met many suitors and Baekhyun
was the only one that piqued his interest.

If Chanyeol was going to marry someone anyway, why not Baekhyun? He seemed fun.

He was not going to lie that the smaller made him want to protect him.

Rather than starting a new completely uncomfortable relationship with someone else
again, he could just do it with Baekhyun. He was comfortable enough with him.

The smaller as if replying to Chanyeol's thoughts smacked his lips making some puppy
noises while nodding a yes in his sleep.

Chanyeol burst out in silent giggling. Swiftly turning on his back he fetched his phone. The
first thing he did was set an alarm for 8am.

The second, was send a message to his mom.

'I've rethought my desicion, I don't think Baekhyun is that bad a choice for my husband.'

He hit sent after glancing thrice at Baekhyun.

Maybe they could work this out. Arrange marriages were difficult but he figured it'd work

The shrill noise of the alarm clock woke Chanyeol up, his vision, a bit blurry but still good
enough to see the outline of the smaller, in front of him.

His hand was almost numb from being attached to Baekhyun's all night.

He remembered all that happened yesterday and smiled.

His fiance sleeping in front of him. He was the one, Chanyeol was going to spend the rest
of his life with.

The realisation came along with another, that their legs were tangled even though their
upper bodies were far apart.

Was this going to be their 1st romantic moment?

The hope Chanyeol had was soon ambushed as a hand came out of nowhere smacking
the day lights out of him.

Maybe not.


The hand was replaced by pillows as the smacking continued.

It only stopped when Chanyeol was knocked onto the floor.

"If you pull something like this shit again, /ever/. Just wait and watch. I'll burn down
everything you own."

Chanyeol sat there rooted to the floor taking in the situation.

His fiance was a monster.

He saw the smaller walk into the bathroom, face red- this time due to anger.

Chanyeol quickly struggled while getting up, making his way to his phone, stubbings his
pinky toe in the process and wailing.

He rapidly typed in a message.

'I made a mistake, Baekhyun is a solid No.'

Soon his phone's annoying ringtone filled the room. He quickly glanced to see where
Baekhyun was and sighed when he realised he'd take a good while before coming out.

Preparing himself for loud yells, he picked up his mom's call.

"Park Chanyeol, what is wrong with you?"

"Mom, I thought over it again, we're not a good match. It'll be really difficult for us to
manage. Please forget whatever I message yesterday."

"I can't do that Chanyeol, I was just on call with Baekhyun's mom and already told her that
the marriage is Onnnn"

"You did what?"

"The marriage is oooOooOnnn"

"Mom can you please stop trying to act like a cool college kid?"

"Anyway, how can you do that before even asking Baekhyun and confirming it?"

What Chanyeol heard next brought a combination of a proud smile and sly smirk on his

Baekhyun walked out, dressed to impress. Comfortable yet sleek. He stopped when he
saw Chanyeol sitting on the sofa, twiddling the phone in hand. A smirk drilled on his face.

Baekhyun lifted an eyebrow as to question the lousy attitude of the taller.

Chanyeol got up slowly.

The smirk getting louder as he walked even closer to the smaller.

From then, every step Chanyeol took ahead, Baekhyun took one back, until the cold slate
of the huge mirror brushed his back bringing to a stop.

Chanyeol moved in closer, smelling the sweet perfume.

"Good morning, Fiance."

Baekhyun choked/gasped or it was something in between, Chanyeol couldn't figure out.

"Stop bullshitting." Baekhyun's words were fierce but the soft voice made them lose their

Chanyeol moved in even closer. Eyes tracing Baekhyun's every feature.

"You think I'm joking? Well I'm not. You're my fiance Byun Baekhyun. The soon to be Park
Chanyeol." Chanyeol smirked, while a finger outlined Baekhyun's cheek forcing him to shut
his eyes.

Small palms came on to Chanyeol's chest to swiftly push him back a little.
Baekhyun could finally breathe once Chanyeol was out of his face. He still looked at the
taller, bewildered.

"Still don't believe me? Here call your mom?" Chanyeol smiled evily, while providing the
smaller with his phone.

Struggling a little, Baekhyun still managed to dial.


"Baekhyun honey! Did Chanyeol already tell you the good news? We've fixed your

"What? When? Why?" Baekhyun whined loudly.

Chanyeol cracked a smile.

"Mom, please I don't want to get married! I don't even like Chanyeol!"

The taller rolled his eyes. /sure/

"Stop acting like a child Baekhyun, this is a marriage. You don't change your views every
alternate day!"

"Cancel it Mom!" Baekhyun's voice was whinier than before.

"That's not possible sweety!We already told them, you accepted on the first day-"

Baekhyun quickly cut the call.

It was incredibly embarassing to hear what his mom was going to say.

Chanyeol sniggered as he moved in closer once again.

"Couldn't wait to get married to me, could you?"

Chanyeol /knew/.
Baekhyun's cheeks flared as he realised his mom and Chanyeol's mom both betrayed him.

"I had a wrong impression of you and that's the only reason I said yes at that time. I don't
want to be your husband anymore."

Chanyeol's eyes dimmed a little but the smirk was still plastered as sly as before.

"Oh come on Baekhyun, stop lying."

"I'm not"

"You're the freak who put bats in my room!"

"Those were toys!"

"Shouted on me for cracking a good deal"

"Okay, fine I should've congratulated you on that"

"Judged me for being me" Baekhyun's voice came out small when he accused him of the
last thing.

"That's not true at all!" Chanyeol stood there wide eyed as he looked at Baekhyun

"Don't kid me, you judged me the min I stepped in that day and you still do."

"Okay, fine I'm a judgemental freak who does stupid things but who isn't?"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

Baekhyun backed away from Chanyeol as he walked over to the bed. He was getting a

"Do you think marriages are a joke?" Baekhyun's small voice whispered once again.
"No Baekhyun, I don't." Chanyeol sighed.

"Then why do you want to marry me? We're complete tangents."

"Because I'd rather marry you than a complete stranger."

"That's your only reason for marrying me Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol stared back at Baekhyun, clueless. Was there supposed to be another reason?
Did Baekhyun expect him to be madly in love with him? They'd just met.

"Which fantasy world are you living in Baekhyun? This is an arrange marriage. People
don't just fall in love at first sight. If it were a movie, maybe yes. If it were a love marriage,
may yes too. But we've just met! You can't expect me to be madly in love with you"

"I don't. Trust me I don't. But I atleast expect you to like some qualities in me that constitute
to a reason to marry me. Not because you know me a week more than your next suitor."

Chanyeol sighed, he really didn't know what to say.

"You know why I said Chanyeol?"


"Because I saw the way you came to my rescue in your own way to hide me from
embarrassment the day I burnt the kitchen down. I thought if this man could do something
like this for a person he just met 30mins before what would he do for someone he loved.-

I did not say yes because I suddenly fell in love with you. I said yes because I thought in
future I might be able to if that man was you."

Chanyeol stood there, quite for a moment, taking in the meaning behind Baekhyun's

Before the taller could come up with some words to make Baekhyun understand.

They heard loud raps from next door.

"Baekhyun! Open up! We're going to be late!! Get up you asshole!" Came the muffled voice
of Do Kyungsoo, knocking loudly onto the door of 'baekhyun's' to be room.

Both of them looked at eachother, alarmed.

Baekhyun slowly lifted his finger, telling Chanyeol to remain silent.

He swiftly picked out the phone, and typed in the message.

'Soo where are you? I'm waiting by the breakfast station since 15MINS!! Gonna kick your

They heard the knocking stop as the footsteps rushed towards the elevator.

Both breathed a sigh of relief and Baekhyun got up.

"Baekhyun, we need to talk"

"Not now, maybe later."

"Later, when?"

"IDFK chanyeol, just not now. I have to go. Kyungsoo is looking for me."

Chanyeol wanted to retort but he saw that the smaller had already opened the door & was
peeking out to make sure noone was on the floor.

Baekhyun nodded one last time at Chanyeol, before making his way out.

The taller fell back on his bed, exhausted even before the day started.

"You're finally come! I've been here for 20 minutes waiting for you! Finally, decided to take
a piss"

"Shut it, liar"

"Do you want me to show you my semi wet dick?"

"Ew, what the fuck Byun, I meant- quit lying about the waiting part!"

"What do you mean? I was here all along!"

"Is that the lie we're gonna maintain?"

"What in the God's world are you talking about! Why would I even lie?"

"Oh? Then would you care to explain why the assistant director of our company sent me a
text telling me, he would kick my ass if I didn't reach the breakfast station?"

Baekhyun's shocked reaction and the movement of his hand to his immediate back pocket
was an answer enough for Kyungsoo.

He let out a dry laugh while nodding his head seeing Baekhyun struggle to come with an

"Save it. I don't wanna know if y'all did the deed"


The entire crowd was now staring at them. Baekhyun waved a quick embarassing hello to
everyone, trying to cover up.

"Like I said, I don't want to know-"

"Our parent's fixed our marriage"

Kyungsoo did not expect that answer, so he contemplated on what to reply.

"And are you okay with it?"

"I don't know."

"Do you not like Chanyeol? You looked smittened by him before?"
"Have you ever seen Chanyeol? Everyone's smitten by him."

Kyungsoo quickly glanced at the giant who entered their view, quickly nodding while
agreeing to the statement.

"Then is that the reason?"

"What? No! I'm unsure, he just agreed to marry me cause he knows me a bit more than his
previous or next suitors, thanks to the timeframe given to us to make a desicion"

Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun, a little stamp of pity in his eyes.

"Don't pity me"

The heart lipped boy nodded.

"Do you think that maybe he agreed because he found the one he /actually/ tried and
wanted to know a bit more than the others?"

Baekhyun sat there nibbling his lips, not having an answer.

"I need you to be /my/ friend for now and at this moment."

Kyungsoo understood the implications of the sentence and nodded yet again.

"So, Chanyeol's an asshole, not a thing we didn't know before?"

Baekhyun broke out in giggles at the complete change in the other. He was thankful,
Kyungsoo didn't make any attempts to probe further.

"I can't believe I used his phone&didn't realise!"

"It's cause you never save contacts! How many times have I told you having contacts help
in emergencies?! Not like today was one, but you would've realised that this phone wasn't
yours! My name would've already been suggested!!"
Baekhyun kept nodding only paying half attention to kyungsoo as his eyes followed

His fiance.

He felt a shiver run up his spine at the thought.

Chanyeol caught his eye and they both shared a glance at eachother. Different thoughts
grazed both their minds.

"What's with those long looks?" Jumyeon nudged Chanyeol.

Chanyeol quickly dropped his gaze as he played with the baked beans on his plate.

"Come on tell me!"

Chanyeol swiftly declined stuffing his face with bread.

"Please?" Junmyeon begged.

Chanyeol's sigh was a long one.

"You see that poodle like small person sitting on the logs wearing a beanie?"

"There are two of them, which one?"

"The one that won the contest yesterday."

You mean/Baekhyun/ who yesterday won the contest that you rigged?"

"H-hyung? You knew?" Chanyeol asked wide eyed.

"Ofcourse it's my duty to know, you were so adamant on him winning. Also not very clever
of you to fill the ballet with just his name."

Chanyeol's cheeks turned red on the remark.

"Do you have a crush on him? did he not like your suprise?"

"He hated it"

"Oh my, your crush hated it? Might have been very hard on you, are you okay?"

"Yes. Very hard. He smacked me in the head"

"H-he what? And you Park Chanyeol let him live? Is he just a crush or?"

"No he's not, he's my fiance" Chanyeol finally looked up, eyes set on Baekhyun.

Totally ignoring the alarmed choke of the CEO sitting next to him.

"You're marrying the poodle with the beanie?" Junmyeon rasped out, breathless.

Chanyeol nodded eyes still fixed in the smaller, who sat weeding out the grass near his

"Congratulations Chanyeol!"

The sad look that Chanyeol gave Junmyeon on being congratulated was anything but

"Oh right, your suprise was a fail, Is that why he is upset?"

"No I did something worse, I downplayed his importance in my life"

"Is he that important to you?"

"He's my fiance now hyung, he should be the most important. Which not yet, but soon he
will be."

Junmyeon smiled as he realised how much Chanyeol had grown up. He reminisced in
some of the old memories. Good days.

Meanwhile Chanyeol thought of ways to talk to Baekhyun.

Seemed like he didn't need to, when the smaller came and stood in front of him.

"Baekhyun-ssi do you have some work with us?" Junmyeon questioned, completely aware
of how Chanyeol was itching to have talked instead.

"Y-yes, Junmyeon-nim. Can I talk to Chan-..Mr.Park?"

"Is it something related to work?" Junmyeon interrupted again.

Baekhyun quickly nodded a no.

"Oh? Then what is it about? Is it personal?" Junmyeon continued teasing.

Baekhyun's cheeks dusted pink as he looked towards Chanyeol for help.

Chanyeol liked this feeling.

The feeling of being looked at when Baekhyun needed help.

"Hyung, can you please give us a minute?" Chanyeol was suprised with how firm his voice

Junmyeon decided he'd leave the teasing for some other day.

Chanyeol got up and led Baekhyun to a small private room nearby.

As soon as they were alone, Baekhyun hurriedly placed Chanyeol's phone on the desk.

The taller looked at him confused.

"In the morning, due to all the haste, I mixed up our cellphones as I initially used yours to
call up mom, and due to that now kyungsoo knows."

"Kyungsoo knows what?"

"That we're both..."

"We're both what?" Chanyeol breathed heavily as he came close and his breath hit
Baekhyun's ear. Surrounding them with pheromones that made Baekhyun close his eyes.

"You know what I mean Chanyeol" Baekhyun let out breathless.

"I want to hear you say it" Chanyeol's raspy voice chanted, as a hand found the smaller's
fingers, tugging sensitively.

"He knows that we'll soon be joined in marriage."

"Formal, I see. Are you still strictly against it?" Chanyeol's breathy voice is now ticking his

Baekhyun's eyes slowly searched the taller's to see what he planned to achieve by asking
him this. All he found was genuine curiosity.

"Are you marrying me just for the sake of it?" Baekhyun's soft voice caught Chanyeol off

"Do I look like a person who would do that?"

Baekhyun nodded.

"You brat!" Chanyeol's gruff voice had a slight ounce smile to it. Which made even
Baekhyun giggle.

Chanyeol sighed while plastering his head on Baekhyun's shoulder.

"I don't know why I want to marry you, Byun Baekhyun"

The smaller's face scrunched up.

: But, I'm glad that I don't know that yet. Because if I already did, it wouldn't be called an
arranged marriage."

Baekhyun wondered where Chanyeol was going with this.

"What you said before was completely right, I need to like one quality of a person for it to
be a reason"

"What if I don't want to like only one quality? What if I want to learn about every single of
yours & like the whole of you, after memorizing every single detail. You're the only one who
made me think of this possibility & that's why I want to marry you. Is that reason enough?"

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol, suprised beyond doubt.

"Marriages are difficult Baekhyun, but if you're willing to work at it, I will give my best shot
too. I'm not in love with you yet and neither are you. But we'll still find a way to Make it
work. It'll be difficult no doubt-

But I can say one thing, it'll still be better with you than some other person who least
interests me. So, Byun Baekhyun, Do you want to try your hand at an arrange marriage
with me?"

Baekhyun looked awestruck. Was this the same guy who stuffed his room with bats?

"And what if it doesn't work out?" Baekhyuns murmur wasn't unheard.

"We'll find that out only if we try." Chanyeol's cliche reply made Baekhyun roll his eyes.

"Do you think it is wise for us to go ahead with this?" Baekhyun's doubts seemed never

Chanyeol's palm cupped a side of Baekhyun's cheek.

"Never took you to be one of the wise ones anyway. I can maybe be wise enough for both
of us here"

Chanyeol burst out laughing totally ruining the moment for both of them.

The scowl Baekhyun morphed his face into, gave away the smile he was trying to mask by
a bit.

"You haven't answered me yet" Chanyeol got serious all of a sudden, hands coming to
hold the smaller's waist, sending shivers on contact.

"So we're really doing this huh?"

"Only if you want to" Chanyeol shrugged.

Baekhyun seemed to contemplate for a minute, cheeks getting brighter due to the fact that
Chanyeol's hold on his waist was tightening in anticipation.

The heat of the palm that radiated on clothed muscle made Baekhyun feel queasy.

" Well, if I could be okay with making stripping my career then marrying you is a piece of
cake in comparison to that."

"Please do not compare our marriage to your non existent stripping career Baekhyun."

Baekhyun giggled, hiding the red flush that was caused by "Our marriage"

"So we're getting married huh?" This time it was Chanyeol sounding suprised as well as
amused after himself having convinced the smaller.

"Seems like it." Baekhyun shrugged.

"I can't believe it, shit it's gonna be a living hell" Chanyeol said almost on the verge of
break down.

"Chill babe, because the marriage is so OoooOooN"

"Did our parents exchange us at birth?"

Chanyeol truthfully asked Baekhyun this question, genuinely considering it.

"Stop asking these stupid questions, answer the main one."

"And that is?" Chanyeol inquired.

"Are we going to tell every one?" Baekhyun asked completely serious.

"Maybe we should wait for a while before we plan everything out & decide the right date &
time to tell our friends and then the right plan to properly execute telling our colleague."

Baekhyun nodded blankly.

Baekhyun nodded a content happy okay, before he picked up his phone and literally
frolicked his way out.

Chanyeol sat there, numb for a moment. He was getting married and to top it off, to
He was going to plan every minute detail of it because he didn't trust byun.

As he walked out, he heard the colleagues whispering that the yesterday's winner had
decided on a wish.

He marched to the middle of the ground where everyone was gathered, he questioned
Junmyeon as to what was up but the CEO just shrugged. Leaving Chanyeol no choice but
to wait.

He soon heard Baekhyun's voice on a microphone. The smaller stood happily in front of a
Karaoke system.

Chanyeol smiled at the smaller's childish wish.

He saw Baekhyun find him in the crowd and the pretty eyes immediately twinkled instantly,
making even Chanyeol smile back.

"Hello everyone, on this beautiful day, my last wish of the three was to get this Mic system
to let you all know a secret.

The crowd cheered and Chanyeol looked at the smaller, half amused half suprised.

Being motivated, Baekhyun spoke even louder.


The crowd went still, wondering if this was a joke. Chanyeol's head almost burst open as
he stood there wide eyed. Junmyeon and Kyungsoo were no different.

"Last wish of the three?" Some one in the crowd genuinely asked out of curiosity,
Baekhyun smiled gloriously.

"Yes the first one was when I asked Chanyeol to let me share his room and the second
one was when I asked him to sleep-"

The mic was instantly snatched from him. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun as if someone
poured cold ice on him.

