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What is a Pavement?

• A multi layer system that distributes the vehicular

loads over a larger area

What is a Pavement?

• Highway pavement is a structure consisting of
superimposed layers of selected and processed
materials whose primary function is to distribute
the applied vehicle load to the sub grade.
• It can also be defined as “structure which
separates the tyres of vehicles from the under
lying foundation.”

• Pavement is the upper part of roadway, airport or

parking area structure
• It includes all layers resting on the original ground

Functions of the Pavement

• Reduce and distribute the traffic loading so as not to

damage the subgrade.
• Provide vehicle access between two points under all-
weather conditions.
• Provide safe, smooth and comfortable ride to road
users without undue delays and excessive wear & tear.
• Meet environmental and aesthetics requirement.
• Limited noise and air pollution.
• Reasonable economy.

Requirements of pavement
• Sufficient thickness to spread loading to a pressure
intensity tolerable by subgade.
• Sufficiently strong to carry imposed stress due to
traffic load.
• Sufficient thickness to prevent the effect of frost
susceptible subgrade.
• Pavement material should be impervious to
penetration of surface water which could weaken
subgrade and subsequently pavement.
• Pavement surface should be skid resistant.

Classification of

Types of Pavement


Flexible Pavements Rigid Pavements

Properties Flexible Rigid
Design Empirical method D e s i g n e d a n d a n a l y z e d b y u s i n g t h e e l a st i c
Principle Ba sed o n load distribution theory
characteristics of the
Material Granular material M a d e of C e m e n t Concr ete either plan,
reinforced or prestressed concrete
Flexural L o w or negligible flexible Associated with rigidity or flexural strength
Strength strength or slab action so the load is distributed over
a w i d e area o f s u b g r a d e soil.
Normal Elastic deformation Acts as b e a m or cantilever
Excessive Local depression Causes Cracks
Stress Tr a n s m i t s v e r t i c a l a n d Te n s i l e S t r e s s a n d Te m p e r a t u r e I n c r e a s e s
co mp r essi v e stresses to the
lower layers

Design Constructed in n u mb er of L ai d in slabs with steel reinforcement.

Practice layers.

Te m p e r a t u r e N o s t r e s s is p r o d u c e d S t r e s s is p r o d u c e d
Force of Less. Deformation in the Friction force is H i g h
Friction s u b grade is not transferred
to the u p p e r layers.
Opening to R o a d c a n b e u s e d f o r t r a ff i c R o a d cannot be used until 1 4 days of curing
Tr a f f i c within 24 hours 13
Surfacing Rolling of the surfacing is Rolling of the surfacing in not needed.

Flexible pavements:
• Deep foundations / multi layer construction
• Energy consumption due to transportation of materials
• Increasing cost of asphalt due to high oil prices
Rigid pavements
• Single layer
• Generally last longer
• May require asphalt topping due to noise / comfort

Pavements Comparison

• Heavy vehicles consume less fuel on rigid pavements

• Rigid pavements more economic when considering

environmental / life-cycle costing 15
Types Of Pavements

Flexible Rigid
Rigid pavements are those, which contain sufficient
beam strength to be able to bridge over the localized
sub-grade failures and areas of in adequate support.
Load is transmitted through beam action of slab in rigid
Rigid pavements are those, which reduces the stress
concentration and distributes the reduced stresses
uniformly to the area under the slab.


De fl e ction is very small hence the name rigid

T h e high flexural strength is predominant, and the
subgrade strength does not have much importance as in case
of flexible pavement.
► usually finite slab with joints.
► continously slab can be provided without jointed.

Rigid pavements, though costly in initial investment, are
cheap in long run because of low maintenance costs, The cost
of construction of single lane rigid pavement varies from 35
to 50 lakhs per km in plain area,
•Rigid pavement have deformation in the sub grade is not
transferred to subsequent layers.
•Design is based on flexural strength or slab action,Have high
flexural strength.
•No such phenomenon of grain to grain load transfer exists
•Have low repairing cost but completion cost is high
•Life span is more as compare to flexible (Low Maintenance

Basic Components of Concrete


Types of Concrete

Un Reinforced Concrete Pavements

▪ These are plain cement concrete pavements (PCCP)

▪ constructed with closely spaced.
▪ In almost all jointed pavements , load transfer
mechanism is implemented using dowel bars
placed in transverse joints. Such pavements are
called JDCP/JPCP.
▪ When The traffic intensity is very low in that case
dowel bars are not provided such pavements are
termed as JUDCP.


Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (Jpcp)
Reinforced Concrete Pavement

•Occurrence of cracks in concrete slabs is inevitable

due to repeated applications of axle loads and
weathering action in different seasons.

•Steel reinforcement in slab is provided to inhibit

widening of cracks and known as RCP.

•In JRCP steel mesh or mat is placed at the middle of

each slab . It is not meant for structural strength but
to provide control the crack width.


Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement:

•Complete elimination of joints are achieved by


•Bars are distributed continuously in the longitudinal direction so

that the construction of transverse joints can be eliminated.

•CRCP preferred in (i) main heavy traffic corridors

(expressways) (ii) Adverse climatic conditions (iii) Weak sub


Precast Prestressed Pavement

Factors Governing Design of Pavements

• Design wheel load

➢Static load on wheels.
➢Contact Pressure.
➢Load Repetition.

• Subgrade soil
➢Thickness of pavement required.
➢Stress- strain behaviour under load.
➢Moisture variation.
• Design Period .
• Design commercial traffic volume.

• Composition of commercial traffic in terms of single ,
tridem , tandem.
• Axle load spectrum.
• Tyre pressure.
• Lateral placement characteristics.
• Pavement component materials.
• Climatic factors.
• Required Cross sectional elements of the alignment.

Axle load

• The total weight of the vehicle is carried by its axles.

The load on the axles is transfers to the wheels and this
load is ultimately transferred to the surface of the
pavement in contact with the tyres . therefore more
number of axles more load is to be transferred on wider
Wheel load
• The next important factor is the wheel load which
determines the depth of the pavement required to
ensure that the subgrade soil is not failed. Wheel
configuration affect the stress distribution and
deflection within a pavement. Many commercial
vehicles have dual rear wheels which ensure that the
contact pressure is within the limits.
Contact Pressure
• For most of the commercial vehicles the commonly
used tyre inflation pressures range about 0.7 Mpa to
1.0 Mpa it is found that stress in concrete pavements
having thickness of 200 mm or higher are not affected
significantly by the variation of tyre pressure . a tyre
pressure of 0.8 Mpa is adopted .The imprint area is
generally taken as circular area for design purpose.
Load Repletion
• This factor govern the that the type of axles repeated
throughout the design life that is how much repletion
of single , tandem and tridem axles are taking place.

Static Load On Wheels
• This factor is used to design the thickness of slab
because the load of the axle is ultimately transfers to
• Axle Load Characteristics
Though the legal limits in India are 10.2 tonnes , 19.0
tonnes, 24.0 tonnes for single , tandem , tridem axle
respectively but a large number of axles operating on
national highways carry much heavier loads than the
legal limits. Data on load spectrum of the commercial
vehicles is required to estimate the repetitions of single
,tandem , tridem axles in each direction expected
during the design period

• Minimum percentage of vehicle to be weighed should be 10
percent if Commercial vehicles per day (cvpd) exceeding 6000 ,
15 percent for cpvd for 3000 to 6000 and 20 percent for cpvd for
less than 3000 . Axle load survey may be conducted at least for
48 hrs and data on axle load spectrum of the commercial
vehicles is required to estimate the repletion of single , tandem ,
tridem axles .
• If the spacing of consecutive vehicle is greater than 2.4 meters
then the each vehicle may be considered as single axle.The
interval at which axle load group should be classified :
• Single axle-10 kN
• Tandem axle -20 kN
• Tridem axle -30 kN

Wheel Base Characteristics

• Information on typical spacing between successive

axles of commercial vehicle is necessary to identify the
proportion of axles that should be considered for
estimating Top- Down fatigue cracking caused by axle
load during night period when the slab has tendency of
curling up due to negative temperature differential. The
axles spacing of more than 4.5 m are not expected to
contribute Top-Down fatigue cracking.


5 Axle Truck
2 Axle Truck


3 Axle Truck 4 Axle Semi Articulated

An axle is a central shaft for a
rotating wheel or gear

Single Axle With

Single Wheel Tandem Axle

Single Axle With Dual


Tridem Axle
Standard Axle

Single axle with dual wheels carrying a load of 10.2

tonnes is defined as standard axle.

10.2 Tonnes

Standard Axle
• To achieve a design of low life cycle cost and in
respect of the high social cost for full depth
• The design life for rigid pavement is generally
recommended as 30 years.
• Within this life span, it is expected that no extensive
rehabilitation is required under normal circumstances .
• The service life of the pavement structure can be
sustained by minor repairs.
• It is anticipated that the service life can be further
extended upon ‘expiry’ of the original ‘design life’ by
timely maintenance and localized bay replacement.
Commercial Vehicle Forecast
• The definition of commercial vehicle follows the one given
in the Annual Traffic Census published by Transport
Department, which includes medium /heavy goods vehicle
and bus, other light vehicles, for examples, motor cycle
,private car and public light bus, are normally ignored as
their induced structural damage on pavements is minimal.

