Past Perfect Tense Simplu - Exprimă o Acţiune Trecută Care A Avut Loc Înaintea Altei

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Past perfect tense simplu – exprimă o acţiune trecută care a avut loc înaintea altei

acţiuni tot din trecut. Se traduce prin mai mult ca perfectul şi prin perfectul compus.
Se formează:
- afirmativ: S + had + Ved/Vforma a 3 a – participiu
Ex. They had finished the paper when you came. Ei terminaseră testul când ai venit.
- negativ: S + had + not + Ved/Vforma a 3 a
Ex. I had not opened the parcel when you phoned. Nu deschisesem pachetul când ai
- interogativ: had + S + Ved/Vforma a 3 a
Ex. How long had they been married when they divorced? De cât timp erau căsătoriţi
când au divorţat?


1. Complete the gaps with past perfect simple tense

Most of my friend were no longer there. They........(leave).

The local cinema was no longer open. It..........(close) down.
Mr. Johnson was no longer alive. He.............(die).
I did not recognise mrs. Johnson. She...........(change) a lot.
Bill no longer had his car. He...........(sell) it.

2. Translate into Romanian paying attention to the use of past perfect

When he had finished his work, he went to the cinema.
As soon as he had unpacked his suitcases, he left the hotel to meet his
He had just left the room, when the telephone rang.
The witness gave a detailed account of what he had seen.
The problem had been under discussion for a long time, before an
agreement was reached.
By the time we came they had already finished the most difficult part of the
Once we had agreed upon the procedure, we set to work immediately.
It was not until new strikes had occurred that the management of the
factory granted the workers a wage increase.

3. Use the past tense or the past perfect tense of the verbs in brackets:

He (learn)......swimming, before he ......(be) six years old.

The accused ......(refuse) to admit that he.....(steal) the money.
He............(wonder) why I...........(not visit) him before.
She ...........(forget) to lock the door before she......(go away).
When they............(finish) the preparations for the new experiments,
they........................(leave) the laboratory.
As soon as he.........(finish) the translation, he ...................(hand) it in.
Hemingway..............(work) as a journalist, before he.................(begin) to
write novels.
After we..............(see) the new play, we ...........................(have) a lively
debate about it.
Once we .............(overcome) the initial difficulties, our work.......................
(make) good progress.
I.......................(forget) to wind up my alarm-clock, before I ......................
(go) to bed.
I ..................(think) you.............................(meet) him yesterday.
He.....................(say) he..................(be away) on a journey for some
I ............ (tell) him I............... (have) no time to think the matter over.

4. Re-write the pairs of sentences using past perfect:

They had studied Mathematics. They passed the exams.

We arrived at the theatre. The performance began.
We chatted for a while. Mother had prepared the lunch.
I finished my exercises. I turned on the TV.
They moved in. They decorated the house.

When we arrived at the theatre the performance had begun.

Exprimă o acţiune care va avea loc în viitor.
- afirmativ: S + shall/will + verb la forma de prezent
Ex. I shall plant these trees. Voi planta aceşti pomi.
They will lend me their book. Îmi vor împrumuta cartea.
Shall - folosit pentru persoana I singular şi plural. Will - pentru celelalte persoane.
- negativ: S + shall/will + not + verb
Ex. I shall not come early. Nu voi veni devreme. Shan’t / won’t
- interogativ: shall/will + S + verb
Ex. Will you tell me about the party? - O să-mi povesteşti despre petrecere?

Means of expressing future tense

- Present tense simple
Used to express an officially planned future action.
Ex: My train leaves at 7.30 pm tomorrow.
- present tense continuous
Used to express a future action - unofficially planned
Ex: she is dating him tomorrow.
- To be going to used to express intension – there is the idea that some preparation for the action
has already been made. Therefore, actions expressed by this form are considered very likely to
be performed.
I am going to meet Tom at the station at six.
- to be going to refers to the immediate or near future when used without a time expression
Ex: He is going to lend me his bicycle.
- to be going to – used for predictions – it expresses the speaker feeling of certainty. The time is
usually not mentioned, but the action is expected to happen in the near or immediate future
Ex. Look at those clouds. It is going to rain.

1. Put the following into the future simple tense.

We ask that question.
You never answer me correctly without the help of that book.
I never believe you.
You don’t understand me.
He feels better after those pills.
I eat an orange every day.
It doesn’t hurt you.
Why doesn’t she drink her cocoa? Why won’t she drink

2. Translate
Vă voi vizita săptămâna
viitoare . ...............................................................................
Îţi voi aduce pachetul direct
acasă. ................................................................................
Ei nu vor veni diseară la petrecerea
Unde se va
duce? ...................................................................................................
Vei fi ocupată după-amiaza
aceasta? ................................................................................
Îi voi spune
adevărul. ..........................................................................................................
O voi invita la cină la noul
restaurant.. ................................................................................

3. Translate
My sister will go to the market tomorrow. ........................................................
I shall come home at 2 pm. ...............................................................................
I shall go to the bookshop later on. ..................................................................
We shall have dinner at 7 pm. ..........................................................................

4. Complete with the expression „to be going to”:

I shall travel abroad. ..............................................................................................
She will sit up all day to finish her essay. ..............................................................
The manager will ask us a lot of details. ................................................................
Mary will visit all the monasteries. ...................................................................

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