"Is it true, Mr.Park?"

"Are you marrying him?"

The questions, howls and sobs filled the area as Chanyeol looked around not knowing
what to do.

He finally decided to take things in his own hands. Literally.

He grabbed Baekhyun's waist in one hand pulling his closer. Making the crowd and
Baekhyun, both gasp.

Joint at the hip, he smiled down an irritated smile at Baekhyun before sighing.

"We'll be United in wed lock in near future, please do look forward to it and give us your

Chanyeol bent down, pulling Baekhyun with him.

The crowd was still whispering.

As they stood there bowing, Chanyeol muttered under his breath.

"Why did you do that!"

"Saved us a whole lot of drama which would've come on later!" Baekhyun bit back.
They finally stood up as the crowd was now congratulating them, not all were happy cries

Soon in order to steal the limelight from the couple, Junmyeon step onto the stage
beginning the karaoke system and engaging people.

Many yells were heard in between as a small man was said to be pushing around the
crowd. That's how Do Kyungsoo managed to find the couple.

You! /smack/ brat! /smack/ You didn't discuss it with Chanyeol before announcing this did
you? /Smack/

Before the next one could land on Baekhyun's whining form, Chanyeol stood in front of
him, hand clasping the angry owl's.

"While I appreciate your loyalty, I would still-

Prefer it better if you could stop hitting my fiance"

Chanyeol's firm voice & beautiful face had Kyungsoo blushing.

"Yah! Kyungsoo! Don't you have any shame? Why are you blushing? He's my fiance!"

Kyungsoo immediately lunged to attack Baekhyun again, only to be stopped.

Baekhyun's adamant blush at being protected by his fiance was not very easily hidden.

Chanyeol turned, noticing it too. But he wasn't easily going to forget what Baekhyun just

He had to commend Baekhyun's audacity. His fiance was definitely a brat.

"He can't, but I definitely can & you definitely deserve one good smack for the shit you
pulled" Chanyeol smirked at Kyungsoo, who immediately approved.

Baekhyun used this chance to run, but not without Chanyeol following close.
Giggles loud enough for the sun to smile.

~ Dinner with Family & More ~

"You told me it was just going to be family! 300+ people who are not even related is not
what family means, Chanyeol!" Baekhyun hissed while nudging Chanyeol.

"And you told me you wouldn't be talking about your non existent stripping career with the
guests, guess we both lied!"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes as he gulped down another sip of expensive wine.

"Haven't you already had 2 glasses?"


"So I'd like you to be sober! Atleast, before we get home! It's just been 30mins since we got

Baekhyun took another sip, just to annoy the taller.

"I need wine to ignore all those horny old men who are undressing me with their eyes right

Chanyeol looked around, hand grabbing the smaller's waist to possesively pull him in by it,
just a tad bit closer.

Baekhyun bit his lips flushing at Chanyeol's obvious reaction.

"So you haven't still told me what's the occasion for this gathering"

"Are you kidding me?" Chanyeol frowned as he looked down at the smaller.

"Should I be knowing it already?"

"I told you at our office trip, that today was my parent's anniversary!"
"Oh! Yeah, I remember you saying something about it! But that was like 2 weeks ago. After
that we met in the office once & then you had to leave on a business trip! You can't blame

"Ofcourse I can blame you! You forgot even after being told."

"Get over it Chanyeol!"

"Shut it Byun, I already have a lot of work to act as a reminder system to you. Don't you
have a planner or something that you can write important dates in?"

"What planner!?"

"Nevermind" Chanyeol had lost count of the number of times he rolled his eyes at

"Baekhyun! Chanyeol! You made it!" They heard Mrs Park squeal, while making her way
towards them.

"This is their special day, so behave!" Chanyeol murmured as he plastered on a fake smile.

"Look at you, not even my husband yet but already acting like my dad." Baekhyun bit back.

Both had their mega watt smiles when Mrs Park greeted them. Her eyes quickly taking in,
her son's hand on the other's waist.

Chanyeol followed her trail of sight&quickly let go of the smaller, receiving a confused peer.

"Your dad is entertaining the Kims, will be here in a min"

Baekhyun noticed the slight change in Chanyeol's demeanor at the mention of the Kims.

He knew that Chanyeol was close to Junmyeon, so he wondered what was Chanyeol's
reaction all about.

He looked up, chin in the air as he jutted his lips out enquiring whether Chanyeol was okay.
As a reply, he just got a boyish head shake.

Soon, Chanyeol's father made his way towards them. All proud and happy. He pulled his
son down for a hug which Chanyeol embarrassingly, reciprocated.

Baekhyun went in for a handshake, but was pulled in for an even tighter hug.

"Boys! Sorry about last time! I did not mean to pry on your office together time."

Chanyeol and Baekhyun both flushed a deeper red remembering how Mr.Park had
mistaken them. And still continued to do so.

Chanyeol's mom looked at them, eyes filled with curiosity.

"It's not what you think mom"

"Oh please enlighten me sweetheart, as to what I should be thinking."

"Actually aunty, we were just discussing our project, the floor was wet & I slipped.
Chanyeol was trying to help & somehow I ended up in his lap. Mr.Park saw us &

Mrs Park looked at them with an expression which gave away that she did not believe
them, making Baekhyun blush even darker.

"It's true" Chanyeol's voice a bit too loud for the people standing close by.

"Okay, okay! We believe you" Mrs Park giggled, while rolling her eyes.

The couple finally left them alone to greet an old man nearby.

"They totally don't believe us" Chanyeol hissed, as he looked around to take in the faces.

"Well can we blame them? We're to be married & finding me in your lap is totally not as
criminal as you make it sound"

Baekhyun plopped a huge piece of chocolate covered strawberry in his mouth while talking
& moaning a little due to the heavenly taste.

"Geez! Why are you having the desert now!? We're yet to have our dinner!"

"Geez! why do you always have a stick up your butt?" Baekhyun teased.

Chanyeol glared at Baekhyun only to recieve an eye roll.

"My favourite boy! And Chanyeol..." Junmyeon rushed over to meet the two, making
Baekhyun blush effectively.

Ever since the CEO found out about them, he was nothing but sweet to the smaller.

Always telling Baekhyun how he was like a brother he never had.

Baekhyun saw a head emerge behind the CEO, much taller. The man had an aura that
screamed sophisticated.

"So this is the brother you've never had, that you keep talking about" The voice was velvety
and polite.

Baekhyun blushed at being introduced using that reference when he was just thinking
about it.

"Hello, I'm Jongin, you can call me Kai, whatever suits."

"Hi Jongin, I'm Baekhyun. Nice to meet you and are?"

"His brother."

Baekhyun's mouth dropped open to look at the CEO.

Chanyeol let out a deep laugh and Junmyeon scowled.

"He's my brother! But you're the brother I never had. Jongin isn't my type!" Junmyeon
rushed to his own rescue.
Baekhyun thought Kai would be offended but the latter just sniggered and he realised, this
was their usual banter.

Noone even realised that Chanyeol's hand was already resting on Baekhyun's waist as the
4 continued their small talk.

It was probably going to become a habit. Not that either of the two were complaining. Slow
steps was their initial agreement anyway.

"It's nice to see you chan"

Chanyeol's expression faltered a little, face a lil perplexed on recognizing the voice.

"Jong woo, I see that you're here too"

If Chanyeol's tight smile was any indication then Baekhyun knew that the taller was
probably uncomfortable around this person.

Junmyeon threw a couple a guilty look, which Baekhyun didn't really understand what for.

"This is our cousin, Jung woo." Baekhyun nodded as Junmyeon took it upon himself to
make the introductions.

"He was over during his holidays and we could not leave him behind" Junmyeon-

Junmyeon explained as he was looking straight at Chanyeol. The latter nodded back as if

"Hi, I'm Baekhyun!" He took it to himself to make the introduction as noone looked like they
were going to.

"Hello Baekhyun-ssi, nice to see you. How do you know our Jun?"

"I am an employee at SM and he's our CEO"

The smaller replied with a gummy smile at which even Jung woo chuckled.
"Oh, and I'm even Chanyeol's fiance. We haven't decided a date yet tho"

He looked up smiling at the taller but was confused when he saw an emotionless face.

"Is that so?" Came the warm reply yet the voice sounded a bit brittle.

Baekhyun looked at Jung woo to see a face that looked like it was trying hard to mask the
real feelings.

Baekhyun felt Chanyeol's hand loosen on his waist only to let go off it.

"You look great together"

Jungwoo's words were filled with sincerity but his voice was a lil shaky.

Baekhyun realised Chanyeol was looking straight at the other, eyes filled with intensity.

It looked like they were sharing an intimate moment, which Baekhyun wasn't a part of.

He felt left out.

"So Baekhyun-ssi! Please tell us what kind of CEO, Junmyeon is. Is he clumsy at work

Kai came to Baekhyun's rescue successfully clearing the air and breaking the intense
tension in the air as Junmyeon giggled and Baekhyun felt Chanyeol grab his waist again
out of habit.

Baekhyun still did not miss the way Jung woo's eyes trailed Chanyeol's movement and
somewhere for no reason at all felt guilty.

They made further small talk where Baekhyun explained how Junmyeon was no where
clumsy while Chanyeol as well as Jung woo remained tight lipped.

Eventually they separated & Chanyeol took Baekhyun around to make introductions.

Soon the time came when Mr and Mrs Park cut their anniversary cake and celebrated with
exuberant champagne.

Couples were called to grace the stage as the tunes changed.

"May I have a dance?"

Baekhyun flushed as he was suprised by Jongin. He looked at Chanyeol as if asking for

permission but realised that the taller was busy looking somewhere else.

Jung woo,ofcourse.

Baekhyun shrugged deciding that he might as well have a good time with someone else if
not Chanyeol.

The smaller nodded a yes, giddly.

Jongin led him to the dance floor with his hand on the smaller's waist. The touch felt
different, not uncomfortable but not like Chanyeol's either.

The two still hit it off well, giggling and chuckling discussing funny stories and incidents.

It was all going good until the tunes changed to sensual ones and Baekhyun would lie if he
said he didn't find Jongin's looks intimidating.

He was about to excuse himself, out of common courtesy&to not come off as weird for
dancing too closely with his fiance's friend when-

Someone intruded their camaraderie.

"Don't you think you've danced with my fiance enough already Jongin?" Came the heavy
voice that sometimes sent tingles down Baekhyun's spine.

Jongin gave the taller a cocky look before handing Baekhyun to him.

"Thought I'd take care of him-

His fiance seemed too busy and caught up with other things"
Baekhyun saw Chanyeol straighten up at the words, lips tight. He still bowed down to
Jongin taking Baekhyun's hand in his.

The taller was then quick to pull Baekhyun in a tight embrace, catching him by surprise.

The position was rather intimate, definitely way more than how close he was to Jongin.
Baekhyun's breath caught in his mouth as he took in the scent of the man who was holding

He smelled like a mixture of bourbon and vanilla. Rich yet velvety.

"You seemed to be having fun-

Without me" Chanyeol looked very similar to a kid who felt left out at a sleepover.

"You seemed too busy to notice."

"I noticed."

"Yeah? After how long exactly?"

"Exactly a sec later, my fingers missed the warmth of your waist" Chanyeol whispered,
tightening his hold on him.

"Took you long to intrude then" Baekhyun's voice was soft as he tried to hid his smile
expecting the dim lights to work in his favour.

Chanyeol's grip was /strong/.

"Thought I'd let you have some fun"

"Well, shouldn't have intruded at all then"

Baekhyun's smirk was weak.

"Can't let someone else's hands on my fiance for too long" Chanyeol's deep heavy voice
was enough for the possessiveness to drip in.
Baekhyun moved his head a little back to look at the taller. He felt his cheeks warm up, as
he found Chanyeol looking straight back at him.

"Jongin was a much more sophisticated dancer" Baekhyun teased.

"Then maybe I should hand you back to him"

Chanyeol pouted, loosening his grip, on the verge of letting go, but Baekhyun was quick to
pull him back. Hands clamping the taller's shirt.

"No! You're not /that/ bad."

Chanyeol snorted while smirking, as they continued their light dance to the soft calm

After a while, Baekhyun made another daring attempt to look at the taller only to be
dazzled by Chanyeol's direct gaze in him.

"S-so, what's your deal with Jung woo?"

Chanyeol visibly frowned making an unhappy face as he felt a spark of offense when
Baekhyun referred to them as a deal. It made it sound like something cheap.

"There is no deal, whatsoever. " The taller's voice was gruff but serious.

"No, I mean what is your history?"

"Nothing worth your time or stress." The taller spoke with an assertiveness, which let
Baekhyun know that Chanyeol wasn't likely to entertain any other conversation on this

"I'll trust you then." Baekhyun nodded.

And Chanyeol continued to lead them through the next song.

Throughout their dance, Baekhyun had a weird uncomfortable, queasy feeling.

He hadn't begun to like the taller, but his heart felt a lil stiff when he saw the interactions
and looks exchanged between Chanyeol and Jung woo.

His feet moved, but the brain was stuck replaying it.

"Hey you okay? You look out of it." Chanyeol enquired.

Baekhyun dismissed his question by quickly smiling back and nodding.

Chanyeol knew what was on the smaller's mind but he didn't really know if he was
comfortable with discussinh it yet.

"Why don't we go eat something?"

At the mention of food Baekhyun's stomach growled and Chanyeol didn't really need an
answer after thsy.

He pulled an embarrassed Baekhyun off the dance and to the dinner table, swiftly avoiding
the one with the Kims.

Not that Baekhyun didn't notice it, but he let him be.

"Do you like the food baekhyunie?" Mrs Park enquired as she trudged over to their table.

"It's delicious!" Baekhyun grinned.

The dinner went on with them making small talk, until Mrs. Park finally dropped a bomb.

"So..., we were thinking of setting up a date soon."

Baekhyun choked on his drink as Chanyeol calmly rubbed his back to calm him down.

"Mom, my schedule is not free till the next 18months to accommodate a wedding, I'd like
you to take that into consideration."

Baekhyun caught his breath a little, Thank God for Chanyeol.

"Ofcourse sweetie! We'll consider your priorities&that's why we've decided you both are
getting married in 2weeks."

"What?! Did you not hear what I just said" Chanyeol argued.

Baekhyun was back to choking on his drink.

"I heard it, but everything is already decided&happening"

Chanyeol's mom smiled, a quite frightening one Baekhyun thought. Chanyeol looked
helpless and it was funny. On some other day he would've made fun of the taller but he
was in the process of handling a shock too.

He gulped as he glanced a look at Chanyeol.

He's marrying him!!!!

"Everything is decided, but as it is your wedding Baekhyun, don't worry we'll be taking all
your suggestions, we have many desicions to make in a day tommorow."

"What about me? It's my wedding too!" Chanyeol complained already knowing he was not
going to get a vote in anything.

"Chanyeol you take hours to decide which shampoo you'll use on what day! Planning a
wedding with you would take years! Plus you said you're busy! We would need you just on
the wedding day so as to not take too much of your time"

Baekhyun giggled at Chanyeol's expression.

It was a nerve racking and scary news, that he was going to be wedded to the giant sitting
next to him as soon as in 2 weeks but looking at him pout and grumble, Baekhyun couldn't
help but coo.

He was nervous but somewhere a little part of him was excited.

Chanyeol offered to drive Baekhyun home and the latter accepted. He anyway didn't have
a ride because Chanyeol picked him up.
Half way through the quite journey, Chanyeol cleared his throat drawing the smaller's

"You sure you're okay with the pace of things?"

Baekhyun glanced at the taller before answering.

"When I signed up for arrange marriage, I thought I'd be married the next day I met you, so
far the pace is better than I expected."

Chanyeol chuckled and Baekhyun's smile widened.

"You really can't wait to marry me can you?"

Chanyeol teased & then yelled when he recieved a smack on his arm in return.

"Ow! We really need to set up some rules about you smacking me for no reason!"
Chanyeol hissed.

"You know that's not what I meant and hence you deserved it!"
Baekhyun muttered while massaging his hand.

"But on a serious note Byun, it's /our/ wedding, If you think things are getting too much for
you, you just have to let me know, I'll handle my mom. She goes over the top sometimes.
Anything that's not according to what you want & is being forced on you, just let me know"

"Thankyou Chanyeol."

They were already outside Baekhyun's residence. Chanyeol smiled as he looked at

Baekhyun. He found his hand moving to set a small fringe straight.

"You're going to be a Park in 2weeks, you're my responsibility now."

Baekhyun blushed at the words.

Lately Baekhyun found himself blushing alot.

"I think I should get going"

Chanyeol nodded as he moved in really close, surprising the smaller. He stared into
Baekhyun's eyes as his hand moved tracing the smaller's stomach over the warm elite

Finally stopping on the seat belts buckle as he pressed it and the belt zoomed.

Chanyeol grinned as he realised Baekhyun had closed his eyes anticipating something
else all together.

Hearing the belt, Baekhyun's eyes opened at the same speed. He'd completely

But maybr not completely, as Chanyeol decided to be brave again and slowly placed a
warm kiss on the smaller's cheek.

Baekhyun took in a loud breath at the contact as his fingers tightly held onto his pants.

Chanyeol's lips lingered on the smaller's cheeks a minute too long,

Deciding that if he didn't back off now he would end up nibbling the smaller's smooth skin,
Chanyeol sat back in his place, this time a smirk attacked.

"Sweet dreams, future husband!"

Baekhyun looked at the taller, he wasn't a coward either so he moved cutting the distance-

Landing his lips lips to smooch the taller's cheeks, catching him off guard. He wiped his wet
lips when moved back looking extremely sexy.

"You too Mr. Park, sweet dreams."

Baekhyun jumped out of the car before Chanyeol could stop him, zipping his way back to
his house.
Chanyeol sat there, mouth wide and open still feeling the soft lips on his lips.

He chuckled as he drove back, a smile rather printed on his face.

2 weeks and his life was going to be completely different.

~ The call and the complains ~

Chanyeol wondered whether Baekhyun had forgotten Chanyeol all together? They were
getting married in 3 days but the last time he'd seen Baekhyun was at the anniversary

The mom squad had taken hold of Baekhyun entirely, even Junmyeon had given the
smaller an off.

Chanyeol wondered whether the smaller was doing okay.

It seemed like he didn't think Chanyeol was being serious when he'd told the smaller to
trust him if the times got tough.

He sighed, glancing around his lonely office, he was late, way past the working hours.

Putting the last of the day's work on the table, he inspected the table. It was as clean as a
whistle, just like his room. Would that change after he married Baekhyun?

He feared these uncertainties but something about them was exciting as well.

He soon realised he had to leave.

Getting up, he gathered his things. Throwing one last look at the room and making sure he
didnt leave anything behind, he switched off the light.

