The Annals of Applied Statistics 10.1214/08-AOAS205 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

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The Annals of Applied Statistics

2009, Vol. 3, No. 1, 199–221

DOI: 10.1214/08-AOAS205
c Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2009


arXiv:0905.3620v1 [stat.AP] 22 May 2009

By Murray Aitkin, Charles C. Liu and Tom Chadwick

University of Melbourne, University of Melbourne and Newcastle University
This paper considers small-area estimation with lung cancer mor-
tality data, and discusses the choice of upper-level model for the vari-
ation over areas. Inference about the random effects for the areas may
depend strongly on the choice of this model, but this choice is not
a straightforward matter. We give a general methodology for both
evaluating the data evidence for different models and averaging over
plausible models to give robust area effect distributions. We rean-
alyze the data of Tsutakawa [Biometrics 41 (1985) 69–79] on lung
cancer mortality rates in Missouri cities, and show the differences in
conclusions about the city rates from this methodology.

1. The lung cancer data. The data are male lung cancer mortality fre-
quencies and population sizes for the period 1972–1981 in N = 84 Missouri
cities (see Table 1). The variables, given in Tsutakawa and reproduced be-
low, are the number r of men aged 45–54 dying from lung cancer in each
city over the period 1972–1981 and the city size n.
Most of the “cities” are small, though three are large. The mortality rates
are poorly defined in small cities; four cities with populations less than 200
have no deaths at all, so the observed rate is zero. Our aim is to estimate
the mortality rates in each city, using the information from other cities in
the most appropriate way.

2. Small-area estimation. Variance component models are widely used

in small-area estimation; the term borrowing strength is commonly used to

Received April 2008; revised August 2008.

Supported in part by the Australian Research Council under Grant DP0559684 and
in part by Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for
Education Statistics under Contract RN95127001. The content of this publication does
not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Education, National
Center for Education Statistics, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products
or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Key words and phrases. Cancer rates, deviance distributions, model choice, posterior
shrinkage, small-area estimation, deviance information criterion, model averaging.

This is an electronic reprint of the original article published by the

Institute of Mathematical Statistics in The Annals of Applied Statistics,
2009, Vol. 3, No. 1, 199–221. This reprint differs from the original in pagination
and typographic detail.

Table 1
Male lung cancer mortality frequency and city size 1972–1981 in 84 Missouri cities

# n r # n r # n r # n r

1 1019 2 22 260 1 43 254 2 64 581 6

2 1512 8 23 371 2 44 28937 251 65 550 6
3 1424 8 24 232 1 45 445 4 66 431 5
4 54155 402 25 228 1 46 447 4 67 399 5
5 447 1 26 343 2 47 329 3 68 286 4
6 1907 12 27 454 3 48 206 2 69 592 7
7 1755 11 28 323 2 49 313 3 70 246 4
8 5756 42 29 311 2 50 314 3 71 547 7
9 509 2 30 784 6 51 314 3 72 438 6
10 350 1 31 426 3 52 202 2 73 202 4
11 473 2 32 184 1 53 198 2 74 790 10
12 329 1 33 181 1 54 183 2 75 648 9
13 7137 55 34 177 1 55 292 3 76 354 6
14 430 2 35 177 1 56 178 2 77 730 10
15 304 1 36 291 2 57 287 3 78 144 4
16 163 0 37 170 1 58 282 3 79 1093 14
17 163 0 38 158 1 59 164 2 80 384 7
18 159 0 39 274 2 60 164 2 81 278 6
19 281 1 40 150 1 61 1923 18 82 596 10
20 154 0 41 265 2 62 3672 34 83 1889 28
21 889 6 42 257 2 63 261 3 84 22514 334

