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exraL4 763577 GRAND JURY PRESENTMENT. On November 7, 2022 the Honorable Judge Anthony L. Harrison, impaneled and administered the oath of office to the November 2022 Term of the Grand Jury of Camden, Georgia. The Jury consisted of the 1. Sarah Wood, Foreperson 2, Karen Edwards, Vice Foreperson 15. Cherrie L. Kilner 3. Tristan Christy, Secretary 5. 4, Michael P. Chiasson 5. Lorinda W. Buck 18. Karen M. Drawdy 6. Sharon F. Johnson 19, Ronald K. Davis 7. Julia M. Alicea 20. Lester F. Szeredy 8. Michael K. Hart 21, Randal M. Reinke 9. Cherilyan M. Mashburn 22, Suenun A. Crader 10, Grace B. Mobbs 23. Cherrell L. Taylor 11. Donna L. Patat 24, Judy McClellan, Alternate 1 12, Christopher Walker 25, Melissa M. Adams (Alternate) 13. Kimberly Blunt 26. Joseph McCollough (Alternate) 14, Justin E, Hand ‘The members of the Grand Jury of the Term of the Superior Court of Camden, Georgia, initially met on November 7, 2022. We respectfully submit this report and presentations of the November 2022 Term. ‘The Honorable Judge Anthony L. Harrison Judge of the Superior Court, having qualified members to serve as grand jurors, instructed members to adjourn to the grand jury room and select officers for their term. The officers elected were: Foreperson: Sarah Wood Vice Foreperson: Karen Edwards Secretary: Tristan Christy Bailiffs: Carolyn Baker, Teresa Sawyer, Benda Martz, Craig McKee, Rhetta Sutton, Faye Chancey, Annette Mainor, Monica McGowan, Alberta Randolph, Darrell Casey, Drucilla Nightingale and Laura Weston District Attomey Keith Higgins administered the oath to the foreperson, the Grand Jury members, and the bailiff. Judge Anthony L. Harrison then charged the Grand Jury with the law concerning their duties and responsibilities as Grand Jurors. The Court then adjourned to allow the District Attomey to meet with the Grand Jury. The Grand Jurors were photographed for their Grand Jufor badges and each was given a Grand Jury handbook. District Attorney Keith Higgins met with the Grand Jury to provide an orientation about the Grand Jury process. Inspection of the Offices of Superior Court and Probate Court ‘On February 24, 2023 a panel of three Grand Jury members conducted an inspection of the offices of Joy Lynn Turner in the Superior Court and Probate Court in Camden County. The pane was comprised of: Sarah Wood (Foreperson), Karen Edward (Vice Chair), and Randal Reinke (Juror). Court was in session during the 9:00 A.M. inspection. Mrs. Tumer gave a guided tour of the office and introduced the panel to the employees currently in office. The offices appeared to be clean, organized, and free of clutter. The panel was shown the on-site storage for case files. The area is in process of having the files converted digitally and was informed that the grant received for this task had been ongoing. They have made significant progress in updating all files to digital before moving them to the off-site storage, or destruction based on the requirements for retention. ‘The panel was also given a tour of the real estate section of the office. This also appeared to be in excellent order. The files appeared to be housed in appropriate containers to prevent damage. Overall the office of the Superior Court was very organized and appeared to be running very smoothly. ‘The office of Probate was inspected at 9:45 A.M. The panel of three members were invited to the offices of the Probate Court, During the inspection, the panel met with the staff working in the department that morning. The office appeared clean and free of clutter. The panel was shown the on-site storage facility and the method of storing the files was explained. All staff were very accommodating and no issues were noted by and of the staff. The overall assessment of the building was that the offices appear to be running as intended. Neither office noted any issues in storage, staffing, or supplies. The one concem noted was the Facilities Maintenance Department could do better. The building exterior is in need of pressure washing, column repair, and the front of the steps were ‘damaged at the time of the walk-through. The windows were very dirty outside. The restrooms, specifically upstairs, were in need of supplies and the handicap bathroom was noted to be out-of-order for the second month in a row. Presentment of Cases for Indictment During the November 2022 Term of the Camden County Grand Jury, a total of 13 cases were presented by the District Attomey for criminal indictment, a total of 42 Counts were True Billed and a total of 1 Counts were No Billed. pxeais PoEs79 General Recommendations We the Grand Jury make the following recommendations: ‘The Grand Jury voted to form a committee to investigate the Spaceport in Camden County. The committee was comprised of Christopher Walker (juror), Joseph McCollough (juror) and Cherrie Kilner (juror). The committee began to look into issues related to the Spaceport’s finances and vendors. Grand Jury issued subpoenas to the Camden County Attomey, John Myers, the County Administrator, Shawn Boatright, and all five of the County Commissioners for the following: 1. All vendor bids from Spaceport-related vendors 2. All contracts and contract revisions from Spaceport-related vendors 3. All invoices received from Spaceport-related vendors 4, All payments to Spaceport-related vendors 5, All deliverables received according to the contracts between Camden County and Spaceport-related vendors 6. All vendor activity reports given to the Camden County Spaceport Administration 7. All communications (emails, texts, etc.) between Spaceport Administration and Spaceport-related Vendors” ‘The following was provided as a result ofthe subpoenas: Item 1 - Materials were not produced because they do not exist Item 2 - No contracts or contract extensions were provided Item 3 - A plethora of invoices was received Ttem 4 - Payment information was received Item 5 - The County Attorney stated the only deliverables the county has received are: 1) the FAA flight license 2) the various environmental statement reports. Item 6 and 7 - The same answer was provided for both of these items. Our request ‘was too broad as there are hundreds of thousands of emails, texts, etc. No materials were provided. ‘The committee and District Attomey’s office were in receipt of a hard drive with documents (thousands) on March 14, 2023. The committee has not had ample time to review the documents. We recommend that the District Attomey’s office make future Grand Jurys aware that there might be recommendations for them in the previous Grand Jury report. suesit P62500 We recommend that future Grand Jurys take up this investigation into the Spaceport and push for answers for the public. We recommend that the County Commission release all unredacted documents related to the spaceport that have been withheld or previously released redacted. Pursuant to Georgia Code 0.C.G.A. § 15-12-100(a), we recommend that the District ‘Attorney's office petition the chief judge of the Camden County Superior Court to request the empanelment of a special purpose grand jury to investigate the spaceport. ‘The committee members agree to make themselves available in the future to serve as. witnesses. CLOSING REMARKS ‘The members of the Grand Jury wish to express their gratitude to appointed bailiffs, for serving as our Bailifis and taking care of our needs. The members of the Grand Jury also wish to thank the staff of the District Attorney's Office for their assistance. ‘The members of the November 2022 Term are very grateful for being given the opportunity to serve their county in a most important function. Respectfully submitted on the 3 _ day of April, 2023. Foreperson Camden County Grand Jury

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