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Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago

Recinto Dajabón

Asignatura: Inglés 3 Grupo: _1____ Fecha: ______________

Profesor: Juan Bautista Martínez Ciclo: _1ro_______________


Name______Yeison Yunior Sosa Encarnacion_______ ID Number_1-19-9686_

1. Urban Urbana
2. Public transportation transporte público
3. Freeways Autopista
4. Factory Fabrica
5. Nightlife La Vida nocturno
6. Crowded Atestado
7. Population poblacion
8. Traffic Trafico
9. Noisy Ruidoso
10. Rural Rural
11. Suburb suburbio
12. Commute Viaje diario

A. Match the words in blue in exercise A to the correct meaning.

1. In the city __Urban 7. The number of people who

Live in a place __Rural

2. A town outside of a city__suburb 8. Things to do in the evening__Nightlife

3. A road where cars go fast__Freeways 9. Cars moving on a street__Traffic

4. Travel to your job__Commute 10. Too full__Crowded

5. Trains, buses, and subway___Public transportation 11. Too loud__Noisy

6. A place where workers make things__Factory 12. In the country_Population

1 -Rewrite the sentences using be + going to or will.

1. I think it is going to rain tomorrow.

2. _____________________________ what will the weather be like tomorrow?
3. ________________________________ I’m sure it won’t be sunny today.
4. Are the temperatures going to rise next year? __________________________
5. Is it going to be overcast tomorrow? __________________________________

2 .Make predictions with the prompts

1. You / meet a wonderful woman

You are going to meet a wonderful woman

2. Your wife / be rich

your wife is going to be rich

3. you/ live for more than 100 years

you are going to live more than 100 years

4. You/ travel around the world with your wife

You are going to travel the world with your wife

5. your children / win Olympic medals

Your children are going to win Olympic medals

3. Write the predictions in exercise 2 in the negative.

1. You are not going to meet a wonderful woman.

2. Your wife is not going to be rich.

3. You are not going to live more than 100 years.

4. You are not going to travel the world with your wife.

5. Your children are not going to win Olympic medals.

4. Complete the sentences with will and a verb from the box(2.5 points)
Rain have not go take be live not read

1. The TV weather report says it _will Rain_____ tonight.

2. In 2030, only a few people___will live_______ in rural areas.
3. People___will not read_____ newspapers in the future.
4. I think we__will have____ a test next week.
5. In the future, students___ will not go____ to school.
They________take__________ classes online .

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