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Tasou Isaak 3
Larnaca, 7570
Phone: 2443 3717
Mobile: 9959 3090
Fax: 2443 3717

English: TOEFL-Grade 603 (08/2003)
GCE O’ Level-Grade B (01/2000)
English has also been the language of instruction for all the courses of the B.A. Degree Programme in English
Language and Literature, the M.A. Degree Programme in (English) Applied Linguistics, as well as for the PhD
Programme in (English) Linguistics. This has been of crucial importance since this constant exposure to the
language helped to provide me with a high level of communicative competence in the use of English, as well as
with the theoretical background to understand the structure and use of the language, and the ability to use the
English language in teaching that have been very useful for all the years that I have been involved with the
teaching of English. My teaching experience has made possible the application of theory to practice and
provided me with an understanding of learners as well as their needs and difficulties in the effort to master a
new language.

2017-present PGCert in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - UCLan, UK
2008-2014 Ph.D. in (English) Linguistics - University of Cyprus, Nicosia
2004-2006 M.A. - (English) Applied Linguistics
Grade Point Average (GPA): 8.98/10 Excellent - University of Cyprus, Nicosia
2000-2004 B.A. - English Language and Literature
Grade Point Average (GPA): 8.28/10 Very Good - University of Cyprus, Nicosia
1997-2000 Graduation Certificate (Branch of Classical Studies)
Grade: 18 4/12 Very Good - Saint George Lyceum, Larnaca


Phoevos E. Panagiotidis, PhD
Professor of Theoretical Linguistics
University of Cyprus - Department of English Studies
P.O. BOX 20537, CY-1678 Nicosia, 75 Kallipoleos
Phone: +357 2289 2122

Dimitra Karoulla-Vrikki, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Linguistics
European University Cyprus – Department of Humanities
6, Diogenis Str, 2404 Engomi, Nicosia
Phone: +357 22713000; +357 22713247

Kakia Petinou, PhD

Associate Professor of Speech and Language Pathology
Cyprus University of Technology – Department of Rehabilitation Science
Vragadinou 16 Street, Lemesos
Phone: +357 2500 2497

2017-present Special Scientist, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Cyprus University of Technology
Phone: +357 2500 2486
Job responsibilities: teaching Introduction to Linguistics (SLT130), Language Acquisition
2015-present Associate Lecturer, UCLan Cyprus
Phone: +357 2469 4000
Job responsibilities: teaching Clinical Linguistics and Language Pathology (LG3117),
Contrastive Linguistics (LG3223), Academic Writing (EF1498), Introduction to Phonology
(LG1220), Sociolinguistics (LG2103), Inside English Words (LG2402), Methodology in
TESOL (EB4502), Study and Research Skills (CO1808)
2013-present English teacher at State Institutes of Further Education
Phone: +357 2430 4164
Job responsibilities: teaching D1, E3, E4 and E7 groups
2013-2015 Scientific Collaborator, European University Cyprus, Nicosia
Phone: +357 2271 3258
Job responsibilities: teaching Phonetics and Phonology in Greek (LOG 210), Phonetics and
Phonology in English (LIN 213)
2013-2014 Special Scientist, Department of Education, University of Cyprus
Phone: +357 2289 2940
Job responsibilities: Teaching English to Young Learners (EDU391)
2012-2015 Lecturer in English Language, M.K.C.CityCollege Larnaca
Phone: +357 2481 8571
Job responsibilities: teaching English Writing, English Essay, English Grammar, Elementary
English, Intermediate English, IGCSE/IELTS, teaching English to Russian students
2013 English teacher, KEPA (Productivity Centre), Nicosia
Job responsibilities: teaching English to students between 14-18 years old
2011-2012 Teaching assistant, Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus
Phone: +357 2289 2102
Job responsibilities: correcting assignments, invigilating and correcting final exams,
conducting research
2007-2011 Lecturer in English Language, P.A. College Larnaca
Phone: +357 2402 1528 Fax: 24-021557
Job responsibilities: teaching ENG 101 (English Language I)-IELTS,/academic writing, ENG
102 (English Language II)-essay writing
2006-2007 English teacher, Eurognosi tutorial centre (ΕΥΡΩΓΝΩΣΗ) - Larnaca
Phone: +357 2462 8080
Job responsibilities: groups of junior A - B (EJ2 - EJ3), elementary A, B, C (EK1 –
EK3), elementary (ES1 adults’ group)
2004-2006 English teacher, Y.P.A tutorial centre - Larnaca
Phone: +357 2464 1850
Job responsibilities: junior - intermediate groups
private students between the ages of 14-16 (help with their school h/w)

