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Vinay K S*, Praveena Gowda **, H. Ramakrishna***

*P.G.Student of industrial engineering and management, DSCE, Bangalore. Email:

** Professor of industrial engineering and management, DSCE, Bangalore.
***Professor and Head of industrial engineering and management, DSCE, Bangalore.

Abstract— An alternative to the Classical and heralded SS tools, pre-control and variables search.
Taguchi experimental design is the lesser known There may be new developments not yet in the
but much simpler Shainin DOE approach public domain. Steiner and MacKay (2005) build
developed and perfected by Dorian Shainin on what we think are the best elements of SS.
(Bothe and Bothe, 2000), consultant and advisor In assessing the Shainin System, it is important to
to over 750 companies in America and Europe. differentiate between the overall approach that we
Shainin’s philosophy has been, “Don’t let the think is strong, and the specific analysis methods
engineers do the guessing; let the parts do the that are sometimes weak.
talking.” Shainin methods refer to a collection of Shainin DOE basically works at eliminating
principles, which make up the framework of a suspected process variables (Xs) mostly by using
continually evolving approach to quality. After seven different tools:
the classical design of experiments (DOE) and  Multi-Vari Analysis
Taguchi DOE, the third approach is Shainin  Component Search
DOE, which is a collection of simple, but  Paired Comparison
powerful techniques invented or perfected by  Component Search
Dorian Shainin of the United States.  Full Factorials
 B vs. C (Better vs. Current) Analysis
Index Terms—Shainin Techniques Taguchi  Root Cause Measurements
DOE, Multivari analysis, B vs. C, Component
Search, Paired Comparison
I. INTRODUCTION 2.1. Multi-Vari analysis
Multi-Vari analysis is used to reduce a large
T he goal of this paper is to provide
number of suspected sources of variation to a
smaller family of variables containing the dominant
overview of Shainin concepts and how it is source of variation. A multi-Vari analysis is based
used for reducing the Industrial scraps. on the assumption that any process variation can
Bhote and Bhote (2000) and Bhote (1991, 1988) occur as a result of three factors, viz.
give the most complete (although not
comprehensive) treatment of SS. We agree with  Positional or Part-to-Part Variation
reviewers (Nelson 1991, Moore 1993, Hockman  Temporal or Time-to-Time Variation
1994 and Ziegel 2001) that these books make many  Cyclical or Stream-to-Stream Variation
unsubstantiated, exaggerated claims. What is
worse, we believe that these books are a disservice Each type of variation is individually measured
to SS, since the hyperbole hides many of the using a run of approximately 3 to 5 units produced
genuinely useful ideas. A less technical and less consecutively at any given time. After a time lapse,
controversial reference that includes many case another run of 3 to 5 units are produced. This
studies is Traver (1995). process is repeated until 80 per cent of the out-of-
Overviews of SS have been published in control variation in the process is captured. A plot
conference proceedings; see Shainin (1992, 1992b, of these results indicates which one out of the three
1993, 1993b, 1995), Shainin and Shainin (1990) variations is maximum. Simple tools like the
and Shainin et al. (1997). Other review articles average and the range are then used to identify
include Logothetis (1990) and De Mast et al. which type of variation out of these three is the
(2000). Does, Roes and Trip (1999) cover many of highest.
the specific tools associated with the Shainin
System but not the overall strategy. Ledolter and
Swersey (1997a, 1997b) review two widely
Table 2.2: Month wise component rejections
Month Rejection Qty % Rejection
Sep “10 4536 10.272
Oct “10 5656 12.89
Nov “10 5209 11.796
Dec “10 8913 20.184
Jan “11 8981 20.338
Feb “11 7237 16.389
Mar “11 3626 8.211

