111 Life-Changing Affirmations

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1. I am always guided towards what’s best
for me.
2. I am grateful for everything that I have in
my life.
3. I am grateful for every experience
because it has led me to a stronger version
of myself.
4. I am unstoppable.
5. When I decide what I want, the Universe
orchestrates events to bring it to me.
6. My manifestation is on its way.
7. I have all the support from the Universe.
8. All the power and potential to create my
dream life is already within me.
9. I am becoming the most powerful and
confident version of myself.
10. I can always choose to change my life
for the better.

11. I open myself to inspired ideas that will
give me the answer on what I need to do.
12. I am letting go of what’s no longer
serving me.
13. Things that are not meant for me go
away easily.
14. People that are not meant for me get
out of my life with ease.
15. I am creating space for what’s meant
for me.
16. Everything is happening for my greater
17. I open myself to opportunities that will
help me create my dream life.
18. I am not forcing the outcome.
19. I trust that everything is going to
happen how and when it should happen.
20. I am willing to do my part and trust that
everything will work out amazingly.

21. I am patient because I know
extraordinary things are about to happen.
22. I allow myself to feel good in the
23. I raise my vibration daily to match the
frequency of my desire.
24. Doing things that make me feel good is
my new normal.
25. I focus on the good and I attract more
of it with ease.
26. When I focus on the good, I receive
27. I overcome challenges with ease.
28. I accept challenges and move through
them with ease and grace.
29. I trust my unique path.
30. I know that I’m divinely guided.

31. I am enough just as I am.
32. I am letting go of other people’s
33. What other people think of me has
nothing to do with me.
34. I’m doing myself and the world a
disservice when I’m trying to be someone
I’m not.
35. I am me and that’s enough.
36. I am worthy of my biggest desires.
37. I am worthy of living a life I’m excited
38. I am doing my best and that’s enough.
39. It’s okay to make mistakes.
40. I am learning as I go.

41. My mistakes don’t define me.
42. My circumstances don’t define me.
43. The setbacks are just redirecting me to
something bigger and better.
44. Everything is as it’s supposed to be.
45. I trust that I’m on the right path.
46. I am open to new beginnings.
47. I trust that the next chapter of my life is
going to be extraordinary.
48. I give myself the opportunity to start
49. I am letting go of excuses.
50. I am letting go of what’s holding me

51. I am not holding myself back anymore.
52. When I let go of what’s not serving me,
I open myself to miracles from the
53. What’s coming in my life is better than I
could ever dream of.
54. I am ready to take a leap of faith.
55. I trust that I’ll find my way.
56. I give myself permission to follow what
makes me feel good.
57. It’s not selfish to say no to things that
don’t make me feel good.
58. I let go of the past and focus on the
present moment.
59. I do what I can in the present moment
to create a life I dream of.
60. I am not in competition with others.

61. I am living my life for myself.
62. Seeing other people succeeding gives
me the proof it’s possible for me, too.
63. I am proud of myself for how far I’ve
64. At this moment, I am safe.
65. At this moment, I have everything I
66. I forgive myself.
67. I allow myself to feel good about
68. I am grateful for the person I am.
69. I accept my imperfections.
70. I am beautiful as I am.

71. I offer love to myself.
72. I choose to love myself.
73. I fill my heart with gratitude.
74. I choose to focus on the positive and
move forward.
75. I am ready to have an amazing day.
76. It’s safe for me to relax.
77. I invite balance in my life.
78. I am more than what I do.
79. I deserve happiness and joy in my life.
80. I choose to listen to my heart.

81. I allow myself to go after what I want.
82. I have the power to create a change in
my life.
83. I release doubts and worries.
84. I decide to take action in spite of my
85. I decide to do what’s best for me in
spite of other people’s opinions.
86. My opinion matters.
87. My happiness matters.
88. I matter.
89. I am willing to do whatever it takes to
create a life I’m excited about.
90. When I follow my intuition, the path

91. I decide to listen to myself, my needs,
and my desires.
92. I am a magnet for extraordinary things.
93. Amazing things happen when I choose
94. I choose to be intentional with my life.
95. I choose to surround myself with
people that make me feel better.
96. I decide not to wait for things to be
perfect before I take action.
97. I accept myself.
98. I decide to show compassion to my
past self.
99. I am creating the best life for my future
100. I release fear and choose faith.

101. I welcome unexpected miracles.
102. I choose to believe amazing things are
on their way to me.
103. I choose to stay true to myself.
104. I choose to give freely.
105. The more I give, the more abundance
I receive.
106. It’s safe for me to prioritize myself.
107. I respect myself enough to walk away
from what doesn’t serve me.
108. I am whole and complete as I am.
109. I decide to focus on what I can control.
110. Miracles are always happening and
today I’m open to seeing them.
111. I’m alive. It’s a good day.

I hope you enjoyed these affirmations.

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