describe the improvement in precision of estimation for the parameters of

small areas by relating them through a two-level model. Empirical Bayes
methods [Carlin and Louis (1996)] are widely used to represent the preci-
sion of the small-area parameters through their estimated posterior distribu-
tions, substituting the unknown variance component and other parameters
by their maximum likelihood estimates. It has long been known [see, e.g.,
Tsutakawa (1985)] that this is not a satisfactory representation for the in-
formation about the small areas because the imprecision in the estimation
of the variance component and other parameters is not allowed for. Fully
Bayesian methods allow for this correctly, and will be discussed here.
The upper-level model for the among-area variation is routinely assumed
to be normal on a suitable scale, though other choices, like the conjugate
gamma distribution for Poisson rates, or the beta distribution for binomial
proportions, are possible. With more than one possible model for rates, we
need to compare the relative evidence for the competing models; if one is
greatly superior to the others, we can discount the poorer models. A fur-
ther issue is how to combine, or average over, the models if several are well
supported by the data.

The comparison of upper-level models is frequently done using the De-

viance Information Criterion DIC [Spiegelhalter et al. (2002)]. In this ap-
proach the posterior distribution of the deviance is computed for each model,
and the mean (or sometimes the median) of this distribution is penalized by
a function of the number of model parameters; an important issue in this
approach is the need to specify the focus of the likelihood, in the sense of
identifying the level in the model at which inference is to be performed.
This requirement was criticized by the paper discussants, and in more
detail by Celeux et al. (2006); see also Trevisani and Gelfand (2003). In
their response, Spiegelhalter et al. [(2002), page 634] said:
“Smith and others ask how the model focus should be chosen in practice.
We argue that the focus is operationalized by the prediction problem of in-
terest. For example, if the random effects θ in a hierarchical model relate to
observation units such as schools or hospitals or geographical areas, where
we might reasonably want to make future predictions for those same units,
then taking p(y|θ) as the focus is sensible. The prediction problem is then to
predict a new Yi,rep conditional on the posterior estimate of θi for that unit.
However, if the random effects relate to individual people, say, then we are
often interested in population-average inference rather than subject-specific
inference, so we may want to predict responses for a new or ‘typical’ individ-
ual rather than an individual who is already in the data set. In this case, it is
appropriate to integrate over the θs and to predict Yrep for a new individual
conditional on [the random effect distribution parameters] ψ, leading to a
model focused on p(y|ψ). A crucial insight is that a predictive probability
statement such as p(Yrep |y) is not uniquely defined without specifying the
level of the hierarchy that is kept fixed in the prediction—this defines the
focus of the model.”
In the context of the lung cancer data, these two cases would correspond
to inferential statements about a given city rate, and inference about an
average or typical city rate.
In this paper we give a general methodology which treats these two cases
in the same way, using the full posterior distribution of the Fisherian ob-
served data likelihood (rather than a penalized version of its mean or me-
dian) and the standard marginal and conditional arguments for the indi-
vidual city random effect distributions and the marginal rate distribution
across cities.
We use this methodology to illustrate:
• the differences in conclusions which may arise from different upper-level
• the comparison of upper-level models;
• and the form of model averaging which protects against such differences,
for both individual city and “typical city” rates, with a re-analysis of the
Missouri lung cancer data analyzed by Tsutakawa (1985).

Fig. 1. Posterior densities for five cities from Tsutakawa.

3. The Tsutakawa analysis. Tsutakawa gave empirical Bayes and ap-

proximate fully Bayes analyses of these proportions, and showed a slight
increase in dispersion of the fully Bayes posterior distributions for small
cities. He used a nonconjugate normal model for the logit of the cancer
rates which required several approximations for the computations.
His Figure 1, reproduced above, shows the empirical Bayes and full Bayes
posteriors for the logits of the death rates for five of the cities, numbered 1,
8, 17, 83 and 84 in the data table.
The full Bayes posteriors are slightly more diffuse than the empirical
Bayes posteriors, particularly for city 1 with its small population.
We note for subsequent comparison that Bayes inferences about the city
rates may be based directly on the data from each city, without (apparently)
any modeling: with a flat prior on the rate pi in the ith city, and the observed
death count ri in the population of ni , the ith city death rate has a posterior
Beta(ri + 1, ni − ri + 1) distribution. (We do not use the Jeffreys or Haldane
priors, as these give improper posteriors for the cities with zero cases.)
These distributions for the same five cities, shown on the logit scale in
Figure 2, are quite different from the empirical or the full Bayes posteriors
in Figure 1 for the small cities, though very similar for the larger cities. This
is an example of “posterior shrinkage” from the normal model assumption
for the distribution of the city random effects on the logit scale.
Other possible models need to be examined for the death rates and com-
pared to the normal model, since posterior shrinkage may be quite different
for different models [Aitkin (1999)]. We set out a general methodology for
this purpose, following Dempster (1974, 1997), Aitkin (1997) and Aitkin,
Boys and Chadwick (2005); see also Fox (2005).