Table 2.3:Processes where the problem is generated

Process where the problem No of
Fig 2.1: Pareto Chart for Scrap in no‟s vs. Defects Remarks
is generated Machines
By analysing the scrap details from the pareto chart A1 cell & A5
we can further identify the particular root cause Process A 2
from the Suspected source of variation [SSV].
A3 cell & A5
Table 2.1: 5W2H Analysis by Suspected source of Process B 2
IS Packaging
Process C 2
What ? (part No. Name .actual defect 92425568-015,
as against the spec) Product X
2.3. Measure and Analyse
Measuring and analysing the process can be
Who ?( Internal / External customers ) Internal customer
analysed by determining Best of Best / Worst of
Worst components. By this an activity can be
Where ? (on the geographical location. eliminated and simplified to get a best solution.
@ On Machine 1
Where on the product ( support defect We can do this process by taking one good
concentration chart ) component and one scrap component which we
obtained from cell where the problem is generated
When ? ( from when the defects Start of SOP And severity ranks are assigned to these
noticed. When are all repeating ) components. Where 1 indicates good, 10 indicates
Bad component.
Product X to be scrapped
Why ? ( is he complaining )
& no rework is possible
Table 2.4: Component Search
Through visual inspection Good Bad
How ? ( How detected ? detection
@ Dial indicator & Rota Process
Mechanism ) (BOB) (WOW)

Initial value 1 10

2.2. Component Search First disassembly &

2 9
The first three methods are generally used to reduce reassembly
the SSVs to a smaller number. Once this is
Second disassembly &
achieved and the number of SSVs has been reduced 1 9
to a range of 5 to 15, the Component search
technique can be used to further zero-in on one or
two Component that could possibly be the
dominant sources of variation. It is very useful to 2.4 Paired Comparison
separate the important Component from the Paired comparison is similar to component search
unimportant ones, control the former, and open up except that it is used when components cannot be
tolerances on the latter. reassembled or disassembled. This technique uses a
This technique can be used to identify factors of
small sample consisting of good parts and bad parts
variation related to the process parameters and is
especially useful in case the sources of variation are to further narrow down the range of potential
related to input material dimensions which are sources of variation. The good and bad parts are
subject to change during processing. selected on the basis of a suitable parameter related
to the problem.
Selecting the good parts implies selecting the Best technique can be used to further zero-in on one or
of Best (BOB) parts and selecting the bad parts two Component that could possibly be the
implies selecting the Worst of Worst (WOW) parts dominant sources of variation. It is very useful to
separate the important Component from the
with respect to the desired response. Its roots lie in
unimportant ones, control the former, and open up
the assumption that the values of the two groups tolerances on the latter.
must be substantially different and hence This technique can be used to identify factors of
identifiable. Usually 8 good and 8 bad parts are variation related to the process parameters and is
selected. Once the sample is selected, each SSV is especially useful in case the sources of variation are
measured on the 16 parts and the results are related to input material dimensions which are
recorded in the form of a table. subject to change during processing.
The analysis to pinpoint a suspected source of
variation as being significant or not significant is
based on a minimum “end count”. This technique
can be used only when the suspected source of
variation is measurable on both the good and bad
parts. This technique is explained in more detail in
the project illustration.

Table 2.5: Calculation of D/d Ratio

Good (BOB) Bad (WOW)
Initial value 1 10
First disassembly & reassembly 2 9
2.6. Full Factorials
Second disassembly & reassembly 1 9
This is same as the full factorial of Classical DOE
except that here Shainin recommends its use once
Median 2 9
the number of SSVs has been bought down to four
Range 1 0 or less than four by using one or more of the above
. techniques. Thus, the maximum size of the full
D- Difference b/w Medians 7 factorial experiment would be 24.Also the
d – Average of ranges 0.5 objectives of this tool remain the same as those of
D/d ratio 14 the variable search technique, i.e., pinpoint the Red
X or the Pink X, separate and quantify the
If D/d ratio is more than 3 then we can conclude important and unimportant factors, and open up
components is the reason for scarp generation , if tolerances on the unimportant ones.
D/d ratio is more than 3 then we can conclude
Machine or Assembly process is the reason for Table 2.6: Pinpointing components
Spec Reject Component < 4cc/min
scarp generation.
Component no Remarks Response Y

Steps involved in paired comparison: 1 B 4

 Measure the parameters of n Good (BOB) and 2 B 4

3 B 4
n Worst (WOW)
4 B 4
 Arrange the parameters in ascending order
5 B 4
 Measure the count. 6 B 4
a) If first and last component falls in same 7 B 4
category, (i.e. B only or W only) then count=0 8 B 4
b) If first and last component are of different B W 38
category, (i.e. B at first and W at last) then take H W 38
count till where there shift from one category to G W 60

other (i.e. B>>W or W>>B) both at top and bottom C W 62

to validate the results. A W 80

D W 80
E W 80
2.5. Component search
F W 80
The first three methods are generally used to reduce
Count= 16 , since count<3
the SSVs to a smaller number. Once this is this is the reason for the problem
achieved and the number of SSVs has been reduced
to a range of 5 to 15, the Component search
III. IMPLEMENTATION From this analysis we can say that the improvement
takes at 95% Confidence Level
3.1. Better vs. Current (B vs. C) analysis
This is a final validation tool useful in validating 3.2. Identifying root causes
the root cause of dent or damage identified using
the other methods. Some applications of this
method are:

