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Dear Hiring Manager, 

I am writing to inquire whether you currently have any vacancies available for the position of
academic support teacher. I am passionate about this field and eager to gain experience, so
I am willing to work for a lower salary or even for free if it means getting the opportunity to
work with your team.

I studied English at the Thompson School, and it truly changed my perspective on the world
and had a profound impact on my life. Upon observing your team of teachers, I was inspired
by their dedication and professionalism, which instilled in me a deep appreciation and
admiration for the education industry. Witnessing their passion for teaching and commitment
to their students has motivated me to pursue a career in this field and strive to make a
positive impact on the lives of others.

I found the friendly atmosphere in Thompson School to be very welcoming and inviting,
which was one of the things that initially drew me to the location. Additionally, I was
impressed by the company's core values, which reflect my own personal beliefs and
priorities. These values help to create a positive work environment and a strong sense of
community, which are important factors to me in any workplace.

I am extremely motivated to work with Harry Thompson and join his team, with the goal of
becoming a valuable and integral member of the company. Working at the Thompson School
has always been a dream of mine and a significant career goal. I am passionate about
education and believe that this institution offers a unique and rewarding opportunity to make
a positive impact on students' lives.

Teaching English is my passion, and I am determined to become an accomplished teacher. I

envision my future success in this field and recognize the importance of continuing to
acquire new skills and knowledge to improve as an educator.

While I acknowledge that I have some weaknesses, I am confident in my ability to address

and overcome them. I am committed to continuous self-improvement and am willing to put in
the effort to develop my skills and knowledge. I believe that with dedication and hard work, I
can become a valuable and effective worker.

In conclusion, I am thrilled about the prospect of joining the team at the Thompson School
and contributing to its mission of providing high-quality education to students. Thank you for
considering my application.


Ravshan Ergashev.

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