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Record No.: IRSINOy-Tior 11130032 Indian Register of Shipping ENGINE INTERNATIONAL AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION (EIAPP) CERTIFICATE Issued under the provisions of the Protocol of 1997, as amended by resolution MEPC.176(58) in 2008, to amend the International Convention for the Prevention Pollution from ships, 1973, as modified of the Protocol of 1978 related thereto (hereinafter refered to as "the Convention’) under the authority of the Government of wll, by Indian Register of Shipping Rated Engine Engine Mocel Number | Serial | Tost | Power (kw) | ,cr2ine, Manufacturer Number | oye) | and Speed | APEFOral (RPM) savor rena, | oy Nog fb fena...| oreaaue | ies | ex | sooqaeco | MOsTH This to Cortity: 1. That the above-mentioned marine diesel engine has been surveyed for pre- certteation in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines 2008 made mandatory by ‘Annex VI of the Comention; and 2. That the pre-certification survey shows that the engine, its components, adjustable features, and Technical Fie, prior to the engine's installation and/or service on board a ship, fully comply wth the applicable regulation 13 of Annex VI ofthe Convention. ‘This certificate is valid forthe life of the engine subject to surveys in accordance with Regulation § of Annex v/ of the Convention, installed in ships under the authority of this Government Issued at. Bk alghap- Date : 10" June 2013, (U.S: KALGHATGI) (CHIEF SURVEYOR a Form No, EIAPPIREVO Record No.: IRSINOx-Tior 11130032 Indian Register of Shipping ‘Supplement to Engine international Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate RECORD OF CONSTRUCTION, TECHNICAL FILE AND MEANS OF VERIFICATION In respect of the provision of Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Polution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocols of 1978 and 1087 relating thereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention") and of the Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines 2008 (hereinafter referred to as the °NOy Technical Code”) Notes: 4. This Record and its attachments shall be permanently attached to the EIAPP Corticate, 2. Unless otherwise steted, regulations mentioned inthis Record refer to regulations of Antex VI of the Convention and the requirements for an engine's Technical File {and means of veifictions refer to mandatory requirements from the revised NOx, Technical Code 2003. Particulars of the Engine 4.1.Name and address of manufacturer: AB Volvo. th 1.2.Place of engine build: Gothenburg, Sweden. 1.8.Dete of engine buld: 26 March 2012 1.4.Plac of pre-cetficaton survey: Gothenburg, eden 1.5.Dato of re-corction suey: 12 September 2012 _ 1.6.Enine type and model number : 4SCSA, D1182-A MP 18183 1.7.Engine serial numb 1.8.f applicable, the engine ie a parent engine 5 or a member engine 6 of the following engine family or engine group EF nvm BALMP 1.9.Andhdual Engine oF Engine Family / Engine Group deta: 4.94. Approval Referens... NOx Tie IL/190092, 192. Rated Power (kv) and Speed (RPM)... 499.2450. Fo No: SUPP-EIAPPREW 0 We Record No.: IRSINOx-TiorII130032 Indian Register of Shipping 198. Testeyee(s) 69 4.94, Parent Engine (s) test fuel ol speciation ...»,80:F:0MA Grade 4.95. Applicable NOx Emission Limit (ghWh), regulation 134 ...7.7 Parent Engne’s Emission Value (9K) ...6.9. 2, Particulars ofthe Technical File ‘The Technical Fle, as required by chapter 2 of the NOx Technical Code, is an essential pat of the EIAPP.Certfeste and must alvays accompany an engine throughout ts fe and aways be avaliable onboard a ship. 2..Technical Fle dntiicationlapproval number D1 1-MPCTielN"IRS" E800 2.2. Technical File apzroval date. ‘0 June, 2013. 