Fig. 2. Posterior densities from each city data only.

4. Model comparison via posterior deviances. We have competing mod-

els Mj (j = 1, . . . , J ) for observed data y, with densities fj (y|θj ) under
model Mj , and prior distributions πj (θj ). Given the data y, we form the
likelihoods Lj (θj |y), and update the priors to the posteriors πj (θj |y). We
make T independent draws (both within and among models) θj from the
posteriors, and substitute these into the likelihoods, to give Lj (θj ). These
are T independent draws from the posterior distributions of the likelihoods
Lj (θj |y). To compare models j and k, we compute the likelihood ratio values
[t] [t] [t]
Ljk = Lj (θj )/Lk (θk ), which are T independent draws from the marginal
posterior distribution of Ljk .
A likelihood ratio Ljk of 9, with equal prior probabilities of 0.5 on each
model, would give a posterior probability of 0.9 for model j, which would
generally be regarded as quite strong evidence for model j over model k.
Over the T draws Ljk , we compute the (empirical) probability that Ljk > 9;
if this is 0.9 or more, we have a high posterior probability of quite strong
evidence in favor of model j over model k.

It is easier to compute and interpret deviances (unfortunately easily con-

fused with frequentist deviances). The deviance for model Mj is Dj =
−2 log Lj (θj ).
For the tth draw θj from the posterior of θj , we obtain the tth draw of
the deviance for model Mj :
[t] [t]
Dj = −2 log Lj (θj ).
A likelihood ratio Ljk of 9 is equivalent to a deviance difference Djk =
Dj − Dk of −2 log 9 = −4.4. If the empirical Pr[Djk < −4.4|data] > 0.9, we
have a high posterior probability of quite strong evidence for Mj against
Mk . We extend this approach to model averaging in Section 5.
A formal analysis follows Spiegelhalter et al. (2002). For large samples
from regular models with flat priors on the parameters θ, a Taylor expansion
of D(θ) about θ̂ shows that the deviance can be expressed [equation (18) of
Spiegelhalter et al. (2002)] as
D(θ) ≃ D(θ̂) + χ2s ,
where s is the dimensionality of θ, and D(θ̂) is the frequentist deviance. (For
nonnested model comparisons, all integrating constants must be included in
the model likelihood.) If the competing deviance distributions are plotted
as cdfs on the deviance scale, those with more parameters will have lower
slopes because of the increasing variance of the χ2s distribution with s.
For comparison of nonnested models 1 and 2, the deviance difference
D12 = D1 (θ1 ) − D2 (θ2 ) ≃ D1 (θ̂1 ) − D2 (θ̂2 ) + χ2s1 − χ2s2 ,
where the χ2 variables are independent. Thus, the distribution of the de-
viance difference D12 will be a difference of independent χ2 variables location-
shifted by the frequentist deviance difference FD 12 . The distribution of a
difference between independent χ2 variables does not have a closed-form
density, but is very easily simulated.
If both s1 and s2 are large,
√ √
D12 ≃ s1 − s2 + 2s1 N (0, 1) − 2s2 N (0, 1) + FD 12 ,
that is,
D12 ≃ s1 − s2 + N (0, 2s1 + 2s2 ) + FD 12 .
Here the frequentist deviance difference is penalized by the difference in
degrees of freedom, but the uncertainty in the comparison—which increases
with increasing numbers of parameters—provides a probabilistic measure of
certainty about the superiority of one model over the other. This is different
from the usual penalized LRT approaches which provide only single-number
decision criteria without a probabilistic interpretation.

