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REVIEWER IN AFRO-ASIA LITERATURE East Asia- includes China, Hong Kong, Japan,

Macau, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, and

South Asia- is the southern region of Asia, which is
Afro-Asian Literature- mirrors not only the customs
defined in both geographical and ethnocultural
and traditions of African and Asian countries but also
terms. The region consists of the countries of
their philosophy of life which on the whole are deeply
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran,
and predominantly contemplative and hauntingly
Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
Southeast Asia -is composed of eleven countries
-Is the reflection of the storm and the stress of
of impressive diversity in religion, culture, and
developing nations seeking a place under the sun
history: Brunei, Burma (Myanmar),Cambodia,
which every student must understand so he may
Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
know how this literature affects the history and
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
culture of a nation.
Asian Literature- encompasses the rich and widely
-Refers to the literary output of the various countries
diverse cultural and ethnic heritages found in such
and cultures in Africa and Asia. This includes their
countries as China, India, Japan, Philippines, and
oral traditions and from the first to the contemporary
written and/or published prose and poetry.
-One of the most consistently appearing themes in
- The background of Afro-Asian literature dates to
Asian literature, and really, all literature, is the
the very beginning when the first mixed race
celebration of nature and life.
individual began writing.
-The most significant contribution was opening the
-Earlier written documents were based on stories
western world’s eye towards Vedic Literature, Asian
passed by word of mouth.
spirituality (that is distinctly different and vastly
-Literary works were handed by mouth from effective than any other prevalent streams), Yoga
generation to generation to entertain, educate and and meditation, Sanskrit Literature, and Asian
remind the people about their past, heroic deeds of philosophy.
their people, ancestry, and culture.
-Afro-Asian Literature is a sign of new and modern
1. Asian values are very much inter-related.
times. It also teaches people and allows them to
They all support the view of the individual as
learn about different experiences and cultures from
being a part of a much larger group or family,
all over the world.
and place great importance on the well-
Asia- has extremely diverse climates and being of the group, even at the expense of
geographic features. Climates range from arctic and the individual.
subarctic in Siberia to tropical in southern India and Family and Education - A number of Asian
Southeast Asia. students have done conspicuously well in
terms of test scores, gifted student
-It is moist across southeast sections and dry across programs, admissions to prestigious
much of the interior. Some of the largest daily schools, academic awards, and in classical
temperature ranges on Earth occur in western music. Though obviously not all Asians fit
sections of Asia. this pattern, this trend can be attributed
-The monsoon circulation dominates across primarily to the basic notion of the family, and
southern and eastern sections, due to the presence the central role that education plays in the
of the Himalayas forcing the formation of a thermal family. Great importance is placed on child
low which draws in moisture during the summer. rearing, and education is a fundamental
Southwestern sections of the continent are hot. aspect of this.
- Asian parents are more likely to spend
much more time with their children, and
drive them harder, sometimes even at
the expense of their personal time and -Is the largest of the three great southward
ambitions of the parents themselves. projections from the largest landmass of the Earth.
Reserve Conformity and Harmony - Since
AFRICA has 54 countries and it is divided into
the well-being of the larger group is most
important in Asian culture, great importance is
• Western Africa – Nigeria
placed on maintaining harmony. The greatest virtue
that can achieve is not greatness of one’s self, which • Eastern Africa – Ethiopia
is viewed as being selfish and self-centered, but of
fulfilling his or her role in the whole of the family or • Northern Africa – Egypt
group. • Middle Africa – Congo
Benevolence and Obligation - Asian The Characteristics of African literature include
societies tend to be very hierarchical, in slave narratives, protests against colonization,
contrast to African culture, where in some calls for independence, African pride, hope for
cases it is not unusual to consider teacher the future, and dissent.
and student, or even parent and child as
equals. Asian hierarchical relationships • African literature is not important only because of
involve a lot of and what might be viewed as its relevant setting and relatable storylines. It also
dependence or domination. But a good deal increases our social consciousness and raises
of responsibility and benevolence is
awareness of social, political, and economic crises
expected in return. While children might be
that the African continent is facing.
obligated to follow their parent’s wishes very
closely at the expense of their own
independence, the parents are also
expected to raise support, and educate them
far in excess of what might be expected by
African standards.
Loss of face, shame and honor - Losing
face is one of the better known Asian
concepts among others society. Unlike
individualistic cultures, shame and honor go
far beyond the individual, and reflect directly
upon ones’ family, nation, or other group,
and so is taken very seriously. Maintaining
good face is a kind of measurement of how The five major themes of African literature are:
well one has maintained faith to traditional
values, and ones’ social standing among • Themes of Colonialism,
others. It serves as a strong control • Liberation,
mechanism which reinforces all other Asian
values. • Nationalism,

Africa- is the youngest continent in terms of its • Tradition,

population – 50 percent of Africans are 19 years old
• Displacement,
or younger.
• and Rootlessness in African Literature.
-Despite some fast-growing economies, Africa
continues to have some of the highest child NORMS AND CULTURE: AFRICA
malnutrition rates and lack of schooling rates in the
world. 1. Africa has 300 distinct ethnic groups, 2000
languages. Home to the most genetically
-Africa is considered by most paleoanthropologists diverse people on Earth. So diverse that two
to be the oldest inhabited territory on Earth, with the Africans are more genetically different from
human species originating from the continent
each other than a Chinese and European are ❖ African literature is as diverse as the
from each other. continent itself, but several
2. Africa is the world's second largest and characteristics an themes prevail
second most populous continent. There are throughout much of the written works
generations, which do define Africa, but none emerging from Africa. There is often
that are exclusive. great emphasis on the history,
Sense of Community - A popular African culture, and customs of a group of
proverb comes to mind here to express the people when telling their stories.
African sense of community. It says: "Go the ❖ Afro-Asian’s literary works were
way that many people go; if you go alone, handed by mouth from generation to
you will have reason to lament “. generation to entertain, educate and
- The African idea of security and its value remind the people about their past,
depends on personal identification with heroic deeds of their people, ancestry
and within the community. and culture.
Sense of Good Human Relations - The art ❖ Afro-Asian literature is a sign of new
of dialogue and conversation is a cherished and modern times. It also teaches
value in African human people freely discuss people and allow them to learn about
their problems and look for suggestions and different experiences and cultures
solutions together. The unwillingness to talk from all over the world.
to people about either private or public affairs
Literature appeals to man’s higher nature and its
can be interpreted as bad manners or sign of
needs– emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and
Sense of hospitality - The African sense of
hospitality is one of the African values that is -Like all other forms of art, literature entertains and
still quite alive. The Africans easily gives pleasure; it fires the imagination and arouses
incorporate strangers and give them lands to noble emotions and it enriches man by enabling him
settle hoping that would go one day, and to reflect on life and by filling him with new ideas.
the land would revert to the owner.
Africans have symbolic ways of expressing All literature falls under two main divisions:
welcome. These are in forms of presentation
of kola nuts, traditional gin, coconuts, etc.; in
various communities.
1. The Afro-Asian countries usually cared for
their family first; then they are fond of their
social values; and especially, their love for
their own country.
2. They are also active in celebrating festivals
that reflect their own characteristics as an
Asian. They are religious because they give and it is classified into 4 main literary genres
importance to ‘The Creator’ by giving thanks
and offering prayers to Him.
3. They are also active if we talk about literature
because they are good writers.
4. They are talented in different branches of
sports and arts that they are about to
compete worldwide.
and it is classified into 4 main literary genres WEEK 3: THE NEGRO RENAISSANCE
The Harlem Renaissance