• The annual flow of commercial vehicles at the time of road

opening is obtained by multiplying the daily flow by 365
days/year. The cumulative number of commercial vehicles
using a road during its design life is obtained by
summing up the annual traffic of each year taking into
consideration the predicted growth rate.

• The forecast can be done with reference to on-site
traffic count data, traffic census or other available
traffic studies and planning data .

C=(365*A{(1+r)˄n -1})/r

Traffic consideration

Design lane
The lane carrying the maximum number of heavy
commercial vehicle is termed as design lane . each lane of
the two way lane highways are the outer lane of multi
lane highways can be considered as design lane .
• Lateral placement characteristics.
It is recommended that 25 percent of the total two –way
commercial traffic may be considered as design traffic for
two- lane two – way roads for the analysis of BUC. In
case four lanes and other multi lane divided highways 25
percent of the total traffic in the direction of predominant
traffic may be considered for design of pavement for
bottom up cracking. For TDC those vehicles with the
spacing between transverse joint.
Temperature Consideration

• Temperature differential between the top and the bottom

fibers of concrete pavements causes the concrete slab to
curl giving rise to the stress and this is a function of solar
radiation received by the pavements surface , wind velocity
, latitude etc .
• As far as possible actual temperature differential should be
considered. In the absence of data code has given the
maximum temperature differential.

Concrete strength

Flexural strength of the concrete is required for the

purpose of design of concrete slab and this flexural
strength is taken for 90 days insist of 28 days because initial
repletion a are very low and it can be obtained by
multiplying factor 1.1

fcr= 1.1 * 0.7√fck

Modulus of elasticity and poission
ratio of concrete

• The modulus of elasticity and poisson ratio are known

to vary with the concrete materials and strength.
• The elastic modulus increase with the increase in
strength and poisson ratio decrease with increase in
modulus of elasticity
• E=30000Mpa
• µ=0.15
• Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
• The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is
dependent to a great extent on the types of aggregate
used in concrete. However for design purpose a value
of α=10*10-6˚C is adopted. 49
Fatigue behavior of cement concrete

• Due to repeated application of flexural streesse by the

traffic load , progressive fatigue damage takes place in
the cement concrete slab in the form of gradual
devlopement of micro cracks especially when the ratio
between the flexure stress and flexure strength of
concrete is high this ratio is termed as stress ratio (SR)
and following relation is given.

Environmental factors

• Environmental factors affect the performance of the

pavement materials and cause various damages.
• In rigid pavements, due to difference in temperatures
of top and bottom of slab, temperature stresses or
frictional stresses are developed. When there is
variation in temperature due to which curling of slab
with different temperature will be different and hence
TDC and BUC factors has to be considered .

Precipitation :

The precipitation from rain and snow affects the quantity

of surface water infiltrating into the subgrade and the
depth of ground water table. Poor drainage may bring
lack of shear strength, pumping, loss of support, etc.
•Material characteristics
Pavement material consists of different types of sub
grade soil , fine aggregates, granular materials , binders, ,
etc . physical and engineering properties of different
material used for constructing any kind of pavement plays
an important role in thickness design of pavement.


• In winkler model it is assumed that the foundation is
made up of springs supporting the concrete slabs the
strength of subgrade is expressed in terms of modulus
of subgrade reaction K .
• Which is defined as the pressure per unit deflection of
the foundations as determined by plate load test The
modulus of subgrade reaction (k) is used as a primary
input for rigid pavement design. It estimates the
support of the layers below a rigid pavement surface
course (the PCC slab). The k value can be determined
by field tests or by correlation with other tests. There is
no direct laboratory procedure for determining k value.

• Westergaard considered the rigid pavement slab as a thin
elastic plate resting on soil subgrade,which is assumed as
a dense liquid. The upward reaction is assumed to be
proportional to the deflection. Base on this assumption,
Westergaard defined a modulus of subgrade reaction in
kg/cm given by where is the displacement level taken as
0.125 cm and is the pressure sustained by the rigid plate
of 75 cm diameter at a deflection of 0.125 cm.
• If the diameter of plate is not 75 cm then even then we
can find the value of k by using the following equations

• In case the plate bearing test could not be conducted,
the approximate k- value corresponding to CBR values
can be obtained from its soaked CBR value using
Table 2 (IRC:58-2011 )

Sub Base
The main purpose of the sub base is to provide the
uniform ,stable,and the permanent support to the
concrete slab laid over it .It should have sufficient
strength so that it is not subjected to disintegration and
erosion under heavy traffic and adverse environment
conditions. For these sub base of Dry lean concrete
having 7 day strength of 10 Mpa determined is
recommended. The effective k value of different
combinations of subgrade and sub base can be
estimated from table 3.

