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Data sheet for personal details of pension entitled insured

Personal details of pension entitled insured

contract no. mutation

family name

first name + initials

if married, include family name at birth

date of birth (ddmmyyyy) m f

single joint household married*, since:

private address

town country

telephone fax


current employer occupation

country of birth nationality

ID-no.* passport driver’s license ID card

Details of partner/spouse

family name

first name + initials

if married, include family name at birth

date of birth (ddmmyyyy) m f

private address

town country

telephone e-mail

ID-no.* passport driver’s license ID card

enclose copy of document (proof of identity, marriage certificate, death certificate, etc.)


number of children

1. name m f date of birth (ddmmyyyy)

2. name m f date of birth (ddmmyyyy)

3. name m f date of birth (ddmmyyyy)

4. name m f date of birth (ddmmyyyy)

Pension (to be completed by ENNIA)

type of pension pension starting date (ddmmyyyy)

policy number

pension benefit before tax per month per quarter per year

name of bank

bank account no. in the name of

signature pension entitled insured signature Manager Life

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