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Taking off (Doffing) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

1 Gloves 3 Gown 5 Eye protection or

face shield


B C t Handle only by headband or

ear pieces.
t Carefully pull away from face.
C C t Put reusable items in appropriate area
for cleaning.

A Grasp the outside edge of t Put disposable items into garbage

the glove near the wrist and peel
away from the hand, turning the glove
t Hold the glove in the A Carefully unfasten ties.
6 Mask or
N95 respirator
opposite gloved hand. B Grasp the outside of the gown
B Slide an ungloved finger or at the back of the shoulders
thumb under the wrist of the and pull the gown down over
remaining glove. the arms.
C Peel the glove off and over C Turn the gown inside out
the first glove, making a bag during removal. t Bend forward
for both gloves. t Put in hamper or, if disposable, slightly and
t Put the gloves in the garbage. put in garbage. carefully
remove the
mask from
your face by
touching only the ties or elastic

2 Hand hygiene
4 Hand hygiene bands.
t Start with the bottom tie, then
A B remove the top tie.
t Throw the mask in the garbage.
There are different styles of N95
respirators but all styles have the
same basic steps for doffing.
A Using an alcohol-based hand rub t Clean your hands.
is the preferred way to clean your
(See No. 2)
B If your hands look or feel dirty, soap t Exit the patient room,
close the door and
7 Hand hygiene
and water must be used to wash t Clean your hands.
clean your hands again.
your hands.
(See No. 2)

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©2021 Alberta Health Services, IPC
Original date: May 2014
Revised date: April 13, 2021 ECC Approved: April 14, 2021

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