Drainage layer /Filtration
• Entrapped water in the subgrade and granular sub base
may cause erosion of the foundation material since
pore water pressure generated by the tandem and
tridem is substantially high.
• To facilitate quick disposal of water that is likely to
enter subgarde, a drainage layer together with filter/
separation layer may be provided beneath the subbase
throughout the road width. The filtration layer also
prevents fines from pumping up from the subgrade to
the drainage layer.

Debonding layer
• To reduce the friction between concrete slab and
• Generally 125 micron thin sheet .(polythene).


Modulus of sub-grade

Westergaard considered the rigid pavement slab as a thin

elastic plate resting on soil sub-grade, which is assumed
as a dense liquid. The upward reaction is assumed to be
proportional to the deflection. Base on this assumption,
Westergaard defined a modulus of sub-grade reaction K
in kg/cm3 given by ΔK = p
where Δ is the displacement level taken as 0.125 cm
and p is the pressure sustained by the rigid plate of 75 cm
diameter at a deflection of 0.125 cm.

Relative stiffness of slab to sub-grade

• A certain degree of resistance to slab deflection is offered by the

sub-grade. The sub-grade deformation is same as the slab
deflection. Hence the slab deflection is direct measurement of
the magnitude of the sub-grade pressure.
• This pressure deformation characteristics of rigid pavement
lead Westergaard to the define the term radius of relative
stiffness l in cm is given by the below equation

Equivalent radius of resisting

When the interior point is loaded, only a small area of the

pavement is resisting the bending moment of the
plate. Westergaard's gives a relation for equivalent radius
of the resisting section in cm in the below equation
where a is the radius of the wheel load distribution in cm
and h is the slab thickness in cm.

Critical load positions

Since the pavement slab has finite length and width,

either the character or the intensity of maximum stress
induced by the application of a given traffic load is
dependent on the location of the load on the pavement
surface. There are three typical locations namely the
interior, edge and corner, where differing conditions of
slab continuity exist. These locations are termed as
critical load positions.

Wheel load stresses - Westergaard's
stress equation
• The cement concrete slab is assumed to be
homogeneous and to have uniform elastic properties
with verticalsub-grade reaction being proportional to
the deflection.
• Westergaard (1926) developed equations for solution
of load stresses at three critical regions of the slab
– interior, corner and edge
• Interior -Load in the interior and away from all the
• Edge – Load applied on the edge away from the

Corner – Load located on the bisector of the corner
angle Westergaard developed relationships for the stress at
interior, edge and corner regions, in kg/cm2

where h is the slab thickness in cm, P is the wheel load in
kg, a is the radius of the wheel load distribution in cm, l
the radius of the relative stffiness in cm and b is the
radius of the resisting section in cm

Temperature stresses

• Temperature stresses are developed in cement concrete

pavement due to variation in slab temperature.
• This iscaused by (i) daily variation resulting in a temperature
gradient across the thickness of the slab and
• (ii) seasonalvariation resulting in overall change in the slab
• The former results in warping stresses and the later
in frictional stresses.

Warping stress
•Temperature differential between the top and the bottom
surfaces of a cement concrete slab is a common
phenomenon whether its day or night. Expansion and
contraction of the slab as a result of temperature
difference causing geometric deformation – either curling up
or down. Warping or temperature stresses will
produced in the slab when geometric deformations are
completely restrained by its self weight.
•Two critical conditions of warping stresses in a cement
concrete slab are presented in figure (next slide). Due to
curling of the slab , tensile and compressive stresses are
produced in its bottom fibers during the day and night
respectively . maximum warping stress is observed at the
interior of the slab than towards its edges since the interior
part o7f1the slab is more restrained against curling than the edges.
Warping stress in concrete slab when
curling is restrained at different times

Based on the plate theory, westergaard (1926)
developed formula for calculating the warping stresses
• in the concrete slab . In 1938 , Bradbury modifies his
formulae and developed the following equations for
calculating the maximum warping stress at the interior
and edge of the slab having finite dimensions

Frictional stresses
Slab movement are restrained by its self weight caused by
the inter surface frictional forces between the slab and the
supporting layer ( sub – base layer ). For example
when the slab contracts its movement are restrained by
frictional forces and tensile stresses are developed

Critical Combination of
The cumulative effect of the different stress give rise to
the following three critical cases.
• Summer, mid-day: The critical stress is for edge
region given by σcritical =σe + σte -σ f.
• Winter, mid-day: The critical combination of stress is
for the edge region given by σcritical = σe+σte +σf.
• Mid-nights: The critical combination of stress is for
the corner region given by σcritical = σc + σtc.

