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7A It was amazing!

Grammar Past simple of to be

3 Answer the questions.
Vocabulary Personality adjectives 1 How old is Jerry?
2 What was his birthday present from his parents?

3 How high was the aeroplane?

Reading 4 Who was with him?
5 What does Jerry do every day now?
1 What can you see in the photo? Do you
think it’s dangerous?
4 When you skydive you fall without a
parachute for one minute. Then the parachute
2 2
13 Read the text. What is different about opens at 1,500 metres. How far does Jerry
Jerry? travel for the first minute?

A skydiver with a difference

Jerry Wallis is a teenager from Somerset in the UK. It was Jerry’s 17th birthday last
week. His present from his parents was a skydive. What’s incredible about that?
Jerry is blind.

Q: How was your skydive yesterday, Jerry?

J: It was amazing! One moment we were in an aeroplane and the next
moment we weren’t. We were 4,000 metres up in the sky.

Q: Were you with an instructor?
J: Yes, I was. She was really kind and friendly.
Q: Were you brave when you were a child?
J: No, I wasn’t. I was blind from birth. I was very shy and I
wasn’t very brave but now I’m different. Now I do something
new every day.

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Vocabulary 7 Complete the dialogue. Write the correct
form of was or were.
5 2
Listen and repeat. Then complete the

sentences with words from the box. A: How 1was your skiing lesson? 2__ it good?
B: No, it 3__. It 4__ difficult.
Personality adjectives A: Oh, dear. 5__ you brave?
•  brave •  generous B: No, I 6__. I’m not a brave person.
•  calm •  kind A: What about the others in your class? 7__ they
•  clever •  popular friendly?
•  friendly •  responsible B: Yes, they 8__. They 9__ really friendly and kind but
•  funny •  shy they 10__ very good skiers – we 11__ all awful!

1 My aunt and uncle give us nice presents. 8 There was no school last week. Look at the
They’re generous and __. table, then complete the questions and write the
2 People laugh with Tim. He’s __. answers.
3 I like adventures. I’m __.
Where? Who with?
4 Sally’s got a lot of friends. She’s __ and __.
5 Joe is very good at Maths. He’s very __. Tom at home his sister
6 She never gets nervous. She’s very __. Jack and Chrissy in Spain their parents
7 I always do my homework. I’m __.
Millie in a hotel her grandparents
8 I don’t like big groups. I’m __.
1 A: Where was Tom?
B: He was at home.
2 A: Who __ with him?
B: His __.
Past simple of to be 3 A: __ Jack and Chrissy at home, too?
B: __.
Affirmative Negative
4 A: Where __ they?
I was very shy. I wasn’t very brave. B: They __.
She was really kind. She wasn’t very old. 5 A: __ they with their parents?
We were in an We weren’t at home. B: __.
aeroplane. 6 A: Where __ Millie?
Questions Short answers B: She __.
How was your skydive? 7 A: __ she with her mum and dad?
B: __.
Was it good? Yes, it was. /
No, it wasn’t.
Pronunciation: weak forms /wEz/, /wE/
Were you brave? Yes, I was. /
No, I wasn’t. 9 2
15 Listen and repeat.
Was she friendly? Yes, she was. / • was  • I was at home.      
No, she wasn’t. • were  • We were at school.
> Now make sentences with you, he and they.
> Now make example questions with I, he, we Speaking
and they. 10 Tell your partner about last a) Friday,
b) Saturday, c) Sunday. Where were you? Who
6 Cover the dialogue with the red bookmark were you with?
and write the missing words in your notebook. Last Saturday I was at the beach. I was with my
best friend.

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7B Were there any free albums?
Grammar There was / were
Some and any Dialogue
Vocabulary Clothes 2 2
17 Listen and read. Where was Chantelle?
Alfie: Hi Grace. What have you got in
that bag?
Grace: A Chantelle T-shirt. It was free.
1a 2
Listen and repeat. Then look at the
16 Alfie: Chantelle? The singer? 1__ She’s 2__ pop
photo. Who is wearing what? stars. Has she got a new album?
Grace: Yes, she has. 3__ she was in the big record
Clothes shop on Oxford Street! There were
•  dress •  shoes •  top some photographers and there was a TV
•  jacket •  skirt •  trainers camera, 4__
•  jeans •  sunglasses •  trousers Alfie: Was she in everyday clothes?
•  shirt •  sweater •  T-shirt Grace: No, she was in a black top, white trousers
and black sunglasses.
Alfie Grace Alfie: Cool! Were there any free albums,
jeans or posters?
Grace: No, there weren’t. But I’ve got her
b Say what each person is wearing. autograph. Look!
Alfie: It’s very nice but that’s not your name!
Alfie is wearing jeans and ...


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3 Complete the dialogue with the correct 7 Complete the dialogue with the correct form
phrases from the box. of there was or there were in the affirmative or
negative. Use some or any where possible.
Phrases Alfie: Was there a market in town yesterday?

•  That’s why Grace: Yes, 2__.