"Still here, sir?" The heavy voice spooked Chanyeol, a bit.

"Mr. Doh? What are you doing in office this late?" Chanyeol enquired.

"Some has to fill in your husband's shoes & complete the extra work, not everyone has a
boss for their husband." Kyungsoo bit back, but the smile in his voice did not let it come off
as an insult.

Chanyeol smiled, hearing someone refer to Baekhyun as his husband for the 1st time

"How is he?" The taller couldn't help but ask.

Kyungsoo's smile lit up as he nibbled on his lips trying to keep it off.

"Who he?" Kyungsoo was about to crack up seeing Chanyeol's face.

"You know who."

"You mean your husband?"

"Fiance, we aren't married yet."

Kyungsoo laughed wide & loud enjoying the fact that the taller was blushing more, as every
second passed.

"I'd tell you, but what's in it for me?"

"I can get someone to work your job for a few days, /after/ the wedding."


"Who do you want?"Chanyeol sighed.


"You're kidding right?"

Kyungsoo nonchalantly declined.

"Are you asking me to betray Baekhyun for you?"

"Oh am I too lowly for that? Then let me take my leave, your majesty!"
"No wait, can't it be someone else? Baekhyun would kill me"

"Nope, I show no mercy."

Chanyeol muttered an exasperated 'fine', mind already working to think what revenge
would Baekhyun plot. Meanwhile Kyungsoo's gummy fond smile was wide.

"So, are you gonna tell me?"

"He's...uh a little stressed out, planning a wedding in 2 weeks is no joke"

Chanyeol nodded.

"Thank the lord that he loves to eat otherwise he wouldve 100% missed his meals, Too
much work to keep up with."

Chanyeol bit the inside of his lips, contemplating on how he should ask his mom to slow
down things a bit.

"Over all, he's fine." The heart shaped smile was back.

"Don't worry, if he ever needs help he calls me" Kyungsoo supplied.

Chanyeol felt a little comforted, yet still not very happy because Baekhyun chose not to
share his burdens with the taller.

He nodded thanking Kyungsoo and ordering him to leave office within the next 10 mins.

He slipped into the car, throwing his suitcase in the next seat. Hands tight on the steering
he placed his face on it groaning.

"M'Why won't he call me?' Another loud groan before he started the engine.

He was about to press the accelator when his phone chimed.

'Byun Baekhyun'
Chanyeol instantly pulled the handbrake and switched of the car, anxious to reach the

Loud bawling noises, soon stunned his eardrums as he heard some one sob on the other

"B-baekhyun? Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked scared to death.

"Answer me!"

All he heard was hiccups and loud breaths accompanied by sniffs. Chanyeol was beyond
the word scared.

"Baekhyun? Where are you? Can you hear me? Where are you?" The frantically asked not
knowing what to do.

"Home" came the soft reply, followed by a few sobs.

Chanyeol visibly relaxed when he heard the smaller was safe.

"What happened sweetie?why are you crying?"

Chanyeol almost bit onto his lips when the crying increased by manifolds!

"Baekhyun stop crying and for God's. sake tell me what's the matter!"

No response, just sobs.

However as seconds passed it reduced, he heard Baekhyun take in huge breaths and
hiccups in between to finally control his sobs.

"Are you going to tell me now?"

"I mi-'hic'-ss you. Hic."

Chanyeol's heart thundered at an anxious pace.

"Is that way why you called?"


"Oh? Okay, then why did you call?" Chanyeol didn't realise he was pouting because of the
previous answer.

"Mom's are troubling me"

Chanyeol sat up straight. Alerted as if on parole.

"How dare they? What did they do to you?"

"They called me fat!"

"Oh noooo, they didn't?!?"

"A-are you making fun of me Chanyeol?" The hiccups were back, alerting the taller that if
he didn't do damage control quick, the smaller was going to start crying again.

"No, I am not! You are not fat at all, I am sure they were joking Baekhyun."

"No, they were certainly not-

I just asked if I could get some icecream, but your mom asked me whether that was a wise
desicion, I was confused at first but then my mom bluntly threw a remark that I should see
what I eat or I won't fit in my Wedding suit!"

"If you don't, we'll get you new one!"

"A-are you calling me fat too?"

"No ofcourse not!"

"Hmm" came the soft reply of the smaller through the phone.

"I am not calling you fat Baekhyun, because you aren't, you're perfect!" Chanyeol sighed
into his phone.

"I want ice cream" came the soft reply instead.

Chanyeol smiled at his fiance who he was pretty sure was just a 3 year old.

"I will get you ice cream then"

"You will?"


The giggled Baekhyun let out made Chanyeol's stomach whirl too.

The taller drove around, looking for ice cream, listening to Baekhyun complain.

Baekhyun complained about all kinds of things from the spongebob tie he wanted to wear
but wasn't let to, to how he hates the flowerist, because he hates flowers.

Chanyeol takes in the small details for him to know and remember forever.

He learns his new favourite thing is listen to Baekhyun complain but still justify the other
persons actions.

He loves it so much that he still listens while he's ordering, paying going back to the car yo
switch on the bluetooth again.

Finally he reaches Baekhyun's home.

"Chanyeol! What are you doing here!" His mom greets him after opening the door.

Her eyes find the huge ice cream packet in his hand, and she looks at him guiltily. He
throws her an narrow look when he walks in.

"Chanyeol! I did not know you were coming!" Mrs Byun greets him.

Her eyes find the Ice cream packet too and changes just like his own mom.
"D-did Baekhyun..?" She enquires only for Chanyeol to nod back with a tight smile.

"BAEKHYUN!!!" Her shrill voice makes Chanyeol make a face, purely a reaction.

He soon hears loud thuds on the floor.

The smaller stands on the staircase. A large tshirt, checked pajamas,pair of glasses and a
tinge of redness from all the crying. He's still sniffing like a puppy.

"Did you complain to Chanyeol about us?" Mrs Byun's voice is still loud, as if reprimanding
the smaller.

It's as if Baekhyun's not even hearing, as he rushes towards the taller, thuds loud on the

And Chanyeol is hit by a force not enough to knock him on the ground but enough for an

Baekhyun hugs his waist and finds refuge on his chest. The taller pulls him in too.

They stand there for a second hugging each other when the sobs begin, and Chanyeol is
cooing, brushing the smaller's back, telling him softly and politely not to cry.

He then shoots a look at both the mom's and they avoid his at light's speed.

Baekhyun's trembling, just a lil.

Few seconds later, after telling the smaller he's ugly when he cries and that the ice cream
is going to melt, he stops. Still the original hiccups passing over him. He's still hugging the

Chanyeol passed the ice cream pack over to his mom for serving.

They stood there for a while, the moms had left. Chanyeol kept soothing the smaller's
back. Finally Baekhyun looked up, eyes crystal.

"It was tiring wasn't it?" Chanyeol asked, to which Baekhyun nodded.

Seeing things calm, moms walked in again. Faces apologetic.

"Sorry, Baekhyun. We're sorry. We shouldn't have made those remarks. You were already
pretty stressed"
Mrs.Park apologised.

"Yes baby, we know this hasn't been easy for you, come here." Baekhyun's mom added.

Chanyeol looked down at the smaller, as he saw him decline his mom.

"You brat!" Mrs.byuns smile was enough to know she wasn't serious.

Baekhyun giggled in Chanyeol's side hearing his mom's remark, followed by Chanyeol's
giggle only difference between the two was that he noticed Chanyeol pulled him closer.

The mom's however had, had enough, so

They left again to give the couple some privacy.

Chanyeol stood there towering & hugging Baekhyun for a long time, before they got tired
and moved to couch, without letting go off each other.

"Did you have dinner?" Baekhyun was still thoughtful.

"Yes, I did" Chanyeol replied

Baekhyun suddenly realised, what he'd done and let go off the taller only to be pulled back
and comforted.

Chanyeol's soft breaths and their sound were lulling rhe smaller into an effortless sleep
which he missed terribly tor almost 2 weeks, now.

Chanyeol cosied up too.

It was never about the ice creams, Baekhyun had a breakdown due to being overly worked
& exhausted. He felt suffocated& all he could think about was calling Chanyeol.

Is this how secure all people felt after marriage? Baekhyun thought of it as he snuggled up
to the taller.

They slept on the couch itself, heard fitting perfectly because of the height difference.

They woke up with a start when Baekhyun mom loudly asked for them to.

It led to a perplexed Chanyeol running out, at the fear of being late for office, leaving a
stunned Baekhyun behind.

The smaller, without any context sat there on the couch, smiling.
He felt warm inside

Baekhyun was glad, his fiance was Chanyeol as he went to eat the ice cream in the

Returning to his tiring duties soon after.

~ The first night ~

Chanyeol sat stunned on the couch as he heard the shower in their hotel room.

He just got married.

His Husband was Park Baekhyun.
His entire family + Business associates had seen Baekhyun give him, a rather explicit lap
He fainted /at his own wedding/

He saw his parents do it in the cupboard./Gross/

Baekhyun puked all over the wedding cake because he ate a mini sandwhich made with
prawns. Baekhyun is allergic to prawns
Chanyeol fainted(x2)
Junmyeon threw tantrums on stage when noone laughed at his jokes.
Chanyeol could go on

He did not know what to think of, because of the number of things that happened. He just
knew 1 thing. He was married, had a husband now, & the guy was allergic to prawns.

The shower stopped & that brought Chanyeol back to his senses.

"Hey, you okay?" Baekhyun asked walking out

Chanyeol traced the smaller's outline. Baekhyun felt exposed&shy as he walked over to
the cupboard to find his clothes.

Chanyeol gulped when he saw the smaller bend exposing his wet thighs.

Baekhyun turned to look straight at him from that position catching the taller's stare.

"You sure you're okay? You took quite the hit the 2nd time."

Baekhyun asked in a voice that genuinely sounded worried, but Chanyeol didn't know why
he felt so hot all around. He couldn't stay on one train of thought.

It was happening again, the whirling. Things were moving.

The next time the taller woke up he was tucked in bed.

'Where was Baekhyun?'

He saw the flickering lights of the TV on the wall. Sitting up straight, he found the smaller
perched on the corner of the bed, nibbling on some snacks as he watched a movie with a
serious expression.

"Baekhyun" Chanyeol croaked.

He didn't intend to but he definitely managed to scare the shit out of the smaller, as he saw
Baekhyun spring off the bed & onto the floor.

Chanyeol furiously crawled through the Blankets to reach the end of the bed.
"Oh my God, did you get hurt?"

Baekhyun gave him an amused look accompanied by a wide smile.

"Hey! You're up! It's.."

The smaller turned around finding the wall clock. Chanyeol following his action.

"It's 2 30am, did you sleep well?"

"2 30 am?! Now I won't sleep all night!" The taller groaned from the bed.

"Well, technically it's our first night so people expect you to not sleep anyway" Baekhyun
supplied with the soft pink dust on his cheek.

Chanyeol sat there, not knowing what to say. His stomach, growled really loud in reply.

"You seem really hungry" Baekhyun giggled.

The taller nodded embarassed at the involuntary cry of help from his stomach.

"Mom told me you have a habit of not eating when you're nervous/worried & that's why you
fainted not once but twice!"

"Mom? Your mom?"

"No, Mrs Park silly. I have to call her that, now that we're.."

"Got it. Do we have something I could eat?" Chanyeol got up looking around, frisking his

"Yeah, I got you some of the left over cake and food from /our/ wedding"

"You sure it's puke free?" Chanyeol smirked.

"Hey! That's such a mean thing to say! No food for you"

But Chanyeol had already found the bag the smaller was talking about. He started opening
the boxes one by one.

"Was there even 1 thing right, that happened today?" Chanyeol grumbled stuffing a spoon
of spaghetti in his mouth.

"I am your husband now, aren't I?" Baekhyun smirked.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes & Baekhyun giggled.

He had safely deposited himself on the bed between blankets. Milky white legs on display
thanks to the really skimpy shorts. His bright pink skin tight slip wasn't making things any

Baekhyun realised that Chanyeol was staring.

"Stop staring, you're making me feel weird."

Chanyeol choked on his food coz of being caught. Coughs loud & hands flying to reach for

Baekhyun bit his lips subtly ignoring Chanyeol's clumsy self.

"So, what do you want to do now?" The smaller's voice was calm and polite.

After gulping another huge glass of water the taller loudly cleared his throat.

"What do you want to do?"

"Something that won't lead to you fainting again."

"Shut up, Why are you wearing what you're wearing, anyway?" Chanyeol made an
annoyed face as he chowed down his food.

"I-I...Your m-mom bought these for me!" Baekhyun bit his lips again, cheeks ablaze with a
red tint.

"Oh God! When will that old hag learn to mind her own business!" Chanyeol groaned.
"Chanyeol!!" Baekhyun's eyes were wide from being suprised at the taller's choice of

"Look I love my mom and everything, but she needs to know when to stop! I'm sure she
didn't ask you before putting those sandwiches on the menu! For the love of God it was our
wedding! You don't put stuff my fiance is allergic to on the menu"

"Husband" Baekhyun blushed.

"And that cake was horrible! I don't even like chocolate! I'm glad you puked on it. Do you
even like chocolate?"

Baekhyun nodded a rather obedient No.

"See what I mean! There were no flowers at our wedding! No flowers! At. A. Wedding.!!!"
Chanyeol breathed loud with every word.

"Actually, that may have been me! I don't really like flowers."

"Oh. Then that's ok. But you're getting what I am saying right?"

Baekhyun chuckled, lousily on the bed while nodding.

Hours were spent complaining about what they despised about everyone that attended the

"It's 6am, already. We've to get up around 9am in the morning to meet everyone for

"What when was that decided?"

"Well, I know our original plan was, get married, everyone stays at this beautiful hotel for
the next day and we get hom at night but then-"

"Then... your mom suggested that not everyone got to enjoy the wedding /together/ as I
was puking and you were fainting half the time, so they all agreed to gather for breakfast."

Chanyeol's groaned. /loud/

"I think we should sleep then, Do you want me to sleep on the couch?"

"We've already shared the couch for a night, might as well share a comfy bed this time."

Chanyeol's face turned dark as Baekhyun realised what it sounded like.

"I did not mean that, I meant-

Just come here. We only havr 3 hours to sleep and not come off as moody for breakfast"

"Sureeee, you are just inviting me on the bed, wearing those skimpy clothes, totally /not/
tryna seduce me!"

"Shut it, your mom got me these."

"But you decided to wear them!"

"I just wanted you to have a good rest, looks like you'll do that just fine on the floor!"

"He-hey Baekhyun! Stop throwing my stuff on the floor"

Chanyeol quickly moved towards the bed, dodging the small pillows and blankets thrown
his way.

"I said stop it!"

Chanyeol's voice was strict as he towered over the smaller, knees on the bed, small wrists
trapped in hands.

He realised how close he had pulled Baekhyun in his attempt to stop him when the round
wide eyes looked at him.

"I want to sleep with you" Chanyeol whispered, His hold still tight.
Baekhyun shied away, eyes moving to look at his own legs while his head hung low.

"Look at me"

Baekhyun's wrists were tugged again, pulling him closer, hands holding his arms now.
Almost squeezing them, making the smaller's shoulder square up.

"You're being too frank" Baekhyun mustered up courage to reply.

"Park Baekhyun" Chanyeol chanted, ignoring the previous words.

Baekhyun looked straight at him feeling a pull towards his own south at being called by his
new surname.

Chanyeol slowly ducked down, breathing every breath he took on the smaller's face and
then his neck.

He loved it when he felt the smaller shiver in hold.

"Park Baekhyun"

Chanyeol chanted again, a second before he placed his soft lips on the smaller's
collarbone, drawing out a gasp.

His lips felt every quiver of the body he was tasting, every jerk that was the consequence
of his hot breath touching the other's cool skin.

Baekhyun could not move.

Because of his raging heart beat & Chanyeol's strong hold. He itched to move his palms
into the taller's hair and pull him by his hair, deeper into his neck.

He settled for trembling while moving his neck to the other side, giving the taller permission
& all the skin he needed.

Chanyeol groaned when he saw the skin on display, all thanks to his mom's desperate
attempt to get him laid.

He scrunched his nose at the thought & left go of the soft skin pinched between his teeth.

Baekhyun's obvious disapproval at the loss of contact however pulled him back.

This time he moved slowly from the collarbone to the neck, to the chin and then finally on
to the cheek. A wet trail to mark him.

Baekhyun still held like a small doll, being moved and turned according to his need. The
taller made every move slowly as if enjoying his prey.

After making a round trip from one side to the other, often motivated by the silent trembles
& the soft moans, Chanyeol loosened his grip.

Taking this chance, Baekhyun finally moved his pretty fingers to trace the taller's broad
shoulders and move up to play with his hair while-

Chanyeol moved back an inch to look at him, taking in the desperateness that shone in
those eyes. His breath still hitting the smaller's face, & his chest moving to accomodate
every loud and long breath the other took.

It was sexy.

Chanyeol put his hands of his favourite waist-

Tugging in once more as he finally sat with the smaller with his face on Chanyeol's
shoulder, cradled like a baby, legs going around his waist and hands in his hair.

The warmth was nice and cosy. Comfortable.

He moved his fingers to trace the back of the smaller's neck-

And he felt Baekhyun sigh, hot breath heating up his shoulder. The taller's other hand was
holding the other tight against his chest. Fingers moving to try and seduce while the heated
body felt nice against him.
Chanyeol felt liked he was in his own world.

The warm bundle in his arm, made him close his eyes Enticing him with intimacy for those
few seconds.

When he finally opened them to go & give the smaller a mark of his own, he noticed the
body warm but limp against him. The fingers just there in his hair.

Baekhyun fell asleep.

Chanyeol could not believe his luck as he sat there with a semi boner, almost cussing his
husband of pne day.

He slowly loosened Baekhyun's hold against his waist, putting the smaller slowly onto the

"You were even more tired than me, weren't you?" Chanyeol whispered.

Fingers moving to lightly massage the smaller's hair.

Baekhyun whispered something about him being ready and for Chanyeol to take him, in his
sleep which left the giant amused, wide eyed and maybe a little more horny.

This brat was making his life difficult even when asleep.

After finally making sure the smaller was asleep, he decided to take a chance & go relieve
himself in the bathroom.

Even if Baekhyun does wake up he's always welcome to join him there, the taller smirked
at his devilish thiughts

Baekhyun, however slept through all the moans.

Chanyeol walked in fresh & dandy, it was already 7 in the morning he wondered if it would
be a good decision to sleep now.

He decided a nap won't hurt, so he moved to the couch, seeing that the smaller was
splayed over the bed with no room for him.