Design of slab thickness
Critical stress condition
The severest combination that induce the maximum
stress in the pavement will give the critical combinations .
The flexural stress due to the combined action of traffic
loads and temperature differential between the top and
the bottom fibers of the concrete slab is considered for
the design of pavement thickness
The flexural stress at the bottom layer of the concrete
slab is maximum during the day hours when the axle
load act mid ways on the pavement slab while there is
positive temperature gradient . as shown .
This condition is likely to produce Bottom- Up
cracking(BUC). 76
•Location of the points of maximum flexureal stresses
at the bottom of the pavement slab without tied
concrete shoulder for single , tandem , tridem axle as
shown . the tyre imprints the longitudinal to the
edges. For tied shoulder same stress will be produced
at same location. Single axle cause highest stress
followed by tandem and tridem axles respectively.
During the night hours the top surface is cooler than the
bottom surface and the ends of the slab curl up
resulting in loss of support for the slab as shown . Due
to the restrained provide by the self weight of concrete
and by the dowel connections, temperature tensile.
stresses are caused at top

• Figure shows the placement of axles load close to
transverse joint when there is negative temperature
gradient during night period causing high flexural
stress at the top of the slab leading to the Top – down
cracking (TDC)

Calculation of flexural stress

• For bottom up cracking case the combination of load and

positive non linear temperature differential has been
considered . for BUC single /tandem has been placed on the
slab in the position . in BUC single axle load causes the
largest edge stress followed by tandem and tridem axles .
since the stress due to tridem axles are small they were not
considered for stresses analysis For BUC.

• For TDC only one axle of single/ tandem / tridem axles

units has been considered for analysis in combination
with front axle . front axle weight has been assumed to
be 50 percent of the rear axle unit

. 81
Analysis has been done for the following

• Pavement with tied concrete shoulder for single rear

• Pavement without tied concrete shoulder for single rear
• Pavement with tied concrete shoulder for tandem axle
• Pavement without tied concrete shoulder for tandem
• Paving with and without dowel bars having front
steering axles with the single tyres and the first axles of
the rear unit placed on the same panel. 82
• For a given slab thickness and other parameter the
pavement will be checked for cumulative bottom up
and top down fatigue damage. For bottom up cracking
the flexural stress at the edge due to combined action
of single or tandem rear axle load and positive
temperature differential cycles are considered.
• The stress can be either selected from the stress charts
( as shown some sample figures) or by using the
equation ( shown some sample equations.. chart
explain clearly the interplay of thickness , modulus of
subgrade reaction, axle load and temperature

• Similarly for assessing the TDC fatigue damagef
caused by repeated cycles of axle load and negative
temperature , flexural stress can be estimated in same
• The flexural stress is divided by the design flexural
strength of the cement to obtain the stress ratio ( SR)

Recommended procedure for slab

The following steps may be followed for design.

• Step-1: Stipulate design values for the various
• Step-2: select a trial design thickness of pavement
slab .
• Step-3: Compute the repetitions of axles load of
different magnitude and different categories during the
design life .
• Step-4: Find the proportions of axle load repetitions
operating during the day and night periods

• Step-5: Estimate the axle load repetitions in the
specified six hours period during the day time . the
maximum temperature differential is assumed to be
remain constant during the 6 hrs for analysis of bottom
Up cracking.
• Step-6: Estimate the axle load repetitions in the
specified six hours period during the night time .
• The maximum negative temperature differential during
night is taken as half of day time maximum
temperature differential. Built in negative temperature
differential of 50 ˚c developed during the setting of the
concrete to be added to the temperature differential for
the analysis of top – down cracking . only those
vehicle whose front and first rear axle come between 87
transverse joints are considered.
• Step-7: compute the flexural stresses at the edge due to
single and tandem axle load for the combined effect of
axle load and positive temperature differential during
ay time determine the stress ratio and evaluate the CFD
for single and tandem axle loads. Sum of the two CFD
should be less than 1.0 for the slab to be safe against
bottom up cracking.
• Step-8: compute the flexural stresses at the centre area
of transverse joint and the rear axle close to the
following joint in the same panel under negative
temperature differential. determine the stress ratio and
evaluate the CFD for single and tandem axle loads.
Sum of the two CFD should be less than 1.0 for the
slab to be safe against bottom up cracking . 88