CyLing (Cyprus Linguistics Society), Nicosia
LAGB (Linguistics Association of Great Britain)
CyTEA (Cyprus Teachers of English Association)


· Acquisition of L2 phonetics and phonology (difficulties of L2 users of English), interlanguage, speech
· Second/foreign language teaching and learning,
· Second language acquisition and foreign language testing,
1. spelling acquisition and assessment in L2
(spelling stages, strategies, difficulties with English orthography esp. sound-symbol correspondences,
differences in writing and spelling between boys and girls, designing of rating scales/scoring rubrics for
spelling accuracy, interrelation of the skills of spelling and writing – use of spelling in context)
2. writing acquisition and assessment in L2 esp. composing
(writing stages, writing assessment and scoring procedures [differences btw formative/summative
assessment, in-class/large-scale assessment contexts, subjective/objective marking, direct/indirect tests,
analytic/holistic scales]),
· Sociolinguistic situation in Cyprus (Cyprus as an EFL/ESL country, status and attitudes toward the EL
and CGD, extent of loanwords from English, code-switching).


Kkese, E. (forthcoming). Assessing L2 Writing in the Absence of Scoring Procedures: Construction of Rating
Scales in a Cypriot-Greek EFL In-Class Context. Journal of English Education.
- Kkese, E. & Lokhtina, I. (2017). Insights into the Cypriot-Greek attitudes toward multilingualism and
multiculturalism in Cyprus. Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 26(2): 227-246.
- Kkese, E., & Petinou, K. (2017). Factors affecting the perception of plosives in second language English by
Cypriot-Greek listeners. In E. Babatsouli (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2017 (pp. 162- 167). ISBN: 978-618-82351-1-3. URL:
- Kkese, E., & Petinou, K. (2017). Perception Abilities of L1 Cypriot Greek Listeners – Types of Errors
involving Plosive Consonants in L2 English. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46(1): 1-25. DOI
- Kkese, E. (2016). Identifying plosives in L2 English: the case of L1 Cypriot Greek speakers. Linguistic
Insights: studies in language and communication, li217. Switzerland: Peter Lang AG.
- Kkese, E. (2012). Constructing Rating Scales for ESL Composing. In D. Tsagari (Ed.) Research on EFL in
Cyprus vol.II. Nicosia: University of Nicosia Press.
- Kkese, E. (2010). Issues in L2 Acquisition of Spelling: When Spelling Tests are simply not Enough. In P.
Pavlou (Ed.) Research on English as a Foreign Language in Cyprus vol.I. Nicosia: University of
Nicosia Press.

- Kkese, E. (in preparation). Index of Control and Spelling Accomplishment in L2

- Kkese, E. (in preparation). Assessing L2 composition writing: the case of spelling.
- Kkese, E. (in preparation). Difficulties identifying non-native phonological segments by L1 Cypriot Greek
- Kkese, E. (in preparation). Attitudes of students in higher education toward code-switching in the CG context.
- Kkese, E. (in preparation). Attitudes of CG users toward code-switching in different domains of use.
- Kkese, E. (in preparation). Attitudes of instructors in tertiary education toward code-switching from English
into the CG dialect.
- Kkese, E. (in preparation). Attitudes of CG users toward English loanwords.
- Kkese, E. & Psalta, L. (in preparation). Perception in L2 acquisition: sensitivity on acoustic, visual and/or
acoustic-visual cues.
- Kkese, E. (in preparation). Perception of plosive consonants in L2 English by CG users: insights from an
ABX test.

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