He set the alarm for 8: 45am

~ The Breakfast ~

"Chanyeol! You're on time even today." Mrs. Park squealed as she looked up from their
breakfast table.

It had the Parks and the Kim's. Chanyeol looked around as he noticed they were all sitting
near a pool side. Cosy and nice on their private property in the particular hotel.

He also noticed the $100 bill that Jongin passed Suho, and lifted an eyebrow to demand
for an answer.

"We had a secret bet that you wouldn't be late even after doing the nasty"

Jongin rolled his eyes at his brother. Really Subtle.

Chanyeol just scowled as he sat on the table.

He grabbed the jar of orange juice pouring himself a glass, totally ignoring the expectant
eyes that were waiting for a reply.

"Where's Baekhyun?" Mrs. Park asked dismiss the conversation, having a set of her own


"GoodMorning" a soft voice interrupted.

Chanyeol sat straight, body a little frozen as he recognized the voice in a second.

His mom's features plastered into a warm smile, still darting once in- between to look and
check for her own son.

The taller didn't even have to turn back to know who it was.
Jung woo.

"GM! I thought your meeting wasn't going to finish till noon?" Junmyeon chimed in, a
gummy smile on his face.

"Uh.. yeah, turns out it wasn't going to start until noon, got the schedule wrong." Jung woo
let out a chuckle, massaging his neck.

"Noon? Wow!" Junmyeon chided.

"Yeah, tell me about it. It's so difficult to be on time & now even more because I'd gotten so
used to you know what, nevermind. Jongin told me you guys were here and I
didn't wanna eat alone so I thought I'd tag along"

Junmyeon nodded getting up to get an extra chair.

"Extra chair? Who else is joining us?" Jung woo moved, out of habit to sit next to the taller.
Chanyeol's heart beat speed up for unwanted reasons.

"My husband, Baekhyun" came the gruff deep reply as everyone on the table looked
around uncomfortably while some took a few bites.

Jung woo looked up slowly, an expression that said he genuinely was confused.

"W-hat? wasn't he your f-fiance just the other day?"

Chanyeol looked up, eyes finding his moms and then the other Kims.

"You guys didn't tell him? What happened to the invitation addressed to him?"

"W-hat is he talking about?" Jung woo looked around, his gaze almost teary and words

Chanyeol's expression turned into a painful one as he took in the mortified expression of
the other. This was just going to be even more devastating.
His palm tightened into a fist.

"We got married yesterday" the taller replied, a slight distress in his voice.

Junmyeon looked at Jung woo with pity as kai ate his peas, not bothered by the
conversation. Or so it seemed.

It was more of not wanting to see how broken his cousin looked at that moment.

Chanyeol's heart suffered every second that he continued to look at the one in front of him.

Jungwoo's eyes wide & glistening, looking at him with an accusation: Betrayal.

He was used to wiping those tears, not be the reason behind it.

Was marrying Baekhyun a big mistake?

He took in a deep breath, not knowing how to face the grief that was currently making it's
way through his heart, his gut forcing him to comfort the other.

The taller in the end lost self control, as he could not take it any more & reached out to
wipe the messy trails of tears.

Even the small hiccup from the other wounded him. He was about to pull Jungwoo in an
embrace & calm him down when he heard him.

"What happened?" Baekhyun asked, rubbing his eyes taking in the view of his husband's
hand around someone else, in the process of wiping their tears.

The smaller stood in front of them, in a huge hoodie & track pants.

Everyone realised why the hoodie was so big on him; because it was Chanyeol's.

One could see the evident light red marks decorating his neck. Chanyeol's less forceful
attempts at marking him last night.

Jung woo did not miss out on them either, eyes pink as he looked back at Chanyeol. Face
expressionless. He smacked the hand that was wiping his tears away and stood up

"I should go, I have a meeting" his wobbly voice conveyed.

"I'll drive you" Junmyeon added.

Baekhyun was even more confused as he saw his husband noisily get up to the follow the

He looked at Mrs Park who smiled back, clearly ansty.

This was not what he expected his 1st morning as a married guy to be like. He glanced at
Jongin while the other just nodded back.

"Jung woo! Wait" the taller called out. He knew his shout could be easily heard by the
ones back at the table.

Jungwoo seemed to not care as he continued to move hiccuping once in a while.

Chanyeol was on the verge of catching up when Junmyeon stood in the middle like a wall.

"What are you doing! Get out of my way!"Chanyeol cried.

"No, Chanyeol. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? you have a husband sitting there, & you're
chasing some one else? Why?"

"Let me go! I need to talk to him."

"You should've talked to him before you decided to become someone else's"

"How is talking even going to help? You are my favourite, but please take a hold of your
senses. You are married now, stop chasing my cousin. You already made your desicion to
live with someone else, now stick by it."

Chanyeol stood there, realising the position he is in.

"Baekhyun is a great kid, don't hurt him" Junmyeon gave him a smile that seemed too old
for his pretty face.

"B-but jungwoo is crying.."

"I'll take care of him, from now on, He's not alone."

Chanyeol nodded, chin trembling, glancing 1 last time at the figure crying in the car.

Chanyeol walked back to the table, finding his dad there now too, and apparently he was
filled in on the happenings of the morning. His expression denoting his disappointment.

Chanyeol quickly looked at Baekhyum wondering whether the smaller was filled in on it

If he was then he didn't make it apparent or even question him.

They continued their awfully quite breakfast and moved back to their room.

The couple was going to stay there for one more night.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Baekhyun decided to voice out his worries.

" Are you still going to tell me that I should not be worrying my brain about your history with

Chanyeol looked at him, words failing him.

"What is it? Are you still in love with him?"

Chanyeol tried speaking again and failed.

"Are you kidding me?"

"B-baekhyun, listen-"

"Don't Baekhyun me! If you were already in love with him and he's definitely seems like he
still has feelings for you! Why did you marry me and ruin all our lives!? What happened to
all those words you boasted of? "Only one you want to learn about", bull!"

"You made it all seem like you were the one who wanted this marriage, but you didn't did
you? you just wanted to get married to me to rub it off him? And then what? Leave me?
Was that your plan?"

"No, it wasn't, please stop, you're not in the right mind."

"I want a divorce."

" What? We can't get a divorce!"

"Why not? I think you upset the poor guy enough! You got your thing!"

"Baekhyun, I already told you it's not that-"

"THEN WHAT IS IT!" Baekhyun finally burst out in tears.

It wasn't even a day & his marriage was down the drain.

"You're not even telling me what it is! I get up to see you comforting some other man,
running behind him. It's not exactly something that makes me think any better of you"

Baekhyun sobs and his words sound rather uncharacterized But Chanyeol understands.

He sits next to him.

"He /was/ my boyfriend." Chanyeol takes a deep breath, as he tightens his hold on the
small palm.

"He left me"

This time Baekhyun looks at the Chanyeol, eyes curious but still a bit sad.

"He left me because I was too controlling and I could not get over him"
"But eventually I got to it, my way of doing it was not that great though, I avoided all ways
to meet him and distanced myself from everything but work, that's why I was shocked the
last time we saw him at the gathering."

"Do you still love him?"

Chanyeol declined, nodding a no

"Why do I feel that you have feelings for him? You're not over him"

" I think, because he was my first relation to last for almost 4 years,I will always have a soft
spot for him & want to comfort him if I see him cry, I loved him at one time, those things
don't just go away."

"Will you ever stop having a soft spot for him?"

"When I met him, he was all alone, not even close to his cousins, being accustomed to
being or atleast feeling like I'm the only one he can rely on, I don't honestly know."

"Will he always come first before me? Like today?"

Chanyeol looked at the plump nose of the smaller and his reddish face. Moving a little
closer, he dropped a soft kiss on his wet nose.

"You're my husband, you'll always be my first priority, I'm sorry I made you feel this sad
today. I was shocked too"

"Why?" Baekhyun pouted.

"I wasn't thinking straight, & felt guilty when I realised that Jung woo didn't know about our
marriage. I just thought of how it would feel to be in his place and, even though we had our
problems, he still was true to me so I knew how hurt he was"

"Does he know about it now?

Chanyeol nodded.
" I don't know Chanyeol, I think you've still not moved on from your ex. You still look at him
that way"

"What way?"

"The way you should be looking at me"

Baekhyun bit his trembling lip. Chanyeol looked at him with sad eyes said.

"Just give me one chance"

The taller whispered. Hands tugging to grab the smaller's attention.

" I really am trying, like i said once I marry you, I will give my 100% to this marriage. Just
one more chance."

How was this relationship going to work, when it started off like this?

"Give me time to think"

Ahhhhhh? I wanna know if the path that this story took was in anyway offputting or shitty?
Dghssjajaka I could have portrayed it 100 times better but still vdhsjssj

~ The opinions ~

It was around 12pm when Baekhyun sat on his bed, with a plate in his hand. They'd come
back from breakfast around 10 30, had the uncomfortable argument & then the smaller
went to take a bath & did not come out till lunch.

He was hungry, breakfast was not exactly great.

Chanyeol was lying on the couch, eyes still stuck on the smaller. He knew that Baekhyun
already had an idea that he was staring but made no attempt to acknowledge it.

He did not miss the puffiness around the other's eyes. Guilt was the only feeling that was
eating him.
"Is this how it's going to be from now on?" Chanyeol made an attempt to start a

"How is what going to be from now on?"

"Our marriage."

Baekhyun shifted a lil in his seat, gaze softly tracing the taller.

"Is it going to be you ignoring me & going on with life?"

"What do you want me to do then Chanyeol? Ask about how you rather be with someone
else than me?"

Chanyeol sat up in his position. Stumped at having a glimpse at Baekhyun's thoughts.

"I would rather be with you than anyone else."

"Not even Jung woo?"

Chanyeol remained quite.

Baekhyun let out a patronising laugh, amused at himself for being hurt at the taller's

"Why did you marry me Chanyeol?"

"Have you ever been in love, Baekhyun?"

"Is this a trick question?"

The taller declined with a soft, hardly noticeable smile.

"Yes, I think?"

"You think?"
"My previous relationships were all college stories about perfect dates, sex&enthusiasm.
Not very deep but enjoyable."

"So you've been dating nice guys, but have you ever strongly felt something about
someone so deep that you thought, this life won't be enough?

Baekhyun slowly declined, not really knowing if he would like the path Chanyeol is
probably heading towards.

"I was."

"W-was it Jung woo?"

Chanyeol sadly nodded.

"Is this some new way to hurt me?"

The pained expression on Chanyeol's face was not what he expected as a reply.

"You wanted to know why I wanted to marry you, and I'm telling you."

"Are we gonna re-establish the fact in some weird way that you married me to get to your

"Is that how lowly you think of me" Chanyeol's face turned despondent.

"You haven't given me much to think about"

Chanyeol thought over it, nodding as if having solved a maths expression. The peircing
eyes of the smaller still had his attention.

"Then let me re-establish this partn that I did not marry you with any of those intentions."

"Then why did you? Even when you still love him."

"Will you PLEASE stop staying that I am still in/love/with him ?" Chanyeol's voice was
sharp & bit agitated than before.
"I /WAS/ in love with him. /WAS/ And yes he is a part of my life that I can't erase and I will

"Your lame justifications aren't getting you anywhere."

"Even if they aren't, I need you to listen."

Baekhyun remained quite as he tried to avoid the other's stare.

"Falling in love is not a crime, it's beautiful when it's good but not all things stay the same,
they turn sour over time and so did my relation with him"

"He left me because of my constant need to be before time, on time, ahead of time. I was
still very much in love with him when he decided to call quits, continued to be even after

Baekhyun did not know why but listening to Chanyeol talk about someone so fondly was

"It would often happen that we met at events, places, classes where time and again we
would go back to being together only to come out worse, Finally after continuous probing
by my mom, I realised how toxic it was getting & then..... I stopped."

Baekhyun was mum the entire time.

"I stopped with going to events and avoided every chance I got to see him because it was
a habit to be constantly in need of the other. My parents started finding possible prospects
for me and that's how I met you. You were the most imperfect person I ever came across."

"Are you insulting or complimenting me?"

"A bit of both" Chanyeol let out a light chuckled while the smaller looked at him wanting him
to continue.

"After meeting you, it became easier to not constantly think of what way could I avoid the
You had all my attention, I didn't need to sit at home and think about when am I not going
to think about the other, when will these recurring thoughts stop"

Chanyeol looked up straight into the other's eyes.

"You made it so easier, to have only you on my mind"

"I decided that it could be worth it, and that's why I said yes. Because I felt like even though
you act all tough on the outside, you still needed someone to protect you. I wanted to know
you, learn you, one step at a time. And that needs time"

"Is that why you didn't want others at the company to know?"

Chanyeol nodded, lips tight.

"But, as usual you didn't listen."

Baekhyun sat there at the loss of words.

"Is that why you made up the fake reason that you were busy for God knows how many
months to be married?"

"As usual, mom didn't listen. Although I didn't lie about being busy. My schedule is always
full." Chanyeol gave a lame smile.

"You could have just told me, the last time I asked you about jungwoo or even about the
fact that you wanted to take this wedding slow."

"I spoke to my mom about the wedding but she had already planned out everything with
Mrs. Byun"


"So? I cannot tell my to be in-laws that I needed time before marrying their son because I
was in search of closure from my ex"

"Point, but why did you not tell me?"

"The first time I met Jungwoo after the ordeal, i agree it was weird, having all the feelings
fly back but I realised that seeing you dance with Kai was even more bothersome. So I
genuinely thought that it was nothing to worry about"

"You were too busy staring at him, don't lie"

"Only for the first few minutes because of the sudden appearance because it was after god
knows how many months I tried avoiding him"

Baekhyun pouted as he scratched his temple.

"You seemed pretty disturbed when you ran behind him calling in the morning too."

"Baekhyun I have spent 4years + i don't know how many more months unofficially, trying to
take care of him. And having him cry in front of me and the reason being 'me' was
something that genuinely made me question my stability"

"You still love him?"

"NO, for the 100th time."

"I still care for him, I think I will continue caring, but that does not mean I am still in love
with him. Memories & stories will still stay, but I'd rather make new better ones with you. If
you want to, that is."

"Will you leave me if things run their course in our relation?"

"The question is whether /you/ will leave me if that happens, like I said I do not take
relationships lightly"

"This is just too much to process, even when you talk about your past, it still sounds like
you love him"

"That's because at one point I genuinely did, /not now/"

"You're just so annoying and confusing! Could've just married the toxic one but no! You
had to come and ruin my life."
Chanyeol sat there, mouth wide open and eyes blown out. Baekhyun chuckled at the
other's reaction.

"I just need to know to know one thing"

Chanyeol nodded.

"What if someday you get up & realise that you still love that guy? What am I to do?"

"Those days are behind me, I am a man married to a person with a non existent stripping
career. Noone is a match for that"

"Stop buttering me & be serious"

"That day is never coming Baekhyun"

"Maybe we could try"

"Try what?" Chanyeol asked earnestly.

"Try taking things slower, so we actually do fit your schedule & get to know each other

"Is Park Baekhyun really thinking of actually following a schedule?"

"You know, it's just for saying right?"


"Do you think you're enough 'over' him to stop avoiding him? Today was not your best try."

"I am, but I think it would be better to keep avoiding him" The taller mused.


"Because even though it won't mean a thing, I don't want you to read too much into it and
be sad."

"Oh how considerate of you to think of me now"


"I geddit, let's try mission get Chanyeol over Jung Woo"

"I already told you, I don't feel for him that way any more."

"This is the second time I'll say this, I'll try to believe you."

The afternoon was spent whiling away, bickering and talking, but not as comfortable as

Chanyeol could not really blame anyone but himself.

At night, baekhyun took his pillow and blanket to the couch arguing that he'd fit there better
than the taller.

It was around 1am when Baekhyun finally got up, making sure that the other was sound
asleep he moved to the bathroom, eyes glistening & his cell clutched tightly.

It took 4 rings for the other to pick up his call.


"Kyungsoo.." and it began, the journey of choked sobs.

"Baekhyun? Are you crying? Where is Chanyeol? Where are you? What's happening? "
came the muffled questions.

"I am safe, Chanyeol is sleeping" Baekhyun hiccuped inbetween the words.

"What happened?" The worried tone was calming.

"He won't ever love me, kyungsoo-ah"

"What are you even talking about?"

"He has already burnt out his love on someone else, he says he's trying but it's evident that
he still cares about Jung woo alot more than he thinks" Baekhyun's voice was shaky as
tears followed the previous trails.

"Is this about Chanyeol?"

"Who else, you dimwit, can you stop asking stupid questions!"

"Hey! You're the one calling me at 1am and expecting me to know every detail that I wasn't
even a part of"

"Shut up!"

Baekhyun repeats all the proceedings of the day, hiccuping while crying every two

And Kyungsoo quietly listens.

"Can you please stop crying, get up and go wash your face."

Baekhyun obeys as he puts the phone aside. Splashing some water to cool down his hot
face returning back once it's dry.

"Would it be better for you to file for divorce asap?" Soo asked.

"I already talked to him about it, he won't let me."

"Since when has that stopped you?"

There was no reply for a few minutes, kyungsoo finally sighed.

"Why do you not want to divorce him Baekhyun?"

"B-because I already like him, a little"

And the tears were back.

At the other end of the room, Chanyeol choked on his silent cries as he heard the muffled
ones of the smaller.

He had ended up making the one he was supposed to protect- cry in the process of trying
to stop the one that he promised to protect, years before.

What a great start.

The taller got up, wanting to atleast try & console Baekhyun. The knocks on the bathroom
door were crisp & rapid. He heard a few hushed words before the door opened to display
puffy eyes & trembling lips.

"What do you want? Can't I even poop in peace?"

"Stop acting"


"Stop acting as if you're okay, tell me whatever is bothering you and I will listen, even if it's
about me, I'll listen, stop calling people at 1am, talk to me instead"

Chanyeol spoke with a rough but shaky voice.


Chanyeol stood there, arms slowly opening for a hug.

He expects Baekhyun to ask what is he even thinking or atleast ignore his attempt, but the
day's been too much of a rollercoaster for even the smaller to care as he is quick to fling
himself in the warm embrace. Chanyeol's palm moving to cup his head and brush his hair.

The soft yet painful wails wetting his tshirt.

"Shhhh...."Chanyeol hums trying his best to still calm him down. Another hand finding his
favourite waist to pull in closer.
That's when the first punch comes in his chest, soft yet impactful.

"If you..want stop acting...then stop saying..."every pause is punctured with a small
fist hitting his chest.

"Saying what?"Chanyeol croaks, throat clogged up from feeling too much. The punches

"Stop saying you still care about him, stop saying you still worry-

About him, or will continue to do so."

