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Comparative Study of Countries

Brief Write-up:

1) Countries by Income
➢ Creating Geographic map by Country
➢ 1 unknown country – edit location
➢ Selected Income as filter

2) KPI Table
➢ Created 2 Parameters as “Select Category” & “Select Year”
➢ Created 5 Calculated fields “Selected Category”, “Selected Year”, “Previous year”,
“Growth%” and “Growth Indicator”
➢ Created table by “Selected Year”, “Previous Year” and “Growth %”
➢ Changed format into percentage
3) Growth Indicator
➢ Created new folder in my tableau repository as “Growth Shapes” with 3 icons (Negative,
Positive, and No Change)

➢ Dragged and dropped “Growth Indicator” into shapes

4) Trend Line
➢ Using Primary Data Source, created trend line chart by selecting year and selected
➢ For motion dragged and dropped year into page shelf
➢ Changed the aggregation into average for “Selected Category” from the default sum
Key Indicators Dashboard
➢ Dragged & dropped Country by Income sheet into the dashboard
➢ Created a webpage using dashboard objects. Link -
➢ Created a dashboard Action by using URL for selecting country in the map and to view Wikipedia
website -<Country>
➢ Dragged & dropped remaining worksheets (KPI Table, Growth Indicator & Trend Line) in
➢ Selected Income Group filters and applied to all worksheets
➢ Selected Countries by Income as filter in the dashboard
➢ The dashboard has been formatted.

Challenges and Solution

Challenge: - When picking a country in the Geographic map's details, 1 unknown value
appeared, and it was unclear which location it may be.
Solution: - By selecting 1 unknown value and selecting Edit Location, I was able to
manually insert South Korea.

Challenge: - I was unable to establish a connection between the country and the
Wikipedia website.
Solution: - I selected Country in detail from secondary data rather than primary data, so
I was not able to link country by Income to Wikipedia.

It was successfully linked after picking a country from primary data.

Output Result of country link

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