Load Transfer At The
•It is important that the load applied on the slab is shared by
adjacent slab also for better performance of pavement.
•If load transfer across the slab is poor, distress such as
faulting pumping, and corner break occur.
•Load transfer occurs through different mechanism.
•The ability of the pavement to transfer load at joint is called
“load transfer efficiency”.
•Granular interlocking is expected along the cracks that form
at transverse joints.
•For low volume road the load transfer is expected to be
provided by interlocking.
•For higher traffic volume thicker higher dowel bars are
Types Of
Expansion Joints

• Joints are provided to allow for expansion of the slabs

due to rise in slab temperature above the construction
temperature . It also permits the contraction of slabs. it
is provided in India in the interval of 50 to 60 m for
smooth interface in winter and 90-120 m for smooth
interface in summer .
• Maximum spacing is 140 m
• Expansion joint dowels are specially fabricated with a
cap on one end of each dowel that creates a void in the
slab to accommodate the dowel as the adjacent slab
closes the expansion joint.
Contraction joints
• These are provided to permit the contraction of slabs.
These joints are spaced closer than the expansion
• Load tranfer at this joint is by aggregate interlocking at
the joint face.
• The maximum spacing of contraction joints is 4.5 m.
Warping joints

• These are provide to relieve stresses induced due to

warping known as hinged joints.
• These joints are rarely provided
Construction Joints

• A construction joint is defined as “a joint between

slabs that results when concrete is placed at different
times. A header and dowel basket for a transverse
construction joint are shown . After paving up to the
header, the header will be removed. The next paving
day will start with new concrete butted up against the
old concrete..

Longitudinal joints

• A longitudinal joint is defined as a joint between two

slabs which allows slab warping without appreciable
separation or cracking of the slabs .
• Longitudinal joints are used to relieve warping stresses
and are generally needed when slab widths exceed
[4.5m] .
• To aid load transfer, tie bars are often used across
longitudinal joints. Tie bars are thinner than dowels,
and use deformed reinforcing bars rather than smooth
dowel bars.
• On soil subgrade of clay , such joints are provided to
allow differential shrinkage and swelling due to rapid
changes in subgrade moisture under the edges than the
under the centre of road.
• In these joints tie bars are provided to hold
the adjacent slab .

Distress In Rigid Pavement

• Distress Types For JPCP And JRCP:

• Cracking – divided into corner breaks, durability
(“D”) cracking, longitudinal cracking, and transverse
• Joint Deficiencies – joint seal damage (transverse or
longitudinal), and joint spalling (transverse or
• Surface Defects – divided into map cracking, scaling,
polished aggregates, and popouts.
• Miscellaneous Distresses – classified as blowups,
faulting of transverse joints and cracks, lane-to-
shoulder drop off, lane-to-shoulder separation, patch
deterioration, and water bleeding and pumping.
Distress Types For CRCP:
• Cracking – as described, except CRCP cannot have
corner breaks.
• Surface defects – as described.
• Miscellaneous Distresses – as above, with the
addition of punchouts, transverse construction joint
deterioration, and longitudinal joint seal damage. Also,
CRCP does not have joints, so joint faulting does not

cracking Transverse cracking
Longitudinal cracking
Advantages of Concrete

• Longer lasting – 40 year Design Life .

• Heavy duty Pavements have generally the lowest cost.
• Pavement maintenance costs are up to 10 times
cheaper than the same for flexible pavements.
• Minimum maintenance requirements result in less
traffic disruption, minimum congestion time and as a
result Work zone safety.
• Lowest Life Cycle Cost of all Heavy Duty pavements
and highest salvage value.

• Can be constructed over poor subgrades.
• Thinner overall pavement thickness = lower
consumption of raw materials.
• Resistant to abrasion from turning actions.
• No affected by weather, inert to spills and fire.
• High abrasion durability.
• Profile durability.
• Use of waste products like flyash and slag.
• Riding quality does not deteriorate.
• Saving of fuel costs of at least 1.1% over asphalt .
• Light colour enhances night visibility
Disadvantages of Rigid

• To provide economics and quality, it requires larger

• Set-up costs are significant.
• On-site batch plant is essential for slip forming.
• Slip forming requires minimum 200 m runs.
• Concrete must achieve a certain strength before it can
be placed under traffic
• Repairs take longer = traffic disruption and work site
• Unless longitudinal grooving is used, tyre/road noise
can become a nuisance
• Issue in urban areas after 80/90 km/h speeds.
• May lose non-skid surface with time.
• Needs even sub-grade with uniform settling.
• May fault at transverse joints.
• Requires frequent joint maintenance.