Chanyeol's grip tightened on the smaller as he felt Baekhyun trying to move away, instead
he just looked up at the taller, puffy eyes boring into his.

"Worry about me, take care of me...instead"

The jut of his pout trembles.

Punches which have continued till now, make his chest feel hollow.

His hand holds onto the other's head pulling it into the crook of his own neck and he
continues brushing it.

"I'll stop, I'll stop it. I'll only worry about you from now on. Only you."Chanyeol rasps.

"You promise?" He feels the soft lips move against his neck, which is wet from all the tears.

Chanyeol nods.

"Only you"

Baekhyun finally sighs as exhaustion and stress take over making him sway to the sides.

Chanyeol slowly picks him up, and places him next to himself.

"Every tommorow that comes, I'll make sure that you will only feel loved" Chanyeol mouths
on the smaller's cheek drawing out a sloppy warm sigh from him.

He moves to fondly tuck Baekhyun besides him, pulling him by the waist and closing his
eyes. Hoping today was just a glitch.

~The meeting~

It's been exactly 2 months since they got married, and Baekhyun's not going to lie when he
says Chanyeol is the worst person to live with.

The guy's got a schedule for everything, from the time taken to brush one's teeth to how
long should one be in the washroom to take a dump.

He figured out that the only reason Chanyeol went for an arrange marriage is the fact that
people who lived with him found out that the person is a living devil.

Well, even Baekhyun went for an arrange marriage, but he's just gonna ignore that fact.
Because why not?

But to be real, living with him was not been that bad, if he were to forget the restrictions
that looked like hey were about to make the entire fridge door into a white board magnet.

Living with Chanyeol had his merits. One of the most important one was: Dick.

Just kidding, they hadn't gotten to that yet.

Baekhyun was a happy go lucky guy who was totally okay with the idea of having benefits
without strings, But as the strings in their case were already attached and going nowhere
they thought it might not be a really great idea.

After they'd gotten back from their average hotel honeymoon, which was anything but a
honeymoon. Chanyeol sat him down and they had a talk. /again/

What came out of it was the fact that they both felt their relation was a bit rushed and thus
they decided to slow it down.

To be honest, as much as Baekhyun was okay with the excruciating slow pace of their
relationship, the sexual tension was not something that he had signed up for.

Let's get it straight, his husband was a really, /really/ good looking handsome man.

And their family spent mothafucking grands on their wedding just to legally give them the
right to pur their hands on either whenever and wherever they want.

Also, did he mention his husband was a mothafucking Greek God?

He's never told the other about this though.

The fact that Chanyeol can function easily without having cravings to ravish Baekhyun
feels like a competition to him.

And he was a competitive guy.

Today was the day they met Kris Wu again to practically sign the deal, Chanyeol had
instructed for him to be ready by 1pm.

Baekhyun was an asshole so he made sure that he reached the taller's cabin at 1:20pm.
He expected to see the other, flabbergasted & pulling his hair out.

But was proven wrong when he saw him smiling, while sitting with the CEO, a glass of
some tasteless healthy juice in hand.

"Ah! My favourite guy is here! And that too this early! Living with Chanyeol has really
improved you for the better!"

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol confused and in reply what he got was just a smirk. A
painfully sexy smirk.

"Hello, husband! Glad you're early. We leave in 20!"

Chanyeol had tricked him.

They were supposed to leave at 2pm! Baekhyun made an unimpressed face as he plopped
onto the couch in the huge place. This was not a cabin, Chanyeol pratically had a mansion
for his office room.

He looked at how all giggly the giant was.

Maybe should've pooped for 5minutes more to disrupt his schedule. He'll do that next time.

"About our College reunion-"

Baekhyun heard Junmyeon say, was it really a suprise that the kids of the elite went to the
same college? Not at all.

He sat there minding his own business.

"Jungwoo was telling me the principle wanted you to talk about their new fundraiser at the
event, and as you know if you talk you gotta participate-"

Jung woo.

That name. He hadn't heard it for a while but it still made him feel uncomfortable.

He looked up to see Chanyeol's face and study it for any noticeable reaction.

The taller just mindlessly kept drinking his juice, nodding nonchalantly.

"Yeah I already talked to him about it."

Talked to who? Baekhyun wondered was Chanyeol still communicating with Jungwoo?

"Talked to who?"

That's why, that's exactly whyJunmyeon was his favourite. Always asking the right

"The principle, who else. He called me today, explaining the details and how it would be an
honour for them if I did it."

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, as Junmyeon nodded.

"Can you believe, it's the same guy who told us we would be nothing but guys who sold
donuts on the streets."

" I can't, that's why I told him, an even more prestigious person would be ready to do it"

"You didn't..."

"You have a speech already scheduled, CEO Junmyeon."

The other groaned loudly while even Baekhyun giggled alongside Chanyeol.

As if working on his own clock, Chanyeol suddenly got up prepping to leave and Baekhyun
knew it was nearing 2pm.

"Uh I'll just quickly go to the toilet.." The smaller said.

"Don't even think about it."

Baekhyun's pout turned upside down as he stomped his feet while walking out. He heard
Junmyeon giggle as he told Chanyeol what a kid his husband was.

That only lead to an even more grumpy Baekhyun.

Soon they arrived at the WU head quarters and Baekhyun had only one word. Royal.

They were greeted by the staff as they walked in, and Chanyeol's hand had already
crawled up his waist.

Recently, the giant had picked up on a habit of always keeping the smaller close by. This
meant him walking around with his hand clawing onto his waist.

Baekhyun had become used to it too, but this was the first time Chanyeol exhibited this
behaviour in a professional environment. He wasn't much of an exhibitionist when it came
to office hours.

Seems like the habit over grew itself & Chanyeol had no idea he's holding him.
It changed when Kris Wu, the guy they were trying to impress, cleared his throat.

Baekhyun realised that Chanyeol probably remembered where his hand was as he felt him
instinctively let go.

The blush however that crept on the smaller's neck was involuntary. He swears by it.

"Mr.Wu" Chanyeol nodded which Kris respectfully returned.

"Baekhyun! My guy! How are you? I loved the flowers you sent the other day!"

Chanyeol looked at his other half, amused and suprised. Meanwhile, Baekhyun just giddly
shook hands with Kris, nodding once in while.

They made their way to the conference room led by Kris, who left to fetch some documents
that he missed earlier.

"You sent him flowers?"

"Yes, his favourite are lillies"

"What are my favourite?"



"Okay? Then?"

"You wouldve known if you cared."

Chanyeol sulked throughout the entire meeting, whereas Baekhyun very civilly tried to
glare at him.

"Mr. Park, you seem a little distracted, do we have a problem?" One of specialists from
Kris' team asked.
"Oh, no. Please continue. You have my full attention."Chanyeol grumbled.

The meeting continued and so did Chanyeol's sulky mood. Finally, it came to an end.

After having decided that most of the things fit their like and exempting the disliked ones
with better alternatives Baekhyun's plan was set in motion by signing a deal.

"So here's the thing..." Kris spoke when majority of his staff had already left, leaving only
Bakehyun, Chanyeol & Junmyeon behind.

Chanyeol quirked an eyebrow.

"We were thinking that it would be a good idea for Baekhyun to carry out this project, right
from our office"


Kris was taken back at the sudden response, where at Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol.
Annoyed and shocked.

"W-we should atleast listen to what he has to say." Junmyeon supplied with a smile.


"Chanyeol, stop being so difficult" Baekhyun spoke through his clenched teeth.

"You call your Boss by his name?" Kris genuinely asked.

And it was within a second, when it happened. The warm rough hand was back on his
waist. Tight and possessive.

"I'm not his boss, I'm his husband."

Chanyeol spoke with an aura of mightiness surrounding him.

Baekhyun was now beyond annoyed as he scowled at the other.

Junmyeon however jumped into the conversation.

"Kris-ssi, would you mind telling us why do you want Mr.Byun to be present here? I mean
after all he would be needed by the models more."

"As Baekhyun would be the one relating the idea to basically everyone from the content
team to the models as well as the directors, we wanted him to get a feel of our makeup
brand & understand our aim to make it easier to achieve, what we want."

Junmyeon nodded.

"Then he will."

"No, he won't." Chanyeol's voice was commanding.

"Are you questioning the CEO of your company, Mr.Park?" Junmyeon's retorted, tone just
as sharp.

Chanyeol huffed as he gathered his belongings in on hand and Baekhyun in other as he

dragged either of them out.

"Sorry about that, they recently got married. You know young love and jealousy and all
that." Junmyeon apologised. Embarrassment quite noticeable in his voice.

"No problem. I understand. You are quite humble for a CEO, thankyou for explaining."Kris
handsomely smiled.

"When you say you understand? Do you mean from experience?" Junmyeon was quick to

Kris was a bit confused when he declined and saw the CEO jerk his shoulders while
smiling to show his happiness.

"I'm glad about that" The other smirks leaving a confused Kris behind.

"WHAT WAS THAT CHANYEOL?" Baekhyun's voice was all kinds of annoyed and loud.
Thankfully, noone was around or atleast it looked like it.

"What?" Chanyeol acted as if he did not know what the other was saying.

"The way you behaved right now"

"I see nothing wrong with it"

"You might want to see again" Baekhyun looked so annoyed, even more than the time
Chanyeol ate his strawberries.

"Do you really want to work for God knows how many days with that creep here?"
"Chanyeol replied finally addressing his behaviour.

"That is my desicion to make!"

"Yes and I am your husband, so I made it for you!" Chanyeol replied. He sounded agitated.

Baekhyun frowned pushing his hands to lock in front of his chest.

"Are you be serious right now?"

"Do I look like I am joking right now?"

"Then you're being a dick!"

"How dare you!"

"I CANNOT- believe you're so up your high horse that you think that just because I am your
husband you have the right to make my choices for me. YOU DO NOT OWN ME"

"Baekhyun- that is not what I was trying to-"

"You can push your apology up your ass. I am leaving"

Chanyeol was quick to stop him, hold tight on his arm.

"I did not mean for me to come off as asshole! But for God's sake we know why that guy
wants you here!"

"Do we really? Are you sure about it? Do you think that you did not just ruin a career
opportunity for me!"

Chanyeol stood there, not having words to support his own claim!

"It's all your fault! Why did you give him flowers."

Chanyeol figured it was the last thing he should've even thought of saying from the sight of
Baekhyun's eyes, which were blazing with anger like never before.

"You have the audacity to blame me for this? When your two pea sized non existent brain
cannot even keep our professional and personal lives separate?"

"Aren't you being too mean?" Chanyeol pouted.

Baekhyun had enough! He walked out, if possible even more angry than before.

Chanyeol followed closely, spitting his own set of heavy ranged grumbles.

Closing the door as loudly as possible, both of them got in.

"Baekhyun" Chanyeol said, hand on the gear.

"What is it? Are you gonna tell me what to do for the rest of my life, all in just one day?"

"Just stop being so rude, I don't like it."

"Oh one more instruction, my king, what is your next command?"

Baekhyun hated himself the second the tears spilled, why does he always get this
emotional when he's angry?

"Oh my God!Why are you crying over this!!" Chanyeol squirmed.

The taller offered tissues which the other snatched to dab all over his face. Breathing out,
once he'd calmed down.

"I did not like the way you behaved, by even a bit today. It was an important career
opportunity and I did not like that you thought you could speak for me."

Baekhyun spoke like he had a fast train to catch.

"Fine, I'm sorry. You can work here for all your life" Chanyeol retorted not pleased with
himself and the way he was behaving either.

"Is it just because I sent him flowers? Are you 10!?"

"You're my husband!"


"Why are you sending other men flowers!"

"Are you telling me you've never tried to make impressions on your business associates by
pleasing them with such gestures?"

"What gestures are you willing to use next to pleasure them?"

Chanyeol shot back, face void of emotion.

Baekhyun sat there, face shocked and mouth wide open.

"I cannot believe you just said that! You disgust me!"

"Well I have been in this career you talk about; for years, and I know what these gestures
look like when it comes to people like us!"
Chanyeol's flared up.

"You still had no right to downright decline it in my behalf!"

"No husband of mine is going to be misunderstood for any 'guestures' on my watch!"


"You want me to willingly watch you make mistakes?!"

"If that stops you from making desicions for me then yes! You can correct me by telling me
how I might be wrong but not by talking on behalf of me! You need to know I'm an
individual with my own choices. I want to work at this establishment and I don't give a fu*k
if you hate it"

"Seems like you've made your desicion already!"

"I have"

Chanyeol huffs as he presses on the clutch to put in a gear.

"What did I miss?" Junmyeon jumps in the back seat not catching on the atmosphere in the

Good that he was in time, because honestly they'd forgotten him

The ride back home was weirdly uncomfortable&mostly for Junmyeon as most of his
attempts to make conversations were shot down.

He had also caught Chanyeol glaring at him, through the rearview mirror quite a few times.

"Junmyeon do you think what Chanyeol did was right?"

Junmyeon looked at Chanyeol who was now openly glaring at him.

"Well, I think that yes, he was. He should have consulted you before making a desicion."
He managed.

"Junmyeon, please tell my husband over here what we think of people who try to win us
over by sending us gifts?"

"Oh yes, That is true too, we usually think they are kiss ups who most want to get in bed
with us!"

Even Baekhyun now was glaring at the bunny.

"B-but, I do not think Kris is a person that shallow, I'm sure he saw what Baekhyun's
gesture meant!"

"See!" Baekhyun squealed.

Chanyeol sighed.

"Fine Baekhyun, if you really think I am at mistake here-"

"I don't think, I know you are!"

"Let. Me. Talk. Where was I? Oh yeah... Then I would like to apologise, I understand I
should not have acted that brashly"

Both Junmyeon and Baekhyun were shocked.

Chanyeol apologised? Was this real?

"I-it's not okay, but I understand you're making an e-effort here. Also, I'll accept my fault too
that I didn't know Higher ups had such a fucked up high horse ego to make such

"Hey!" Both Junmyeon & Chanyeol protested.

Baekhyun giggled a little to face Junmyeon.

"So when do I start?" He asked all sorts of excited.

Chanyeol gritted his teeth but stayed out of the conversation which continued till the rest if
the ride that they dropped Junmyeon home.

~The fourth pillar of information: News~

Baekhyun woke up to an over load of messages, comments and dms on every possible
social platform that he used.
His follower count was also riding it's unknown glory.

Before he could check on what was up, he got a call from kyungsoo.

"Did you check the news?"

"I just got up!"

"Just check your newspaper! The news is everywhere, is it true?"

"Is what true?you're scaring me!"Baekhyun walked out of his room, massaging his neck.

His eyes fell on the newspaper that lay on his doorstep. The heading itself made his eyes
bulge out.

'What the fuck??!!'

Things look not so good for the 2 month couple who seemed to prefer being private about
their relationship.

Seems like arguing and having a spat did not come under those categories as both were
seen at each other's throat at a recent meeting ground.

It seems likely that the 2 month couple has not really been upto the image they painted of
being in love at their office events.

Park Baekhyun was seen belittling the other. The couple was seen fighting inside their
private vehicle as well.

Is this spat going to be the reason behind the fashion industry getting back it's favourite
bachelor? Mr. Park Chanyeol?

Park Baekhyun surely doesn't know what he is letting go of.

Stay tuned to E24news to find out more.

"Did you have a fight that bad?"

"Is Chanyeol that famous to have an article on him?"

Both spoke into the reciever at the same time. Kyungsoo was the first to answer his

"Well, he is the director of an insanely famous model agency and looks insanely

"Even the bodyguards of your company's models are famous I'm not shocked if Chanyeol
is even more."

" might be right. I have a dozen messages on my SNS, I am scared to open

them" Baekhyun pouted.

"Does Chanyeol know about this already?"

"Have you lost your brain today? I already told you I just got up! How will I know?"

"Aren't you guys married? Living in the same house? Sharing the same bed?"
The secs of silence that passed, had kyungsoo's eyes widening.

"Oh, OH. You guys still haven't...."

"Shut it Soo."

"You let your thirsty ass go without a dick for almost 2months? Wow. Character
development already."

"I said, Shut it."

"Fine, just let me know if you wanna do something if it gets annoying. I don't think having
the world know about your personal issues is a good thing"

"Yes, thank you. See you at office."

He already had a call waiting. He spent the next 30mins explaining to his mom why the
news was not real & they weren't thinking of a divorce. More 40mins on repeating the same
thing to Chanyeol's mom.

He needed to talk to the giant.

Many people missed out on this tweet so-…
Baekhyun's eyes darted to the clock. It was only 8am. Chanyeol gets up at 9:12 sharp.
Should he wait? His eyes moved back to see the over load of SNS notifications that kept
chiming & he decided he could not.

He slowly got up & tiptoed to Chanyeol's room. 3short raps on the door

Chanyeol was kind enough to have taken the attached guest room & lent Baekhyun the
master bedroom.(Well, to be honest Baekhyun won it in a game of rock paper scissors.)

The knocks did not gather a response so he decided to intrude, only to find the taller
spawned across the bed.
"Chanyeol?" He poked the taller in the cheek. Once. Again and then again until the other
frowned in his sleep, clutching onto the irritating thing that was disturbing him.

Baekhyun scowled at how his hold was tight even while sleeping.

"Hey, get up!!!!" Baekhyun tried his best.

All he got in return were grunts telling him to get out of the other's face. As if that wasn't
enough to convince Baekhyun about the taller's softness, the harsh pull that literally made
him fall flat on the other with his face in the crook of the taller's neck was.

This guy had such soft skin. He reeled in the fragrance that smelt like a fresh tushie of a
new born baby. Chanyeol really smelt that nice & warm.

He realised if he didn't act quick, the comforting smell of the warm body beneath his was
definitely going to lull him to sleep.

"Get up you big oaf" Baekhyun struggled to move off the body & sit up, but was rendered
helpless when two big hands came around to find their favourite place in the world, his
waist and pulled him flat against it. Grip almost suffocating, yet cosy. So so cosy.

So so so so cosy.

“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun groaned after getting hit with the broad chest on his face. He liked it,
but he was going to be a bitch, act like he didn’t. The embrace was too warm, /totally/ not
Baekhyun’s type.

Chanyeol seemed to be in his dreamland, no sign of being affected as he kept pulling the
smaller closer, nosing his neck. Baekhyun heard the other, sigh in the crook of his neck, he
felt the jitters that passed through his entire body, thoroughly.

Slowly he backed away to look at the handsome face, but the attempt was violently denied
as the other’s grip tightened, forcing Baekhyun flat against the taller's chest. /Shirtless

“Stay…close…nice” He heard Chanyeol mouth on his neck, hot breaths glazing his skin.
Baekhyun couldn’t help himself next when his body decided moved on its own, eyes closed
tight, feeling the painful tightness in the south that seemed to just progress over time. He
would worry about being embarrassed later, now he needed to do what his body was
pleading him for.

