3Rd and 6th Period Letter

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Dear 3rd and 6th periods,

At your table group, assign a group leader in your group. This person will keep the group on
task and make sure you have completed the assignments.

Group leader, read the rest of the letter out loud to your group:

1. read the assignment for the overall essay. You can find this under WRITE THE PAPER
HERE. Print out a copy for each person in your group. After you read the assignment,
respond in the comments with we have read the assignment.

2. Open up the worksheet for the essays. Each person will fill out the worksheet, but you
will work on this together. You will not have to read the entire essay, but make sure you
are reading the instructions together. Then, do the work together, not independently.

3. When you are done with the worksheets, turn them in.

4. If you have time left during class, you may start working on your paper.

Remember, third period has two class periods to complete the assignment.

Also, do not work on your annotated bibliography during class today. I will know if you
work on that assignment during class. You can finish that up outside of class.


Mrs. SoRelle

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