7 Days Sustainability Challenge (Yash Shukla)

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Name: Yash shukla

Class: MBA(GM)

Roll no : 2202870


Dec 7- Day 1: Use only cloth bags for shopping. No plastic bags to be used. 

Today on day 1 dec-7 I took a cloth bag from my home and aware the people about the use of cloth bags
instead of plastic bags because it is very harmful for us or for our nature because plastic never gets
today I explained every shopkeeper how plastic can harm us and suggest them to use cloth or paper bag

Dec 8 - Day 2: Start waste segregation at home, Educate family about the importance of waste
segregation - wet/dry/e-waste in 3 different colored waste buckets. Label them. 

Today on day-2 dec 8 I take 3 bucket 1st one for dry waste and 2nd one is for wet waste and 3rd one is for E-
waste, today I also made my family members to understand the concept of swachbharat and explain the
concept of reduce, recycle, and remanufacturing and now they are using three dustbins of three different
colors each one is for different use 1st for dry waste 2nd for wet waste and last one is for e-waste.
Dec 9 - Day 3: Travel to and from the Institute/market either walking or cycling or using a non-
petrol/diesel vehicle. A big challenge 

Today on day 3 dec 9 I decide that I will not use any vehicle which can be the cause of pollution so from my
home to baghwan talkies I use electric bus and I walked from baghwan talkies to DEI.

Dec 10 - Day 4: Learn how to wrap a gift by reusing old waste materials at home (Do not destroy
what can still serve a purpose)

Today on day 4 dec 10 I used leaves and cardboard to wrap a gift

Dec 11 - Day 5: Plant a new sapling/tree at home - what did you plant?

Today on day 5 dec 11, today I planted a new crassula plant(jade).

Jade Plant benefits.

1. It Improves Indoor Air Quality.

2. It Increases Humidity.

4. Easy to Maintain.

5.Traditional Chinese medicine has mentioned the Jade plant as a diabetes remedy.

7. It Absorbs CO2 in the Night.

Dec 12 - Day 6: Compare the prices of vegetables/fruits sold by your local vendor and the Mandi
nearest to your house. What did you find? 

Today on day 6 dec 12, today I went to dayalbagh market and ask the prices of vegetables from a vegetable
seller and after that I went to another market and then ask for the prices after this process I can see the
changes in prices in dayalbagh market the prices of ginger is 80rs and at my local market the price of
ginger is 100rs

Prices in dayalbagh market Prices at local market

Potato 20/kg Potato 25/kg
Ginger 80/kg Ginger 100/kg
Carrot 10/kg Carrot 15/kg
Dec 13 - Day 7: Sell the waste to a local kabadiwala. How much money did you make?

Today on day 7(final day) dec 13 I collect all raddi(newspapers, waste paper, cardboard) and sell it to a
kabadi and it was 4 kg and the price of raddi was 12/kg so I got 48rs from the kabadi in the exchange of
my waste.
Reviews of seven day sustainability challenge

In this challenge I learn many manners and the way of living and feeling good after doing 7
days tasks.
The task which I have done in this challenges are following :
Day 1: say no to plastic.
Day 2: use three different dustbins for dry waste, wet waste and e-waste.
Day 3: say no to pollution.
Day 4: learn how to wrap a gift.
Day 5: planted a new tree.
Day 6: compare the price of vegetables in two different markets.
Day 7: sell the waste to local kabadiwala.

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