Taking a deep breath, the smaller calmed himself down for a second, on to exhale a
choked moan the next, he found himself rolling his hips, rubbing his taunt body over the
huge one drawing out a long loud groan from the taller, creating a havoc of breaths in his

He knew Chanyeol was still asleep, and he felt dirty doing this but having the taller lose
breath in his sleep over what Baekhyun was doing to him, right now was- kinky, he would
go to hell for it, but he'd do that willingly.

He moved his hips again, this time going slow with the roll, making sure the thin soft fabric
they both had on, could let them cop a more realistic feel, let them know what they each
had beneath.

Baekhyun felt his eyes blow out, when he felt the thick length-

tighter & harder than his own.

The trembling small yet warm breaths that the other released in his neck, made Baekhyun
shiver with all his might. He was going to hell for this but he continued. Rolling, rubbing,
drawing out as well as letting out sinister moans.

He knew he made a mistake with the last loud moan he let rip, when he soon felt the grip
around his waist loosening.

Chanyeol pushed him back, making the smaller sit on his lap while he still lay there,
watching with wide blown eyes taking in what exactly was happening. .

Chanyeol saw his husband, face flushed red, a little blush of embarrassment on his face,
lips caught in between his teeth, with an expression that screamed all kinds of sultry.
Baekhyun was caught off gaurd.

But the pleasure coursing through his veins was much more demanding than the
embarrassment his brain registered.

Even though he was pushed to a sitting position it did not stop or slow him down. He kept
at it, rubbing their hard lengths, dry humping his greek god of a husband.

He thought the taller would stop him, but he felt huge fingers gnawing at his waist.

“Baekhyun!” Chanyeol groaned, loud. Too loud.

Baekhyun felt his insides shake and shudder at Chanyeol’s loud and heavy plead, lust
dripping off it like honey.

“Chan..” Baekhyun choked back, when he felt the taller buck his length into him. Moving
against him for the first time.

Baekhyun whimpered when he felt the rod like length, through his light cotton shorts.

Hot, hard & sweaty, they kept rubbing onto each other like animals.

It was exactly 2 loud moans later when the smaller, felt his body convulse violently.

He let out a drained moan when he fell against Chanyeol’s chest once again, trembling and
moaning from the sensitivity, he expected the taller to stop or slow down but the taller

Chanyeol kept bucking & hammering into the jittering body that was holding onto him for
life, knowing for a fact that the high pitched moans that baekhyun let out every time
Chanyeol rubbed himself on him while going through the orgasm, was almost blinding the
other with pleasure

The taller found his release when Baekhyun’s didn’t seem to end.

The other’s body kept jerking because, when Chanyeol reached his peak, it only ended up
with him ramming even more powerfully in Baekhyun’s already sensitive area.

Baekhyun finally found the strength in his arms as well as his legs to move but quaked
when he felt the movement himself as it still kneaded their lengths together.
Making use of the moment, Chanyeol rammed into Baekhyun one last time to tease him,-

only to have him splayed on his chest again, breathing loudly near his nipples, a tremble
once in a while shaking the both of them.

They stayed in that position for a while, soiled pants and soiled emotions.

Their chests collided every time they took in a huge breaths, funnily in sync.

They both wanted to say something, anything, but didn’t know what would be the right

Finally, Baekhyun breathed in courage through his nostrils.

Whining in his mind when he let go off the sturdy warm chest to sit on the other’s lap, a
little away from the obvious wet part. Both of them turned to look at their own wet spots at
the same time, rusty pink spreading over their cheeks.

Baekhyun cleared his throat to catch the others attention but kept his gaze away from the
gentle round eyes of the other.

Chanyeol still had his fingers lightly massaging the bruised marks he had left behind on the
smaller's waist.

Their moment was interrupted by the loud ringtone of Chanyeol’s phone, he waited for
Baekhyun to continue what he was about to say, but the smaller looked like he was back to
his senses as he quickly rushed off the broad body, clumsily slipping off the bed & walking

Baekhyun locked himself in his bathroom for a good 20mins to try and make his body and
mind forget what he had just brought upon himself.

He sat there dowsing himself in water, every time the mental image of Chanyeol splayed
and moaning below him raced through his mind.

He decided that it was high time that he accepted the fact; he was attracted to his
/husband/ & there was nothing to be ashamed about. That’s the exact thought he held
close to himself when he walked to their living room.

Reminding himself of the initial reason he was trying to wake the taller up.

The only problem was that Chanyeol was nowhere to be seen. He checked all the rooms &

He finally walked into the kitchen to grab himself some juice when he found a note stuck to
the fridge.

‘Important Meeting in Hongkong, got a call from Junmyeon, will be gone for 3 days. Eat
well. Thank You for the going away surprise today, did not expect that- Husband (Because
you have only one.)'

Baekhyun flushed hard reading the last lines.

But 3 days? This was the first time, he was going to be away from the taller after marriage.
It felt weird, not bad, just a different kind of weird.

He muttered to himself about how Chanyeol should have at-least had the courtesy of
notifying him personally before leaving.

Baekhyun realised that today of all the days was the worst day for the taller as well as their
CEO to not be in office. He was not exaggerating, he actually meant it. With the news of
their divorce being in the air, how Chanyeol was the one being mistreated by the smaller-

the atmosphere in the office was not the best.

He was not overstating the obvious, coz' yeah he found it really hard to believe that Minsoo
from the 4th floor, who had the biggest crush on Chanyeol had conveniently slipped next to
him & dropped her coffee on his new white shirt.

Even harder to believe was that the lunch box he took had none of his favourite meatballs,
because they got over. Lies, he saw jinsoo who was in queue after him have it on his plate.
It almost felt like the entire office was bullying him.
This was the first time he was alone without his husband, & the entire office was trying to
make him feel lonely. The constant hate he got on every application that he had was no fun
either. He wondered if Chanyeol knew about the news&if he did would he have left for the

or does he already know and decided to leave baekhyun anyway?

His train of thoughts were put on hold when a huge tower of files were dropped on his

“Baekhyun, I am glad you are free! We have loads of work in our department & seeing that
you have none, here help us out!”

“B-but, Taehyun-ssi, I don't really know much about proof reading, what if I end up messing
it up?”

“Won’t be a surprise, but we have too much work to think about that right now”

Baekhyun nodded, mood already a little (Rather a lot) dim for the day.

it was almost 4pm, when Baekhyun heard the tap on his door. Kyungsoo walked in after he
saw the smaller wave his hand, too submerged with his work.

“Hey, what are you upto?”

“Just helping out with some work”

“Woah? This is not our work. Chanyeol asked you to do this?”

“No, that asshole Taehyun ordered me to, they have too much work it seems.”

“That’s bull, they are sitting in their department playing darts. Its kinda a lazy day for all,
since both the heads are out."


Baekhyun fumed with his nostrils wide just as much as his mouth.
He rechecked the dates of the project terms and conditions he was reading and felt even
more frustrated when he realised they were from a year back. He just spend 2 hours on
some work that had already been done!! He was beyond pissed.

“Hey are you okay? You’re looking weird!"

All that Kyungsoo got as a reply was a grunt as he saw the smaller walk out.

Baekhyun had seen and read enough today, he made a grand entrance by banging the
door as hard as he could, startling Taehyun and his coworkers as bit.

The smirks however found their way back onto the faces when they recognised who it was.

“So looks like Mr. Not so bright- Baekhyun found it out"

“Did you think this was a joke?”

“We all are laughing, isn’t that what jokes are usually about?”

“Shut the fuck up”

“Is that how you talk to your higher ups? No wonder Mr. Park is divorcing you. You have
got not manners!”

“I do have manners, but i only reserve them for people who deserve them.”

“What did you say?”

“Oh what Now? you’re deaf too?”

Taehyun got up from his seat, agitated. He walked over to the smaller towering over him.
Staring down the other. The coworkers quietened as they realised the tension, that got

“Do you think too highly of your self just because you were lucky enough to marry the
don’t need to be married to anyone, to think that I am at-least better than you.”

“Put a hold on that tongue, I can put it to some use if it’s that free to wriggle around.”

Baekhyun scowled at the disgusting remark, but freaked out just a little when the other
grasped his arm-

too tight to comprehend whether he was uncomfortable or just painful. Baekhyun struggled
to get out of his grasp while Taehyun laughed at the disappointing attempts.

"Let me go" Baekhyun yelled.

They heard a throat clear in the background.

“I don’t think Mr. Park would like someone else touching his husband.” Kyungsoo’s voice
was not loud but clear enough. The statement drew out a chuckle from Taehyun.

“Pretty sure Mr.Park is already tired of this disrespectful slut.”

“Should we call him and find out then?”

Taehyun stood straight, hands suddenly letting go of Baekhyun. Face showing signs of
being caught off gaurd.

“Are you really stupid to believe a tabloid? and actually get physically violent with your
Boss’ husband?” Kyungsoo supplied sounding utterly surprised.

His gang of coworkers quickly started picking their bags, trying their best to not get further
involved in this situation.

Baekhyun stood there low-spirited, massaging his wrists. He glanced one last time at
Taehyun before he walked back to his cabin.

He was not surprised when on the way, someone tripped him.

Was the only reason that his coworkers were cordial with him was the fact that he was
Chanyeol’s husband and Junmyeon’s friends? He did not remember being treated this

Was this the consequence of marrying someone out of our reach and only to be reminded
about it again and again?

He sat down, face in his palms. Hearing the phone ding for the 100th time. He finally
opened his twitter account only to be flooded by hate messages telling him-

How he was not worthy of the taller&did not deserve him. Every small message that
questioned his worth in being Chanyeol's husband had him questioning it alongside them.

Was he really worth being married to the most wanted bachelor or whatever they referred
to him as.

The fact that most of the people who were hating on him were also the people following
him for the juicy updates about their relationship was the most hypocrite thing he noticed.

An article from a media page caught his eye.

‘Park Chanyeol seems to have already left his partner to go on a vacation in Hongkong,
after the news called them out for their recent public spat. Seems like the news getting out
was what Mr. Park was waiting for.”

Baekhyun almost screamed.

This was literally none of their business. Why were they going around assuming &
declaring things they knew nothing about!

Kyungsoo hurriedly walked in to tell him something but Baekhyun was too irritated to even
know what the news was, probably the same thing he read about.

He walked out as soon as the other walked in, having him trailing behind him.
“Listen Baekhyun, i just got to know that-“
“Yeah, I know! I read they are at it again! Talking shit about me.”
“Please kyungsoo, some other time-
I really need to have my glass of bubble tea to just calm down my nerves.”

Kyungsoo nodded as he quietened and followed the other with a straight face.

Baekhyun waited in the long queue at the cafeteria to get his own huge glass of his
favourite bobba.

At least some things in life will never stop making him content.

He was walking while admiring his huge glass, when someone out of nowhere crashed
into him. What was with him and people crashing into him today? he expected a sorry but
all he got was a tight lipped fake smile.

He was amused and highly irritated when he saw the girl frolic back to her group, giving a
few hi-5’s to the others.

This was it! This was his second shirt that was spoiled today. He was about to go on his
cry of rage, but something in him just broke.

The constant frustration he faced throughout the day was nerve wracking. The way his
coworkers treated him today was way beyond his expectaions. To be honest he had no
clue they despised him so much. He was about to yell or scream or do something.


He heard the rough heavy voice, that suddenly felt like home now. His lip that was held
between his teeth trembled seeing the giant, right there in front of him.

“Chan- Chanyeol…” The choked sob was loud enough for everyone including the taller to
catch on.

Chanyeol moved-

hurriedly discarding his coat on the nearby table.

He bolted towards his husband-who was clearly on the verge of crying- making every
attempt to pull the smaller into a tight hug, who was all wet now; courtesy of the spilled

"H-how did you get back here?"

“Sh…Shhh…let’s get you somewhere warm and into something warm.”Chanyeol’s gruff
voice answered.

Baekhyun heard the worry in his husband’s voice& this was the first time today he felt
secure. He didn't realise how much he'd started depending on Chanyeol's opinion than the

Baekhyun getting emotional, meant Baekhyun bawling his eyes out & that’s what exactly
happened when the smaller lunged onto Chanyeol, bawling at the same time, complaining
about how everyone treated him today, making sure to point out names.

Chanyeol’s hands tightened around the smaller, when he heard about the taehyun

The taller scanned the crowd looking at everyone present there individually as he heard his
husband reciting the happenings of the day, one after the other still crying on his shoulder.

Face smushed against his breast pocket lathering it with all his snot. He still held him tight.

“Sh…Stop crying. Baekhyunnie, please stop crying”

Chanyeol pleaded, surprising his staff who were not at all used to seeing their boss being
so warm towards anybody else.

The smaller though kept on lamenting his sorrows like a 4-year kid who was bullied in

“What’s going on? Why is Baekhyun crying?”

Junmyeon walked into the silent atmosphere seeing the couple hugging each other in the
middle of the cafeteria, with the staff all around.

Chanyeol waited for his husband to finish his snotty stories which he paid his full attention
to, before he answered Junmyeon.
“Some of our staff thought it would be funny to bully /My Husband/“

Chanyeol’s voice was not loud but the venom that dripped from it had even the hair on
Junmyeon’s neck standing.

“I hope that everyone standing here can take this news to the respective others that, I am
very happy with my married life and my partner.

All the people my husband made sure to name, please visit the HR. We need to make you
understand how you come here to work & have no relation to what happens in my personal
life” Chanyeol thundered, still holding onto his husband who was done with his tears and
well as his snot.

~ The realisation ~

Baekhyun sat on a pretty tea table in a lavish garden filled with ugly gnomes. He was
anxious so he schooled his mind into remembering only happy things/funny things. One of
his favourites was Chanyeol in his office, shouting at Junmyeon-

to fire all the people who troubled Baekhyun the other day and Junmyeon reasoning how
the most they could do was ensure they faced some penalties.
While Baekhyun was sad about Junmyeon’s lack of support he still understood the man’s

Chanyeol being this angry and agitated on his behalf was more than enough.

The anger and the thought behind it, is what counts in the end, Baekhyun giggled to

He stole another moment to glance at his wristwatch.

He was 15mins before time, Chanyeol’s quality of being punctual was getting to him. He
realised, that the taller’s obsession with punctuality made actual sense.
He defined it as a way to make other people know how much their time is valued.

Well another reason is, Baekhyun thought it was hot when Chanyeol got all philosophical,
no lies. He always got roped in when Chanyeol made things important or good. Why did he
never talk about sex tho?

However, it seemed like Baekhyun was not the only one being influenced.

Chanyeol was late today, probably for the first time in his life.

Baekhyun could not believe his eyes when he read that message the first time, he reread it
again and again. Chanyeol had overslept and was running late? Woah.

The smaller gulped a sip of his canned apple juice when he heard foot steps, guess
everyone in the family was punctual.

He was going to meet Chanyeol’s grandad.

Their wedding was so rushed that they did not get a chance to officially introduce
themselves to each other.

Chanyeol’s grandad was on a business trip when they got married&then according to
Chanyeol a 4-month hooker trip. So, here they are now. From all the things he’d heard
about ‘gramps’ from the taller made him seem like a cool person.

That revelation was however of no help when it came to Baekhyun’s acid reflux. The
smaller was not this worried even when he was interviewed at SM. A new level all together.
The sound of footsteps got closer & he turned just in time to see Chanyeol’s gramps stand
in a crisp coat.

Hair a little grey and the moustache looking all kinds of appealing. He saw where Chanyeol
got his eyes from.

“Hello, you must be Baekhyun?” A voice similar to his husband’s but more experienced
snapped him out of his thoughts.

“Oh yes, thankyou for having me here Mr. soo man.”

“No need to be formal baekhyun-ah, You can call me gramps!” The older man chuckled
eyeing Baekhyun from his head to the toe and giving one approved nod.
Both moved, to take their seats, Baekhyun was still a little awkward as he tripped even
while trying to sit.

The aged man chuckled once again watching the smaller’s antics.
“You look very nervous, don’t worry I am not going to eat you up! Hope Chanyeol is doing
a good job at that!”

Gramps let out a loud laugh while Baekhyun blushed all kinds of red.

Was it normal for grandparents to make such jokes? Well, The Park family was weird, he
realised the next sec, that it included him now too as he was officially a Park as per the
laws. He instantly blushed at the thought, still keeping in mind that he was a part of the
weird clan.

“Chanyeol’s late, that is very unusual of him.”

“He left work early today for our meeting but i guess the tiredness got to him & he
overslept.” Gramps nodded.

They continued their mild chit chat, till Baekhyun got to know something that shocked the
beejeejus out of him.

“WAIT!? You're the Park SOO MAN? 'The' park Soo Man that owns SM entertainment?”

Gramps nodded, amused at the smaller's mild freak out.

“Wait! So Chanyeol basically owns SM entertainment?! That snob is even more rich than
he already currently is? or at least i thought was??”

“Hold on a lil sweetie, he isn’t putting hands on my hard work unless i die, & I assure you
that’d be while satisfying a hooker!”

“No wonder everyone gives Chanyeol unwanted attention, Was I the only one who did not
know this?"

"Know what?"
"That his grandad basically was-

the owner of the raddest company to ever exist? I mean people die to work here!”

"You married into the family without even knowing about this? I am glad I do not have to
worry about you being a gold digger" The man sniggered.

Baekhyun let out incoherent words.

“Calm down Baekhyun, and no, not many people know about this. My son was always
outside the spotlight and never worked in SM, along with that my own scandals were too
big for them to handle, they never bothered with my family” Soo Man chuckled reminiscing
about his old days.

“So you are telling me they don’t know that Chanyeol practically is the heir of the empire
and still fuel his ego that much? that lucky son of a b-“

Baekhyun stopped midway, coughing to hide what he was about to say.

“Haha! No need to be wary you can say it! /Son of a bitch!/well, I wanted Joon ki to marry
my friend's daughter anyway! but that girl came and stole his heart away! i tried but meh,
too much effort! He can live a controlled life for all I care.”

Baekhyun chuckled a little.

“I really like Mrs. Park though" Baekhyun added.

“You don’t have to tell me that! I trouble her a lot, do not tell her I said this but I like her
more than my dimwitt of a son now!”

Chanyeol’s gramps was one hell of a fun person to be with.

“Anyway Baekhyun, coming to the topic before Chanyeol gets here-“

“Wait, before you get all serious i have a question, Why Junmyeon & not Chanyeol”
Gramps looked at him confused.

“I mean, why did you not make Chanyeol the CEO? Not to be that husband but he is really

“Have you seen /Junmyeon/?”

Baekhyun nodded, the answer was enough and almost what he expected.

