Theory of Architecture Fasil Mamo ,,1103483

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A proposal about LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE and
critiques on his theory ,dialectical approach and style of

Submitted by : Fasil Mamo

LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE Submitted to: amanuel.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was a German-American architect who is widely recognized as one
of the pioneers of modernist architecture. His works were characterized by simplicity, clean
lines, and the use of modern materials such as glass, steel, and concrete, the use of high-quality
materials, and open spaces.

One of Mies van der Rohe's most famous works is the Barcelona Pavilion. Completed in 1929
for the International Exposition in Barcelona, Spain, the pavilion was designed as a temporary
structure to serve as a showcase for Germany's contributions to the exposition. The building's
simple, elegant design and use of modern materials made it one of the most influential buildings
of the 20th century.

Another notable work by Mies van der Rohe is the Farnsworth House, completed in 1951 outside
of Chicago, Illinois. The house was designed as a weekend retreat for Dr. Edith Farnsworth and
is considered an example of the architect's "less is more" aesthetic philosophy.

Overall, Mies van der Rohe's works are known for their elegant simplicity, functionalism, and
use of modern materials. He was a key figure in the development of modernist architecture, and
his legacy continues to influence architects and designers around the world today.


While there were some critics of his work, particularly early on in his career, Mies van der
Rohe's theories and designs have had a significant impact on architecture and continue to be
influential today.
Some of the criticisms leveled against him include that his designs were too cold and impersonal,
that they were not practical for everyday life, or that they were overly focused on aesthetics at
the expense of functionality.
However, many architects and designers have praised Mies van der Rohe's work for its elegance
and simplicity, as well as its forward-thinking approach to design. His influence can be seen in
many modern structures, from skyscrapers to private homes, and his legacy continues to shape
the way we think about architecture today.


His criticism may have stemmed from his belief that architecture should be pure and functional,
and that dialectical thinking could potentially detract from this objective.
Mies van der Rohe also believed that architecture should be a reflection of its time and place,
rather than being heavily influenced by philosophical or ideological concepts. Therefore, he may
have seen the dialectical approach as a potential pitfall in achieving this authenticity and honesty
in architectural design.
Mies van der Rohe did not completely reject the use of philosophy and ideology in architecture.
He acknowledged the importance of ideas in shaping the built environment, but argued that they
should be integrated harmoniously with the functional needs of the building and not be
considered as something separate or extrinsic to architecture

Critique on explicitly discuss in terms of the architectonic makeup of the style

of architecture
In terms of architectonic makeup, Mies van der Rohe's style of architecture can be characterized
by the use of simple geometric shapes, such as squares and rectangles, and the use of materials
such as glass, steel, and concrete. His designs were often characterized by their transparency,
which allowed for an open and flexible flow of space.
Mies van der Rohe also believed in the importance of structural integrity and the use of
innovative construction techniques to achieve it. He famously coined the phrase "God is in the
details," emphasizing the importance of paying attention to even the smallest details of a
building's construction.
Overall, Mies van der Rohe's architectural style can be described as clean, modern, and
functional. He rejected ornamental flourishes in favor of a streamlined and efficient aesthetic.
This approach to architecture continues to influence contemporary architects today..

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