Commonly Abused Drugs

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Brently Miller

Professor Grisham
1 November 2022

Commonly Abused or Misused Drugs

Many Americans are abusing or misusing drugs which has led to a world-wide problem.

It has been reported that the majority of people are users of opioids, central nervous system

depressants, and central nervous system stimulants. The types of opioids are people commonly

abuse are prescription drugs like oxycodone, meperidine, and hydrocodone. The bad thing about

misusing these prescriptions drugs is after a certain time period of abuse, they become highly

addictive drugs. The types of common drugs abused from the central nervous system

depressants are the ones that treat anxiety, sleep disorders, and panic attacks. Drugs like Valium,

Xanax, and Nembutal can also lead to a heavy addiction after misusing these drugs for a length

of time. Another common type from the central nervous system Dexedrine and Ritalin. Because

these types of drugs increase energy and enhance brain activity that causes the heart rate, blood

pressure and body temperatures to elevate. Those side effects can be extremely harmful and

sometimes fatal. The drug abuse or misuse of drugs occurs when not taking as prescribed. The

abuse comes from not following doctor orders, taking drugs that have not been prescribed for

that person specifically, and pharmacy theft. In most cases, people that abuse drugs want them

in their system faster than taking by mouth. Injecting the substance or inhaling it is the common

way drugs are misused. Pharmacies today are having to be more careful by making sure a

substance prescribed drug has not been filled within the system that month. That is called

doubling up on medication. The above information if from the article titled,

“Most Commonly Abuse” FDA Consumer, September-October 2001, p. 24.

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