Chapter 6 Hematology and Immunology - Blood and The Lymphatic System

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Medical Language, 4e (Turley)

Chapter 6 Hematology and Immunology — Blood and the Lymphatic System

6.1 Multiple-Choice Questions

1) Pan/cyto/-penia could be found in a patient with ________.

A) septicemia
B) lymphadenopathy
C) failure of the bone marrow to produce stem cells
D) iron-deficiency anemia

2) Bence Jones protein is found in the urine of a patient with ________.

A) infectious mononucleosis
B) multiple myeloma
C) folic acid—deficiency anemia

3) A patient with lymphoma or leukemia would receive which cancer treatment?

A) bone marrow transplantation
B) blood transfusion
C) prothrombin time
D) excisional biopsy

4) To keep the red blood cell count from decreasing in a patient receiving a chemotherapy drug,
the physician would prescribe a/an ________ drug to stimulate the bone marrow to make
A) vitamin B12
B) erythropoietin
C) immunosuppressant
D) anticoagulant

5) Which is a bleeding disease, NOT related to genetics, in which blood clots use up platelets
and fibrinogen so much that there is spontaneous bleeding from various places in the body?
A) hemophilia A
B) acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
C) disseminated intravascular coagulation
D) mononucleosis

6) The heterophil antibody test can aid in the diagnosis of ________.

A) infectious mononucleosis
B) HIV infection
C) septicemia
D) hemolysis

7) Anemia can be caused by a deficiency of which of the following nutritional substances?

A) calcium and vitamin K
B) magnesium and vitamin C
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C) zinc and vitamin A
D) folic acid and vitamin B12

8) The physician ordered bloodwork for his patient to include red blood cell indices. This test
would determine the ________.
A) WBC count
B) mean cell volume
C) clotting time
D) blood type

9) The patient who has ________ will be prescribed antiretroviral drugs.


10) Which of the following is the most abundant plasma protein?

A) albumin
B) ferritin
C) bilirubin
D) bicarbonate

11) John Alavent has hemophilia A. He requires treatment with a factor ________ drug to
prevent episodes of bleeding.
A) I
D) X

12) If a patient has a splenectomy, he or she has lost an organ that ________.
A) produces lymphocytes
B) stores whole blood
C) manufactures blood proteins
D) releases histamine

13) A patient with type B blood was accidentally given a transfusion of type A blood. Red blood
cells were destroyed, and this is known as ________.
A) hemo/-lysis
B) hemo/-stasis
C) hypercalcemia
D) coagulation

14) The source of passive immunity that a mother gives to her infant through breast milk is
known as ________.
A) IgA
B) IgD
C) IgM
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D) IgE

15) Patients taking the drug heparin will have a higher-than-normal value for ________ on their
blood test.
A) thrombocytes
B) partial thromboplastin time
C) hemoglobin
D) mean cell volume

16) The patient came to the clinic with a sore throat and a fever. If he has a bacterial infection,
which cells in his blood would engulf and destroy the bacteria? phagocytosis
A) lymph nodes
B) eosinophils
C) neutrophils
D) thrombocytes

17) Select the lab test that reports the percentage of red blood cells in a sample of blood.
B) IgA

18) The Schilling test is done to diagnose ________.

A) sickle-cell anemia
B) pernicious anemia
D) mononucleosis

19) Which is a type of anemia caused by a genetic abnormality in the structure of hemoglobin
that causes abnormally shaped red blood cells?
A) polycythemia vera
B) multiple myeloma
C) sickle cell anemia
D) pernicious anemia

20) A ferritin (Fe) blood test indirectly measures the amount of ________ stored in the body.
A) potassium
B) erythrocytes
C) iron
D) leukocytes

21) Because of their irregular shape, sickle cells can be categorized as ________.
A) phagocytosis
B) thrombocytes
C) pancytopenia
D) poikilo/cyt/o-sis

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22) Which is the most common leukocyte, comprising 54—62% of the leukocytes in the blood?
A) neutrophils
B) eosinophils
C) basophils
D) monocytes

23) Which cells are active in the blood-clotting process?