The likelihoods being compared are the observed-data likelihoods, obtained

by integrating out the random effects. Their computation will in general
require numerical integration or MCMC to obtain the parameter posteriors.
For the lung cancer data there are no covariates, so a direct integration
approach is straightforward. Since there are no individual-level variables,
each city population is effectively homogeneous, and the two-level variance
component model reduces to an overdispersion model in the proportions pi .
We first adapt the original analysis by Tsutakawa.

4.1. Normal logit analysis. We depart slightly from Tsutakawa’s analysis

by using the binomial distribution for the number of deaths in each city
rather than the Poisson distribution; since the observed rates are very small,
and the city populations 100 or more, this makes a negligible difference, as
we use the same upper-level normal logit model as Tsutakawa.
The number of deaths ri is modeled by a binomial random variable Ri
with true death proportion pi :
Ri | pi , ni ∼ b(ni , pi ).
At the upper level, the logits of the city proportions are modeled by a non-
conjugate normal distribution:
θi = log ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ).
1 − pi
To compute the likelihood L1 (µ, σ), we integrate over the unobserved θi us-
ing a (K =)20-point Gaussian quadrature, with masses πk at mass-points zk ,
k = 1, . . . , K:
eθi ri 1 1 (θi − µ)2
Y ni ∞
L1 (µ, σ) = √ exp − dθi
ri θ n
−∞ (1 + e i ) i 2πσ 2 σ2
e(µ+σzi )ri 1 1
ni ∞
√ exp − zi2 dzi
ri −∞ (1 + e
µ+σz n
i) i
2π 2
e(µ+σzk )ri
. Y ni
= πk .
ri (1 + eµ+σzk )ni
i=1 k=1
We compute the likelihood numerically over an equally spaced grid of
G = 100 × 100 values (µ[g] , σ[g] ) in the region of appreciable likelihood: µ ∈
(−4.56, −4.20), σ ∈ (0.08, 0.40), sum the likelihoods over the grid and nor-
malize to give the posterior mass function π(µ, σ|y) of (µ, σ) for flat priors
on the grid, as shown in Figure 3.
The maximum likelihood estimates of µ and σ, and the maximized log-
likelihood over the grid are µ̂ = −4.787, σ̂ = 0.2368 and −181.254; the fre-
quentist deviance is 362.51. These discrete MLEs are close, but not identical,

Fig. 3. Joint posterior mass function of (µ, σ).

to those reported by Tsutakawa: µ̂ = −4.733, σ̂ = 0.2384. The figure strongly

suggests multi-modality in the distribution, but this causes no difficulty in
the subsequent analysis. Careful inspection shows that Tsutakawa’s esti-
mates are near a saddle point, and that the likelihood has four local maxima,
with values of (µ, σ) and log-likelihoods given by (−4.787, 0.2368, −181.254),
(−4.708, 0.2016, −181.397), (−4.776, 0.3072, −181.425), (−4.668, 0.2432,
−181.612). The log-likelihood at Tsutakawa’s estimates is −182.059. These
small differences have very little effect on the area posterior densities.
We note for later discussion that, by weighting −2 times the log-likelihoods
ℓ1 (µ[g] , σ[g] ) at each grid point by π(µ[g] , σ[g] |y), their posterior probabilities,
and summing, we obtain the posterior mean of the deviance used in the DIC
[Spiegelhalter et al. (2002)]. For the normal model the posterior mean de-
viance is 364.32. This may be combined with the maximized log-likelihood
to give one version of the effective number of parameters pD defined by
equation (10) of Spiegelhalter et al. (2002):
pD = D(θ) − D(θ̃);

Fig. 4. Deviance distribution for normal model.