• The Harlem Renaissance was a period in

American history from the 1920s and 1930s.
During this time, many African-Americans
migrated from the South to Northern cities,
seeking economic and creative
• Within their communities creative expression
became an outlet for writers, musicians,
artists, and photographers, with a particular
Generally, literary works of Afro-Asian tell people
concentration in Harlem, New York.
about the unique struggles and successes of Afro-
Asian people. • "Harlem Renaissance" did not appear in print
before 1940, and it only gained widespread
➢ GENRES: playwriting, poems, prose appeal in the 1960s.
➢ POEMS: tell about the history and culture of • During the four preceding decades, writers
had mostly referred to a "Negro
the Afro-Asian people. Today, Afro-Asians still
express their creativity and honor their culture by
crafting beautiful poems such as haikus, ballads, or History of the Harlem Renaissance
- With the end of the Civil War in 1865,
➢ PLAYWRIGHTS: celebrate their own culture hundreds of thousands of African
and ancestry by setting plays in the past and Americans newly freed from the yoke of
referencing historical events in their slavery in the South began to dream
storylines. When performed, this will feature of fuller participation in American
backdrops and costumes which will reflects society, including political
the culture and unique spirit of Afro-Asian empowerment, equal economic
people. opportunity, and economic and cultural
➢ PROSE – it is used to expose truth, to self-determination.
describe objects, places, and people, to draw - Unfortunately, by the late 1870s, that
a reader deeper into a story. dream was largely dead, as white
supremacy was quickly restored to the
Norms and Cultures
Reconstruction South. White lawmakers
▪ NORMS - a standard or pattern, especially of on state and local levels passed strict
social behavior, that is typical or expected of racial segregation laws known as “Jim
a group Crow laws” that made African
▪ CULTURE - is define as the shared patterns Americans second-class citizens.
of behaviors and interactions, cognitive - While a small number of African
constructs, and affective understanding Americans were able to become
that are learned through a process of landowners, most were exploited as
socialization. sharecroppers, a system designed to
- These shared patterns identify the keep them poor and powerless.
members of a culture group while also - Hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan
distinguishing those of another group. (KKK) perpetrated lynchings and
- The highest degree of culture is conducted campaigns of terror and
embodied within a virtue of respecting intimidation to keep African Americans
other humans, either as an individual or from voting or exercising other
a part of community. It is no surprise that, fundamental rights.
in this phase, people of Asia and Africa
adapt the culture of mutual cooperation.
Economy individual dark-skinned selves,” as well as a new
militancy in asserting their civil and political rights.
 With booming economies across the North
and Midwest offering industrial jobs for Harlem Renaissance Contributors:
workers of every race, many African
Among the Renaissance’s most significant
Americans realized their hopes for a better
contributors were intellectuals:
standard of living—and a more racially
tolerant environment—lay outside the South. • W.E.B. Du Bois
By the turn of the 20th century, the Great • Marcus Garvey
Migration was underway as hundreds of • Cyril Briggs
thousands of African Americans relocated to • Walter Francis White
cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit,
Philadelphia, and New York. Electrifying performers:
 The Harlem section of Manhattan, which
• Josephine Baker and Paul Robeson
covers just three square miles, drew nearly
175,000 African Americans, giving the Writers and Poets:
neighborhood the largest concentration of
black people in the world. Harlem became a • Zora Neale Hurston
destination for African Americans of all • Effie Lee Newsome
backgrounds. From unskilled laborers to an • Countee Cullen
educated middle-class, they shared common
Visual Artists: Aaron Douglas and Augusta Savage
experiences of slavery, emancipation, and
and an Extraordinary List of Legendary
racial oppression, as well as a
Musicians, including
determination to forge a new identity as
free people. • Louis Armstrong
• Count Basie
The Great Migration
• Eubie Blake
= The Great Migration drew to Harlem some of the • Cab Calloway
greatest minds and brightest talents of the day, an • Duke Ellington
astonishing array of African American artists and • Billie Holiday
scholars. Between the end of World War I and the • Ivie Anderson
mid-1930s, they produced one of the most • Josephine Baker
significant eras of cultural expression in the • Fats Waller
nation’s history—the Harlem Renaissance. • Jelly Roll Morton, and countless others.
= Yet this cultural explosion also occurred in MOVEMENT
Cleveland, Los Angeles and many cities shaped by
the great migration. Alain Locke, a Harvard- ❖ At the height of the movement, Harlem was
educated writer, critic, and teacher who became the epicenter of American culture. The
known as the “dean” of the Harlem Renaissance, neighborhood bustled with African American-
described it as a “spiritual coming of age” in which owned and run publishing houses and
African Americans transformed “social newspapers, music companies, playhouses,
disillusionment to race pride.” nightclubs, and cabarets. The literature,
music, and fashion they created defined
LITERATURE culture and “cool” for blacks and white alike,
 The Harlem Renaissance encompassed in America and around the world.
poetry and prose, painting and sculpture, ❖ As the 1920s came to a close, so did the
jazz and swing, opera and dance. Harlem Renaissance. Its heyday was cut
 What united these diverse art forms was their short largely due to the Stock Market Crash
realistic presentation of of 1929 and resulting Great Depression,
which hurt African American-owned
what it meant to be black in America, what writer businesses and publications and made less
Langston Hughes called an “expression of our financial support for the arts available from
patrons, foundations, and theatrical actual people and that understanding an
organizations. author’s life can help readers more
❖ However, the Harlem Renaissance’s impact thoroughly comprehend the work.
on America was indelible. The movement
brought notice to the great works of African ✓ Cultural Criticism- an approach to literature
American art, and inspired and influenced that focuses on the historical as well as social
future generations of African American political and economic contexts of a work.
artists and intellectuals.
❖ The self-portrait of African American life, ✓ Deconstructionism- critical dismantling of
identity, and culture that emerged from tradition and traditional modes of thought
Harlem was transmitted to the world at large,
challenging the racist and disparaging ✓ Feminist Criticism- an approach to
stereotypes of the Jim Crow South. In doing literature that seeks to correct and
so, it radically redefined how people of other supplement what may be regarded as a
races viewed African Americans and predominantly made dominated critical
understood the African American experience perspective with a feminist consciousness.
❖ Most importantly, the Harlem Renaissance
instilled in African Americans across the ✓ Formalist Criticism-an approach to
country a new spirit of self-determination and literature that focuses on the formal elements
pride, a new social consciousness, and a of a work such as its language, structure, and
new commitment to political activism, all of tone.
which would provide a foundation for the Civil
Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. In ✓ Gay and Lesbian- an approach to literature
doing so, it validated the beliefs of its that focuses on how homosexuals are
founders and leaders like Alain Locke and represented in literature.
Langston Hughes that art could be a vehicle
to improve the lives of the African ✓ Gender Criticism- an approach to literature
Americans. that explore how ideas about men and
women- what is masculine and feminine- can
The Three Theories Used in Digesting Literary
be regarded as socially constructed by
particular cultures.
✓ Historical Criticism – an approach to
: Focuses on the perspective and the background literature that uses history as means of
of the author. understanding literary work more clearly.

b. TEXT DEPENDENT HEORY ✓ Marxist Criticism- an approach to literature

that focuses on the ideological content of
: Focuses on the form, style, and structure of the
work of Karl Marx
literary text itself.
c. READER’S DEPENDENT THEORY ✓ Mythological Criticism- an approach to
literature that seeks to identify what in work
: Focuses on the perspective and own interpretation creates deep universal response in readers,
towards the literary text of the reader himself. by paying close attention to the hopes, fears,
**Criticism Approaches** and expectations of the entire cultures.
- Lenses used in Analyzing Literary Pieces
✓ New Criticism- an approach to literature that
✓ Literary Criticism – a systematic study and focuses in explication- extremely close
evaluation of literary works. textual analysis.