A) leukocytes
B) lymphocytes
C) thrombo/cytes
D) white blood cells

24) A person with type A blood has ________.

A) both A and B antigens on their erythrocytes
B) neither A nor B antigens on their erythrocytes
C) B antigens on their erythrocytes
D) A antigens on their erythrocytes

25) Microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, or yeast that invade the body are
known as ________.
A) tumors
B) pathogens
C) interferon
D) immunoglobulins

26) The body's continuing immune response and defense against pathogens it has seen before is
known as ________.
A) active immunity
B) passive immunity
C) immunoglobulins
D) graft-versus-host

27) Which antibody is found on the surface of a B cell and activates it to become a plasma cell?
A) IgA
B) IgD
C) red blood cell antigen
D) IgG

28) There are ________ different classes of immunoglobulins.

A) seven
B) ten
C) four
D) five

29) Which is a very large cell whose cytoplasm breaks away at the edges to form individual
A) platelet
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B) macrophage
C) mega/karyo/-cyte
D) monocyte

30) Which is a condition in which the number of erythrocytes in the blood is decreased?
A) poikilocytosis
B) Hodgkin's disease
C) polycythemia vera
D) anemia

31) Which type of anemia is caused by failure of the bone marrow to produce erythrocytes?
A) iron-deficiency anemia
B) a/plast/-ic anemia
C) pernicious anemia
D) sickle-cell anemia

32) An abnormal increase in the number of erythrocytes due to uncontrolled production is known
as ________.
A) poly-/cyth/emia vera
B) leukemia
C) anemia
D) embolism

33) Which medical word is used to refer to cancer of the white blood cells?
A) leuk/o-emia
B) anemia
C) multiple myeloma
D) blood dyscrasia

34) Which infectious disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)?

A) multiple myeloma
C) mononucleosis
D) hemophilia

35) Which medical procedure involves the separation of plasma from the blood cells in whole
A) stem cell transplantation
B) plasma/-pheresis
C) blood donation
D) blood transfusion
36) Which type of drug is given to suppress the immune response and decrease inflammation?
A) thrombolytic drug
B) protease inhibitor drug
C) anticoagulant drug
D) corticosteroid drug
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37) Lymph/adeno/pathy can occur in the ________.
A) neck
B) axillae
C) groin
D) all of the above

38) The formed elements of the blood are suspended in the liquid known as ________.
A) plasma – 55%
B) lymphocyte
C) thymus
D) erythroblast

39) Which is the most numerous type of blood cell?

A) erythrocyte
B) plasma cell
C) leukocyte
D) neutrophil

40) Which of the following is NOT a type of leukocyte?

A) erythro/cyte = rbc
B) neutrophil
C) eosinophil
D) basophil

41) Platelets (Thrombocytes) are active in which process?

A) carrying oxygen
B) fighting infection
C) immune response
D) blood clotting

42) When an injury occurs, thrombocytes stick to the damaged area of the blood vessel wall and
form clumps to block the blood flow. This process is known as ________.
A) hematopoiesis
B) plasmapheresis
C) stem cell transplantation
D) aggregation

43) The body's immune response can detect and destroy which of the following?
A) bacteria
B) viruses
C) protozoa
D) all of the above

44) Any disease involving the blood cells is called a blood ________.
A) pancytopenia
B) septicemia
C) dyscrasia
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D) anisocytosis

45) What blood test is performed to manually examine the characteristics of erythrocytes and
A) electrophoresis
B) peripheral blood smear
C) white blood count
D) blood chemistries

46) The abbreviation DVT refers to a ________.

A) blood clot in the vein thrombosis
B) lymph node in the neck
C) condition of anemia
D) type of blood cell

47) Agglutination means ________.

A) swelling
B) painful
C) clumping together
D) diseased

48) Which structure filters the lymph?

