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Past Present Future

To do Simple Simple Simple FACT

-ed/II ir.v. -s (he/she/it)
Did ?/- Do/does ?/-

yesterday usually
To be Continuous Continuous Continuous PROCESS
Was Am
Were +V(ing) Is +V(ing)

Yesterday from 5 till Now

To have Perfect Perfect Perfect FACT
Had +V(ed)/III ir.v. Have
Has +V(ed)/III ir.v.

already already

To have Perfect Continuous Perfect Continuous Perfect Continuous PROCESS

To be Have
Has + been +V(ing)

v- verb

Present Simple

To do

I/they/we/you + V I live in Riga

He/she/it +V(s). He lives in Riga.

Do I/they/we/you +V? Do you live in Riga?

Does he/she/it +V? Does he live in Riga?

I/they/we/you do not (don’t) + V I do not live in Riga

He/she/it does not (doesn’t) +V. He does not live in Riga.


1. Habit or routine
I wake up every morning at 7 a.m., take a shower, have my breakfast and go work.
Every week I meet my friends.
Every year I go on holidays.

2. Always true.
The sun rises on the east.
Water boils at 100 degrees.
3. True for a long time.
I live in Riga.
I work for X.

Time expressions

0% 20% 50% 70% 90% 100%

Never rarely/seldom sometimes often usually always

Every day/week/month

Present Continuous

To be

I am +V(ing). I am living in Riga.

He/she/it is + V(ing). He is living in Riga.

They/we/you are + V(ing). They are living in Riga.

am I +V(ing)? Am I living in Riga?

is He/she/it + V(ing)? is He living in Riga?

are They/we/you + V(ing)? are They living in Riga?

I am not +V(ing). I am not living in Riga.

He/she/it is not (isn’t) + V(ing). He is not living in Riga.

They/we/you are not (aren’t) + V(ing). They are not living in Riga.


1. Action which is happening right now.

I am explaining grammar. You are listening.

2. Action which is happening around now.

I am studying at distance school.

3. Planned future arrangement.

I am meeting you next week.

Time expressions
Now, right now, at the moment
This week, month
Ss,sh,ch, x, o = es

Stative verbs =SIMPLE

1. Feeling and emotions
Like, love, hate, enjoy, prefer, don’t mind

2. Thinking and opinion

Think, remember, forget, know, consider, believe, mean, want

3. Owning and belonging

Own, belong, possess

4. Senses
See, hear, smell, taste

Online exercises to practice Present Simple vs Present Continuous


Present Perfect
To have

I/they/we/you have +V(ed)/III ir.v. I have lived in Riga for 10 years.

He/she/it has +V(ed)/III ir.v. He has lived in Riga for 10 years.

Have I/they/we/you +V(ed)/III ir.v.? Have I lived in Riga for 10 years?

Has he/she/it +V(ed)/III ir.v.? Has he lived in Riga for 10 years?

I/they/we/you have not (havn’t) +V(ed)/III ir.v. I have not lived in Riga for 10 years.
He/she/it has not (hasn’t) +V(ed)/III ir.v. He has not lived in Riga for 10 years.

1. When action started in the past and still continues.
I have lived in Riga for 10 years.
I have worked as a teacher for 20 years.

2. Present result of past event.

I have written my essay.
I have broken my hand.
3. Personal experience.
I have been to New York.
I have seen this movie.
Time expressions:
Already + I have already done it.
Yet ?/- I have not done it yet.
Just I have just seen him.
For (----) I have worked here for 10 years.
Since (.) I have lived here since my childhood.
Ever Have you ever been there?
Never I have never been there.

Present Perfect /Present Perfect Continuous

Past NOW 11.10.2022 13.57

Past present

Present perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

To have

To be

I/they/we/you have been +V(ing). I have been living in Riga for 10 years.

He/she/it has been +V(ing). He has been living in Riga for 10 years.

Have I/they/we/you been +V(ing)? Have I been living in Riga for 10 years?
Has he/she/it been +V(ing)? Has he been living in Riga for 10 years?