 To validate the root cause

 To validate product/process changes made
 To validate improvement actions.
C stands for a current product, B for a better or
improved product. The purpose of a B vs. C test is
to validate or verify that the improvement is
effective and permanent. Often, designers think that
they have achieved a product improvement, only to
Fig 3.1: Identify root causes
discover a week or two later that the improvement
has vanished. They find themselves thrown back to
square one. To avoid these premature judgments, it
is necessary to go back to the old design to see if IV. CONCLUSION
the problem has reappeared, then return to the new
design to see if the improvement is reconfirmed. The guiding principles of the Shainin System are
This back-and-forth process must be repeated powerful, and, at least in combination, unique.
twice. It is the equivalent of turning a light switch They include the application of Juran‟s Pareto
“on” and turning it “off.” principle to the contribution of the causes, the
Then the three “B” readings and the three “C” emphasis on using observational prior to
readings must be arranged in descending rank experimental investigations, and the search for a
order. Only if the three Bs outrank the three Cs can dominant cause using the process of elimination
there be a 95 percent confidence that the B product and leveraging. SS deals carefully with the problem
is significantly better than the C product. A mixed of possible confounding of suspect causes by
rank order would indicate that a significant conducting a small verification experiment.
improvement could not be validated. We think that the principles and tools related to the
(Note: The sequence of testing three Bs and three diagnostic journey are generally very strong. Those
Cs must be randomized.) related to the remedial journey are much weaker.
The B vs. C test is also very useful in determining a The Shainin System, as reflected by the genesis of
reliability improvement very quickly. Usually, a the methodology in manufacturing, is best suited
design change for reliability takes months of for medium to high volume production. Most of the
exposure in the field to verify. No one can afford tools implicitly assume that many parts are
that length of time. And so half-baked available for study. Even when using leverage,
improvements are prematurely made and only where the investigations involve only a small
much later does anyone discovers that the design number of extreme parts, there must be a
change was ineffective. substantial amount of measurement to find the
extremes. Like many other systems with strong
Table 3.1: Better vs. Current (B vs. C) analysis statistical components, SS does not handle well
Component Current situations where there are few parts to “talk to”
Better (Xb)
No (Xc) such as in the design and development of new
1 10 1 products or processes.
2 10 2
3 9 4
Although our assessment of SS is strongly positive,
4 10 3 there are some unfortunate aspects about its
5 8 2 promotion. Most notably, many of the specific
6 10 2 tools and the whole approach have not been subject
Average 9.5 2.33 to a peer reviewed public discussion. This may be
Xb-Xc 7.17 due to the fact that much of the specific
∑(b) 1.21 terminology is trademarked and is thus legally
K*∑b protected. We feel this is unfortunate since it has
95% CI 2.96
reduced the dissemination of what we think is an
90% CI 2.61 excellent approach.
50% CI 1.41
Table 4.1: Differences between Shainin tools

discussion of feasible alternatives. In our Greg Blue “Six Sigma for Managers” © McGraw
experience, there is also a rigidity with which the Hill 2002 0-07-138755
methodology is presented.
In many situations, other statistical tools, such as Montgomery D.C. (1996), Introduction to
regression, time series, and analysis of variance, Statistical Quality Control, 3rd edition, John Wiley
could be very useful, but are not employed because and Sons, New York.
they are not formally part of the SS tool bag.
Peter.S.Pandey Robert P, Neumann Roland R
Cavanagh. “The Six Sigma Way” 2nd edition
REFERENCES McGraw-Hill 2000 0-07-135806-4

Arnheiter, Edward D.and Maleyeff, John. “The

integration of lean management and Six
Sigma”. The TQM Magazine, Vol.17 no. 1, 2005
pp.5-18. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2004 0954-478X

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Design of experiments made easier, more cost
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Bhote, Keki R. (2003), The Power of Ultimate Six

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