we use for the second term the deviance at the MLEs rather than at the
posterior mean, since the latter is not a grid point in general and would
require additional computation. Here the second term is 362.51, giving pD =
1.81, and DIC 1 = 366.13.
However, Figure 3 provides much more information, since it gives the exact
(up to the grid resolution) posterior distribution of the deviance, without
any Monte Carlo simulation. Sorting the deviances
D2 (µ[g] , σ[g] ) = −2ℓ2 (µ[g] , σ[g] )
into increasing order with their corresponding posterior probabilities and
cumulating the latter, we obtain the cdf of the deviance, as shown in Figure
Conditional on the ith area data ri , ni and the parameters µ, σ, the pos-
terior density of pi has the form
1 (θi − µ)2
n i ri
π(θi |µ, σ, ri ) = c(µ, σ) pi (1 − pi )ni −ri exp −
ri 2 σ2

eri θi 1 (θi − µ)2

= c(µ, σ) exp − .
ri (1 + eθi )ni 2 σ2
Expanding the log density in θi about θ̂i = log[ri /(ni − ri )] up to second-
order terms, it is easily shown that, to this order of approximation,
ψi θ̂i + ψµ 1
θi | ri , µ, σ ∼ N , ,
ψi + ψ ψi + ψ
where ψi and ψ are the sample and prior precisions of θi :
ψi = ni p̂i (1 − p̂i ), ψ = 1/σ 2 .
This approximation fails if ri = 0; in this case we set ri = 0.5. The level of
approximation is not affected by the distribution of (µ, σ).
The posterior densities for the area random effects pi are most easily
computed by Gaussian kernel smoothing of T = 10,000 random values pi ,
generated from the normal distributions obtained by substituting T random
draws (µ[t] , σ [t] ) into the area posterior distributions:
ψi θ̂i + ψ [t] µ[t]
pi = + z [t] / ψi + ψ [t] ,
ψi + ψ [t]
where ψ [t] = 1/σ [t]2 and z [t] is a random draw from N (0, 1).
Figure 5 shows the results for the five cities above for T = 10,000.
Comparison with Tsutakawa’s Figure 1 shows close agreement for all five
cities, though the vertical scales are different.
We now re-analyze the data with a beta distribution for the area propor-
tions, which gives simply computed forms for the likelihood and the posterior

4.2. Beta-binomial analysis. At the upper level, the city proportions are
modeled by a conjugate beta distribution:
Pi | a, b ∼ Beta(a, b),
with density function
f (p) = pa−1 (1 − p)b−1 /B(a, b), a, b > 0,
where B(a, b) is the complete beta function
B(a, b) = Γ(a)Γ(b)/Γ(a + b).
The beta-binomial likelihood is denoted by
Y ni
L2 (a, b) = B(ri + a, ni − ri + b)/B(a, b) .

Fig. 5. Normal model posterior densities for five cities.

The likelihood in this parametrization is very highly correlated in (a, b); we

use instead the (mean, standard deviation) parametrization, with
µβ = a/(a + b), σβ = ab/[(a + b)2 (a + b + 1)].
The likelihood, shown in Figure 6, is nearly orthogonal in these parameters.
We use this form of the likelihood for subsequent computation.
We compute the likelihood numerically over a grid of G = 100 × 100 values
(µβ[g] , σβ[g] ) in the region of appreciable likelihood: µβ ∈ (0.007, 0.011), σβ ∈
(0.001, 0.004), sum the likelihoods over the grid and normalize to give the
posterior mass function π(µβ , σβ |y) of (µβ , σβ ) on the grid. The maximized
log-likelihood is −181.486, with frequentist deviance 362.97.
As for the normal model, by weighting the log-likelihoods at each grid
point by −2 times their posterior probabilities and summing, we obtain the
posterior mean of the deviance for the beta model, which is 364.99, slightly
larger than that for the normal model, of 364.32. The effective number of
parameters is pD = 2.02, and DIC 2 = 367.01.

Fig. 6. Joint posterior mass function of beta mean and SD.