3. Specification for the On-board NOx verification Procedures ‘The specications for the on-board NOx vericaion procedures, as required by chapter 6 of the NCx Technical Code 2008, are an essential pert of the EIAPP Carificate and must always accompany an engine through its life and always be available on board a ship. 3.1. Engine Parameter Check method 3.1.4. Identicationfapproval number... Section 2.of Technical File, with. above approval.number 3.41.2. Approval date .....10! June 2013, 3.2. Direct Measurement and Monitoring method: 3.2.1. — Identication/approval number ....NA. 3.2.2. Approval dete ....NA. ‘Alternatively the Simplified Measurement method in accordance with 6.3 of the NOx ‘Technical Cade maybe ullized. Issued at a (Pace of issue of the record) Mahe Jo! June. 2013 U. S. KALGHATGI CHIEF SURVEYOR (Gianature of duly authorized official issuing the Record) For No: SUPP-EIAPPIRew 0 Rocord No.: IRSINOs-Tior 11130032 Indian Register of Shipping ENGINE INTERNATIONAL AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION (EIAPP) CERTIFICATE Issued under the provisions of the Proiocol of 1997, as amended by resolution MEPC.176(68) in 2008, to amend the International Convention for the Prevention Pollution from ships, 1973, as modified of the Protocol of 1978 related thereto (hereinafter refered fo as “the Convention’) under the authority of the Government of nl i. by Indian Register of Shipping Engine Model Number | Seral_| Test Power kW) rae Manufacturer Number | Cycle (s) | and Speed | APProve (RPM) dbvasrana,| ormzaue | sows | es | ass@auo | Mamet! This to Cortity: 4, That the above-mentioned marine diesel engine has been surveyed for pre certification in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines 2008 made mandatory by ‘Annex VI of the Convention; and 2, That the pre-cetificalion survey shows that the engine, its components, adjustable features, and Technical Fle, prior to the engine's installation andlor service on board a ship, fully comply wih the applicable regulation 13 of Annex VI of the Convention. ‘This certificate is valid forthe life of the engine subject to surveys in accordance with Regulation 6 of Annex VI of the Convention, installed in ships under the authority ofthis Government. Issued at, Mumbai. Date : 10" Juno 2013 (U.S. KALGHATGI) CHIEF SURVEYOR Form No, E|PPIRBV.0 Record No.: IRSINO,-Tior 11130032 Indian Register of Shipping ‘Supploment to Engine International Air Pollution Provention (EIAPP) Certificate RECORD OF CONSTRUCTION, TECHNICAL FILE AND MEANS OF VERIFICATION In respect of the provkion of Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution fom Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocols of 1978 and 1967 relating thereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention’) and of the Technical Code on Control of Emssion of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines 2008 (hereinafter refered to as the "NOx Technical Code") Notes: 4. This Record and its attachments shall be permanently attached to the EIAPP Certificate, 2, Unless otherwise stated, regulations mentioned in this Record refer to regulations ‘of Annex VI of the Convention and the requirements for an engine's Technical File land means of verifications refer to mandatory requirements from the revised NOx Technical Code 2008. 4. Particulars of the Engine 11.Name and address of manufacturer: AB Volvo Penta. ihenburs, Swe 1.2,Place of engine build : Gothenburg, Sweden. 41.3.Date of engine build: 26 March 2012 _ 414,Place of pre-certiication survey : Gothenburg, Sweden 45.Date of pre-certeation survey : 12 September 2012 418.Engine type and model number : 4SCSA, D1182-A MP 4.7.Engine serial number : 18183. 4.8.16 applicable, the engine is a parent engine Ror a member engine EF of the following engine family El or engine group EF Date 1.9.ndividual-Engine-or Engine Family | Engine Group details: 1.9.1. Approval Reference. NO Tier IL/190092, ana 1.9.2. Rated Powor (RW) and Speed (RPM)... 