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Multimedia Design Project Assessment (MDPA) Report Template

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Learner Analysis

● I plan to give this assignment to my Algebra 1 class. The age group ranges
with 9th graders and 10th graders. I would give this WebQuest to my
students as a lesson and give them two 45 minute class periods to
complete it in full.
● My school system has 1 to 1 technology for students. Each student will
have their own computer to complete their WebQuest on. However this
assignment can be adjusted into groups if computers are not readily
● Based on my school is 46.3% white, 37.9% African
American, and 6.2% Asian. The student teacher ratio is 17.4 students to 1
teacher, but most classrooms have 25 to 30 students. 22.3% of the student
body is free or reduced lunch.
Context Analysis
Algebra 1 GSE Standards
 MGSE9-12.A.REI.12 Graph the solution set to a linear inequality in two
Technology Standards

 1c Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves

their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways..
 1d Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology
operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current
technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging
 3c Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of
tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate
meaningful connections or conclusions.
Task Analysis
Learning Objectives

 I can graph a linear inequality in desmos graphing calculator

 I can analyze the linear inequality graph and see important characteristics
 I can use the graph of a linear inequality to identify solutions

In this WebQuest students will explore how to graph inequalities and identify
solutions of an inequality. Students will do this in three sections that are guided
by three objectives. The first objective is to teach students how to input
inequalities in desmos graphing calculator online. In section two students will be
able to identify important characteristics of inequality when graphing it. In the
second section they have a practice to complete on Khan Academy. The third
objective is to identify solutions of an inequality after it is graphed. In order to
assess if the students have mastered the standard they will complete three google
forms to see if they have master each objective. If all objectives are mastered the
students will have mastered the standard.
The design of this WebQuest is aimed toward minimal teacher input. The
intended design was to differentiate the process by allowing students to move that
their own pace. I also implemented posted learning goals. By posting the learning
goals students can easily identify what they need to be successful. I also choose to
use Khan Academy for practice because it gives students immediate feedback to
see if they are getting questions correct or incorrect. I included multimedia videos
and pictures in the project. In the future I plan to add audio of all the instructions
on each page.

I decided to develop this WebQuest because there are not many practices on the
internet that focus on a singular inequality. The standard after this has students
work with multiple inequalities with systems of inequalities. Being able to graph
one linear inequality with two variable is a necessary step to complete before
moving on to systems. When designing I looked at the standard and tried to break
it down into three parts or objectives to make it easier for students to accomplish.
This project took me 10+ hours over multiple days because I wanted to make sure
I had the best resources for my students. I even added in my own video in the
second objective because I could not find another that would help. I used a
multitude of programs: weebley, Khan Academy, google forms, and youtube.
In order to implement this into the classroom I would first make sure students had
knowledge of the coordinate plane as well as graphing liner equalities. I would
plan for this to take about 90 minutes in total for all on-level students to complete.
Durring class time students would navigate their way through the WebQuest and
would instruct them to raise their hand when they complete an assessment. I
would have a check list made for each student where I could check of that they
completed each of the assessments for the objectives.
I have not implemented the project as of yet, but when I do I will have each
student bring in their technology device follow the instructions from above.

In order to see if the WebQuest is a success I will look at the overall
completion and grades of the assessments. I have also provided a feedback survey
that will show me how students and other users feel about the WebQuest there is
even a place for them to comment on how to improve the project. In the future I plan
to add in audio files to help students who may have low reading levels.

Reflect on this project around four aspects:

Project Development – I learned that making a WebQuest takes way longer

than I expected. I also learned how to add video onto a webpage and not just
the link. I think this will be a great WebQuest for my students because they
can go at their own pace. There is even more things I could add to this project
such as changing the scale of the graph in the calculator, or extending the
WebQuest to include systems of inequalities. I chose not to add in the extra
things to try in isolate what I wanted students to learn.

Instructional Design – I think the flow of this WebQuest works well as

students can move from section to section. I could have improved the overall
design by adding more pictures and audio for the text. The biggest influence
for my choice of multimedia elements was to keep it student centered. I
wanted this WebQuest to be given to students and studnets be able to
complete it with minimal Teacher input.

Personal Growth – Personally I gained a better understanding of what it is

like to build a WebQuest. I honestly had no idea it would take me as long as it
did. I pushed myself to find the best activities for my students which took
some time to find.
For Others – From this experience I would suggest that if you are creating a
WebQuest create it a little bit at a time and collaborate with other on how it
looks. In my other masters class we submitted our project 3 times before it
was officially graded and we got feedback from our piers. This gave us a
chance to edit it multiple times.

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