The full posterior distribution of the beta deviance D2 (µβ , σβ ) = −2 log L2 (µβ ,
σβ ), computed as for the normal model, is shown (dotted curve) in Figure
7, together with that of the normal model 1 (solid curve). We discuss the
comparison of these models in the next section.
Conditional on the ith area data ri , ni and the parameters a, b, the pos-
terior distribution of pi is again beta:
π(pi | a, b, ri ) = piri +a−1 (1 − pi )ni −ri +b−1 /B(ri + a, ni − ri + b).
The posterior densities for the area random effects pi are again computed
by Gaussian kernel smoothing of T = 10,000 random values pi , generated
[t] [t]
from T random draws (µβ , σβ ) from their posterior distribution which are
converted to T random values (a[t] , b[t] ) of (a, b). We finally draw the T
random values pi of pi , one each from the T beta distributions with indices
ri + a[t] , ni − ri + b[t] for the given i.
The T values of pi are transformed to the logit scale for ease of inspection
and consistency with Tsutakawa’s analysis; posterior densities for individual

Fig. 7. Beta (dotted) and normal (solid) deviances.

cities are then computed using Gaussian kernel densities with bandwidths
chosen to give smooth densities. Figure 8 shows the five beta posteriors
(dotted curves) together with the normal posteriors from Figure 6 (solid
curves). The city numbers are placed at the intersection of the two densities.
The beta posteriors are slightly less concentrated than the normal poste-
riors except for city 84, and show slightly more shrinkage toward the mean.
Since the posterior conclusions from the beta distribution differ somewhat
from those from the normal, we need to decide whether the data support
one model over the other.

5. Model comparisons via deviances. For the comparison of these mod-

els, and of other models for the true proportions, we compare the model
deviances D = −2 log L.
The two models for the pi considered above are not the only possible mod-
els. Following Spiegelhalter et al. (2002), we consider four possible models
for the pi :

Fig. 8. Beta (dotted) and normal (solid) posterior densities for five cities.

• Model 1—the normal logit model: logitpi ∼ N (µ, σ 2 );

• Model 2—the beta model: pi ∼ B(a, b);
• Model 3—the null model: pi ≡ p;
• Model 4—the saturated model: pi all different and unrelated.
Models 3 and 4 are different from Models 1 and 2 in that there is no actual
parametric model for the variation of the pi across the cities—each city has
its own single parameter under Model 4, and all cities have the same single
parameter under Model 3.
We compare directly the deviance distributions under each model. We
first apply this approach to the normal and beta deviance distributions; we
show all distributions in Figure 10. The beta deviance has a lower slope and
is consistently to the right of the normal deviance, so the normal model is
preferred, but not very strongly. To compare the models directly we draw
[t] [t]
10,000 random values D1 , D2 from each deviance distribution and com-
[t] [t] [t]
pute the deviance differences D12 = D2 − D1 (beta − normal) from the

Fig. 9. Beta − normal deviance.

10,000 (unordered) values for each model. The cdf of the deviance difference
distribution is shown in Figure 9.
The distribution has its median at 0.505, and the 95% credible interval
for the true difference, computed from the 250th and 9750th ordered differ-
ences [Congdon (2005)] is (−5.125, 6.378). The estimated probability that
the normal deviance is smaller than the beta is 0.6332: we cannot confidently
choose between these models.
The deviance constructions for Models 3 and 4 are different from those
for Models 1 and 2. The null Model 3 likelihood given p is
pri (1 − p)ni −ri
L3 (p) =
" #
pR (1 − p)N −R ,

where R = i ri , N = i ni .

Fig. 10. Deviances for null (dashed), normal (solid), beta (dotted) and saturated (dot–
dashed) models.

For this one-parameter model, which is effectively a single-sample model,

the prior represents uncertainty about the value of p, not the variability of
different pi across cities. We use a uniform prior for p, giving a Beta(R +
1, N − R + 1) posterior distribution of p. We draw 10,000 random values
p[t] from this posterior, and for each compute the likelihood L3 (p[t] ) and the
corresponding deviance D3 .
For the saturated Model 4, the prior specification is similar. Each city
has its own pi , unrelated to the others, so the uniform prior is used for
each city independently, giving the set of Beta(ri + 1, ni − ri + 1) posterior
distributions of pi . We draw 10,000 random values pi from each posterior,
and for each m and each i compute the likelihood contribution L4i (pi ) and
[t] [t]
the corresponding deviance D4 = −2 i log L4i (pi ).