A) lymph node
B) erythrocyte
C) lymphatic vessel
D) thymus

49) Which are the smallest leukocytes?

B) lymphocytes
C) monocytes
D) basophils

50) All of the following are TRUE of the spleen EXCEPT ________.
A) it produces red blood cells red bone marrow
B) it stores supplies of blood
C) it removes old red blood cells
D) it contains B and T lymphocytes

51) Where do all lymphatic vessels end?

A) at one main lymph node
B) in the spleen
C) in large veins in the neck
D) in the heart

52) Where is the thymus located?

A) posterior to the stomach
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B) in the red bone marrow
C) beside large lymphatic ducts
D) within the mediastinum

53) All of the following are specialized types of lymphocytes EXCEPT ________.
A) natural killer (NK) cells
B) helper T cells
C) interleukin
D) suppressor T cells

54) A red blood cell that is very small is said to be ________.

A) normocytic
B) micro/cytic
C) hypochromic
D) sickled

55) Leukemia is named according to the type of leukocyte that is most prevalent in the blood and
whether ________.
A) it is cancerous or not
B) infection is also present
C) the onset was acute or chronic
D) there is also lymphadenopathy

56) Hemophilia is caused by an abnormal gene on ________.

A) the Y chromosome carried by the father
B) factor VIII in the blood
C) the X chromosome carried by the mother
D) cancerous lymphocytes in the blood

57) The patient's own blood that is collected, filtered, and returned to the patient during surgery
is known as ________ blood.
A) sickle-cell
B) plasma
C) clotted
D) auto-/logous

58) Which word is MISSPELLED?

A) spleen
B) spleenectomy
C) splenic
D) splenomegaly

59) Viscosity refers to the ________ of the blood.

A) color
B) pH
C) thickness
D) clotting time
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60) Which word is MISSPELLED?
A) albumin
B) hematopoiesis
C) corticosteroid drug
D) hematacrit

61) All of the following are electrolytes in the plasma EXCEPT ________.
A) bicarbonate
B) Rh factor
C) sodium
D) potassium

62) All of the following are laboratory tests to detect HIV EXCEPT ________.
A) WBC differential
B) CD4 count
D) viral RNA load test

63) All of the following are types of leukemia EXCEPT ________.


64) Which of the following contains hemoglobin that transports oxygen to the cells?
A) plasma
B) blood type
C) erythrocyte
D) lymph

65) All of these help form a clot EXCEPT ________.

A) thrombocytes
B) clotting factors
C) leukocytes = WBC – fight infection
D) fibrin

66) The combining form erythr/o- means ________.

A) "inflammation"
B) "red"
C) "cancer"
D) "white"

67) Leukemia is a/an ________.

A) bacterial infection of the blood
B) enlargement of the spleen
C) cancer with too many white blood cells
D) type of parasite
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68) Based on the meaning of the word part path/o-, you can define the word pathogen as an
organism that produces ________.
A) disease
B) allergy
C) cancer
D) anemia.

69) A/nemia is characterized by ________.

A) blood clots
B) a bacterial infection of the blood
C) a decreased number of erythrocytes
D) too many white blood cells

70) Which type of anemia is due to a genetic abnormality?

A) sickle-cell anemia
B) pernicious anemia
C) iron-deficiency anemia
D) thrombocytopenia

71) If you have a severe sore throat, the physician might find ________ on your physical exam.
A) pernicious anemia
B) splenomegaly
C) leukemia
D) lymphadenopathy

72) Enlargement of the lymph nodes in a particular area of the body could be caused by
A) cancer
B) a severe infection
C) a sore throat
D) all of the above

73) A cancerous tumor originating in a lymph node is known as a ________.

A) lymph/-oma
B) thymoma
C) splenomegaly
D) multiple myeloma

74) T lymphocytes mature in the ________.

A) spleen
B) liver
C) plasma
D) thymus

75) GVHD develops when ________.

