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Art both reflects and helps to create a culture’s vision of itself.

the art of the past teaches us how people have seen themselves and their
world, and how they want to show this to others.

I Art History can be a path to exceptional visual literacy. It is one way to learn how to
“see” and articulate verbally or in writing what you see so that others can deepen
their own “seeing”. This is a form of sharing. Communication as translation. The
history part offers an introduction to how societies across time and space have
chosen to communicate non-verbally, using visual forms. It is a marvel to
contemplate the various ways people have chosen to depict, for example, the human
figure; this context helps situate what any of us consider “normal” in a spectrum of
possibilities. Ditto if and how pictorial space is a concern, or not. What’s that about?
These fundamentals are a springboard to learning social history, among other things.
Art History is a foundation for better understanding the history of technology and
manufacturing, IMO. Design history is a field still waiting to be developed

II The collection of historic arts would prevent the menace of cultural

distortions and depreciation that occur over centuries. Since this phenomena
is common now due to globalization, we can preserve different cultures in
their purest forms through art and pass down that art for generation to come
to teach them our way of life, our morales, our civilization, our way of thinking
and so forth.

Written words or spoken history of past events would undoubtedly give us a

sense of the past, pointing out the way of life of our people in the past.

Still, art history is a more prominent way of preserving historical events and
making our past last even with the changes that go with modernization and
civilization, and studying the history of art is a great reflection to understand
these events

Culture, of course, encompasses all areas of life such as religion, politics,

dressing styles, languages, dances, etc. all these aspects of learning can be
perfectly preserved by art history.

Most artworks are usually durable and sometimes static and can be
reproduced too, these characteristics of artworks make art history an excellent
and feasible way of handing over our cultural heritage, and traditional believes
down to generations after us.

Even when trying to understand or enjoy a specific artwork you also need to
understand the context in which it is drawn,which in turn, forces you to learn
history of the place or time in which it was drawn.
Art History is an exciting profession that would allow those who ventured into
it the opportunity to interact and appreciate nature as some of this work of art
are recollected from a natural state of mind.

It doesn’t just mean that you have to sit in some classes and listen to stale
lectures, it involves a cordial interaction with nature, and there are a lot of
branches even to select from.

You can choose to acquire an art history bachelor’s degree in music, creative
arts, literature, and even dramatic arts. Furthermore, you do not need to be
dexterous at any of these things before you can enroll in the art history
program, what you are primarily required to do is to have a considerably good
sense of appreciation for the world in totality and view things from a unique

For instance, when considering a teapot, religious building painting,

ornaments, museum plan, or even listening to classical songs, as an artist,
you have to note that there is a historical and cultural perspective behind
them. An art historian will research and analyze this and become more aware
of them.

A historian may explain the significant occurrences of the past, but will most
likely not talk about the apparels worn by people at such accessions.

Art, therefore, provides us with an entirely distinct

perspective on history.
Furthermore, artistic movements visibly understandable in paintings are
usually the direct consequence of social, religious, or political movements that
had happened before them.

For instance, Fra Angelico made use of perspective, in his Crucifixion, a new
notion at the beginning of the Renaissance. Thus, this painting helps denotes
the transition from the Middle Ages to the Italian Renaissance. It is helpful to
study Art History because of each work of art aids in the definition (in some
way) of the milestone in the history of a group.

Every piece of art depicts essential insights into the period it denotes.

This fact allows people to grasp certain aspects of life furthermore.

In Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints by Raphael, the artist’s

composition and colors, one could notice shed light on the culture that birthed
it. These kinds of idealistic arts can show the features and information about
the painted objects; for example, age, status, and religious beliefs are
depicted in work by Raphael. This painting is a confirmation of the importance
of religion as at that time, as the saints are seen praying

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