✓ Biographical Criticism – begins with simple ✓ New Historicism – an approach to literature

but central insight that Literature is written by that emphasizes the interaction between
the historic context of the work and a ✓ Moral- Philosophical Criticism – evaluates
modern reader’s understanding and of the a work in terms of the ideas and values it
work. contains – in relation to particular ethical,
philosophical or religious system.
✓ Post-Colonial Criticism – an approach to
literature that focuses on the study of cultural
behavior and expression in relationship to
the colonized word. Characteristics of African American Literature

✓ Psychological Criticism – an approach to ➢ In broad terms, African-American literature

literature that draws upon psychoanalytic can be defined as writings by people of
theories. African descent living in the United States. It
is highly varied. African-American literature
✓ Sociological Criticism – an approach to has generally focused on the role of African
literature that examines social groups, Americans within the larger American society
relationship, and values as they are and what it means to be an American.
manifested in literature. The characteristics found in African American
literature are:
✓ Reader Response Criticism- an approach
to literature that focuses on the reader rather • Concern for identity, freedom, and independence.
than the work itself.
• Concern with the position in a dominant society.
✓ Structuralism – an approach to literature • Use of religious imagery, songs, settings, and the
that examines how literary texts arrive at their dominance of the black church in the Southern
meanings rather than the meaning itself. black community.

✓ Queer Criticism – focused its inquiries into Characteristics and Themes

natural and unnatural behavior with respect • African American literature tends to focus on
to homosexual behavior, queer theory themes of particular interest to Black people, for
expands its focus to encompass any kind of example, the role of African Americans within the
sexual activity or identity that falls into larger American society and issues such as
normative and deviant categories. African American culture, racism, religion, slavery,
freedom, and equality.
✓ Moral- Philosophical Criticism –
evaluates a work in terms of the ideas and • African American literature constitutes a vital
values it contains – in relation to particular branch of the literature of the African diaspora, and
ethical, philosophical or religious system. African American literature has both been
influenced by the great African diasporic heritage
✓ Reader Response Criticism- an approach and in turn influenced African diasporic writings in
to literature that focuses on the reader rather many countries.
than the work itself.
• African American oral culture is rich in poetry,
including spirituals, African American gospel music,
✓ Structuralism – an approach to literature
blues, and rap.
that examines how literary texts arrive at their
meanings rather than the meaning itself. • This oral poetry also shows up in the African
American tradition of Christian sermons, which
✓ Queer Criticism – focused its inquiries into make use of deliberate repetition, cadence, and
natural and unnatural behavior with respect alliteration.
to homosexual behavior, queer theory
expands its focus to encompass any kind of • African American literature—especially written
sexual activity or identity that falls into poetry, but also prose—has a strong tradition of
normative and deviant categories. incorporating all of these forms of oral poetry.
Early African American literature in the African American community in Harlem in
New York City, existed as a larger flowering of
 Just as African American history predates
social thought and culture—with numerous Black
the emergence of the United States as an
artists, musicians, and others producing classic
independent country, so too does African
works in fields from jazz to theater—the renaissance
American literature have similarly deep
is perhaps best known for its literary output.
• One of the most famous writers of the
Poet Phillis Wheatley (1753–84), published her
renaissance is poet Langston Hughes.
book, Poems on Various Subjects in 1773—three
years before American independence. Born in Civil Rights Movement Era
Senegal, Africa, Wheatley was captured and sold
o A large migration of African Americans
into slavery at the age of seven. Brought to America,
began during World War I, hitting its high
she was owned by a Boston merchant. Even though
point during World War II. During this Great
she initially spoke no English, by the time she was
Migration, Black people left the racism and
sixteen she had mastered the language. Her poetry
lack of opportunities in the American South
was praised by many of the leading figures of the
and settled in northern cities like Chicago,
American Revolution, including George Washington,
where they found work in factories and
who personally thanked her for a poem she wrote in
other sectors of the economy.
his honor.
o This migration produced a new sense of
Slave narratives independence in the Black community and
contributed to the vibrant Black urban
o A subgenre of African American literature
culture seen during the Harlem
that began in the middle of the 19th century
is the slave narrative.
o At the time, the controversy over slavery Why is African American literature important?
led to impassioned literature on both sides
= Importance of African American Literature
of the issue, with books like Harriet
Addressing the Black Experience. The role of
Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin
African American literature in recent years has been
(1852) representing the abolitionist view of
to illuminate for the modern world the
the evils of slavery, while the so-called Anti-
sophistication and beauty inherent in their culture
Tom literature by white, southern writers
as well as the constant struggle they experience
like William Gilmore Simms represented the
in the oppressive American system.
pro-slavery viewpoint.
Post-Slavery Era
East Asian Literature
o After the end of slavery and the American
Civil War, a number of African American East Asian Literature refers to the study of literature
authors continued to write nonfiction works of the people in: China Japan Korea
about the condition of African Americans in
the country. *China Chinese civilization is the oldest
o Among the most prominent of these writers civilizations in the world that dates back to the Shang
is W.E.B. Du Bois (1868–1963), Booker T. Dynasty in 1765 B.C. China is known as “The Red
Washington (1856–1915), Jamaican Marcus Dragon”.
Garvey (1887–1940) ✓ The finest era of Chinese literature was the
Harlem Renaissance Tang Dynasty (618-907), when known
poets created landmark works unrivalled
o The Harlem Renaissance from 1920 to 1940 elsewhere in the world.
brought new attention to African American ✓ Tu Fu He is known as a poet- historian for
literature. While the Harlem Renaissance, his portrayal of the social and political
based disorders of his time and is also noted
for his artistry and craftsmanship. His
works as a poet reveal his loyalty and  Bunraku/ Joruri Play Also known as the
love of the country, his aspirations and “Doll Theater” or the puppet play.
frustrations, his unbounded sympathy for the -The puppets are beautifully made and
sad plight of the common people. lifelike in size. The strings are expertly
Literature in China Famous Poets in Tang manipulated and the dialogue are
Dynasty realistically interpreted
✓ Li Po Or Li tai Po, was one of the leading  Kabuki Play The play of the masses. It is
Chinese poets of the 8th century. His writings less intellectual, more realistic and
deal with the good things of life with the sensational. Literature in Japan Japanese
pathos of human destiny, love, friendship, Poetry Man Shu (Collection of Myriad
wine, nature, and simple village living. Leaves) The oldest collection of poetry
✓ Wang Wei, He excelled in imagery, and his compiled in 800 A.D.
poems often hold a subtle metaphysical  Japanese Poetry Haiku Shortest form of
flavor testifying to his long study of Japanese poetry but most popular. It has 3
Buddhism. Many of his works are such lines with 5- 7-5 syllables.
perfectly crystallized visual images that they  Japanese Poetry Tanka A 5-line poem with
became favored subjects of later artists. 5-7-5-7-7 syllables.
✓ In modern times: Chinese writers have  Ever since the Meiji Restoration in the 19th
remained prolific. Though the social impact century, Western influences have
of literature may be as monumental as it was penetrated Japanese literature. In the
in the past, the Chinese literary tradition is genre of drama, playwrights who became
nevertheless prosperous. notable for creating world-renowned works
✓ Notable writers: Mo Yan One of his like: Abe Kobo Literature in Japan
famous works: “Sandalwood Death” Woman in the Dunes
Literature in China
✓ Though the social impact of literature may be * Korea known as the “Land of the Morning Calm”
as monumental as it was in the past, the in South Korea, while “The Hermit Kingdom” in
Chinese literary tradition is nevertheless North Korea.
prosperous.  Korea was established in 918 by King Taejo
✓ Notable writers: Wang Shuo One of his of Goryeo dynasty. The name “Corea” was
famous works: “Please Don’t Call Me attested in English in early 1614 and the
Human” Literature in China name “Korea” was used in the 19th century
until today. The English name Korea derives
*Japan known as the “Land of the Rising Sun”. from the word Goryeo.
 Korean is the official language of both North
 Japanese Literature Katakana – basic and South Korea.
alphabet in Japan which consists of 47  Korean has borrowed much vocabulary from
characters. the Chinese.
 The earliest writings from ancient Japan are:  Korean alphabets are called as Hangul in
The Records of Ancient Matters in Kojiki South Korea and Chosungul in China and
(A.D. 712) The Chronicles of Japan or North Korea.
Nihongi (A.D. 720)
Literature in Japan  Korean Literature

