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The Laver Shawl

Design Elsbeth Steiner

The Laver Shawl gets its name from the tennis Laver Cup 2017 because most of it was knitted that
week. It is an easy to adapt pattern for different sizes and yarns. The yarn used (Grace Harmonies by
Louisa Harding) is not available any more. It is a mix of 50% wool and 50% silk in DK. The silk gives a
very nice shine.

Take needles one or two sizes higher than recommended by the yarn producer to add “air” to the

The shawl is constructed as a triangle. It is a set of stripes in 2 different patterns

Pattern 1: GARTER.
RS: k2, M1, k until 2 stitches before the end of the row, M1, k2
WS: knit

Pattern 2: EYELETS.
RS: k2, yo, (k2tog, yo) repeat () until 3 stitches before the end of the row, k1, yo, k2)
WS: purl

The INCREASES are done on the RS. In the garter pattern by M1, in the eyelets pattern by an
additional yo. Each RS row grows by 2 stitches.

CO 3 stitches
Row 1 WS: k 3
Row 2 RS: k1, M1, k1, M1, k1
Row 3: knit 5
Row 4: k2, M1, k1, M1, k2
Row 5: knit 7
Row 6: k2, M1, k until 2 stitches before the end of the row, M1, k2
Row 7: knit
… repeat the last 2 rows until row 39
Rows 40-49: eyelets (see above)
Rows 50-69: garter
Rows 70-85: eyelets
Rows 86-115: garter
Rows 116-137: eyelets
Rows 138-178 or until desired lengths: garter
For Bind-off I recommend an icord with 3 stitches

Optional: 2 buttons (see photos). Crochet a little rather tight loop into the icord.

Special Stitches
k2tog = knit 2 together
M1 = make one st by picking up the horizontal loop between sts and knitting into the back of it
yo = yarn over, 2

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