The cdfs of all four deviance distributions are shown in Figure 10.
Model 3 is nearly 40 deviance units to the right of the normal and beta—
it is immediately clear that the null model is untenable. We exclude it from

Fig. 11. Deviance difference normal − saturated model.

further consideration. The deviance distribution for the saturated model

crosses those for the normal and beta models, indicating no strong preference
for the saturated model over the parametric models. For the better-fitting
normal model, the distribution of the deviance difference (normal deviance −
saturated deviance) is shown in Figure 11.
Of the 10,000 differences, 2216 are positive, so the estimated probability
that the saturated deviance is smaller is 0.7784. This is not compelling
evidence against the normal model; since the saturated model allows no
“borrowing of strength” across cities, we retain both the normal and beta
models as candidates for the upper-level distribution, in addition to the
saturated model.

6. Posterior model averaging. Model averaging is frequently proposed

[see, e.g., Hoeting et al. (1999)] for posterior inference about a common
parameter (like the mean) across several competing models. The posterior
densities under each model are averaged with respect to the posterior prob-

abilities of each model, based on their marginal likelihoods integrated over

the prior distributions of the parameters.
This process uses the integrated likelihoods; as with model choice, we
use the posterior distributions of the likelihoods to provide an averaged
posterior density, but with respect to posterior probabilities of each model
which are themselves random variables rather than fixed constants. The
model comparison approach of Section 3 is simply extended to deal with
As before, θj are the model parameters for model Mj , θj are the T
draws from the posterior distribution of θj given the data y, Lj are the
corresponding T draws from the posterior distribution of Lj , and pij are
the corresponding T values of the random effect pi for area i under Mj .
Let πj be the prior probability of Model j; the tth draw π [t] (Mj |y) from
the posterior probability of Model j is then
[t] [t]
π [t] (Mj |y) = πj Lj π k Lk .

The averaged density pave,i for pi is then defined through the T simulated
values pave,i produced by the algorithm: for each i and each m:

1. compute π [t] (Mj |y);

[t] [t]
2. with probability π [t] (Mj |y), set pave,i = pij .
This looks complicated notationally but is quite simple: the likelihoods
for each draw define the posterior probabilities for each model for this draw,
and we simply choose the model j random effect draw with the model j
posterior probability draw [Congdon (2005, 2006)].
In the computation of the averaged density we exclude the null model,
and include the other three. Prior probabilities for the three distributions
are taken as equal, though as described above it is a simple matter to change
them. We show below several graphs of the city posterior rate densities on
the logit scale for the five cities shown earlier. Figure 12 shows the averaged
densities, Figure 13 shows the averaged (solid) and local area (dot-dashed)
densities from Figure 2, and Figure 14 shows the averaged (solid) and normal
(dot-dashed) densities.
The sharpness of the normal area posteriors is damped by the averaging
process, because in the 10,000 draws from each posterior deviance distribu-
tion, the saturated model likelihood is generally superior to the normal or
beta likelihood. For the large city 84 there is little difference in the posteriors
because of the very large city size; this city “lends strength” to the small
cities in the normal model which are substantially shrunk toward the poste-
rior mean. The generally superior likelihood for the saturated model shows

Fig. 12. Averaged posteriors, five cities.

that neither the normal nor the beta provides a convincing representation of
the random effect distribution, and so conclusions about individual random
effects need to be based substantially on the local area rate.