 Japanese Drama 3 Types: Noh Bunraku  Early Korean literature was heavily
Kabuki Literature in Japan influenced by Shamanism, Buddhism and
 Noh Play It is the national theater of Japan. Confucianism. Began as an oral tradition.
The oldest surviving form of Japanese
theater. It combines music, dance, and  Korean Literature Korean writings were
acting to communicate poems called hyangga.
 Buddhist themes. Literature in Japan
d. Fringe- one who is destroyed by his inner
 Korean Literature A new form of poem conflict.
developed after the Goryeo dynasty and was e. Typical or minor characters
called as shijo which is a 3-line poem with
14 to 16 syllables each. ▪ Ways on how characters are portrayed:
1. Dynamic or round character – a fully
 Korean Literature Modern Korean literature developed character that recognizes
gradually developed under the influence of changes with or adjust to the
Western cultural contacts based on trade circumstances. He carries with him the
and economic development. reality of human growth and decline.
• The Protagonists and Antagonists
 Korean Literature: The first printed work of are individuals who express a range
fiction in Korean was John Bunyan’s of emotion and change throughout
Pilgrim’s Progress (Cheonno-yeokjeong in the narrative, usually toward greater
Korean). Christianity found its way into maturity
Korea, having the first complete edition of 2. Flat character – a character who does
Bible in Korean published in 1910. not grow and remains the same or a stereo
type character of conventional traits.
 The Korean war, which led to the creation of Because he exhibits only one side or aspect
North and South Korea, has created an of him, he has no depth and no changes.
indelible mark on Korean literature. • Most supporting characters are portrayed
Themes of alienation, conscience, and in this way: a strict teacher, a helpful
disintegration have been present in Korean policeman. And an evil step mother.
works since 1950s. 3. Foil character – a character who points
the qualities or characteristics of another
 The Korean war, which led to the creation of character.
North and South Korea, has created an • For example, a foolish character sets a wise
indelible mark on Korean literature. Self- character’s wisdom in a stronger light.
identity has also become a strong theme in
Setting-The locale (place) or period(time) in which
Korean literature such as poems, novels,
the action of a short story, play, novel or the motion
picture takes place (also known as the background
of the story.
Conflict -The struggle or complication involving the
Elements of Fiction: characters, the opposition of persons or forces upon
which the action depends in drama or fiction.
Characters- are the representation of a human
being; persons involved in a ➢ Types of Conflict
Internal Conflict
- occurs when the protagonist struggles
within himself or herself.
▪ Fictional characters are classified into:
- the protagonist is pulled by two courses
of action or by different emotions
a. Protagonist – the principal character in
the story. He usually an admirable
✓ Interpersonal Conflict
character with whom we usually
- pits the protagonist against someone
sympathize or identify.
b. Antihero – an inept or otherwise
- person-against-person
ridiculous character
c. Antagonist – the villain or a character in
External Conflict
conflict with the hero and is usually less
- happens when the protagonist is in
admirable than the hero; he creates the
conflict with the values of
his or her society c. Suspense- this is the feeling of
MAN VS. FATE excitement or tension in the reader’s
MAN VS. SOCIETY experiences as the action of the plot
MAN VS. NATURE unfolds.
d. Surprise Ending- this is an ending that
Plot-a casually related sequence of events which
catches the reader off guard with an
involves the character in conflict. (Beginning,
unexpected events.
Middle, Ending)
e. In medias res – the technique of
✓ The sequence of events is called beginning a story in the middle
narrative order of the action, with background
-chronological order the most information given later in flashbacks.
common type of narrative order
Point of view -the writer’s feeling and attitude
- flashback occurs when the author
toward his subject; determines who tells the story; it
narrates an event that took place before the
identifies the narrator of the story (the form of
current time of the story
narration also affects the story itself.)
- time lapse occurs when the story
skips a period of time that seems unusual • Classification (POINT OF VIEW)
compared to the rest of the plot. 1. First person is used when the main
character is telling the story.
A. Exposition(beginning) introduces the
-This is the kind that uses the "I" narrator. As
time, place, setting and the main characters
a reader, you can only experience the story
B. Complication (rising action) unfolds the through this person's eyes. So you won't
problems and struggles that would be encountered know anything about the people or events
by the main characters leading to the crisis. that this character hasn't personally
C. Climax (result of the crisis) part where the 2. Second person point of view is generally
problem or the conflict is the highest peak of interest only used in instructional writing.
and greatest emotion. -It is told from the perspective of "you".
D. Denouement is the untying of knots or the 3. Third person POV is used when your
part that shows a conflict or a problem is solved. narrator is not a character in the story.
-Third person uses the "he/she/it" narrator
E. Resolution (end) contains the last and it is the most commonly used POV in
statement of the story writing.
There are 3 main types of Third Person
➢ Qualities of Plot
i. Exciting – it should be more
3.1 Third Person Limited: Limited means
exciting than the everyday reality
that the POV is limited to only one
that surrounds us.
ii. Good structure – the episodes must
- Which means that the narrator only
be arranged effectively, but the most
knows what that character knows.
important element of plot structure is
- With third person limited you can
tying all incidents together, so that
choose to view the action from right
one leads naturally to another.
inside the character's head, or from
further away, where the narrator has
more access to information outside the
a. Flashback – something out of the
protagonist's viewpoint.
chronological order: to reveal information
3.2 Third Person Multiple: This type is still
to understand character’s nature.
in the "he/she/it" category, but now the
b. Foreshadowing – a device to give a sign
narrator can follow multiple characters in the
of something to come its purpose is to
create suspense, to keep the readers
-The challenge is making sure that the reader
guessing what will happen when.
knows when you are switching from one
character to another. Make the switch − Oral traditions and from the first
obvious with chapter or section breaks. contemporary written and/or published
3.3 Third Person Omniscient: This point of prose and poetry
view still uses the "he/she/it" narration but − BACKGROUND: dates to the very
now the narrator knows EVERYTHING. beginning when the first mixed race
-The narrator isn't limited by what one individual started writing
character knows, sort of like the narrator is − earlier written documents were based on
God. stories passed by word of mouth
-The narrator can know things that others ⮲ handed from generation to
don't, can make comments about what's generation to entertain, educate, and
happening, and can see inside the remind people about their past,
minds of other characters. heroic deeds of their people,
ancestry, and culture
Mood -is the general feeling or atmosphere that a
− Mirrors not only the customs and traditions
piece of writing creates within the reader.
of African and Asian countries but also their
Tone-in written composition, is an attitude of a writer philosophy of life which on the whole are
toward a subject or an audience. deeply and predominantly contemplative
and hauntingly sweet
- is generally conveyed through the choice − Reflection of the storm and stress of
of words, or the viewpoint of a writer on a
developing nations seeking a place under
particular subject. Every written piece
the sun which every student must
comprises a central theme or subject
understand so he may know how this
matter. Every written piece comprises a
literature affects the history and culture of a
central theme or subject matter.
Symbolism -can take many forms including: A − Sign of new and modern times
figure of speech where an object, person, or − Teaches people and allow them to learn
situation has another meaning other than its literal about different experiences and cultures
meaning. from all over the world

