Brianna Alvarez Cover Letter

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Brianna Alvarez

Media Producer/Editor
27 April 2023

Brianna Alvarez
1784 Cheryl Ct.
Ripon, California 95366

Dear Ms. Davis,

It has recently come to my attention that there is a mock interview for work . I have been interested in
working in this field for some time and decided to take up this opportunity. I am interested in working
in production.

This position seems right for me because I am very interested in this position. I know that I am qualified
to workas a contributing member of your department. I have a keen eye for detail and a critical yet
creative mind. I havealways had a creativity and a passionate interest in entertainment and video.
With my experience in high schoolleadership, the ability to listen to others and to work well as part of a
team is also something that is veryimportant that I value. The service-based activities that I have done
during leadership have been inspiring and I wish to continue serving my communities. I have
collaborated with many people in service-based jobs as well as gathered experience with technical
media. I am a great communicator, fluent in both English and Spanish.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to seeing you in April 2023, at
your mock interview and I hope you will take me into consideration if and when filling the position of a
new employee. If you need to contact me my personal phone number is (209)253-9121 and my email is

Sincerely yours,

Brianna Alvarez

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