499.@ 2450. aim No: SUPP-EIAPP/Rev.© Record No.: IRSINOx-Tior 1130032 Indian Register of Shipping 198, Testoyees) BB 4.94. Parent Engne (s) test el specication... ISO-E-OMA Grade 4.95. Applicable NOx Emission Lint (QhWh), oguation 13.4.2 Parent Engne's Emisson Vale (Wh)... 2, Particulars ofthe Technical Fle The Technical Fla, a8 requred by chapter 2 ofthe NOx Technical Code, is an Cevontal pat ofthe EIAPP Ceres and mist abtays accompany an engine throughout fe and always be avaliable on boar ship. 2.1. Technical Fle ienticaonapproval number 01r-MECTleIN IRS" £9°00 2.2. Techical Fe approval date... 1 pe 2013. 3. Specification for the On-board NOx ver ication Procedures ‘The specifications for the on-board NOx verification procedures, as required by chapter 6 of the NOx Technical Code 2008, are an essential part of the EIAPP Cerificate and must always accompany an engine through its life and always be available on board a ship. 431. Engine Parameter Check method: 3.1.4. Identicatiovapproval number .... Section. 2. of Technical Fle with, above approval number 3.1.2. Approval date .....10! June 2013, 3.2. Direct Measurement and Monitoring method: 3.2.1, Identicatiovapproval number ....NA. 3.2.2, Approval date .....NA. 7 ‘Alternatively the Simplified Measurement method in accordance with 6.3 ofthe NOx ‘Techical Code may be utlized. Iseued at ‘Mumba (Pace of issue of the record) Ciialihait 19! June.2013 U.S, KALGHATGI CHIEF SURVEYOR (Signature of duly authorized official issuing the Record) Fox No: SUPP-EIAPPYRev.0 VOLVO PENTA. Technical File D11-MP*IRS*E3 ‘According to Revieed MARPOL Annox VI and NO, Technical Code 2008 Manufacturer: ‘AB Volvo Penta Engine Famiy “DIEM Famlyapprovalno, _IRSINOx-Tir 1130032 Engine Type: 1182-4 MP Engine Seraino: 16163 Date of Manufacture: 2012-03-26 Rated Power: 493 kW Rated Speed: 2450 rpm ~ contents 4 Companents sting and operating values ofthe ‘Sai eh nonce NOx rmanone 2. Onboard vtleston procedure 8 -Test repr oparent engl, E8-2yc6 4. Spciatnat spar pars [EXATED FOR COMPLIANCE Wit no Wo. Tt CODE REQUIREMENTS lonBEHALE OF GOVT.OF..NDIA.. INDIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING MUMBA pare ye ut a ot RevieweD ey: EXAMITED BY pitserrarnnesos For PARENT ENGINE VOLVO PENTA 4, Components, soting and operating values of the engine that influence NOsemissions anmon components win he engine oly ae HE are = Cylinder Head 21376089 21378880 coma cowie | mere ian a . To cher aueewsr | eon car Arcuowr | stone | stars eco cuenta aes ctor mae ma | eae ‘iocroieconvtunt | aserscr | aretar rane Bower WW Speed to Aopen 5 res oom ous oe Berns | Bir | Zones | Zar Barer | mizren mare omnes aivesies | ates ws ansies 1rsandinboa oton | Muza tesco | mona | Mast “porary ad on DHB2.A MP engres (PS). Tha PS vequtes igh rue op ormueciomnsset sheet 22 VOLVO PENTA ata Maximum 268 watartemp, appiabie 3 Mexia charge amp appeso we. oxi ash water Keo Cooley appt | WA Low igh tmp. eoong system et polite Navowre inur t opesion 2168 xin exhaust ack presture 1640 ‘treating el opcteaton Aco omer mar Pens secon “Tes eo ofp engineer dein dei ot engin tay praeracnnsesoo VOLVO PENTA 2. On board verification procedure Component radar Tineavon os aa FeO ar ot ach sytoe (a yer oss Senwncenenmnaotcwaein | Seergue ib nba on pO GOT ape Pen ‘Srcweniiatoutaunicnoynvects | ee Faues —— See 0 TREAT so eT ‘Cock 0 nant on Wp eae niet ‘gamutentoufevennbecares ~ Senonlog nae ec wt vale jesernorte ‘See meron hcl oz ‘Becsone cone ent] Gane chad by aeg aagrarcwolata srosemeet seven oa Chepesircoder | TelO number wamped on ne ous ‘etry soretpaon sa der toad Cconpreesn roto | ennai pectin rcanmanoe at evra thn oder hea raoved “hel ruber eld th ar andoT baie Sterahearteé soteconctnis | e070? 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