- the actions of a character, word, ● Asia has extremely diverse climates and
action, or event that have a geographic features. Climates range from arctic
deeper meaning in the context of to subarctic in Siberia to tropical in India and
the whole story. Southeast Asia
Sensory Images (IMAGERY)-is a strategy readers ● It is moist across southeast sections and dry
use to think more deeply about a text. It is when a across much of the interior. Some of the largest
reader combines their schema and the information daily temperature ranges on Earth occur in
in the text to create an image in their mind. This western sections of Asia
image can represent all of the five senses (visual, ● The monsoon circulation dominates across
smell, taste, sound, touch or feeling). southern and eastern sections, due to the
presence of the Himalayas forcing the formation
Theme -is the central topic a text treats. of a thermal low which draws in moisture during
the summer. Southwestern sections of the
-It can be divided into two categories: a work's
continent are hot
thematic concept is what readers "think the work is
about" and its thematic statement being "what the
work says about the subject". Mongolia
● China Japan
********************************************************** ● North Korea
Afro-Asian Literature – literary output of the SOUTH ASIA
various countries and cultures in Africa and Asia ● Afghanistan
● Bangladesh Pakistan
Sri Lanka
● Bhutan ⮚ Youngest continent in terms of its
● India population – 50% are 19 years old or
● Iran younger
⮚ Despite some fast-growing economies, it
continues to have some of the highest child
ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN malnutrition rates and lack of schooling
NATIONS (ASEAN) rates in the world
● Brunei Philippines ⮚ Considered by most paleoanthropologists to
Darussalam Malaysia
be the oldest inhabited territory on Earth,
● Cambodia Thailand with human species originating from the
● Indonesia Vietnam
● Lao PDR ⮚ Largest of the three great southward
● Myanmar projections from the largest landmass of the
⮚ LARGEST COUNTRY: (1) Algeria, (2)
Lesotho Democratic Republic of Congo, (3) Sudan
● Algeria Liberia
Libya ⮚ Where proto-human fossils were found
● Angola
● Benin Malawi
Mali Kilimanjaro – highest mountain in Africa
● Botswana
Mouritania Kenya – second highest mountain in Africa
● Burkina Faso Mauritius
Morocco Uhuru – peak
● Burundi
Mozambiqu Ethopia – most hungry/poverty
● Cameroon e
Namibia Islam – dominant religion in Africa
● Cape Verde
Niger Apartheid – system of segregation
● Central African Nigeria
Rwanda − Apartness
Sao Tomé − Fought by Nelson Mandela
● Chad and Principe
Senegal − Enforced legal racial discrimination
● Gomoros
Seychelles Nelson Mandela – first black president
● Democratic Republic Sierra
− Leader of ANC party
of the Congo
● Republic of the Congo South Africa
● Côte d'Ivoire
Sudan Sanskrit – most ancient language
● Djibouti Sudan
Tamil – second most ancient language
● Egypt
Togo Tokyo, Japan – largest city
● Equatorial Guines Tunisia
Mount Everest – highest mountain in the world
● Eritrea
Zambia − China
● Ethiopia Zimbabwe
Dead Sea – earth’s lowest elevation in land
● Gabon
− 40.5 meters below sea level
● Gambia
Nile River – longest river
● Ghana
South Korea – land of the morning calm
● Guinea
Mount Fuji – highest mountain in Japan
● Guinea-Bissau
Egypt – cradle of civilization
● Kenya − Writing system was the earliest
Book of the Dead
SUBREGIONS: Haiku – shortest form of Japanese poetry
Northern – Egypt
● Western – Middle – Congo Quran – sacred book of Islam
● Eastern – Ethiopia ● Chinese – Tibetan Family
● Mandarin – standardized, 1200 BC and 1.2B
people use it
● Highest degree of culture is respect
● Singapore, Hong Kong, Yokohama, and Customs and Traditions – way of doing/believing
Bombay are the busiest ports in Asia − Philosophy of life