A) the bone marrow does not produce any blood cells
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B) the clotting time is prolonged due to factor VIII deficiency
C) a patient's immune system rejects a donor organ
D) Epstein-Barr virus causes an infection

76) The tissue types of a bone marrow donor and a recipient patient are matched for ________.
A) Reed-Sternberg cells
B) blood type
C) HLA Human leukocyte associated antigen
D) H&H

77) Blood group antigens are protein molecules located on the cell membranes of ________.
A) leukocytes
B) clotting factors
C) thrombocytes
D) erythrocytes

78) The common name is "the kissing disease," but healthcare professionals know it as
A) iron-deficiency anemia
B) mononucleosis
C) transfusion reaction

79) All of these are laboratory tests that measure how quickly the blood clots EXCEPT
C) CD4 count – HIV

80) The combining form leuk/o-, as seen in the word leukemia, means ________.
A) blood
B) connection
C) infection
D) white

81) Each of the following is a meaning for the combining form myel/o- EXCEPT ________.
A) "bone marrow"
B) "shape" poikilo
C) "myelin"
D) "spinal cord"

82) The combining form aggreg/o-, as seen in the word aggregation, means ________.
A) "press down"
B) "crowding together"
C) "immune response"
D) "blood clot"
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83) The combining form coagul/o-, as seen in the word coagulation, means ________.
A) "clotting"
B) "blood clot"
C) "cell"
D) "blood"

84) The combining form phag/o-, as seen in the word phagocytosis, means ________.
A) "eating; swallowing"
B) "large"
C) "white"
D) "cell"

85) The suffix -rrhage, as seen in hemorrhage, means ________.

A) "thing that eats; thing that swallows"
B) "excessive discharge; excessive flow"
C) "surgical removal; surgical excision"
D) "cell; cellular"

86) The suffix -emia means ________.

A) "condition of deficiency"
B) "immature cell"
C) "condition of the blood; substance in the blood"
D) "process of cutting; process of making an incision"

87) The combining form poikil/o-, a seen in poikilocytosis, means ________.

A) "unknown; individual"
B) "immature"
C) "irregular"
D) "like a sickle"

88) The combining form lyt/o-, as seen in hemolytic, means _-lysis_______.

A) "cell"
B) "disease"
C) "weakened"
D) "break down; destroy"

89) The suffix -penia, as seen in thrombocyte/-penia, means "condition of ________."

A) infection
B) bleeding
C) deficiency
D) the blood

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90) The suffix -crit, as seen in hematocrit, means ________ because it refers to the percentage of
the red blood cells within a sample of blood.
A) "cell"
B) "iron"
C) "separation of"
D) "self"

91) The combining form ferr/o- means ________.

A) "blood"
B) "calcium"
C) "iron"
D) "red"

92) The suffix -blast, as seen in erythron-blast, means ________.

A) "blood cell"
B) "stem cell"
C) "immature cell"
D) "lymph cell"

93) Select the CORRECT spelling of the word that means "red blood cell."
A) erithrohsite
B) erithryosite
C) erythrocyte
D) erythryocyte

94) Which is the CORRECT spelling of the medical word that refers to the loss of a large
amount of blood, externally or internally?
A) hemorage
B) hemorrage
C) hemorrhage
D) hemmrhage

95) Which word or phrase is MISSPELLED?

A) leukemia
B) thrombosite - thrombocyte
C) coagulopathy
D) Hodgkin's disease

96) A bone marrow aspiration is done by taking red marrow from the ________.
A) blood
B) lymph node
C) hip bone
D) spleen

97) A low level of ________ in a person with sickle-cell disease causes the red blood cells to
have a crescent or sickle shape.
A) ferritin
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B) immunoglobulin
C) factor VIII
D) oxygen

98) Which word parts do you need to build a medical word that means "excessive flow or
discharge of blood"?
A) -lysis, hypo-, erythr/o-
B) -rrhage, hem/o-
C) -oma, macr/o-, hemat/o-
D) -cyte, thromb/o-, rrag/o-

