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Capstone Update #2

What I have accomplished so far

From my last capstone update, I have completed making more incense holders and I have made an
Instagram account to display what I will have for sale, and some of the old pieces I have created. I still
only have 3 incense holders fully fired and painted, but I have many holders pre-made that just needs
designs put on them.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

By the end of the week I plan to accomplish having my instagram account fully set up so I can start
posting and asking what people want to see. I also hope to have more holders finished before the end of
the week if I can get my account up faster.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

•more time dedicated to building at home

•to know what people want on the holders

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

Some challenges I’ve encountered would be what to build and what not to build. I have been thinking
about only doing holders instead of cups too, and maybe switch to custom orders instead. I don’t feel
that many people would buy cups compared to other things that I can make. I do need to be cautious of
the amount of time I have left, but if I were to take custom orders they would have to be simpler. I also
have not been wanting to put much time into ceramics as I used to which could bring me down, but I
hope to stay more on task in class and get more done once I figure out what others want.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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