● Africa = Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean/Suez NORMS AND CULTURES: AFRICA
canal, red sea, ⮚ Africa has 300 distinct ethnic groups and
Europe = Mediterranean Sea and Straits of 2,000 languages.
Gibraltar ⮚ Home to the most genetically diverse
Asia = Arctic, Pacific, Indian, Red people on Earth. So diverse that two
● Asia is the first largest continent with Africa Africans are more genetically different from
being the second largest and most populous each other than a Chinese and European
● “Cry the Beloved Country” told how the are from each other
Africans suffered from the Whites ⮚ World’s second largest and second most
● Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya share the Nile populous continent. There are generations
River which do define Africa, but none are that
● Greek, Hebrew, Armenian exclusive
⮲ Sense of Community – “Go the
● Literary works of Afro-Asian tell people about way that many people go; if you go
the unique struggles and successes of Afro- alone, you will have reason to
Asian people lament”
● GENRES: playwriting, poems, prose − Isea of security
⮲ Poems – tells about history and culture ⮲ National unity, identifies first with
of the Afro-Asian people own tribe
− Haikus, ballads, or sonnets
⮚ The African idea of security and its value
● PLAYWRIGHTS: celebrate their own culture
depends on personal identification within
and ancestry by setting plays in the past and
the community
referencing historical events in their storylines.
⮲ Sense of Good Human Relations –
When performed, this will feature backdrops
art of dialogue and conversation is a
and costumes t=which reflects the culture and
cherished value in Africa
unique spirit of Afro-Asian people
− People freely discuss their
● PROSE: used to expose the truth, draw a
problems and look for
reader deeper into a story, and describe
suggestions and solutions
objects, places, and people
together. The unwillingness to
● Body of writings – literature – word of mouth
talk to people about either
private or public affairs can be
● South Asia = India, Afghanistan, Pakistan
interpreted as manners or sign of
Norms – standard or pattern, especially of social ⮲ Sense of Hospitality – Africans
behavior, that is typical or expected of a group easily incorporate strangers and give
Culture – shared patterns of behaviors and them lands to settle hoping that it
interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective would go one day, and the land
understanding that are learned through a process would revert to the owner
of socialization − Have symbolic ways of
expressing (kola nuts, traditional
⮚ These shared patterns identify the members
gin, coconuts)
of a culture group while also distinguishing
those of another group ⮚ Asian values are inter-related. They all
support the view of individual as being a
⮚ The highest degree of culture is embodied
part of a much larger group or family and
with a virtue of respecting other human,
place great importance on the well-being of
either as an individual or a part of a
the group, even at the expense of the
community. It is no surprise that in this
phase, people of Asia and Africa adapt the
culture of mutual cooperation ⮚ FAMILY AND EDUCATION:
− A number of Asian students have done values; and specially, their love for their own
conspicuously well in terms of test country.
scores, gifted student programs, − Active in celebrating festivals that reflects
admissions to prestigious schools, their own characteristics as an Asian. They
academic awards, and in classical are religious because they give importance
music. Though obviously not all Asians to 'The Creator' by giving thanks and
fit this pattern, offering prayers to Him.
− This trend can be attributed primarily to − Active if we talk about literature because
the basic notion of the family they are good writers.
− Great importance is placed on child − Talented on different branch of sports and
rearing, and education is a fundamental arts that they are about to compete
aspect of this. worldwide.
− Asian parents are more likely to spend
much more time with their children and CHARACTERISTICS OF AFRO-ASIAN
drive them harder LITERATURE
⮚ RESERVE CONFORMITY AND − African literature is as diverse as the
HARMONY: continent itself, but several characteristics
− The greatest virtue that can achieve is and themes prevail throughout much of the
not greatness of one’s self, which is written works emerging from Africa
viewed as being selfish and self- − Great emphasis on the history, culture, and
centered, but of fulfilling his or her role customs of a group of people when telling
in the whole of the family or group their stories
⮚ BENEVOLENCE AND OBLIGATION: − Afro-Asian’s literary works were handed by
− Asian societies tend to be very mouth from generation to generation to
hierarchical entertain, educate and remind the people
− Dependence or domination about their past, heroic deeds of their
− While children might be obligated to people, ancestry and culture.
follow their parent’s wishes very closely − Sign of new and modern times. It also
at the expense of their own teaches people and allow them to learn
independence, the parents are also about different experiences and cultures
expected to raise support, and educate from all over the world.
them far in excess of what might be
expected by African standards ● Literature appeals to man’s higher nature and
⮚ LOSS OF FACE, SHAME, AND HONOR: its needs– emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and
− Losing face is one of the better known creativity
Asian concepts ● It entertains and gives pleasure; it fires the
− Shame and honor go far beyond the imagination and arouses noble emotions and it
individual, and reflect directly upon enriches man by enabling him to reflect on life
ones’ family, nation, or other group, and by filling him with new ideas.
and so is taken very seriously ● Plays are not included
− Maintaining good face is a kind of
measurement of how well one has DIVISIONS OF LITEREATURE
maintained faith to traditional values, PROSE POETRY
and ones’ social standing among FORM paragraph stanza/verse
− Strong control mechanism which metrical, rhythmical,
LANGUAGE ordinary
reinforces all other Asian values and figurative