“So tell me Baekhyun how is your marriage doing?”

Baekhyun blushed as his hands squished each other on his lap. That question came out of

“It is going good so far,-

initially it was difficult to find our own rhythm but I think we are doing better now.”

“That’s good to hear! I was worried about my boy after whatever happened.”

Baekhyun moved to look straight at the old man as he narrowed his eyes.

Not wanting to come off as unknowledgeable when it came to his husband he nodded. His
ego always won.

“But I am glad he has you now! At the same time, very proud of Chanyeol too, it was very
brave of him, not every one can take being left at the altar that well.”


Gramps looked up from buttering his bread to study the smaller’s expression.

“What do you mean when you say he was left at the altar?”

“Is there any other meaning to that phrase?”

“I did not leave him at the altar! If I didn't then who did??”
The old man finally concluded the hole in their conversation, as he went back to buttering
his bread, avoiding any eye contact with the smaller.

“Maybe we should wait for Chanyeol to get here”

“No, that is not necessary, what were you talking about earlier?"

It seemed like God decided to give the old man a break, as they heard a loud hello and it
pained Baekhyun at how easily he could identify Chanyeol’s voice. Chanyeol walked in all
fluffy wearing a hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans looking 10 years younger than he was.

He out of habit moved to greet his husband with a kiss on his cheek but Baekhyun flinched
at the action which caught the taller's attention.

He patted his seat clean before placing his butt on it.

“Everything cool here?"

Gramps just gave him a light lipped nod.

“So, what were you guys talking about?” Chanyeol radiated a mood that screamed
rejuvenated. That’s exactly what he looked like from getting just a few extra minutes of
sleep. Baekhyun however, excused himself the minute the taller looked at him hopefully for
an answer.

“Go behind him.” Gramps scolded, while whispering.

“What? Why? I am sure he can use the washroom without my help.”
“Just GO!” Though it was whispered yet again, the tone gave away its implication.

Chanyeol quickly sprung up following the way the smaller took.

He finally caught up with him just a few steps later, calling out his name for him to stop, but
the other fastened his pace, confusing Chanyeol even more.
In the end, he resorted to pulling the smaller’s arm to bring him to a stop, harshly tugging to
make the smaller look at him.

“What is going on Baekhyun? Are you okay? Was gramps mean to you?”
The smaller avoided looking into Chanyeol’s eyes as he declined with a soft bob of his

“You did not tell me your Grand father owned SM.”

“Is that what this is about? You get upset over the weirdest things Baek!” Chanyeol
chuckled as he shook his head.

“What else have you not told me?” Baekhyun asked in a surprisingly stable voice.

"What do you mean?" Chanyeol asked skeptically, eyeing the smaller.

“You thought I wouldn't find out, didn't you?” Baekhyun let out a mortified chuckle.

“Is this about your stripper photoshoot again? Yeah! /I hid it./ I don't like you flaunting it to
my friends, every time they visit! I have already been pretty vocal about it”

Chanyeol rolled his eyes playfully.

“SHUTUP! JUST SHUTUP! I am done, done with your lies, done with your act, done with
this marriage.”

Chanyeol’s joyful face morphed into a dreaded one in a mere second.

“Baekhyun? What is wrong with you? Is this all about a photo booklet? I’ll return it. I was
just joking anyway. I just don’t like people seeing so /much/ of your skin” Chanyeol huffed
like a kid, still downplaying the taller's outburst.

“You’re so shameless.”

Baekhyun did nothing to hide his disappointment in his words.

Chanyeol tensed up as he realised this was about something all together different.

“What are you talking about?” Chanyeol gripped baekhyun’s arm once again as he saw the
smaller was trying to escape.
“When were you going to tell me?” Baekhyun bit into his mouth as he looked anywhere but
at Chanyeol.

“Tell you what?”

“That you were going to be married to someone else?”

Chanyeol straightened as his eyes widened to soak in what Baekhyun just said.

“H-How.. W-who told u?”

“It should have been you! but you didn’t”

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with a look that conveyed how betrayed the smaller was
feeling right now. Chanyeol froze as he realise, everything, everything he had built up from
scratch was going to collapse once again.

“Why did you not tell me Chanyeol? Who was it? Who were you going to get married to?”

“J-Jungwoo” Chanyeol rasped out.

Unbelievable. Baekhyun eyes were now filled with tears as he tried to figure out what to do
next should he directly go home? Kyungsoo’s place? Parent’s place??

“You should have told me” He was whispered, voice shaky as he looked at Chanyeol one
last time.

“No, No. No, You are not going any where”

“Please let got of me” Baekhyun’s voice was so soft, tired.

“If I let go off you now, what will happen to me if you don’t come back?”

Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol to realise how sincere his words were.

“If you didn't want to let go, You should have not lied from the start.”
“I did not lie to you, I just- kept it away from you.”

Baekhyun could not believe Chanyeol was stupid to think his words were helping.

He took a look at the taller once again, eyes brimming with tears when he realised that this
man who he called his husband would have been readily someone else's today.

How important was he to Chanyeol that he hadn't bothered telling the smaller about it?

Chanyeol would have happily been married to Jungwoo, no annoying Baekhyun in the
picture, if things had happened like they were supposed to them. But they didn't & now it
way him standing there not having an idea he wasn't the first that Chanyeol looked at with
a future in mind.

He took in a deep breath, not wanting to prolong this any longer than he needs to, closing
his eyes to take in the faint smell of the taller one last time, he opened them to look straight
at Chanyeol.

“Let. Go. Off. Me. Right. Now.”

"No, a hundred times No! I am not letting go off you!"

Baekhyun was such a hypocrite to actually feel happy when he heard Chanyeol fight to
keep him.

"Chanyeol, please don't make it any more difficult than it has to be"

Baekhyun, was a professional hypocrite.

"I am done with this Baek, I am done with you threatening to leave or run off everytime you
find out about my mistakes. We are married to each other, we are going to make mistakes,
are we going to leave each other everytime we commit one?"

Baekhyun stood there stunned.

Chanyeol was the one at fault, how did he always find a way to make it sound like
Baekhyun was the person being wrong? Was he? Was Baekhyun wrong? He thought back
to everytime he ran away from the taller without proper explanations or mere discussions.
Did he ever trust Chanyeol?

A shiver ran up his body as he realised that not once in their entire relationship was he at
peace with Chanyeol's past. Instead of sitting down with the taller and explaining why a
certain thing bothered him or was eating up his insides, he decided to bury it within to hide

But he wasn't the only one at fault. He'd tried in the beginning to trust Chanyeol.
Chanyeol was the one & only reason he couldn't.

"You were given a chance to make sure you didn't commit this mistake." Baekhyuns's
voice shook from emotions as he whispered.

"And I was stupid"

"Is that the only argument you have? I don't think that's enough" Baekhyun's smile was

Chanyeol's grip on his arm tightened out of fear that the smaller will try and run away

"I was stupid and scared, you were almost broken when I told you we were just dating"


"I didn't know what you'd do if I told you I was going to marry him, I didn't want you to leave
Chanyeol sounded like a baby trying his best to not give away how clogged up his throat

Baekhyun heaved in a huge sigh

"You thought not telling me would work better?"

Chanyeol looked at the ground, lips in a pout that was trembling, while Baekhyun managed
to stop his eyes from tearing up.
"I /was/going to marry him, I didn't, It is my past, it does not matter. I /am/ married to you,
you are the only thing that matters."

"I did not think my past would play such a huge role, I didn't think there was a need for my
husband to know there was someone before him, not because it was a crime, because I
saw how my husband questioned himself everytime he wondered how it was when I was
with someone else."

Baekhyun looked wide eyed at Chanyeol, he wasn't aware that Chanyeol know how he felt.

"I saw it, I saw your face everytime the name Jungwoo was uttered, see even right now,
you hate it. You hate even hearing the name from my mouth. I know it was my fault to
begin with,

But I didn't want to know what would happen if you thought about us being married. Now
that I think about it it's seems like you getting to know about it like this was even worse. It
was already so hard to get you to open up to me & now it's all ruined again."

Chanyeol's eyes were stormy as he looked at everywhere but Baekhyun.

"Stop lying Chanyeol, you didn't do it for me! You did it for yourself! You did it because you
didn't want to get over it. You are still not over him even after 4 entire months of marriage.
You aren't!"

Chanyeol's eyes were ablaze, Baekhyun almost flinched at the anger that radiated in the
glare that was thrown his way.

"Say that again."

"You are still in love with him."

Baekhyun's whisper was so low that he almost believed Chanyeol hadn't heard it.

He almost wanted Chanyeol to not hear it because if it was true then the only one who
would end up suffering would be him, himself.

What he did not expect though was the force with which he was pushed against the wall
behind him. Eyes that almost resembled lava boring Into his.

"How dare you? Even after 4 months of being with me? You still question my.."

"Your what? Tell me Chanyeol? Your what? Did Jungwoo have to beg to be touched by
you too?" Baekhyun did not know where he got the courage from but he managed.

The words made him sound so desperate-

But if his relation was nearing it's end anyway he might as well clear up some points. He
was desirable he knew that, Chanyeol just had eyes for someone else.

His own chest pained at the mere thought of his words.

Chanyeol let out a frustrated laugh amused at Baekhyun.

"You think I stock up our fridge with those ugly strawberries because I like them? You think
I returned from Hong Kong in half a day because my meeting was cancelled? You think
that I would ever leave you to fend for yourself and be misunderstood even when I'm

"I don't get the point you are trying to make"

Baekhyun avoided looking at the taller, eyes teary and red.

"The point is that I don't fucking care about anyone but you! From the second I brought you
that ice cream before our wedding, it's all ever been only about you."

Baekhyun's eyes deleted to find the giants ones looking at him. As if on cute the smaller
ones started shedding tears.

"I don't care and I want you to not care about what my life was before you came into you,
because to be honest it's all just you now. Just you."

Chanyeol's hands mushed Baekhyun's chin as he massaged the smaller's jawline, moving
in to press Baekhyun more into the wall while his lips trailed the soft salty lines on the
other's cheeks, eating up their existence with his own.
Baekhyun shivered as he tried to push him away

"Stop pushing me away Park Baekhyun, do you know how difficult it has been for me to
keep these huge hands from groping you every chance I get? It's pure torture."

Chanyeol snuggled into the smaller's cheek, hand moving from his cheek to hold his thin
neck making Baekhyun moan.

"S-stop" Baekhyun whispered, choking on his own breath.

Chanyeol this time heeded the smaller's request by stopping at once.

"Baekhyun, I want you."

Chanyeol's voice sounded gruff and heavy almost eradicating all of Baekhyun's thoughts
as the smaller donned a bright red blush.

"Noone stopped you" Baekhyun's voice was more of a whimper as he listened to his own
desperate words.

Chanyeol stood up straight, eyes dark as he clutched onto the smaller's tiny wrist, jerking
him towards him away from the wall. Suddenly turning frantically pulling the smaller.

Baekhyun followed knees colliding once in a while as Chanyeol led the way, eyes queasy
and brain malfunctioning at the speed at which the things were happening.

Chanyeol suddenly came to a stop infront of a blue crimson door. Flinging it open he pulled
Baekhyun inside.

Twisting the smaller in a way that landed him in front of the taller, back against the broad
chest, being pulled in by the waist only to be rubbed against.

Baekhyun's hands found a dressing table to cling onto as he squeezed his butt, back
rubbing it against the other's front.

Chanyeol let out a wild howl as he harshly tugged Baekhyun in the air, ramming and dry
humping into the latter's behind.
Baekhyun was wrong to assume the built up sexual tension was only one way. The smaller
had his legs in the air, weight pushed on his hands to balance himself.

After Chanyeol had somewhat come down from his devious high, he sat on the chair in
front of the table, placing Baekhyun in his lap looking straight at the other's ruined face and
hair in the mirror. Baekhyun was looking back at him, throat dry and eyes dazed, breaths

The tick from his Jean's button being plopped open had Baekhyun stirring in Chanyeol's

He soon lost his breath when a huge paw like hand grabbed his semi hard member
through the fabric of his underwear, hardening his d*ck and forcing it to fight against the

In no time, Chanyeol had slipped his hand inside, feeling the soft skin of the hard rod
drawing out loud moans from the other. He loved watching the smaller through the mirror
whimpering & struggling everytime Chanyeol stroked him.

He would have continued but he was aching too.

He retracted his paw drawing whines from the other when he decided to hook them under
the smaller's thighs. Hands around the smaller, chest still against his back. Baekhyun's
head was splayed in the crook on the taller's neck, his view being Chanyeol's jawline.

He picked him up.

The next second Baekhyun was placed on the soft bed. He was about to get up and shrug
off his Jean's when hands pushed him on his chest flat against the best as his butt
remained jutted up in the air.

He squealed on the inside when he felt his Jean's and underwear being dragged.

Once clear of all the needed clothes in the lower region, he felt something move.
Turns out it was chanyeol squishing him huge broad self from below Baekhyun's thighs
from below, facing the smaller,moving inch by inch trying to come face to face with him
from down under.

He felt a kiss being dropped on his stomach which indicated that's Chanyeol had
successfully struggled to reach his mid region. Baekhyun rolled his eyes, the taller could
have just picked him up and placed himself below him but no.

Sensing movement against he pushed himself up

Giving Chanyeol the place he needed to finally be bellow the smaller, face to face.

The face that met Baekhyun's had him drawing in a choked breath. Chanyeol looked spent
already, he looked at every part of baekhyun as if he was served on a plate.

Baekhyun felt himself harden.

When Baekhyun sat down on the other's lap, face in line with the tallers hands on the side
of his face, he drew in a loud moan when he realised that the giant had not only stripped
Baekhyun but himself too.

He felt himself rub his flesh directly onto the hot throbbing huge one.

Chanyeol smirked as he rubbed a slow one in reply, only to have Baekhyun hollowing his
mouth due to the intense pleasure

He quickly moved a little up to harshly strike at the smaller's lips pulling him down with his
teeth alone.

Baekhyun shivered as he began kissing back, hard.

Chanyeol's hands worked their way from the smaller's trembling back to his soft plum
globes as he kneaded each one with the same fiery intensity that matched his kiss.
Baekhyun needed oxygen but Chanyeol didn't let him breathe.

After being satisfied with the heavenly buttocks-

Chanyeol moved with an attempt to spread them, Baekhyun wailed in the kiss when he felt
the pleasurable stretch as he jumped in back to ravish the other's mouth.
Chanyeol's hand kept separating his two new favourites while the other moved Baekhyun a
lil to adjust his own girth.

The taller held his own erection against the small hole, & slowly rubbed it against it,
painting the entire hollow with his own smell & precum.

The smaller let out a raw moan when he felt himself becoming wet from the action as every
dry spot was lathered with the other's cock.

Chanyeol's thumb found the puckered ending which he began massaging, meanwhile
Baekhyun did his best to gulp his own spit to keep his throat from drying off and choking

He could die later a 100 times but not right now.

Chanyeol brought a finger to the smaller's mouth.

As if on cue Baekhyun gulped them in lathering them with saliva just as the giant kept
lapping and wetting his hole with his own precum.

Baekhyun's wet spoiled buttocks rubbed against each other when Chanyeol let go off them
to push his other two into the smaller's mouth.

Baekhyun wriggled rubbing his dick on the taller's abdomen, whining due to the loss of his
noticeable touch.

Chanyeol however had plans of his. His finger slowly teased the opening once again
stealing the smaller's breath.

Without waiting for a second, he pushed it inside.

The hole was already well lubed thanks to the giants over stimulated leaking c*ck.

Baekhyun 's hands gave up as he fell on Chanyeol's body shivering from the giant's
teasing,struggling to breathe as the giant started moving his finger inside.

Slowly another one was added.

Once Chanyeol was sure that the moans Baekhyun let out were from being pleasured, he
added two more fingers of his other hand. However, the fingers together pulled in different
direction stretching the smaller, the result was a screeching and clawing Baekhyun.

Chanyeol realised that he went too ahead in his want for the smaller and was about to stop
when he heard the shuddering demand.


He bit his lips while closing his eyes moving back to stretch the shorter, time and again.

Baekhyun let out a choked moan every single time.

Soon Chanyeol was happy with how much he had managed to stretch the shorter.

Using his expertise, he stretched him again this time only to rub his c*ck directly against
the opening, Baekhyun felt the round head against his hole, just touching the rims that
were wide open.

He clawed at the crook of Chanyeol's neck, almost bruising the taller and making him jerk
from the sudden sting.

Result? Chanyeol's round hard head entered the wide opening taking the both of them by

Baekhyun arched from the sudden entry making the length push deeper.

Chanyeol howled a 2nd time as he controlled his urge to ram into the smaller, to not hurt
him. Once Baekhyun's breathing got back to normal, the smaller slowly sat on the huge
rod, inch by inch, swallowing it in till the end.

While Chanyeol lay still below him biting on his lips

Baekhyun finally opened his eyes when he realised how stuffed he was & how badly he
needed Chanyeol to move. He looked at the taller below him, flinching a little at how much
the other looked like he was trying to pause his feelings.
Baekhyun nodded once, but Chanyeol missed it.

Finding that his voice was nowhere to be found, Baekhyun moved his hips once to let
Chanyeol know he was comfortable. The giant jerked again from the sudden movement &
this time Baekhyun's moan was so sultry that he would've have released then & there had
he not been experienced.

Taking the smaller's desperate cry for attention, Chanyeol's hands kneaded the small waist
at the same time that he deep thrusted into Baekhyun.

If the previous moan was sultry then Chanyeol did not know what to call this one.

He continued rolling his hips slowly, yet deep.

Baekhyun's pants grew with every single one of Chanyeol's thrust. The taller soon pushed
Baekhyun to a sitting position instead and the smaller cried out loud the position he was in
made it feel like the length had reached in deeper.

If that was even possible.

Baekhyun began shivering as Chanyeol suddenly started hammering into him from below,
his moans along with his body shaking with the full speed.

This was it. This was what heaven felt like. This was how Chanyeol felt like.

And there it was. The loud scream that Chanyeol was-

Waiting for when he hit a certain spot.

"M-more! More. H-Harder! F-faster!"

"What ever you want Baek."

And Chanyeol did not lie, Baekhyun could not believe there was a pace faster and harder
than he already was impaled on. But there was. Chanyeol made sure he knew of it.

It felt like they had been at it forever,when finally Chanyeol's hold on the smaller tightened.
Baekhyun recognised the movement and he was quick to hold the taller's wrist.

"N-no, I-inside M-me"

Baekhyun shivered as Chanyeol didn't stop even when being talked to.

"I can't"

"You have to & you will"

Baekhyun demanded while still making faces that Chanyeol will never let anyone even

This Baekhyun turned on the taller even more & he set an even frightening pace when he
sat up, putting his lenght even deeper. Baekhyun's moan lasted for mins.

