Bell Curves

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Percentile Ranks t-score:
0.1 2 16 50 84 98 99 mean = 50
SD = 10

Mean, Median, z-score:
Mode all equal +/- 1 SD mean = 0
(at 0 SD) 68.26% SD = 1
formula = (𝑋 − Μ)/𝑆𝐷
+/- 2 SDs
95.44% stanine:
(distribution is split into 9 parts)
+/- 3 SDs
99.72% mean = 5
SD = approx. 2
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 each unit = ½ of a SD
Standard Deviation (SD)

The tail tells the tale!

(to remember whether positively or negatively skewed)

Positively Skewed Distribution Negatively Skewed Distribution

Mode Mode

Mode > Median > Mean

Mean > Median > Mode
(opposite from positively skewed)
(alphabetical order)

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