APPEAL intellect emotion

GENERAL Convince, Stirs imagination and
− Afro-Asian countries usually cared for their AIM inform, sets an ideal life
family first; then they are fond of their social instruct,
imitate, strict racial segregation laws known as “Jim
reflect Crow laws” that made African Americans
second-class citizens
⮚ While a small number of African Americans
were able to become landowners, most
Non-Fiction – “real life” narration or exposition
were exploited as sharecroppers, a system
based on history and facts
designed to keep them poor and powerless
− Article, autobiography, biography, diary,
⮚ Hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
essay, memoir, speech, interview, letter
perpetrated lynchings and conducted
Fiction – imaginative narration, either oral or
campaigns of terror and intimidation to keep
African Americans from voting or exercising
− Fantasy, folklore, historical fiction, mystery,
other fundamental rights.
prose fiction, science fiction, thriller,
suspense, romance, realistic fiction,
psychological fiction
Drama – meant to be acted on the stage ⮚ With booming economies across the North
− Comedy, tragedy and Midwest offering industrial jobs for
Poetry – expressed in verse, measure and rhythm, workers of every race, many African
sound and imaginative language. Americans realized their hopes for a better
− Lyric, narrative, dramatic standard of living—and a more racially
tolerant environment—lay outside the
Harlem Renaissance – a period in American South.
history from the 1920s and 1930s ⮚ By the turn of the 20th century, the Great
− Many African-Americans migrated from the Migration was underway as hundreds of
South to Northern cities, seeking economic thousands of African Americans relocated to
and creative opportunities cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit,
− Within their communities creative Philadelphia, and New York.
expression became an outlet for writers, ⮚ The Harlem section of Manhattan, which
musicians, artists, and photographers, with covers just three square miles, drew nearly
a particular concentration in Harlem, New 175,000 African Americans, giving the
York. neighborhood the largest concentration of
− "Harlem Renaissance" did not appear in black people in the world.
print before 1940, and it only gained ⮚ Harlem became a destination for African
widespread appeal in the 1960s. Americans of all backgrounds. From
− During the four preceding decades, writers unskilled laborers to an educated middle-
had mostly referred to a "Negro class, they shared common experiences of
Renaissance” slavery, emancipation, and racial
− Revival of Afro-American literature oppression, as well as a determination to
forge a new identity as free people
⮚ With the end of the Civil War in 1865, THE GREAT MIGRATION
hundreds of thousands of African ⮚ The Great Migration drew to Harlem some
Americans newly freed from the yoke of of the greatest minds and brightest talents
slavery in the South began to dream of fuller of the day, an astonishing array of African
participation in American society, including American artists and scholars.
political empowerment, equal economic ⮚ Between the end of World War I and the
opportunity, and economic and cultural self- mid-1930s, they produced one of the most
determination significant eras of cultural expression in the
⮚ By the late 1870s, that dream was largely nation’s history—the Harlem Renaissance.
dead, as white supremacy was quickly − Old to new transformation
restored to the Reconstruction South. White − Colored troops
lawmakers on state and local levels passed
− Sign that black people were ● Augusta Savage
encouraged to fight
− Black people were recognized as a MOVEMENT
part of the group ⮚ Harlem was the epicenter of American
⮚ Yet this cultural explosion also occurred in culture. The neighborhood bustled with
Cleveland, Los Angeles and many cities African American-owned and run publishing
shaped by the great migration. houses and newspapers, music companies,
⮲ Alain Locke – Harvard-educated playhouses, nightclubs, and cabarets. The
writer, critic, and teacher literature, music, and fashion they created
− Dean of the Harlem defined culture and “cool” for blacks and
Renaissance, white alike, in America and around the
− “spiritual coming of age” in world.
which African Americans ⮚ As the 1920s came to a close, so did the
transformed “social Harlem Renaissance. Its heyday was cut
disillusionment to race pride.” short largely due to the Stock Market Crash
of 1929 and resulting Great Depression,
Abraham Lincoln – president of the emancipation which hurt African American-owned
of slaves businesses and publications and made less
− 6 million slaves were freed after signing financial support for the arts available from
patrons, foundations, and theatrical
LITERATURE organizations.
⮚ The Harlem Renaissance encompassed ⮚ However, the Harlem Renaissance’s impact
poetry and prose, painting and sculpture, on America was indelible. The movement
jazz and swing, opera and dance. brought notice to the great works of African
⮚ What united these diverse art forms was American art, and inspired and influenced
their realistic presentation of what it meant future generations of African American
to be black in America, what writer Langston artists and intellectuals.
Hughes called an “expression of our ⮚ The self-portrait of African American life,
individual dark-skinned selves,” as well as a identity, and culture that emerged from
new militancy in asserting their civil and Harlem was transmitted to the world at
political rights. large, challenging the racist and disparaging
stereotypes of the Jim Crow South. In doing
HARLEM RENAISSANCE CONTRIBUTORS so, it radically redefined how people of other
races viewed African Americans and
● W.E.B Du Louis Bois understood the African American
● Marcus Armstrong experience.
garvey Basie ⮚ Most importantly, the Harlem Renaissance
● Cyril Briggs Eubie instilled in African Americans across the
● Walter Cab country a new spirit of self-determination
Francis Calloway and pride, a new social consciousness, and
White Ellington a new commitment to political activism, all
PERFORMERS Billie of which would provide a foundation for the
● Josephine Ivie Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and
Baker Anderson 1960s. In doing so, it validated the beliefs of
● Paul Baker its founders and leaders like Alain Locke
Robeson Fats and Langston Hughes that art could be a
WRITERS AND POETS Jelly Roll vehicle to improve the lives of the African
● Zora Neale Hurston Morton Americans.
● Effie Lee Newsome
● Aaron Douglas ● Uses religious imagery
● Themes of freedom and independence universal response in readers, by paying close
● Experiences of what is it like to grow up attention to the hopes, fears and expectations of
black in America (Racial Discrimination) the entire cultures.
● Slavery/tyranny of whites and the resistance New Criticism – an approach to literature that
● Political disfranchisement focuses in explication- extremely close textual
THE THREE THEORIES USED IN DIGESTING New Historicism – an approach to literature that
LITEREARY PIECES emphasizes the interaction between the historic
Author Dependent – perspective and the context of the work and a modern reader’s
background of the author understanding and of the work
Text Dependent – form, style, and structure of the Post Colonial Criticism – an approach to literature
literary text itself that focuses on the study of cultural behavior and
Reader’s Dependent – perspective and own expression in relationship to the colonized word.
interpretation towards the literary text of the reader Psychological Criticism – an approach to
himself literature that draws upon psychoanalytic theories.
Sociological Criticism – an approach to literature
CRITICISM APPROACHES that examines social groups, relationship and
− Lenses used in analyzing literary pieces values as they are manifested in literature.
Literary Criticism – systematic study and Reader Response Criticism- an approach to
evaluation of literary works. literature that focuses on the reader rather than the
Biographical Criticism – begins with simple but work itself.
central insight that literature is written by actual Structuralism – an approach to literature that
people and that understanding an author’s life can examines how literary texts arrive at their meanings
help readers more thoroughly comprehend the rather than the meaning itself.
work. Queer Criticism – focused its inquiries into natural
Cultural Criticism – an approach to literature that and unnatural behavior with respect to homosexual
focuses on the historical as well as social political behavior, queer theory expands its focus to
and economic contexts of a work. encompass any kind of sexual activity or identity
Deconstructionism – critical dismantling of that falls into normative and deviant categories.
tradition and traditional modes of thought. Moral- Philosophical Criticism – evaluates a
Feminist Criticism – an approach to literature that work in terms of the ideas and values it contains –
seeks to correct and supplement what may be in relation to particular ethical, philosophical or
regarded as a predominantly made dominated religious system.
critical perspective with a feminist consciousness.
Formalist Criticism – an approach to literature Afro-Asian & Afro-American
that focuses on the formal elements of a work such 1. Africa composed of 54 countries and Asia is
as its language, structure and tone. composed of 48 countries
Gay and Lesbian – an approach to literature that 2. Three characteristics of Afro-Asian Lit is (1)
focuses on how homosexuals are represented in Diverse, (2) handed by mouth from generation to
literature. generation, (3) sight and view at modern times
Gender Criticism – an approach to literature that 3. Characteristics of Afro-American Lit (1) Use of
explore how ideas about men and women- what is religious songs, imagery and settings of the
masculine and feminine- can be regarded as dominance black church (2) Use of freedom and
socially constructed by particular cultures. Independence (3) Experiences, what is like to be
Historical Criticism – an approach to literature African (racism)
that uses history as means of understanding literary 4. Major Themes of Afro-American (1) Theme of
work more clearly. Slavery (minor themes) (2) Terrorism and Cruelty of
Marxist Criticism – an approach to literature that the whites against blacks (racial discrimination) (3)
focuses on the ideological content of work of Karl Resistance to terrorism (4) Dedication to human
Marx dignity