7. Model averaging for a “typical” city. The analysis above assumes

that our inferential interest is in the individual city rates. This is the most
common use of the two-level model. If, however, (or in addition) we wish
to draw conclusions about a “typical” city, this is done using the among-
city model—either normal or beta. The saturated model does not provide
information about a “typical” city, because the city rates are unrelated under
this model.
The definition of a “typical” city is unclear; we take for illustration a
random city, in the sense of a random draw from the among-city model.
Under the normal model, the random logit rate will be µ + σZ, where Z ∼
N (0, 1), while under the beta model for p, it will be a random draw from

Fig. 13. Averaged (solid) and local (dot-dashed) posteriors, five cities.

the transformed beta density

f (θ) = .
(1 + eθ )a+b
So the posterior distribution of the random city rate under the normal model
is given by the empirical distribution of the T random draws µ[t] + σ [t] Z [t] ,
while that for the beta model is that of the T random draws θ [t] from
Beta(a[t] , b[t] ). To model average these, we draw the normal µ[t] + σ [t] Z [t]
with posterior probability π [t] (N |y), and the beta θ [t] with posterior prob-
ability 1 − π [t] (N |y), where only these two models have positive posterior

8. Discussion. These conclusions may seem surprising. The idea of “bor-

rowing strength” is well established in the Bayesian and non-Bayesian lit-
erature for random effect models. The difficulty with the lung cancer data
is that the “strong” cities from which strength may be borrowed have es-
sentially only two support points, since cities 4 and 44 have observed rates

Fig. 14. Averaged (solid) and normal (dot-dashed) posteriors, five cities.

(0.00742 and 0.00867) which are very similar and near the median observed
rate (though nearly the smallest of the normal posterior mean rates), while
city 84 has almost the highest observed rate (0.01484), and has the highest
normal posterior mean rate.
The small cities with limited data cannot shrink effectively toward either
support point, since their rates are not well identified with these points,
and the generally higher likelihood for the saturated model accentuates this
effect. The model averaged rate distributions remain diffuse, though less so
than the single city rates.
What has been missing in the use of these models is a direct and straight-
forward assessment of the appropriateness, or goodness of fit, of the upper-
level model. This has been done in Bayesian analysis mostly through Bayes
factors, with their attendant prior sensitivity difficulties, or through the DIC,
with its definitional “focus” difficulties and ambiguous penalty.
The comparison of models through their posterior likelihood or deviance
distributions provides a straightforward way, not only to compare different

parametric models, but also to evaluate the quality of reproduction of the

local area rates by the parametric models.
It is not, however, necessary to “pick the best model”: the posterior like-
lihood model comparison extends directly to Bayesian model averaging, and
provides a compromise among the well-supported competing models. In this
approach we treat inference about the “typical” city rate and about the
individual city rates in the same way, though the relevant distributions are
marginal instead of conditional.

9. Conclusion. The comparison of deviance distributions allows the ex-

pression of model comparisons through likelihood ratios, as for simple null
and alternative hypotheses, while allowing automatically for the complexity
of the model: unnecessarily complex models have more diffuse likelihoods
and so the approach of explicit penalization of the maximized likelihood
through some function of the number of model parameters is not neces-
sary. Incorporation of informative parameter or model priors is simple and
straightforward. A further example of deviance distribution comparisons on
the galaxy data of Roeder (1990) is given in the discussion of Ridall et al.
[(2007), pages 264–265] by Aitkin.
The choice of a suitable upper-level model for this example is informed by
Tsutakawa’s original analysis of the data; for this simple data set the beta
distribution provides an alternative model which performs nearly as well as
the normal model, but both these models are (nonsignificantly) inferior to
the saturated model, despite the diffuseness of its deviance distribution from
the 84 cities.
This analysis is simply adapted to provide model-averaged posterior shrink-
age when several upper-level models are well supported by the data; these
model-averaged posteriors provide a compromise reflecting the uncertainty
about the appropriate model.

Acknowledgments. We appreciate initial support for this work from the

National Center for Education Statistics, encouragement from Gary Phillips,
the then Acting Commisioner of NCES, and helpful comments from Steve
Fienberg, Robert Wolpert, Kerrie Mengersen, Ross McVinish and an Asso-
ciate Editor and referee.

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M. Aitkin T. Chadwick
C. C. Liu Institute of Health and Society
School of Behavioural Science Newcastle University
University of Melbourne United Kingdom
Australia E-mail:

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