1 IRC-58-2011 Guidelines for the design of plain

jointed rigid pavements for highways .
2 IRC-9-1972 Traffic census on Non- urban road.
3 S.K. Khanna –C.E.G Justo , highway
engineering .

Rigid Pavement
1-Blowup (Buckling)
Blowup (Buckling)
Blowup (Buckling)
A localized upward slab movement and shattering at a
joint or crack. It is the result of insufficient room for
slab expansion during hot weather.
Roughness, moisture infiltration, in extreme cases (as in
the second photo) can pose a safety hazard
Possible Causes:
During cold periods (e.g., winter) PCC slabs contract
leaving wider joint openings. If these openings become
filled with incompressible material (such as rocks or
soil), subsequent PCC slab expansion during hot periods
(e.g., spring, summer) may cause high compressive
stresses. If these stresses are great enough, the slabs
may buckle and shatter to relieve the stresses.
A difference in elevation across a joint or crack. Usually the
approach slab is higher than the leave slab due to
pumping, the most common faulting mechanism.
Faulting is noticeable when the average faulting in the
pavement section reaches about 2.5 mm (0.1 inch).
When the average faulting reaches 4 mm (0.15 in), some
rehabilitation measures should be considered.
Roughness (an expression of irregularities in the pavement surface that adversely
affect the ride quality of a vehicle)
Possible Causes:
Most commonly, faulting is a result of slab
pumping. Faulting can also be caused by slab
3-Linear (Panel) Cracking
Linear (Panel) Cracking
Linear (Panel) Cracking
Linear (Panel) Cracking
Linear cracks not associated with corner breaks or blowups
that extend across the entire slab. Typically, these cracks
divide an individual slab into two to four pieces.
Roughness, allows moisture infiltration leading to erosion of
base/sub−base support.
Possible Causes:
Usually a combination of traffic loading, thermal changes,
moisture stresses and loss of support.

Small pieces of PCC that break loose from the surface leaving small
divots or pock marks. Popouts range from 25 −100 mm (1 −4 inches)
in diameter and from 25 −50 mm (1 −2 inches) deep.


Roughness, usually an indicator of poor material

Possible Causes:

Popouts usually occur as a result of poor aggregate durability. Poor

durability can be a result of a number of items such as:
• Poor aggregate freeze−thaw resistance
• Expansive aggregates
• Alkali−aggregate reactions

Pumping in action
Pumping damage
Broken slabs with pumping evidence
Movement of material underneath the slab or ejection of material
from underneath the slab as a result of water pressure. Water
accumulated underneath a PCC slab will pressurize when the slab
deflects under load. This pressurized water can do one of the
• Move about under the slab.
• Move from underneath one slab to underneath an adjacent
slab. This type of movement leads to faulting.
• Move out from underneath the slab to the pavement
surface. This results in a slow removal of base, subbase and/or
sub−grade material from underneath the slab resulting in
decreased structural support.
Decreased structural support of the slab, which can lead to
cracking and faulting.
Possible Causes:
Water accumulation underneath the slab. This can be caused by
such things as:
• a high water table,
• poor drainage,
• and panel cracks or
• poor joint seals
which allow water to infiltrate the underlying material.
Distresses in
Flexible Pavements
Fatigue (Alligator) Cracking
Alligator Cracking
Fatigue (Alligator) Cracking
• Series of interconnected cracks caused by fatigue failure
under repeated traffic loading.
• In thin pavements, cracking initiates at the bottom
asphalt layer where the tensile stress is the highest then
propagates to the surface as one or more longitudinal
cracks. This is commonly referred to as "bottom−up" or
"classical" fatigue cracking.
• In thick pavements, the cracks most likely initiate from
the top in areas of high localized tensile stresses
resulting from tire−pavement interaction and asphalt
binder aging (top−down cracking). After repeated
loading, the longitudinal cracks connect forming many−
sided sharp−angled pieces that develop into a pattern
resembling the back of an alligator or crocodile.
Indicator of structural failure, cracks allow moisture
infiltration, may further deteriorate to a pothole
Possible Causes:
Inadequate structural support, which can be caused
by many things. A few of the more common ones
are listed here:
• Decrease in pavement load supporting
– Loss of base, subbase or subgrade support (e.g., poor
drainage or thaw resulting in a less stiff base).
• Increase in loading (e.g., more or heavier loads
than anticipated in design)
• Inadequate structural design
• Poor construction (e.g., inadequate compaction)
Small, bowl−shaped depressions in the pavement surface that penetrate all
the way through the layer down to the base course. They generally have
sharp edges and vertical sides near the top of the hole. Potholes are
most likely to occur on roads with thin asphalt surfaces (25 to 50 mm (1
to 2 inches)) and seldom occur on roads with 100 mm (4 inch) or deeper
asphalt surfaces.
Roughness (serious vehicular damage can result from driving across
potholes at higher speeds), moisture infiltration. Pavement roughness is generally
defined as an expression of irregularities in the pavement surface that adversely affect the ride quality of a
vehicle (and thus the user).

