Sigma-Delta Converters Design and Simulations

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Sigma-Delta Converters Design and

Name: Mudassir Ali
Roll No.: 21i-2425
Section: IC Design
Date: June 2,2022
Subject: Mixed Signal IC Design
Submitted to: Google Classroom
Lab Task:.................................................................................................................................................. 3
Switched-Capacitor Realization of a First Order without delay ADC .................................................. 3
Assignment # 1:....................................................................................................................................... 5
Simulate the same circuit as given above for i) u(n) = 0.7V ii) u(n) = 0.2V ....................................... 5
Assignment # 2:....................................................................................................................................... 7
Design second order sigma-delta modulator as given on Lecture#7 and slide#43. Verify it’s
operation for u(n) = 0.3V .................................................................................................................... 7
Conclusion: .............................................................................................................................................. 8

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Schematic of 1st order without delay ADC 3

Figure 2: Testbench for of 1st order without delay ADC 3

Figure 3: Results of 1st order without delay ADC 4

Figure 4: Testbench for 0.7 V input 5

Figure 5: Results for 0.7 V input 5

Figure 6: Testbench for 0.2 V input 6

Figure 7: Results for 0.2 V input 6

Figure 8: Schematic for 2nd order sigma-delta modulator 7

Figure 9: Testbench for 2nd order sigma-delta modulator 7

Figure 10: Results for 2nd order sigma-delta modulator 8

Lab Task:
Switched-Capacitor Realization of a First Order without delay ADC

Figure 1: Schematic of 1st order without delay ADC

Figure 2: Testbench for of 1st order without delay ADC

Figure 3: Results of 1st order without delay ADC

From Figure 3 we can see the output is {−1,1,1}=(−1+1+1)/3=1/3

The avg is 1/3 which is equal to input, so the design is working fine.
Assignment # 1:
Simulate the same circuit as given above for i) u(n) = 0.7V ii) u(n) = 0.2V
and justify if it’s working properly or not.

i. u(n)= 0.7V

Figure 4: Testbench for 0.7 V input

Figure 5: Results for 0.7 V input

From Figure 5 we can see the output is {−1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1}=({-1+-1+1+-1+-1+1+-1+-

1+1+-1)/10=-4/10=-0.2 V ≠0.7 V
The 1st order ADC is not working for 0.7 V.

i. u(n)= 0.2V

Figure 6: Testbench for 0.2 V input

Figure 7: Results for 0.2 V input

From Figure 7 we can see the output is {−1,1,1,-1,1}=(−1+1+1,-1,1)/5=1/5=0.2 V

The average is 0.2V which is equal to input, so the design is working fine for 0.2V input.

Assignment # 2:
Design second order sigma-delta modulator as given on Lecture#7 and slide#43.
Verify it’s operation for u(n) = 0.3V

Figure 8: Schematic for 2nd order sigma-delta modulator

Figure 9: Testbench for 2nd order sigma-delta modulator

Figure 10: Results for 2nd order sigma-delta modulator

From Figure 10 we can see the output is {1, -1,1}=(1+(-1)+1)/3=1/3

The average is 1/3 which is equal to input, so the design is working fine.

In this lab we started with the design of 1st order oversampling sigma delta modulator as lab Task. In
Assignment part 1 we simulated the 1st order Sigma-Delta modulator for input=0.2 and 0.7 V and
verified its functionality. In Assignment 2 we designed 2nd order sigma-delta modulator and verified it
functionality for input of 0.33 mV.

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