•  No way! Alfie: 3
__ good clothes?
•  of course. Grace: Yes, 4__. Well, 5__ nice jeans, and 6__ a cool
•  one of my favourite jacket but 7__ good trainers.
Alfie: So what’s in that bag?
Grace: A mini-skirt. It was only £3!
4 Write true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK).
1 Grace’s T-shirt was free. T Speaking
2 Chantelle is a film star. 8a Look at the picture for one minute then
3 Alfie likes Chantelle. close your books and say what was there.
4 Grace likes Chantelle’s new album.
There were two boys in the shop ...
5 Grace has got Chantelle’s autograph.

5 What is the mistake on the T-shirt?


£ 29.99

£ 14.99

Grammar £ 12.99

There was / were

with some and any
£ 15.99
There was a TV camera. £ 6.99
There were some photographers.
There wasn’t a free poster.
There weren’t any free albums.
Questions and short answers
Was there a TV Yes, there was. /
camera? No, there wasn’t.
Were there any free Yes, there were. /
albums? No, there weren’t.
b 2
Cover the picture. Listen and answer

the questions.
6 Cover the dialogue with the red bookmark
and write the missing words in your notebook.

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7C Real Life
Rachel’s new school

Reading 3 Correct the statements.

1 Complete the sentence below. Choose five 1 Rachel is talking to her father.
adjectives from the box. Rachel is talking to her grandfather.
My favourite sort of people are friendly, clever … 2 It is the end of Rachel’s second week at her
new school.
•  funny •  clever •  calm 3 Rachel has got some new friends at school.
•  good-looking •  brave •  responsible 4 Rachel usually cycles to school.
•  friendly •  shy 5 There is an empty seat on the bus next to Becky.
•  kind •  generous

2 2
Read the story. Match the people in

the photos with the correct name.

• Rachel  • Damien  • Jack  • Becky  • Grandfather

Rachel is at her grandfather’s house.
Grandfather: How’s your new school, Rachel?
How was your first week?
Rachel: It was all right.
Grandfather: Have you got nice classmates?
Rachel: No, they aren’t very friendly and
the boys are silly.
Grandfather: I’m sure one or two of them are
Rachel: Well, there’s one girl called Becky.
She’s funny.
c d
Grandfather: Do you talk to her? e
Rachel: No, I don’t. She’s always with her
friends, Damien and Jack.
Grandfather: What are they like?
Rachel: Damien has got glasses and he’s
very clever. Jack is always in jeans
and a black T-shirt and he’s very
popular. But they don’t talk to me.
Grandfather: Well, it is your first week! You’ve
got lots of time to make friends.
New words
On Monday, Rachel gets on the bus to go to school.
•  at the back •  full •  silly
The bus is full. Becky and Damien are sitting in a
•  at the front •  get on •  sit
seat at the front. Jack is sitting at the back. There
•  classmate •  glasses
is an empty seat next to him. He’s listening to his
•  empty •  seat
MP3 player. There’s one other empty seat next to a
> Translate these words into your own language.
teacher. ‘Oh dear!’ Rachel thinks. ‘Where can I sit?’

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Speaking tip: Look at the person
•  Look at the person you are speaking to.
This helps the other person to understand
Writing tip: Word order and adjectives
what you are saying.
•  Use adjectives to make your descriptions
more interesting:
4 Say what you think. He usually wears old jeans and a black
What happens next? T-shirt.
It was a beautiful house with a big
Listening garden and lots of old trees.

5a 2
23 Listen and answer the questions.
1 Where is Rachel? 1 How many nouns can you think of to go
2 Who does she speak to first? with each of these adjectives?
b Listen again and complete the summary. •  new •  funny •  beautiful
First Rachel sits next to 1__ and starts a •  big •  popular
conversation. Then they move to the front of the
bus and sit behind 2__. When they get off the bus, a new shirt, new shoes, ...
__ invites Rachel to 4__ with them tomorrow.
2 Answer the question.
In your language, do adjectives usually come
6 Listen again and answer these questions.
before or after nouns?
1 What was Rachel’s first and second question?
2 What compliment does she pay to Becky? 3 Use the following adjectives to complete
the text.

7a Read the tips and say which you think •  favourite •  big •  great
is the best tip for Rachel. •  friendly •  popular •  shy
I think number __ is the best tip. 1 big

Last week, I was in New York

How to make for my cousin’s 18th birthday.
There were lots of people there.
friends: In the afternoon, there was a
… picnic in Central Park.
1 Don’t wait for other people to Central Park is very 2 … on a
talk to you. Talk to them first. Sunday, but there was a place
2 Sit next to someone and say hello. near Strawberry Fields which
3 Pay a compliment. was just right for a picnic. I
was the only person from Spain,
4 Tell them something about you. so I was a bit 3 … at first, but
everyone was very 4 … . In the
evening, there was a party at
my aunt and uncle’s apartment.
It was 5 … fun. I think New
York is my 6 … city!
b In pairs, think of things to say for 3 and 4.
I like your T-shirt.

4 Now write about a paragraph about a

picnic or a party that you were at. Use was /
were, and try to include some adjectives.

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