99) Which word parts do you need to build a medical word that means "one who specializes in
blood and its study"?
A) -logy, hem/o-, log/o-
B) -penia, cyt/o- thromb/o-
C) -ist, hemat/o-, log/o-
D) -ure, electr/o-, ly/o-

100) Which is the primary accented syllable in the pronunciation of hemophilia (hee-moh-fil-ee-
A) hee
B) moh
C) fil
D) ah

101) Which is the primary accented syllable in the pronunciation of coagulation (koh-ag-yoo-
A) koh
B) ag
C) lay
D) shun

102) Which is the primary accented syllable in the pronunciation of the word antibody (an-tih-
A) an
B) tih
C) baw
D) dee

103) At the site of tissue injury, basophils release ________.

A) fibrin
B) stem cells
C) interleukin
D) histamine

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104) Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) A red blood cell is also known as an erythrocyte.
B) Erythrocytes are the most numerous type of blood cell.
C) Erythrocytes are unusual in that they are just cell fragments.
D) Hemoglobin is an iron-containing molecule that carries oxygen.

105) Old red blood cells are broken down by the ________.
A) red bone marrow
B) spleen
C) yellow bone marrow
D) thymus

106) ________ are cells that engulf and destroy microorganisms.

A) Phagocytosis
B) Erythrocytes
C) Thrombocytes
D) Phagocytes

107) A neutrophil is known by all of the following names EXCEPT ________.

A) seg
B) poly
C) baso

108) Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A) AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease.
B) A patient with antibodies against HIV is said to be HIV negative.
C) The universal symbol for AIDS is a red ribbon.
D) AIDS is caused by a retrovirus.

109) Another name for a blood clot is a ________.

A) thrombus
B) lymphocyte
C) fibrin strand
D) pathogen

110) Blood type ________ is the universal donor.

A) AB positive
B) B negative
C) O positive
D) O negative

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111) Before a patient can receive a blood transfusion, a/an ________ must be done.
A) type and crossmatch
B) bone marrow aspiration
C) electrophoresis
D) CD4 count

112) ________ is the disease in which the erythrocytes are decreased in number.
A) Coagulopathy
B) Septicemia
C) Leukemia
D) Anemia

113) The word micro/cytic refers to a red blood cell that is ________.
A) normal in size
B) normal in color
C) small in size
D) pale in color

114) Iron-deficiency anemia can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A) a bacterial infection
B) menstruation
C) deficiency of iron in the diet
D) chronic blood loss

115) Pernicious anemia is caused by a deficiency of ________.

A) folic acid
B) iron
C) vitamin B12
D) oxygen

116) When the antibodies in the patient's serum attack antigens on the erythrocytes of the donor
blood, this is ________.
A) coagulopathy
B) hemophilia
C) an embolus
D) a transfusion reaction

117) In an auto/immune disorder, the body makes ________ against its own tissues.
A) factor VIII
B) vitamin B12
C) antibodies
D) electrolytes

118) The test that determines the amount of different types of immunoglobulins in the blood is
A) the CD4 count
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D) electrolytes

119) ________ is the medical procedure to remove a sample of venous blood for testing.
A) Crossmatch
B) Immunization
C) Phlebotomy (venipuncture)
D) Splenectomy

120) Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is caused by ________.


121) PT and PTT are used to ________.

A) measure the effectiveness of an anticoagulant drug
B) calculate the percentage of red blood cells in a blood sample
C) monitor the progress of HIV infection
D) diagnose pernicious anemia

122) When the body experiences a significant blood loss, the ________ produces the hormone
erythropoietin to stimulate the production of red blood cells.
A) bone marrow
B) kidney
C) spleen
D) thymus

123) The plural form of the singular noun thrombus is ________.

A) thrombuses
B) thrombae
C) thrombi
D) thrombosis

124) The adjective form of the word spleen is ________.

A) spleenal
B) splenic
C) spleenoid
D) spleenic

125) An erythrocyte is another name for a/an ________.

D) CD4

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