Texto Inglã©s à - Tica - Undã©cimo

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Freedom is the faculty or capacity of the human being to act according to their values,
criteria, reason and will, with no other limitations than respect for the freedom of others.
There is freedom when people can act without oppression by others. So, an individual is
free or acts in freedom when he is not a prisoner, subject to the orders of others.
Freedom has a sense of individual and social responsibility. So, there is a relationship
between freedom and ethics, acting in freedom is not being carried away by impulses, but
acting with conscience for one's own and common good.
Justice is the virtue of giving each one what corresponds to him. It is a term that comes
from the Latin word "iustitia" and that has different conceptions according to the culture,
the values of each community and the field of application of the term.
Justice is one of the fundamental values of the human being, it is sought that each
individual receives what belongs to him regardless of his way of life; implies full
recognition and respect for human rights. Justice puts each individual in the place they
deserve, without discriminating and respecting their individual liberties.
In Colombia, justice has variations, the political constitution contemplates some rights and
duties that seek to protect freedom and do justice for Colombians, but on many occasions
the victims never receive peace, because human rights are not protected, the different rapes
are reported but the victims sometimes die being victims.
How do you practice freedom and justice?

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