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13.04.2023 04:47 Loading..

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Given circuit can be represented asbelow:


we know that 

13.04.2023 04:47 Loading..

for L=300mH 
for L=400mH 
for L=200mH  
  => =
for C=50μF 

By observing above circuit we have three mesheswith Currents I1,I2,I3
Apply MeshAnalysis for Mesh 1

=I1(20)+(I1-I2)j30      ----(1)
Apply MeshAnalysis for Mesh 2
(I2-I1)( j30)+I2( j40)+(I2-I3)(-j200)=0  ----(2)
Apply MeshAnalysis for Mesh 3
(I3-I2)(-j200)+I3( j20)+I3(10)=  ---(3)
Rewriting above Equations
I1(20+j30)-I2( j30) = 120j  ---(4)
I1( j30)+I2( j130)-I3( j200) =0  ---(5)
I2( j200)+I3(10-j180)=-80  ---(6)
By solving above equations we get
I1=2.0557+j3.565 A
I2=0.4324+j2.1946 A
I3=0.5894+j1.9612 A
so,Vo=(I2-I3)(-j200) 2/3
13.04.2023 04:47 Loading..

I hope this helpsyou........................... 3/3

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