Debate .

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Marcus Garvey rightly articulated ‘a person without the knowledge of their past, history , origin

and culture is like a tree without its root'.

Good afternoon to all this is Ananya Tiwari from department of management present before
you to present my views on the topic is the historical significance of a text enough to qualify for
academic I am strongly contesting in the favor of the topic.
So the first question which arises is, how does ancient History contribute to human knowledge
and is it worth to make it a syllabi.
And a common answer present is studying the text with historic background allows us to
understand where we have come from, where we are and how the ancients attempts to shape
their future
Here I want to quote an example of HOMERS EPIC poem The ILIAD which made students
familiar with the first piece of literature and gained insight into the minds of men in desperate
circumstances of war. Study of past is essential for routing people in time . If the educational
systems do not provide a systematic grounding in the study of history or provide student with
useful sights of historical event then people will glean some picture of the past and the role of
themselves from a medley of other resources. People certainly do not really LEARN from future
and the present is so fleeting that everything learn in the present has already became a past by
the time it is consolidated. Ancient Greek philosophers like PLATO and ARISTOTLE or theories
from PYTHAGORAS or ELUCID may seem quintessential Dead ( QT SSENTIAL ) but infact they
laid the foundations of western culture , western education and insights that still dictate
essential features of World right now . such historic text are the pillars of morden world
And this is where I contest in favour that educational curriculum must have the historical
textual content. Learning subjects which have historical significance not only provide a gateway
to the past but is also suggestive of our present. From theory of ATOM by DEMOCRITUS to art
by LEONARDO DA VINCI , Historical text have great impact on morden world and students must
be made aware about the ancestral attempts that shaped the future .
Authors like f Scott Fitzgerald a prime example of this as his novel the great Gatsby by was a
reflection of America during 1920. This is the power that history has. It has the ability to
speaker meaning reform a nation and create movements while being completely eternal and
inevitable. Charles Dickens once quoted ‘reading histories like going back to an old friend ‘. The
diary of a young girl by Anne Frank is a historical literature masterpiece which gives us the
insights of Nazi attack, such books in our curriculum mirrors the society, or plays like Julius
Caesar is the reflection to listen to the voice of individual psyche.
I would end on a note that education is not just concerned with teaching specific task but it
entails forming and informing the whole person, the experience of lining through time. Thus, I
stand in favour of adding text with historical significance in our syllabus.
Thank u

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