I/they/we/you have not (haven’t) been +V(ing). I have not been living in Riga for 10 years.

He/she/it has not (hasn’t) been +V(ing). He has not been living in Riga for 10 years.


1. When action started in the past and still continues.

I have been living in Riga for 10 years.
I have been working as a teacher for 20 years.

2. Present result of past event.

I have been writing my essay for 3 hours. I am tired now.
I have been travelling all over Asia. I can tell you about it.

Time expressions
Already + I have already been doing it for ages.
Yet ?/-
For (----)
Since (.)

Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous


1. Stative vs active I have known her for 5 years vs I have been learning Spanish for a year.
2. ‘’short’’ vs ‘’long’’ I have broken it vs I have been studying English since I was 5 y.o.
3. Quantity vs no quantity I have read 5 books vs I have been reading
4. Permanent vs temporary I have lived in this flat for 10 years vs I have been living with my
brother for a week on holidays.

Exercises online:


Past Simple

To do
I/they/we/you/he/she/it +V(ed)/II ir.v. I lived in Riga in 2005.

Did I/they/we/you/he/she/it + V? Did you live in Riga in 2005?

I/he/she/it/they/we/you did not (didn’t) +V. I did not live in Riga in 2005.


1. Finished action in the past.

I did my homework yesterday.

2. Action follow one another in the story.

I woke up every morning at 7 a.m., took a shower, had my breakfast and went work.

Time expressions

When I was 15 years old

Past Continuous
To be
I/he/she/it was +V(ing). I was living in Riga in 2005.
They/we/you were +V(ing). They were living in Riga in 2005.

Was I/he/she/it +V(ing)? Was he living in Riga in 2005?

Were they/we/you +V(ing)? Were they living in Riga in 2005?

I/he/she/it was not (wasn’t) +V(ing). I was not living in Riga in 2005.
They/we/you were not (weren’t) +V(ing). They were not living in Riga in 2005.
1. Action was in process in the past.
I was working for BBC in 2005.

2. Description of the landscape.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the clouds were floating.
Time expressions:

When I was 15 years old

7 8 9 10 NOW
The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the clouds were floating.

When I woke up at 8 a.m.

Stative verbs =SIMPLE
1. Feeling and emotions
Like, love, hate, enjoy, prefer, don’t mind

2. Thinking and opinion

Think, remember, forget, know, consider, believe, mean, want

3. Owning and belonging

Own, belong, possess

4. Senses
See, hear, smell, taste

Past Prefect

To have

I/they/we/you/he/she/it had +V(ed)/III ir.v. I had lived in Riga for 5 years before I moved to London.

Had I/they/we/you/he/she/it +V(ed)/III ir.v? Had you lived in Riga for 5 years before I moved to

I/they/we/you/he/she/it had not (hadn’t) +V(ed)/III ir.v. I had not lived in Riga for 5 years before I
moved to London.


1. Action was finished in the past BEFORE another action in the past.
I had lived in Riga for 5 years before I moved to London.

Present perfect/present perfect cont

Past perfect/past perfect continuous

Before past past


Before past past

Past perfect/past perfect continuous

Time expressions







Past Perfect Continuous

To have, to be

I/they/we/you/he/she/it had been +V(ing). I had been living in Riga for 5 years before I moved to

Had I/they/we/you/he/she/it been +V(ing)? Had I been living in Riga for 5 years before I moved to

I/they/we/you/he/she/it had not (hadn’t) been +V(ing). I had not been living in Riga for 5 years before I
moved to London.


1. Action was in the process BEFORE another action in the past.

I had been living in Riga for 5 years before I moved to London.

Time expressions








Past Perfect vs Past Perfect Continuous


1. Stative vs active I had known her for 5 years vs I had been learning Spanish for a year.
2. ‘’short’’ vs ‘’long’’ I had broken it vs I had been studying English since I was 5 y.o.
3. Quantity vs no quantity I had read 5 books vs I had been reading
4. Permanent vs temporary I had lived in this flat for 10 years vs I had been living with my brother
for a week on holidays.

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