Mythological Criticism – an approach to literature 5. Made the Afro-American Second Class Citizens
that seeks to identify what in work creates deep (Jim Crow Laws)
6. First Class Citizens (Whites) Asia? (China)
7. It is the Hate Group; Terrorist Group (KKK; Ku 24. What is known as the land of the rising sun?
Klux Klan) (Japan)
25. What is known as the land of the morning
Asian Literature included in the Prelim Exam
calm? (Korea)
1. What country in Asia is the most populated?
26. Highest mountain in Japan? (Mt. Fuji)
27. What country is considered as the cradle of
2. What is the largest city in Asia? (Tokyo, Japan)
civilization? (Egypt)
3. What is the most Ancient language in the world?
28. What earliest development started to be seen in
Egypt? (Writing System)
4. What is the highest mountain in the Africa? (Mt.
29. What is the shortest form of Japanese poetry
which is 3 lines and 575 stanzas? (Haiku)
5. Highest Degree of culture adopted by Africans
30. What is the sacred book of the Islam? (Quran)
and Asian People? (Respecting other humans)
31. What means any of the main large land of the
6. What is the political and social system in South
earth? (Continent)
African that the American created to force racial
32. What is the type of literature that uses or
discrimination against the non-whites? (Apertite,
preliminary language such as short story, essay
something ganern)
etc, form of communication? (Prose)
7. What is the intellectual and cultural? (Harlem
33. What idea is express in the African Proverb …
(Sense of community/ Idea of security)
8. What event created the transformation for Afro-
34. African oral literature is rich, which does not
American from the old to the new? (World War 1)
conclude the following groups? (Plays)
9. Who is the president who issued an executive
35. Busiest ports in Asia? (Singapore, Hong Kong,
order about the emancipation (freeing) of the
Yokohama, Bombay or Mumbai)
African Slaves? (Abraham Lincoln)
10. How many African slaves receive their ALIT311 Reviewer from PsychSoc
freedom? (6 million)11. Which country does not
Afro-Asian Literature
belong to the South Asia? (Philippines; South-East
- Reflection of the storm and stress oi developing
Asia) nation.
12. What is the highest elevation mountain in the
- Sign of new and modern times. It teaches diff.
whole world (Mt. Everest)
experiences and culture all over the world.
13. Where is Mt. Everest located in the world?
(China) - Literary output of various countries and cultures in
14. What sea has its surface in shores 430.5 Africa and Asia.
meters below sea level? The earths lowest
elevation sea on land? (Dead Sea) Common Themes of Afro-Asian Literature
15. In what state is Harlem located? (New York) - NATURE
16. What is the shared pattern of behavior and - PEACE
interactions? (Culture) - HIGHLIGHT OF THE EMOTION
17. How many distinct ethnic groups are there in
Africa? (300) Literary works were handed by mouth from
18. What is the largest of the African great lakes? generation to generation.
(Lake Victoria) Poem -History and culture of Af-As Lit.
19. What is considered the earliest record of Playwrights - Celebrate culture and ancestry by
literature written down in papyrus in 15 BC? (The setting plays.
book of the dead) Prose - Expose truth, describe objects, places, and
20. What is the longest river in the world? (Nile people etc.
River) - Purest expression of human thoughts.
21. What is the tallest statue in Africa? (African
Renaissance Monument) Asia Diverse climates & geographical features.
22. Who became known as the bean of the Harlem Southeast: moist & dry across of the interior.
renaissance? (Alain LeRoy Locke)
23. What country is known as the red dragon of
East Asia: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, - DISPLACEMENT
Mongolia, North Korean, South Korea, and Taiwan. - TRADITION
South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, - ROOTLESSNESS
Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
Southeast Asia: Brunei, Burma (Myanmar),
Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Norms
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Standard pattern or behavior that is expected in a
The celebration of Nature and Life group.
One of the most consistently appearing themes in
Asian Lit. Culture
Shared patterns of behaviors and interactions.
Norms and Culture: Africa
Sense of Community
- Youngest continent in terms of population. Sense of Good Human Relations
- Oldest inhabited territory in Earth. Sense of Hospitality
- 300 ethnic groups & 2000 languages Norms and Culture: Asia
- 54 countries and has 4 subregions: - Family and Education
W – Nigeria - Reserve Conformity and Harmony
E – Ethiopia - Benevolence and Obligation
N – Egypt
M – Congo - Loss of face, shame, and honor
Harlem Renaissance
Most populated
1920-1930 many African Americans migrated from
Tallest Statue South to North.
African Renaissance Monument Creative expression became an outlet for writers.
Apartheid Harlem, New York.
system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of New Negro Identity
race Propaganda created by prominent African-American
Mt. Kenya citizen.
2nd tallest mountain Jim Crow Laws
West Central Africa Strict racial segregation law that made African
Part of Africa were first slave go. Americans second-class citizen.
Why Harlem tenants became
Longest Lifespan
Because there is lack of jobs and massive
Asian-American (86.5 years) unemployment.
Shortest Lifespan African American (74.6 years)
Egyptian book of the Dead Central place to voice out their racial problems.
Earliest record of literature written in papyrus, 250 New Negro Movement
BC. It was known NNM, before it became Harlem.
Characteristic of African Literature Main Cause: White Supremacy
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Hate groups, to keep African Americans from voting
- CALL FOR INDEPENDENCE and exercising their other fundamental rights.
Harlem Renaissance encompassed poetry, prose,
painting and sculpture, jazz and swing, opera, and
Major Themes of African Literature dance.
Literary Criticism
a systematic study and evaluation of literary works.
Biographical Criticism an approach to literature that draws upon
psychoanalytic theories.
begins with simple but central insight that Literature is
Sociological Criticism
written by actual people and that understanding an
an approach to literature that examines social groups,
author’s life can help readers more thoroughly
relationship, and values as they are manifested in
comprehend the work.
Cultural Criticism Reader Response Criticism
an approach to literature that focuses on the historical an approach to literature that focuses on the reader
as well as social political and economic contexts of a rather than the work itself.
work. Structuralism
Deconstructionism an approach to literature that examines how literary
texts arrive at their meanings rather than the meaning
critical dismantling of tradition and traditional modes
of thought. itself.
Queer Criticism
Feminist Criticism focused its inquiries into natural and unnatural
an approach to literature that seeks to correct and behavior with respect to homosexual behavior, queer
supplement what may be regarded as a predominantly theory expands its focus to encompass any kind of
made dominated critical perspective with a feminist sexual activity or identity that falls into normative and
consciousness. deviant categories.
Formalist Criticism Moral- Philosophical Criticism
an approach to literature that focuses on the formal evaluates a work in terms of the ideas and values it
elements of a work such as its language, structure, and contains – in relation to particular ethical,
tone. philosophical, or religious system.
Gay and Lesbian African-American Literature
an approach to literature that focuses on how African-American literature can be defined as writings
homosexuals are represented in literature. by people of African descent living in the United
Gender Criticism States.
an approach to literature that explore how ideas about African American Literature
men and women- what is masculine and feminine- can Concern for identity, freedom, and independence
be regarded as socially constructed by particular Concern with the position in a dominant society
cultures. Religious imagery, songs, setting & dominance of
Historical Criticism black church
an approach to literature that uses history as means of Characteristic and Themes
understanding literary work more clearly. Interest to black people (American culture, religion,
Marxist Criticism racism, slavery, freedom, equality)
an approach to literature that focuses on the African American literature has both been
ideological content of work of Karl Marx. influenced by the great African diasporic heritage
Mythological Criticism and in turn influenced African diasporic writings in
an approach to literature that seeks to identify what in many countries.
work creates deep universal response in readers, by African American oral culture
paying close attention to the hopes, fears, and is rich in poetry, including spirituals, African
expectations of the entire cultures. American gospel music, blues, and rap.
New Criticism This oral poetry also shows up in the African
an approach to literature that focuses in explication- American tradition of Christian sermons, which
extremely close textual analysis. make use of deliberate repetition, cadence, and
New Historicism alliteration.
an approach to literature that emphasizes the Slave Narratives
interaction between the historic context of the work A subgenre of African American literature that began
and a modern reader’s understanding and of the work. in the middle of the 19th century is the slave narrative.
Post-Colonial Criticism Post-Slavery Era
an approach to literature that focuses on the study of After the end of slavery and the American Civil War,
cultural behavior and expression in relationship to the a number of African American authors continued to
colonized word. write nonfiction works about the condition of African
Psychological Criticism Americans in the country.
Civil Rights Movement Era
This migration produced a new sense of independence
in the Black community and contributed to the vibrant
Black urban culture seen during the Harlem
Why is African American literature important?
Importance of African American Literature
Addressing the Black Experience. The role of African
American literature in recent years has been to
illuminate for the modern world the sophistication and
beauty inherent in their culture as well as the constant
struggle they experience in the oppressive American


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