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Centrifugal separation means oily water

discharge compliance
Teekay Case story

With a fleet of greater than When it comes to processing oily water at Teekay. “Alfa Laval PureBilge gives us
100 vessels, Teekay is one of the on board, dynamic treatment is a key full peace of mind while providing the
major marine actors in today’s part of Teekay’s environmental strategy. greatest operating economy.”
energy sector. The company takes no Teekay has spent many years working
chances with environmental compli- with Alfa Laval centrifugal separators, Gravity is not enough for today’s
ance, especially when it comes to oily finding them to be the most reliable oily water
water treatment. A large number of and cost-effective means of securing In fact, many ship owners and opera-
Teekay’s vessels rely on centrifugal oily water discharge compliance. Not tors find that static coalescers and
separation and oily water treatment only has much of the Teekay fleet been other gravity-based solutions fail to
systems from Alfa Laval. retrofitted with Alfa Laval oily water perform at sea. The shortcomings
treatment systems, Alfa Laval PureBilge of these systems stem from the
Established in 1973, Teekay has is also the company’s preference for all complex nature of today’s modern
developed from a regional shipping newbuild projects. oily water mixtures, combined with
company into one of the world’s largest a type approval procedure that does
marine energy transportation, storage “In our experience, centrifugal separa- not reflect real-world conditions.
and production companies. Beyond tion is vastly superior to gravity-based
its commitment of bringing energy to oily water treatment solutions,” says
customers worldwide, the company Allan Muir, Director Digital Supply Chain
is committed to meeting or exceeding
environmental requirements.
Though MEPC 107(49) improved
the type approval tests for oily water
separators, for example by adding fine
particles and a surfactant chemical into
the testing mix, the tests still last only
2.5 hours – and are performed in stable
conditions on land. As a result, nearly
any solution can pass with the help of
chemicals or adsorption filters.

“A lot of particles, chemicals and

detergents make their way into bilge
water, which means you end up with
difficult emulsions that just don’t settle
out,” says Muir. “If your oily water
treatment system relies on chemicals
or filters, things can get messy and
expensive very quickly on a rolling and
pitching ship. The filters rapidly become
saturated and your ability to comply is
suddenly limited.”

Centrifugal separation with

Alfa Laval PureBilge
In contrast to static coalescers and
other gravity-based solutions, centrifugal
separators can treat the most chal- Independently tested by Teekay Ensuring the right way is
lenging oily water efficiently. Unaffected The benefits of centrifugal separators the only way
by pitch and roll, they supply many are clear to Teekay, whose fleet “PureBilge is an important part of
times the force of gravity, which allows includes many installations of PureBilge Teekay’s fleet strategy, but it also
them to break emulsions and perform and its predecessor, Alfa Laval means peace of mind for our individual
even in rough seas. EcoStream. Many of these oily water crews,” Muir concludes. “Because
treatment systems have been operating PureBilge operates so reliably and with
Alfa Laval PureBilge meets the for over a decade, having been installed so little effort, there is never any ques-
15 ppm IMO discharge limit without after Teekay’s own comprehensive tion of discharging oily water overboard.
ever resorting to filters or chemicals. performance testing in 2006. PureBilge helps us do our part for the
Thanks in part to its XLrator disc inlet, environment as a fleet, and it makes it
which prevents additional emulsions by “Before committing to centrifugal easy for our crews to do the right thing
gently accelerating the process liquid, separation, we independently tested the as well.”
it provides continuous, high-capacity Alfa Laval technology with four different
cleaning in any sea conditions. Though types of oils and three different types
it requires virtually no attention from of chemicals, as well as mud and rust
the crew, PureBilge has no difficulty mixed into seawater and fresh water,”
keeping up with the vessel’s bilge water explains Muir. “It was only after we
production. confirmed their strong onboard perfor-
mance that we decided to retrofit Alfa
Laval centrifugal separators.”

100000935-1-EN 1811 Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.

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