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Barry Parker Coaching Journal

Entry 1: Preparing for the first coaching session

I have signed up my co-teacher for my coaching assignments. His name is Mr.
Newton and he is new to our school. He is very helpful and is eager for feedback
when possible. He is older and has been teaching longer than I have so it seems
weird for me to be coaching him. I have mentioned to him to think about what
changes he would like to see in the classroom. The classes that we will be looking
at and working with are Geometry classes. Classes have about 30 students with
Mr. Newton and I as co-teachers.

Entry 2: Experience of first coaching session

My first coaching session went very well I think. Mr. Newton and I had a few
discussions before making our video. I really like the questions that we had to
follow from the Impact cycle made the coaching process easier. I think we have
picked a good goal to increase student vocabulary in the math classroom. Our plan
is to use a check list to sure that we ask all students about what we are learning.

Entry 3: Entry about the second coaching session

In this coaching session Mr. Newton and I planned out how we were going to
reach our goal. I had to adjust our first plan to include a little bit more technology,
but Mr. Newton had a great idea to use Quizizz. We planned for him to see me
using the strategy in class first then he will implement the strategy. We used a
check list to show what the teacher and students should be doing while the
strategy is being implemented. Hopefully we will see an increase in students
vocabulary knowledge.
Entry 4: Entry about third coaching session
LAST JOURNAL ENTRY!!! Practicing coaching for the first time has been very
exciting. In our last meeting after we implemented our strategy we saw
improvement in our students’ vocabulary. We are going to continue to use Quizizz
in warm ups twice a week. Mr. Newton also added that when we look at the data
we will instantly go over any vocabulary that is missed by more than 50% of the
class. Our final goal is to get our students to 80% accuracy on our Quizizz
vocabulary checks.

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