Chanyeol continued ramming in this new found even more pleasurable position as
Bakehyun held onto the taller for dear life. Legs tight around his waist yet shaking from
being completely spent.

Soon chanyeol's movements became irregular and he groaned when he spilled inside.

Baekhyun felt the warm liquid fill his insides and that was all that was needed for him to
find his own high. He convulsed while holding onto the taller spilling onto himself as well
the other's clothed chest.

Both of them panted for what seemed like ages. Sweaty and warm.

Chanyeol was about withdraw his semi hard dick from the other's warm cavern when the
smaller moved to pull him tighter in his embrace.

"No, I like to feel stuffed."

The smaller had already had let go of all his shame, might as well let the giant know what
made satisfied him.
The taller nodded as he moved holding the smaller dick still stuffed visibly inside the
smaller, the thin traces of cum that was dripping out from the hole, had a minute effect on
the taller as his lenght started hardening.

Baekhyun choked as he collided on the broad chest-

From actually feeling the taller's member hardening inside him.

Chanyeol, decided to make use of the situation as he stood up, holding his baby and
lunged onto his neck to bite in and ram into his hole one last time. Baekhyun's hole gaped
along with him from too much intensity.

After being satisfied with the huge bruise he left on his husband's neck.
He moved back to look at the other's divine face.

"I love you Park Baekhyun."

Baekhyun teared up. Not being able to identify the right words to reply, he decided to
replicate what Chanyeol did-

He lunged onto the taller's neck to leave a mark of his own. Chanyeol growled and so did
his dick inside the smaller, but Baekhyun did not let the moan that escaped him reduce the
fierceness of his bite.

Once Baekhyun was done and sated. He clung on the the taller.

"That mark is always going to be there, I'll make sure of it every night. From tonight I'll trust
you Park Chanyeol. Because from tonight you'll only be mine."


The taller smiled moving to kiss the smaller softly, unknowingly pushing his dick deeper,
drawing out a moan

~ The Reunion ~

Baekhyun sat at the bar table, thumbing his half filled glass of whiskey. He wasn't a
lightweight, but wasn't in the mood of a sip too. The glass was given to him by one of
Chanyeol's old school friend as a compensation for stealing the taller away for a while.

"Fancy seeing you here!"

Baekhyun was suprised when he turned to see his owl like best friend on the seat near

"What are you doing here Kyungsoo?"

"Junmyeon invited me so that his favourite person I.e you, won't feel lonely."

"Lies, we all know he has a crush on you."

Kyungsoo blushed a light shade, face still stoic. Baekhyun was actually suprised by this

Kyungsoo was always being hit on by Jongin and Junmyeon looked like he was doing
great at seducing Kris Wu.

But apparently the constant sex had Baekhyun's system jungled up.

For he did not notice how close the CEO & his best friend had gotten, until he and
Chanyeol in their frenzy to find a snugged place in office had stumbled upon the two
making out in the Janitor's closet.

What erection Baekhyun had was way past it's stage mostly due to the shock.

Speaking of Chanyeol, the smaller's eyes traced the crowd to find his tall head. Eyes
crinkled, smacking someone shorter than him: consequence of some poor joke he or
someone else cracked.

Baekhyun pitied the person standing next to him. He'd been there; he always smacked

He turned back to look at Kyungsoo.

"Are you still not going to tell me how you and Junmyeon became a thing?"

Kyungsoo simply nodded a No, without even giving it a simple thought.

"Atleast try at hiding that hickey Baekhyun."

He successfully changed the topic.

Ignoring the other this time he continued playing with his whiskey. Who is going to explain
to Kyungsoo that it is his husband's preference for his hickeys to be visible so that people
know he already belongs yo someone.

A shy smile graced the smaller's face.

He can still hear Chanyeol in the background laughing loudly, smacks still continuing.

Baekhyun hopes that the poor guy next to his husband has moved. He's in for some
serious pain later.

"Stop ignoring me Baekhyun and stop playing with your drink!"

Kyungsoo wailed.

Rolling his eyes, he finally placed the whiskey glass on the table with a thud.

"Don't you have to go and give your crush moral support after that speech he fucked up,
what did he say?..We owe it all to the school's weed garden for the support?"

Baekhyun giggled along with Soo.

They continued their conversation while his giant was still having his own. Baekhyun
figured Chanyeol was a well liked popular guy amongst his classmates with the amount of
people that hugged him & he smacked back in return.

His attention was stolen by kyungsoo once again.

"I know we practically meet everyday in office, but there's not 1minute that the husband of
yours leaves you alone for me to ask you this."

"Oh my God Soo, are you proposing? I would've loved to but you already know, I'm a
married man!"

"Shut up"

"Fine I'll drop yeol for you."

Kyungsoo quickly looked around to make sure Chanyeol was still far away.

"Are you nuts? Stop being so loud, I don't want my last words to be shut up baek!"

Baekhyun giggled as Kyungsoo continued to softly smack him on his arms. Everyone was
scared of his Husband.

You might have noticed by now that Baekhyun loved referring to Chanyeol as his husband.
He loved it. He loved his husband even more.

"I was asking... how are you?Is Chanyeol taking care of you? How is your marriage? From
the signs of the hickey, pls spare me the sexual deets."

Baekhyun smiled a painfully sweet smile.

"We are doing good, he's always taking care of me. I've learnt to adjust to a few things &
so has he. I him Kyungsoo"

Baekhyun shied away, now it was kyungsoo with the same wide smile studying Baekhyun's
face & reactions.


They heard someone shout in the crowd, Baekhyun's head whipped in the same direction.

"You're way more whipped than I thought you'd be"

Kyungsoo chuckled as Baekhyun smacked him while looking embarassed.

His eyes landed on a person he was not very keen on meeting.

He saw his husband's ex flame, Jungwoo make his way through the crowd to reach the
giant&whisper something in his ear, then they both made their way out.

Baekhyun was over the jealousy and the annoying anger, but watching such interactions
still didn't settle well with him.

He was in two minds, should he follow the two? Maybe he'd stick to his desicion and trust
Chanyeol. His husband did time and again say and prove how much he loved him.

If this was the old Baekhyun, he wouldn't have given a single thought before following them


"I don't see Myeon vomiting anywhere, you sure he didn't tell you were he was going?"

Chanyeol asked as he looked around, trying his best to find him. 2mins later he realised,
only he was the one looking around worried. Standing up straight hr saw Jungwoo

"You lied"

Jungwoo looked up, slowly nodding a little. Chanyeol was quick with his stride, Jungwoo
was quicker to stop him.

"What are you upto? We're are at a place that holds only good memories, don't ruin it

Chanyeol sounded like he was pleading.

"I can't."

"You can't what?"

"I can't do this without trying one last time."

"What are you even talking about?"

"It's hard for me, it's hard for me to see you with him"

Chanyeol stood there speechless,eyes wide. He tried to wriggle his hand out of the other's

"When I heard you were marrying for the first time, I assumed it was a trick to win me back!
But then I saw you both at the function and your arm on his waist! How could you so easily
get over me Chanyeol?"

"You already knew about the wedding?"

"Obviously I did!"

"Then why did you act that way the day you met us all for breakfast?"

"I knew you would worry, I just wanted to let your husband know how much hold I still had
over you, I wanted him to know how much you still worried over me"

Jungwoo moved to brush the taller's cheeks.

"I thought that would be enough for him to end things with you, he looked like a decent guy
who couldn't live with himself if he thought he was the reason for someone being unhappy!
But he's not as stupid as I thought!"

"Jungwoo? Who are you? Are you even listening to yourself?"

"I even called up Gramps when I got to know he was back in town to remind him how much
trouble you went through because of me, knowing gramps he would definitely talk about it.
What kind of a guy even is that Baekhyun?"

"Be. Careful. Of. Your. Words."

"I tried everything! Everything, so that he knows how much I and our relation meant to you!
But why are you both still together?"

"You purposely did all this?"

"I had to, you were acting as if you really started liking him."

"Sorry to break your bubble, but I really do"

"No you don't! You're just putting up an act! I know when hickeys are made up, I did that to
make you feel jealous initially!"

"You're crazy!" Chanyeol's mouthed wide eyed, trying his best to leave from there.

"No I'm not, I'm in love, with you! I know you are too!


Kyungsoo stood at the bar, refilling his drink for the 3rd time, it was weird Baekhyun still
hadn't touched his.

Without intending to he caught onto the hot topic at the bar.

"Isn't Chanyeol married ? What's he doing hugging Jungwoo in the garden?"

Kyungsoo's eyes widened.

He turned at the speed of light, to go and thrash his boss to find Baekhyun standing right
behind him,eyes glassy and lips thinned.
Did Baekhyun lie to him earlier about their marriage?

From the expression on Baekhyun's face, he was just as suprised too.

Kyungsoo wanted to say something, anything. Before he could find words, the smaller had
already turned and making his way out.

He decided to give his best friend some time. He was sure the news was wrong.
That's what Baekhyun thought too. Chanyeol would never do that.

Chanyeol would never.

The world came thrashing down the next sec, when he stumbled on, his husband in the
arms of the person, Baekhyun had almost come to hate.

Chanyeol would never.

But Chanyeol maybe would.

He saw what he saw. They were hugging.

How could he.

His mind was already jumping to conclusions, hundreds, thousands, millions. But he stood
his ground.

He had promised he would trust his husband, even though the same guy was hugging
someone in front of him.

Kyungsoo would call him stupid, but that's what love did to people.

If this was the last time he was to try & trust his husband then be it. He was going to watch
it till the end, even if it hurt worse than ever.

He put his palm on his mouth to not interfere or even remind Chanyeol, he had a stupid
husband, madly in love with him waiting for him.

Turns out Baekhyun wasn't the only one uncomfortable, as he saw his husband' strong
hands that always clawed on his waist, claw on the other's arms & not even a second had
passed, before Jungwoo was pushed away.

Chanyeol's face twisting in rage, angriest Baekhyun had ever seen.

"You are mothafucking crazy! Stay away from me! And my husband! This is the last time
you try something like this. If I see you near me or my husband again, I swear to God and
I'm not kidding, you won't be alive to even think of these disgusting delusional things."

"I don't know what you might draw out of this,but let me be as clear as I can be, I love my
husband. He's my priority, if someone, anyone even tries to hurt or harm in anyway, know
that I won't sit quite. I'm going to forgive you this time, but touch me again & see what

"Chanyeol you're just angry! It's alright! I understand! You're just angry, I was stupid baby. I
still love you"

"Are you nuts?! For God's sake I DON'T LOVE YOU!"

Chanyeol heard a small shuffle in the trees near by, and whipped his head to examine but
couldn't spot anyone.


It was almost 10mins later, when Baekhyun saw Chanyeol walk in to the big hall again.
The smaller was sitting on his seat still playing with his whiskey

He saw the taller's stressed face searching for something, it finally relaxed when it looked
right at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun offered him a small smile. He expected the taller to return to his previous group
when he was suprised to see him already making his way towards towards him.

Withing seconds he was right in front of him.

"May I have a dance?"

Chanyeol offered his hand, voice heavy.

Baekhyun smiled while nodding, carefully stepping down and moving with him.

Chanyeol lead them to the centre and quickly bought the smaller closer. A hand clawing at
his waist as if itching to find peace while the other held Baekhyun's hand.
"I love you" The taller whispered.

Baekhyun lazily placed his head on the broad chest, hearing the thumps of the other's
heart, relaxing and swaying to the soft tunes.

He nodded as a response a few seconds late to the other's confession. Cheeks red and
eyes shut tight.

His husband deserved everything.



They both called out at the same time, Baekhyun's voice a bit muffled due to it ambushing
Chanyeol's dress shirt.

"You first" The smaller muttered.

Chanyeol heaved on a sigh, tightening his hold onto the smaller.

"Jungwoo is crazy. He needs help"

Baekhyun remained quite, as if pushing for the taller to go on. Chanyeol started reciting
bits and pieces of the incident his grip tightening ever now and then.

When he finally reached the beginning of the part Baekhyun witnessed, the smaller moved
his head to face Chanyeol.

"I saw it."

Chanyeol looked down at the smaller, face weird and confused.

"I saw when you two hugged."

"No, No. No. NO! You got it all wrong Baekhyun! I didn't do anything. I swear."
Baekhyun quickly pasted a finger on the tallers lips.

"Sh.. I know you didn't. I trust you."

Chanyeol's grip which was almost suffocating now, not that Baekhyun minded, relaxed a

"Can we not talk about Jungwoo anymore? He sounded & looked scary."

Baekhyun muttered as he nuzzled Chanyeol's chest again.

"Don't worry I'll protect you my husband"

Chanyeol teased.

Baekhyun had a trick up his sleeve too.

"It's not only me that you have to protect now"

"Oh, are you worried about me? Don't worry I can take care of myself and you. And
Junmyeon hyung will take care of us both."

Chanyeol giggled at his own joke while Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

He moved back to looked at Chanyeol in the eye, as he lead their conjoined hands towards
his belly. Placing them there carefully

"I mean you don't /only/ have me to care about now"

Chanyeol's fuse short circuited as his eyes blew wide open, bringing their slow dance to a

Chanyeol's shouted out the question bringing the entire crowd to a halt.

"Y-you're you're joking right?" The taller's voice was shaky as he studied every twitch on
Baekhyun's face till his eyes got blurry.
Kyungsoo came running with a butter knife aimed at Chanyeol.

"Why are you shouting? Baekhyun do you need me to kill this motherfucker?"

Baekhyun jolted to look at Kyungsoo, he was about to reply when he saw Junmyeon make
his way with another butter knife.

"Kyungsoo told me what happened, Chanyeol I'm gonna kill you, how dare you"

Baekhyun was amused & trying his best not to laugh at his friends trying to take his side.
The wails and the loud sobs from the giant however helped in diverting his funny bones'

Chanyeol pulled him in a tight hug, sobbing and weeping loudly almost crushing Baekhyun.

He quickly pulled his giant into himself, softly brushing his hair trying to stop him.

"There, there my baby, stop"

Kyungsoo and Junmyeon stood there shocked, eyes wide looking around embarassed
because of Chanyeol's wails, not knowing what to do at all.

"We didn't think we would scare him into crying this loudly"

Kyungsoo frowned while lightly tossing the knife on a table.

"Omg Yeol-ah, I'm sorry please stop crying! Hyung went ever hurt you!"

Junmyeon threaded around the hugging couple not knowing what to do.

The entire crowd was stunned, watching the popular CEO running around trying to calm
his best friend while the cold director was shuddering & weeping in his husband's arms.

This was a circus. Their principle was not suprised with the proceedings.
They were JunYeol after all.
Chanyeol finally caught his breath when Baekhyun whined about feeling suffocated. He
swiftly moved back wipping his tear stricken face.

He saw his beautiful husband one more time and could not stop the tear that escaped.

Baekhyun smiled back just as emotionally.

"Is someone going to fill us on what is happening here?"

Kyungsoo enquired loudly, expression bored as if he wasn't just ready to hunt, rather poke
with the butter knife of his.

Baekhyun opened his mouth to dismiss any concerns when his husband decided to talk



Baekhyun hid his face from the first hand embarrassment while kyungsoo and Junmyeon

"W-we were going to kill your baby daddy?"

Kyungsoo asked terrified making Baek giggle.

The entire crowd cheered&howled at the good news from their bachmate. Chanyeol was
stuck to Baekhyun like glue, not letting go off the smaller even for a sec.

Junmyeon begged for Chanyeol's forgiveness where as Kyungsoo demanded it.

On Baekhyun's request Chanyeol forgave both.

After the hundreds of Congratulations & Pat's from everyone Baekhyun finally found
himself alone when some other batchmate in the excitement declared he was coming out
of the closet.

It was not for long as he felt a hand swiftly hook onto his waist pulling his back into a chest.
He sighed feeling comfortable as the soft mouth snuggled in the crook if his neck and left
feathery wet kisses there.

"I am very happy Baekhyun."

The smaller hummed as the kisses became wetter just like he liked them.

"I love you" was rasped into his ears.

Baekhyun turned in the hold, hands hooking themselves on the taller's neck.

He was about to stand on his toes when Chanyeol bent down to give him easier access.
Baekhyun giggled at the gesture. He wet his own lips purposely knowing how Chanyeol
hated wet kisses.

He placed a soft one on his temple then the other and slowly covered his whole face.
Chanyeol's eyes were shut feeling every small wet press of the other, he wasn't going to let
the other know how much he had come to love these wet kisses

Baekhyun stopped, breathing on his lips.

Chanyeol chased the smaller's breath to speed the process of getting his kiss. Baekhyun
however dodged trying to catch his breath. When Chanyeol finally stopped,pout clearly

Baekhyun giggled and placed his soft ones on his.

Chanyeol swallowed the other's lips.

Hands tracing every curve, lips biting each other's they stood there making out
passionately for an eternity.

Baekhyun finally pushed Chanyeol a bit to have the taller stop, breathing in a sigh along
with some oxygen. His forehead collided with Chanyeol's, both giggling.

"I love you Park Chanyeol" Baekhyun breathed.

Chanyeol looked at him, foreheads still joined. Baekhyun could literally see the love drip
from his gaze. The smile on their faces was an automatic reaction.

The entire evening ahead was spent with secret confessions every now &then

Stolen kisses which everyone purposely ignored, secret leg tangles and secret whispers of
I love yous.

Chanyeol never got tired of showing his love and Baekhyun never stopped replying either.

The two were the happiest today but they were sure there were happier moments to come.

The next day, their house was filled with their parents and friends and cousins as the video
of Chanyeol announcing their pregnancy had gone viral on the news outlets.

However, the stolen kisses & the I love yous hadn't stopped, no matter how hard Chanyeol
tried to hide himself.

He was embarassed but that didn't stop him from cornering Baekhyun at times in the
house, kissing the daylights out of him and letting him know how much he loved him.

Baekhyun hoped he would never stop, not now&not for the rest of their life.
Chanyeol promised him he won't too.

"I love you"

"I love you too Chanyeol"

"You sound bored, are you bored already?"

"I don't think I'll ever be"

"Good. Cause even if you were that wouldn't stop me"

Chanyeol giggled as he successfully stole a long kiss as he heard their moms looking for
"They can wait."

"I don't think your mom's gonna be happy when she finds us kissing again"

"Then let's go somewhere she can't find us?"


"Anywhere, You, me & our pea."

Baekhyun liked the thought of it as he kissed back with the same amount of passion.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

The end.

Sorry I'm really bad at endings! Hope this one isn't as bad :p

Feel free to drop your opinions!

Also if you are shy you ping me on curios cat!



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