Possible Causes:
Generally, potholes are the end result of alligator cracking. As alligator
cracking becomes severe, the interconnected cracks create small chunks
of pavement, which can be dislodged as vehicles drive over them. The
remaining hole after the pavement chunk is dislodged is called a pothole.
The depressions all along the length of the road are called ruts.
Surface depression in the wheelpath. Pavement uplift
(shearing) may occur along the sides of the rut. Ruts are
particularly evident after a rain when they are filled with
There are two basic types of rutting:
i. mix rutting
ii. subgrade rutting
Mix rutting occurs when the subgrade does not rut yet the
pavement surface exhibits wheelpath depressions as a
result of compaction/mix design problems.
Subgrade rutting occurs when the subgrade exhibits
wheelpath depressions due to loading. In this case, the
pavement settles into the subgrade ruts causing surface
depressions in the wheelpath.
Ruts filled with water can cause vehicle hydroplaning, can
be hazardous because ruts tend to pull a vehicle
towards the rut path as it is steered across the rut.

Possible Causes:
• Insufficient compaction of pavement layers during construction. If
it is not compacted enough initially, pavement may continue to
densify under traffic loads.

• Subgrade rutting (e.g., as a result of inadequate pavement


• Improper mix design or manufacture (e.g., excessively high asphalt

content, excessive mineral filler, insufficient amount of angular
aggregate particles)
Plastic Flow Rutting
Rutting in Asphalt Layer
Rutting in Sub-grade or Base
A film of asphalt binder on the pavement surface. It usually creates a shiny,
glass−like reflecting surface that can become quite sticky.
Loss of skid resistance when wet
Possible Causes:
Bleeding occurs when asphalt binder fills the aggregate voids during hot
weather and then expands onto the pavement surface. Since bleeding is not
reversible during cold weather, asphalt binder will accumulate on the
pavement surface over time. This can be caused by one or a combination of
the following:
• Excessive asphalt binder in the asphalt concrete (either due to mix design or
• Excessive application of asphalt binder during BST (bituminous surface
treatment) application
Corrugation and Shoving
Corrugation and Shoving
A form of plastic movement typified by ripples (corrugation) or
an abrupt wave (shoving) across the pavement surface. The
distortion is perpendicular to the traffic direction. Usually
occurs at points where traffic starts and stops (corrugation)
or areas where Hot mix asphalt (HmA) abuts a rigid object
Possible Causes:
Usually caused by traffic action (starting and stopping)
combined with:
• An unstable (i.e. low stiffness) HMA layer (caused by mix
contamination, poor mix design, poor HMA manufacturing,
or lack of aeration of liquid asphalt emulsions)
• Excessive moisture in the subgrade
Polished Aggregate
Polished Aggregate
Areas of HMA pavement where the portion of
aggregate extending above the asphalt binder is
either very small or there are no rough or angular
aggregate particles.
Decreased skid resistance
Possible Causes:
Repeated traffic applications.
Generally, as a pavement ages the protruding rough,
angular particles become polished. This can occur
quicker if the aggregate is susceptible to abrasion
or subject to excessive studded tire wear.
The progressive disintegration of an HMA layer from the
surface downward as a result of the dislodgement of
aggregate particles.
Loose debris on the pavement, roughness, water collecting in
the raveled locations resulting in vehicle hydroplaning, loss
of skid resistance
Possible Causes:
Several including:
• Loss of bond between aggregate particles and the
asphalt binder as a result of:
– A dust coating on the aggregate particles that forces the
asphalt binder to bond with the dust rather than the

– Inadequate compaction during construction. High density is

required to develop sufficient cohesion within the HMA.

• Mechanical dislodging by certain types of traffic

(studded tires, snowplow blades or tracked vehicles).

Construction Practices
Quality Control

Construction Practices Construction Practices

& &
Quality Control Quality Control

Inadequately Designed Pavements Will Fail Prematurely Inspite

Of Best Quality Control & Construction Practices
The End

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